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Chapter 96 Coward in cloth armor, Ueno is in jail together!

Chapter 96 Coward in cloth armor, Ueno is in jail together!

Faced with a sudden wave of violent suppression,

Cuvee was a little confused.

He watched tape before the game, studied the guy's game.

But he didn't think,
The actual online pressure turned out to be higher than expected. I didn't feel so uncomfortable playing against Khan and Hu Ni in the LCK league.

How can there be a level two that is so fierce,
This is a game!

Isn't he afraid of being caught by the jungler?
Cuvee complained secretly, then ate a bottle of red medicine and waited for the blood to return.

Due to the midline position to let out,
Coupled with the long cooldown of Kenan's E skill,

He can only stand back and shrink back, waiting for the jungler to come to help, or waiting for the CD time of his two skills.

Cuvee didn't wait for his own jungler.

Because, An Bisheng's wild area is also in trouble.

When his pig girl swiped the red buff, a prince who was lying in ambush in advance appeared in the dark wild area next to him. He used a set of skills first, and then used punishment to snatch the bloody wild monsters.

This raises a question.

The wild area can't be singled out, the top lane can't get over the disadvantaged line, and the middle lane is also restrained by Syndra.

Therefore, An Bisheng can only let go of the above group of stone beetle resources.

And, he can't leave yet.

An Bisheng had to stand by and watch, and accompany the prince to eat his wild monsters to reduce the pressure and threat of going on the road.

Otherwise, the prince will stand aside,
I'm afraid Cuvee's Kenan can't even get it online.

Therefore, SSG Ueno went to jail together.

Wang remembers: "The incense pot invaded, and the top lane pressure was suppressed enough. RNG's Ueno style has already played a tacit understanding."

Guan Zeyuan: "..."

in fact……

An Bisheng's pig girl is fine, she just dropped a couple of wild monster resources.

However, Cuvee's situation is a bit worse.


Relying on the advantage he just gained, RNG's top laner Jess took the lead in advancing to level 3.

Immediately, the difficulty of Cuvee's line eating increased by a level.

If you can still use Q to eat minions in the front.

It is a bit difficult to get close to the last knife now.

Although it is not impossible to eat at all, it can also be described as very difficult to eat every process of making up the knife.

As long as his position is a little careless,

Cuvee will hit a Q electromagnetic gun at a strange angle head-on, suffer damage, lose blood, and be forced to retreat to smell the fragrance of experience.

like this……

Lu Yang repaired the saber, and unpreparedly shot forward a normal Q skill with no buff.

Its trajectory is very strange.

Like a tracking missile, it often carries some traces of prediction, and accurately judges Cuvee's Kenan's position.

One shot, medium.

Two shots, still hit.

Kenan in the previous Q is still a bunch of "666" barrage,

After Yue Zhongyue Duo had no time to Q, the barrage began to frantically brush: "The king of guns, there is a problem!"

Consumed over and over again.

Even if Kenan is wearing Doran's shield, he can't withstand such a close to 100% hit Q.

Not long after,

Cuvee's red medicine has already been drunk.

The decrease in his own blood volume made him have to go back to the city to replenish his status, otherwise he would not be able to stay on the top lane and continue laning.

However, all this is derived from the level 1 wave crouch.

If An Bisheng's pig girl didn't learn the Q skill, the efficiency of clearing the wild would be faster, he would not be ambushed in the wild, and he could squat on the road for Gank and anti-squat, and his own Kenan would not suffer like this This kind of over-the-line explosion.

If only Benzema...

Gan, it all depends on Benzema.

Thinking of this, Cuvee sighed and retreated behind the tower, and cautiously pressed the B button to return to the city to replenish his status.

Just when I was feeling pain on the road,
A prompt popped up on the screen: [First blood! 】

[Arrow of Punishment - Verus is dead. 】

Everyone in SSG was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the area where Xialu was located.

I saw that Ruler's Verus had fallen to the ground and turned into a corpse, and Corejj's auxiliary Thresh also fled for his life. It was obviously a 2v2 defeat.

At the same time, Uzi's small cannon is retreating with residual blood.

Down the line to kill?

You must know that in the previous games, the RNG bot lane duo did not perform well online. At most, they played some suppression and cooperated with tower jumping, and most of the time they followed the team to fight.

this game,

They actually made an online effort to gain first blood?

Wang remembers: "Nice, a puppy who was silent in the group stage, finally played his due strength in the first round of the knockout round."

Guan Zeyuan: "..."

Looking at the small economic gap in the game, he felt more and more that SSG's winning rate in the first game was negligible, and RNG's two cores had the advantage. Unless someone was giving away, he couldn't imagine how SSG could win.

At the same time, the voice in the RNG team was full of jubilation.

Uzi: "I am super, I am super brave in this game, I will carry!"

Xiao Ming: "Hehehe, didn't I play well in this wave?"

Spicy Hot Pot: "Li Yuanhao, look at my position, shit, your QE can be empty."

Xiaohu: "Mine, I just slipped..."

Listening to the chaotic communication in the voice,
Lu Yang felt a little headache for a while, so he could only bring his attention back to the line and continue to focus on the contest with Cuvee.

Unlike the Impact and Huni that I have encountered before,

Impact can feel the obvious age increase, and his own state has declined.

Huni played more aggressively.

The Cuvee in front of him is playing more steadily and more disciplinedly, and can exchange blood volume, but he absolutely does not give any chance to kill.

Even if this may be a little low.

He will also make some sacrifices for the team, just like a low-profile version of Gong Zige.

as it is now,
Kenan, who had just returned to the city and relaunched TP, actually made a small piece in the "armguard": cloth armor.

Such a cowardly act!

It's almost the same as the little tiger of the later generations who hits the cloth armor shoe with his left hand, and the effect of the program is full.


Looking at the Kenan equipment bar in front of him, Lu Yang couldn't help laughing.

Is it useful to get beaten out of cloth armor?

Immediately, he manipulated his own Jess, a Q jump in the melee hammer form, and the troops stepped forward, allowing the damage and deceleration to spread to the rear targets, and then linked up with a WE skill, instantly pushing Cuvee Kenan away from a line of soldiers outside location.

At the same time, he once again placed a Hexacceleration door next to him as a pulling space.


Supercharge activated.

Relying on the short-term high attack speed, he tapped the general attack three times in a row while pulling, and then played an enhanced Q skill [Electric Energy Shock] that adjusted the angle.

In an instant,
Kenan, who had just teleported online, was only about half blood left in an instant.

However, after Lu Yang finished this set,

His mana just happened to be completely emptied, as if he had calculated the whole process accurately.

Cuvee tries to hit a QEW stun.

Let a bunch of soldiers focus on the fire output, and then follow up with some blood.

Although there is no way to have any substantial impact,
But at least he can regain some momentum.


His Kenan Q skill dart missed, causing the stun effect of the third stage of lightning to fail, and he could only watch Lu Yang retreat under the tower and return to the city.


 (.) I'm really sorry (dong dong dong), I made up for last night, I really couldn't resist my sleepiness last night

(End of this chapter)

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