Siheyuan: I am the neighbor of Silly Zhu

Chapter 1306 1 Aunt Gets in the Car

Chapter 1306
Demons and monsters!

There is no truth in the world.

Sinan bird.

Footless duck.

They fly southeast.

Xu Dongqing looked at how clean the house was. It seemed that Liu Lan's distant relatives were considered diligent at the time. Although the little girl was simple-minded, she was meticulous in her work.

It is in sharp contrast with the Jia family in the front yard.

dong dong.

Xu Dongqing who had just sat down, before she had time to drink a cup of hot water, saw the big mother standing timidly at the door with snowflakes flying on her head, looking haggard.

nice people.

However, his health has been bad.

Need someone to take care of.

"Mom, sit down quickly."

After Xu Dongqing poured a glass of boiled water for Da Ma.

Sitting quietly in front of her.

Read her below.

Although he lives in a courtyard all the year round, he is kind to others and rarely makes enemies, because of his personality, and it was Yi Zhonghai who carried forward the burden back then, although he was a bit old and disrespectful.

But it can also be considered a long relationship.

"Holly, what do you think of what the aunt discussed with you last time?"

Straight to the point.

To see God.

Big Mom is a straightforward person.

She has long wanted to be like the deaf old lady and let Xu Dongqing hire a nanny to take care of herself. As for the house behind her, it is just a dead thing. She has no relatives, no relatives, and no children.

Live in poverty.

Live on the dole.

At first.

There was no suitable candidate around Xu Dongqing either.

The second is that I don't want to accept her prematurely. Although this is a profitable business, it will cause criticism from the people around me, saying that he will use all means to save future generations.

There are many such things.

Empty nesters.

And some elderly people who sell their houses for the elderly, such as the Raptors across the river, just for the sake of safety, who knows what will happen after the death

Treat people badly.

The entrustment is not human.

Most of the people who meet are liars.


Xu Dongqing looked at the haggard aunt and nodded.

Can help a hand.

Besides, he doesn't suffer.

Four Nine Cities.

What you buy is what you earn.

Compared with the general third- and fourth-tier cities, which are not in the stream.

Siphon effect.

Too obvious.

He is a person with vested interests and a businessman at the same time, so naturally he will not make a loss-making business.

"Thank you."

The first mother is also very grateful to Xu Dongqing. At the beginning, she persuaded her to go to the orphanage to raise a daughter. After she grew up, even if she married, she asked her to find someone nearby.

Find a door-to-door son-in-law.

That perfect start.

Presumably Yi Zhonghai would not leave carelessly.

Because of the entanglement with the Jia family.

After all, Yi Zhonghai still couldn't bear to give in for many years, turned into ashes, and kept going back and forth between Qin Huairu and Shazhu, and the final result was not only ruined.

It is more of being ruthless and unjust.

Get mad at home.

And finally, Qin Huairu, who still needs to use him.

The prison disaster of stick stem was avoided.


A life of sanctimony.

In the end, he was betrayed by someone close to him who poured his heart and soul into it.

outside the house.

Goose feather heavy snow.

It seems extraordinarily many.

Like a gloomy sky.

It didn't turn sunny either.

"Auntie, tomorrow I will ask Liu Lan's distant niece to take care of you. When the time comes, we will go to the street office to do justice. This contract will be deemed to be established. Look good."

Xu Dongqing asked for proof.


He strives for perfection.

There is no room for criticism.

Like this time.

Fortunately, I felt that the neighbors in the courtyard didn't trust me at first, so I left a document in the street office and got someone to witness it, so I got the deaf old lady's house deed.


This will definitely give them a handle.

It's time to rush forward.

Eat his flesh and blood.

But in one thought.

"That's good."

After the first mother's body warmed up for a while, she greeted Xu Dongqing, opened the curtain, and walked towards the front yard full of energy.

"It's a pity that my wife didn't listen to my advice. If not, maybe I could see her enjoying life."

It's too early to go.

Also too unwilling.

"Auntie, what is this happy event?" Seeing that the food book in the pocket of the auntie leaked out, it looked like she was going to the vegetable market to buy something to celebrate.

For so many years.

They are also familiar.


"Wait until I get back and tell you in detail."

After the first mother responded with a sentence of three mothers.

cross the threshold.

In the vast crowd.

Maybe it has its own set.

Come and go.

Everything is doomed.

When the third mother returns home, she will see what happened to the first mother and tell Yan Laogou about it.

The third master also showed a hint of envy.


Sigh again and again.


The third mother watched her wife play charades again.

Somewhat puzzled.

"Big Mama may reach an agreement with Xu Dongqing. In the future, she will be the second deaf old lady in the courtyard. She will live a worry-free life, and the little nanny will take care of her daily life. Do you think she should be happy?"

Yan Laochi bitterly took out a cup of Nurhong that he had preserved for more than ten years from the cabinet.

This is the last time when Yan Jieya at home got married, he left a bottle of good wine, and the married person was not far away. If you ride a bicycle, you can walk back and forth in two alleys in three to ten minutes.

But his girl.

There seems to be a leak.

After getting married.

I seldom come to see them at home.

"That should be fun."

The three mothers also showed a hint of envy.

Why don't they want to be like the deaf old lady.Living a life of being served, but the environment at home is different. The aunt and the deaf old lady have no worries, but they are full of children and grandchildren.

Logically speaking.

It should be said to be the happiest family.

Yan Laojia thinks that his son is prosperous.


But the result is not as good as two widowed old people who have been greedy for money all their lives, but it is just a last resort. Although he is a teacher, he only paid more than 40 yuan a month at the beginning.

Not as good as Yi Zhonghai.

Not as good as bangs.

In third place.

But children are the family with the most courtyards.

How can the four brothers Yan Jiecheng be pulled together by the life of not picking and searching, but they are all hardened, and they feel that they are too calculating, as if they have penetrated into the bone marrow, and they still have a fight in the end.

Both look boring.

No one gets the slightest benefit.

What can I do?

"Then you said that if Qin Huairu knew the choice of the first mother, would she go crazy with anger?" The third mother felt sad when she thought of Qin Huairu's face, and she wanted to pull the family's hind legs.

It can be regarded as trying my best.

Just to keep people fed.

I have suffered all kinds of crimes.

But if it turns out that Da Ma got off the car halfway, then Qin Huairu, who is worried about Da Ma's living expenses and the house, but the bamboo basket fetches water in vain, will they be involved at that time.



Old Yan plucked his eyebrows.


"But what does it have to do with us? If we unite with the second uncle, it is not impossible for the two families to hire a nanny who cooks cheaply. Anyway, Qin Huairu's food level is also following the market."

"Then we should have the right to choose."

Yan Laogou drank a glass of dull wine.

(End of this chapter)

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