Chapter 55 The End Times 29
Su Wei stared quietly at the orange juice, nodded firmly for a while, "We have always been prepared."

He lowered his eyes to hide his turbulent emotions.Every day in the old house is happy like a dream, smoothing away all the swords and swords on the way to escape.But the unresolved hatred has been smoldering in his heart, unwilling and angry clamoring to go back, go back, and let those executioners who hurt him and his family pay for their blood.

Shen Luohe gently stroked the top of the boy's hair. Seeing that he had made up his mind, he walked straight to the iron gate (passage gate) in the backyard without saying anything.

When the points exceeded 100, the old house steward gave not only [-] points, but also the upgrade of all equipment, and opened a chance to mark a different world.

Only the first world that needs to be marked needs to be marked. It costs 1000 and the marked is successful. The small world that the mark is missing on the door can be opened for the first time for three hours. After that, it will be temporarily closed like the oasis continent until the first time. The four worlds are opened, and the gate of projection is obtained again.

'How can the arrival of the projection door be triggered? '

[Unpredictable, random. 】

Shen Luohe didn't continue to worry about it, and came to the refining furnace and started to upgrade.

Refining furnaces cost more points than upgrading hospital beds, 5000 points are needed.

The overall upgrade of the main project such as the medical center requires 10000 points.

Considering her strength, she directly asked the housekeeper of the old house to deduct 7000 points, and also upgraded the warehouse.

[Congratulations to the owner for successfully upgrading the furnace and warehouse for the first time, rewarding 200 points. 】

The armor currently being synthesized was completed ahead of schedule, and a pair of gray cloth shoes embroidered with gold silk appeared in front of him.

[Grey walking hundred-mile embroidered shoes: It has the basic attributes of waterproof, fireproof, dustproof, warm in winter and cool in summer, except for areas such as extreme cold, extreme heat, and deep sea.The wearer can walk hundreds of miles without getting tired, can accelerate 2% of the speed within 20 minutes of starting, and can achieve the achievement of stepping on water without a trace for a short distance, and the acceleration time does not exceed 5 minutes. 】

[Congratulations to the owner for synthesizing clothing protective gear for the first time, 100 points will be rewarded. 】

Shen Luohe was stunned for a moment, the description was too abstract, she put on the shoes in a daze, and as soon as she put them on, the fat shoes automatically wrapped around her feet, making them fit perfectly.Not to mention anything else, it is extremely comfortable, and the sole is soft, which is definitely comparable to lambskin made by hand according to the foot shape, and even has a certain degree of resilience.

The appearance of the upgraded smelting furnace has not changed, but there is an extra line of synthesis time, and the material grid has changed from two grids to three grids. You can judge the protective gear that the materials put in will get by observing the time in advance.

After all, the longer the time, the better the function.

On a whim, Shen Luohe put some of the entangled and inseparable gold ornaments into a material compartment, and the time displayed on the smelting furnace was 5 minutes.

Five minutes later, she got a non-attribute gold brick that could be used as a brick, with 5 marked on the bottom.

Holding the heavy gold bricks, my little heart was beating wildly, and my heart was so happy.

She also took a piece of hair from the Yin King Kong and the hair of the gopher, and used this combination to test out another change after the upgrade of the refining furnace. Originally, it took a month to synthesize the two materials, but now it shows 20. sky.

The time-consuming was shortened by one-third.

The warehouse is upgraded to 30 grids, and each grid of materials is briefly marked with one or two of the most important attributes of this material.

Jade, certified as a spiritual stone by the refining furnace, is the first choice for making jewelry protective gear.

The crystal core is called the mutation core, which will trigger special attack attributes after synthesis.

Shen Luohe pondered for a while, took out a small piece of black jade the size of a fingernail, the water head was very good, and took another zero-grade crystal nucleus, and put it in the refining furnace, which took 10 minutes.

[Shape earrings: Wear them at the designated position and they will automatically follow, unless the wearer takes the initiative to remove them.The defense is 20.00% of the basic damage (suitable for all low-level worlds), and the rebound damage is zero. Long-term wearing can play a certain role in strengthening the body. 】

A pair of transparent to almost transparent black jade stud earrings, as a simple jewelry, has a bit of nobility brought by jade, but in terms of function, it is much worse than the 100% defense of crescent moon earrings.

Shen Luohe was very satisfied.

It wasn't until an hour later that she came out of the refining room, holding a pile of accessories in one hand, in addition to black jade earrings, there were also green ring fingers, Hetian jade pendants and Yanglu earrings.

Several shapes are different, basically they all have the attribute of defense 20.00%, compared with the fragile ordinary jade, the hardness is comparable to the crystal nucleus.

Seeing that Su Wei and Yu Kuang were fast asleep, she took a look at the sky and simply sat in the courtyard. Through her consciousness, she activated the pharmacy and placed it next to the smelting furnace, and upgraded the experimental field and plantation, rewarding a total of 300 points.

So far, only 2 of the 100 points is left, plus today's trivial reward of 900, it has returned to the pitiful four-digit number again...

It's too expensive!
Although she failed to trigger the one-time European Emperor attribute issued by the cactus during the upgrade process, she is not greedy, and the harvest has been quite rich, and she is contented and happy.

Shen Luohe simply washed and washed with a lot of emotion, and fell asleep directly from sleepiness.

Until it was bright, something scratched his ankles non-stop, the drowsiness fought against the itching, and after a long time, the itching became hard to ignore.

She opened her eyes vigilantly, stood up and looked, raising her eyebrows slightly.

At some point, there was a circle of water-green vines wrapped around the ankle. At first glance, it looked like a tattoo stuck to the skin. As if sensing her gaze, the vines swung and slowly pulled away from the ankle.

Yu Kuang, who was sleeping on the folding bed, jumped up first, and drew his sword to cut at the vine.

Shen Luohe quickly stopped, "Don't be impulsive, it's the plants I planted."

Su Wei rubbed her eyes, crawled out of the tent, looked at the corner of the mansion in a daze, and gasped, "What the hell?"

"Mutated parasitic vines." Shen Luohe walked over while explaining. The parasitic vines at the base of the wall didn't grow much. They were about one person tall. writhing.

Is this what parasitic vines are like?

Su Wei and Yu Kuang looked at each other, they clearly remembered that the parasitic vines outside the branch passage of the medical hall were as thick as pythons, ferocious and rough.

Now the whole parasitic vine is not only concentrated, but also refined.

[Consonance vines that failed to evolve: Consonance vines that failed to evolve from mutant parasitic vines, the survival period is ten years.It can be subdued and refined.After refining, it has [-]% perception and can distinguish the good and evil emotions emitted by living organisms within ten meters. 】

'How to refine? '

[Please put a drop of blood from the spirit vine that failed to evolve and the bound person into the refining furnace at the same time]

Su Wei was squatting on the edge of the test field and teasing the vines that kept swinging. The small vines twisted around his fingers, and then put them down arrogantly after a while, avoiding his touch.

The boy turned his head and said happily to Shen Luohe: "Miss sister, are these vines so intelligent?"

Shen Luohe's eyes flashed, and he lowered his eyes and asked, "Su Wei, if there was an item that could help you distinguish between good and evil emotions in others within ten years, how would you use it?"

Su Weiyi was stunned, and raised a pure smile, "Of course it is to avoid the wicked and associate with the good!"

(End of this chapter)

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