Chapter 215
Some people are still pretending to be asleep.

Some people had already woken up in their sleep, staring at the scene in front of them coldly. In any case, Xu Dongqing had already brought the pig back.

What can be too demanding.

You can also buy pork tickets?However, the rolling mill has few meat tickets throughout the year, most of them are food stamps and money, even cloth tickets and cotton tickets are very few.

The bicycle ticket is even more legendary. Except for a few leaders, have they ever seen what it looks like?
Accountant Wang narrated countless grievances in a day. Originally, he was a person sitting in the accounting room drinking tea and reading newspapers, but overnight, he directly became a worker in the workshop of a rolling mill.

Tired day.

He was squeezed out by his fellow workers, not to mention how depressed he was, originally he wanted to expose Xu Dongqing no matter whether he could buy pork back or not.

Buy it back?
Sorry, speculative!

"Can't buy it back?
That would allow him to seize the opportunity and brag, and he could also take the opportunity to ask Director Yang to revoke what he said yesterday and let Accountant Wang return to his original position.

Happy to everyone!

At that time, he can free his hands to see how he can deal with Xu Dongqing.

"Deputy director Li, Xu Dongqing is changing the concept secretly. If it is a wild boar, thousands of employees in our factory can go to the mountains to find it. Why spend money. Xu Dongqing is a chicken thief. It is basically You are defrauding the rolling mill of money." Accountant Wang chattered.

Totally unwilling to admit defeat.

How could he lose to a mud-legged man who couldn't read a few big characters? The key was that he was tired all day, and his old waist couldn't stand it. Work in the workshop.

Bitter and tired.

Still dirty!

The new clothes he just wore were so stained with oil that he didn't know how to explain to his wife when he went back at night. Could it be that he might be a welder.

Not being eaten alive by old women.She still expected to get her brother's nephew into the rolling mill, knowing that he was dismissed.

Still don't know how to make trouble?

Deputy Factory Manager Li frowned, and suddenly felt that the accountant Wang in front of him was a little ignorant. It was obviously a very simple matter, and it was because you had thought carefully that you shouldn't have, and took it on yourself.

The point is that you don't have that ability yourself, so get things done, if not, can it be Xu Dongqing's turn?The key is his little brother.

The people that Xu Dongqing dozed off and pulled up with one hand usually had a lot of filial piety. The average person was not as generous as Xu Dongqing. The reason why he bought wild boars instead of old sows was probably to guard against Wang Accountant's calculations behind his back.

I didn't understand all of this, and I didn't know how to mess with the office.

"Don't talk about it, since the matter has been resolved, everyone will have a share of pork tomorrow, that's fine. You, accountant Wang, making trouble here will only make people despise you. Why didn't you think of it yesterday."

Deputy Factory Manager Li reprimanded.

He doesn't have any brains at all. With Xu Dongqing's ability, he still needs to bribe you. Then all the money he earned from drinking the northwest wind will be shared by you.

Then it could be his turn.

Not sensible at all.

Accountant Wang shut up depressed.

"I don't agree."

Gritting his teeth, he stared at Xu Dongqing and Deputy Director Li pushing their bicycles ahead, then turned and walked towards Director Yang's office. Under the night, he saw that the lights were still on.

When the time comes, have a good theory.

Accountant Wang walked into the Tongzilou with a fluke in his heart.

"Holly, you did a great job." Deputy Director Li praised sincerely.

He can also be regarded as the second in command of the rolling mill, so he naturally knows the suffering of getting food. Otherwise, the canteen of the rolling mill would not be the same as the third child every day.

I vomited.

But they have no other way. For reference, Cui Dake, because of a pig with a sharp mouth, climbed directly to the top of Nanyi.

You can see the mystery.

"Deputy Director Li, I have no choice. You know that I like to go to the village to inquire about things. You also know that there are many people who save food stamps and exchange sweet potatoes for potatoes."

Xu Dongqing told her that it was not easy for her.

He didn't dare to give Deputy Factory Manager Li his own money. It felt like a strong wind blew in. If this appetite was raised, he would be the one who suffered at that time.

get promoted!

In the rolling mill, you need a year of qualifications. You won't be promoted directly because of your ability. Isn't this embarrassing to those old people?
Who didn't come up step by step.

How could this exception be made so easily? Xu Dongqing also worked in the rolling mill for five or six years, which was equivalent to a job change. As for Gao Sheng.

It also used the money ability.

"I heard that Director Yang wanted you to be the director of the financial office. Why did you refuse?" Deputy Director Li was a little puzzled.

High promotion and salary increase!

This is one of the three great joys in life. If he was placed in Xu Dongqing's position, he would not refuse, but would be delighted instead.

Xu Dongqing smiled dejectedly.

"Director Li, I haven't studied much, and I really don't understand addition and subtraction within ten. Isn't it a joke to go to work in the financial office? If I make a wrong calculation, it's not me who is in trouble Wipe your ass? You can't fill the hole yourself." Xu Dongqing felt bitter.

But in the eyes of deputy director Li, it was another expression.

"Knowing advances and retreats? Xu Dongqing, I really didn't misread you. The director of the financial office is actually the same thing. Don't look at the amount of money that is handed over every day, but none of it belongs to you. You may be the one who is responsible." Deputy Factory Manager Li regarded Xu Dongqing as his own.

Talk about your experience as an official.

Xu Dongqing nodded: "Thank you, Director Li, for your reminder."


Deputy Factory Manager Li rode away on his bicycle, and behind Xu Dongqing, there were a few little tails, and there was a silly column who was still inexplicably courting.

There is no scruples about the white eyes thrown by the pretty widow.

As for Xu Damao's gloomy face, he stared at Xu Dongqing's back: "Silly Zhu, when did Xu Dongqing hook up with Deputy Director Li? No wonder Director Sun didn't fix him up. It turned out that he was attached to the backstage. "

Silly Zhu raised his head and looked at the distant figure.

Only then did I realize that Xu Dongqing was in front of them.

"How do I know."

Silly Zhu is also a contented and happy person, content with the status quo, as long as he has something to eat, he doesn't care what other people can do for him, unfortunately, this person is Xu Dongqing.

an enemy.

The gap between the two has also widened, but what else can he do besides his cooking skills.Flattering the leader is Xu Damao's exclusive skill.

I don't even bother to do this
Xu Damao glanced at the two of them tiredly. The pretty widow didn't take a fancy to you at all. She didn't see it for so long. If it was him, she would have succeeded long ago.

Still playing childish games here, don't be ashamed.

Mud can't support the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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