Chapter 1272
Are you serious every day?

Why did you think of taking care of their family?

Isn't this here to make trouble?
Liu Guangqi was a little angry, but he didn't dare to say anything aggressive. After that, he still wanted to flatter Yan Laogou, say a few more nice words to him, and then look at himself.

Enemy all over the world.

Siheyuan is no longer his turn.

"How to do?"

Liu Guangqi's daughter-in-law kept urging.

Where does he have extra money to rent a house? At this time, he has no money and is waiting to go home for some food and drink, but this simple wish was also ruined by a meal.

The main reason is that there is something wrong with Qin Huairu?
Don't let their family sit down for dinner.


It is also impossible for his father to see his embarrassment.

"Mom, can you lend me some money first, and rent a house outside. I don't have any money for the time being, and I will give you some living expenses." Liu Guangqi smiled sarcastically.Staring at the second aunt.

A doggy expression.

It made the second aunt a little angry.

"Then you'd better go to the street to beg for food. It's fine if you don't bring something with you when you come back. Why do you want to take some from me?" The second aunt was a little puzzled.

It took two or three years to go out.

Why didn't you earn any money?

Liu Guangqi didn't know how to answer.

He is gone.

I also went to Baocheng, but it was to go to the woman's house to eat and drink. I also did business, but I didn't lose money. In addition, the people at the beginning came to collect debts, and there was really nothing I could do in the end.

It was still paid by the help of my natal family.

after that.

He went to work honestly, besides paying off his natal family's debts, he was just outside thinking about how to make a lot of money.

Originally, everything was going in a good direction.

But she wasn't cheated. The final result caused her family to drive the family of four out and not allow them to return to Baocheng. This has become a joke.

One time is fine.

Twice is ok.

But this can't always let the mother's family pay off the debt.

In fact, the experiences of the two companies are similar, they were both cheated.


Liu Guangqi lowered his head and looked at the ants under his feet.

A little helpless, a little hesitant.

More of a fear.

"Why don't you go and ask Xu Dongqing to see if you can go to work in his factory."

The second aunt pointed out.

"do not."

Xu Dongqing, who was about to step out of the gate of the courtyard, turned around when she heard this, and glanced at Liu Guangqi indifferently. This guy is a disaster, so he should stay away.

In case of being struck by lightning.

The more important point is that this guy is actually not as honest as he thought. When he was working in his own construction team, this guy joined forces with outsiders to teach him a lesson.

Eat inside and out.

"Holly, for the sake of neighbors, give him another chance." The second aunt was a little embarrassed.

"Second aunt, have you forgotten what happened last time? It's only been two or three years. You guys better not embarrass me."

Xu Dongqing said disdainfully.


"This is what you did."

"After that, you should go on your own."

The second aunt turned and went back into the house.


Liu Guangqi felt a little regretful.

He even thought about kicking open the door and going in to reason with Liu Haizhong.

I am still not the boss of the Liu family.

Why does Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu have families and careers, but he is the only one who is still homeless?

But he dared not.

As long as he dared to do anything radical, some of these people would definitely invite the people from the police station to disappoint him.


"I was wrong."

Liu Guangqi burst into tears.

Probably crocodile tears.

After Xu Dongqing took a look.

Not wanting to get involved in the affairs of the Liu family, he simply left.

not far away.

Qin Huairu, who was tidying up the tables and chairs, glanced at the man in front of him with disdain.

How high-spirited they were at the beginning, because of work reasons, they went to work in Baocheng, but they didn't come back for several years, but Liu Haizhong still gave them money every year.

It can be said to be the lifeblood of bangs.

Even if he resigned from the factory in Baocheng, Liu Haizhong transferred him from Baocheng to the city through his connections and arranged a good job for him, but this guy was dishonest.the final result.

Become an existence that everyone shouts and beats.


"Qin Huairu, what right do you have to say about me? I've got a family and a career now, but look at your family's sticklers, aren't they also eating ashes in Meishan now?"

Liu Guangqi was a little dissatisfied.

Since this resentment can't be spilled on his own family, he can only vent the anger in his heart on Qin Huairu.

Ha ha.

A disdainful laugh.

"The stick is not as cheating as you. When I come back this time, I don't just want to come back for dinner. Seeing that you are penniless, are you coming back to avoid debts?"


Liu Guangqi wanted to refute.

But suddenly found that what Qin Huairu said was as if he had experienced it with his own eyes.

Can't argue.

"Was she driven away by her natal family in Baocheng?"

Qin Huairu continued to overweight.

Tearing Liu Guangqi's scars.

That's right, two hundred and five.


"How do you speak?"

"I haven't been home for several years, and this time I came back to take care of the old man with peace of mind." Liu Guangqi quibbled.

It's a pity that the tone is a little weak.

His eyes were a little dodgy.

This look is lying.

Liu Haizhong had long put his mind on Liu Guangtian, because Liu Guangtian was the most promising of the three brothers of the Liu family, and now he was the team leader of Xu Dongqing's construction team.

This can be described as a spring breeze.

Look at Liu Guangqi again.

A look of decay.

"Do you believe it yourself?"

Qin Huairu asked back.



What he did, as long as he went to Baocheng to inquire about it, then the truth of the matter could be seen.

"Go find a job outside and work hard. I don't think the second uncle will take a fancy to you these days."

Clear the table.

Qin Huairu returned home with a plate.

Wash up.

"Why are you all so cold-blooded?" Liu Guangqi looked at the empty yard and cursed dissatisfiedly, but it was just a wink to the blind man.

No one responded to him.

It's like looking at an air.

Just ignore him.

No one in this courtyard would care about the actions of a stranger.

"Brother Mao, can you help my brother? I can't let my wife sleep on the flyover." Liu Guangqi knocked on the door of Xu Damao's house.

At this moment.

It is estimated that only Xu Damao has the ability to help him.

"Brother Mao, I don't dare to take it. Have you forgotten the deal with You Fengxia behind my back?" Xu Damao said with contempt on his face.

"Brother Mao, it's because I'm young and ignorant, but you can't hold on to it forever." Liu Guangqi quickly argued.


"Three simple words, just want me to help you, you white-eyed wolf, why not stick to it? Stop dangling in front of me, the relationship between our two families is not as good as you said."

(End of this chapter)

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