Tokyo Survival Game

Chapter 48 048: Gunners must learn to press guns

Chapter 48 048: Gunners must learn to press guns
Tetsu Uehara has seen many masters of time management.

Before that, he didn't think it was difficult.

Only when the same thing happened in front of him did he realize that every master of time management is a very high-end professional player.

In the afternoon, he was going to Daohe Shrine to see Jiang Liuli.

Last night, the witch girl was injured and fell into a coma to help him kill the old tree demon.

If she hadn't had a godmother, the consequences would have been much more serious.

Therefore, it is impossible for Uehara Tetsu to let the patient not go to see it, and instead go shopping and watch movies with his girlfriend.

the other side.

That is, it is smoked by the jade algae that eats dumplings.

At this time, companionship is also needed.

Regarding rice balls, Uehara Tetsu fooled him with a set of combinations, which made Xun girl agree.

Then there is an inch.

Uehara Tetsu admitted that he had been scented and almost failed to press the gun.

Because of this, he should make up for it.

And the time is also in conflict.

He thought about it for a long time, and finally made up his mind to see the witch girl first.

Tomorrow, he promises to stay with Xun girl all day, and the day after tomorrow...


Tetsu Uehara forcibly interrupts unprofessional time management.

"Now it's a binary combination... I really don't know how the boss who has more than a dozen girlfriends at the same time arranges it."

on the taxi.

LINE account switch.

Based on Yuan Zhe's understanding of Yu Zaoxun above, he is definitely playing a small temper at the moment.

"I'll go to Daohe Shrine earlier, go back earlier, and go back to coax Xun."

After saying this, Uehara Tetsu sent a message to witch girl Jiang Liuli: [I'm in the car, I'll arrive in about 20 minutes, do Liuli want to eat? 】

"Silly little witch" replied: [No, I just want to see Zhejun soon, I've been thinking about it all day. 】

Alas, still so stupid.

Uehara Tetsu asked about the gift again, but the witch girl didn't understand and continued to be stupid.

Wait until the topic is changed: [How does your body feel today? 】

The silly little witch replied: [It's all right, I just miss Zhe Jun, very, very much. 】

Well, Uehara Tetsu has nothing to do with her, so he has to urge the driver to speed up.

Arriving at the Witch's House, Jiang Liuli greeted her at the door.

Open the door for Zhe Jun, help Jun take off his coat and change his shoes, just like a wife waiting for her husband to come home.

After a night and a day of rest, the witch girl's complexion improved a lot.

Uehara Tetsu sat in the bedroom, and she couldn't wait to throw herself into Zhejun's arms.

"I miss Zhejun..."

Rushi, who was wearing a red and white priestess costume, said.

The 17-year-old Jiang Liuli, who looks 14 or 5 years old, gives people a faint feeling of being young.

Don't look at it as just a feeling, it 100% stimulates a man's desire to protect.

Uehara Tetsu asked: "Is it really all right?"

The witch girl nodded in various ways, stood up, turned in a circle, and jumped twice, indicating that she had recovered her health.

Seeing trembling, Uehara Zhe subconsciously looked up, afraid of the top.

"It's fine, but don't forget what I said, don't do that dangerous thing again."

"Yeah, I listen to Zhejun."

Jiang Liuli climbed onto Uehara Zhe's thigh with ease, and wrapped her arms around Uehara Zhe's neck, hanging like a koala.

"Zhe Jun, don't be angry with me, okay?" The witch girl said in a pleading tone.

Uehara Tetsu pinched her face, "I'm not angry."

Jiang Liuli: "But I'm afraid."

This girl's thinking is really strange. She helped Uehara get rid of the demon and hurt herself, but in the end she was afraid that Uehara would be angry with her.

"Why don't Zhe hit me again to vent his anger?"

Saying that, the girl raised her buttocks again.

Tetsu Uehara: "..."

I'm a little suspicious that there is an element of shaking M in her character.

At this time, the little maiden was kneeling on the tatami floor, the sleeves and skirt of the maiden uniform hanging down naturally.

It seems that maiden clothes are also divided into professional and home styles.

The professional style is probably the one that Jiang Liuli wore when the two met for the first time.

The one in front of her is much tighter. The red skirt barely covers her thighs at a normal angle, and nearly one-third of it is exposed at this time.

Speaking of legs, Jiang Liuli is wearing white tube socks that do not reach the knee today, which is matched with the home-style red and white maiden costume to add a bit of life.

Unknowingly, Uehara Tetsu's hand touched the leg under the skirt and above the white socks.

The witch girl's skin is very white and delicate, which may be due to the difference in body temperature. The moment he touched it, Uehara Tetsu felt a small piece of goose bumps, and the girl's body also trembled.

"Afraid?" Uehara Tetsu asked.

Jiang Liuli shook her head, but smiled happily instead, as if touching was a reward for her.

A small slap.

Uehara Zhe didn’t forget that this is the place of God’s Father and God’s Mother, [God’s Gaze] may look at it later, BUFF coverage is not good for him, so as an excellent gunner, he must learn to press the gun.

Then, the witch girl returned to Zhe Jun's arms with a flushed face.

She longs to be with Zhejun, any way is acceptable.

Suddenly Jiang Liuli remembered, "I haven't helped Zhejun with his homework yet."

Uehara Tetsu smiled, "Today is Friday, don't rush to write."

Full version: Don't be in a hurry from Monday to Sunday, I, Nima, was almost caught by the famous detective Ke Xun in the morning!

When buying homework books online, it’s okay to smell the cherry blossoms once, but it’s like putting a machete on your neck every time you smell the cherry blossoms.

However, the little witch pouted when she heard the words.

She is unhappy, not because of Zhejun, but herself, she is too useless to help Zhejun.

"Hey, hey, what are you thinking about, where's my dinner?"

Uehara Tetsu waved in front of her eyes and said.


The witch girl came to her senses and smiled instantly, "I'll prepare the ingredients, thank you Zhejun, mua~"

After kissing her, she was about to leave, but was dragged back to her chest by Uehara Tetsu, "Kissing is a very serious matter, how can you be so perfunctory?"

A quarter of an hour later.

The witch girl's clothes were messy, panting heavily.

Uehara Tetsu: "Okay, you can go now."

Jiang Liuli didn't have any strength left.



Tetsu Uehara hummed "Pork ribs, bring them to marinate" and went home.

It has to be said that the witch girl's culinary skills are absolutely top-notch.

Anyway, every time Tetsu Uehara eats, his taste buds and stomach can be greatly satisfied.

Her body is fine.

The godmother didn't jump out and say anything.

The aftereffect of killing the old dryad Horiguchi Heiji is completely eliminated.

On the way back, Uehara Tetsu sent a message to Xun girl, of course he cut off the LINE account and sent it.

The opposite side loves to ignore.

It wasn't until Tetsu Uehara made her angry that Kaoru Tamamo started talking.

Uehara Tetsu initiated a date invitation, and the girl Xun began to say no, Uehara Tetsu said that if she didn't go, she would take other girls.

"you dare!"

Look, look, lose again, right?

The handsome Uehara smiled slightly.

At this time, just returning to the door of his house, several men in uniforms walked quickly across the street.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Tetsu Uehara?"

(End of this chapter)

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