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Chapter 89 On the road, SKT sacrificed its life to fight!

Chapter 89 Hitting the road and breaking the line, SKT risked his life!
When the cash knife that Lu Yang was carrying on his body exploded, his equipment immediately increased in quality.

According to the economic panel given by the game director,
At present, his sword girl has a full economic advantage of nearly [-], which can be said to be a semi-finished outfit ahead of Huni's Qinggangying.

This is just equipment attributes.

Level experience is even more terrifying...

Huni was directly two levels behind, and it was too exaggerated to stand on the line to look at Jian Ji, so he could only shrink under the second tower and wait for the line to come over before taking the knife.

If it wasn't for the game,
The enemy's middle lane is still Faker's Galio.

Lu Yang kept the first tower on the road just now without dismantling it, and simply hung it in front of the second tower of Qinggangying to play games.

Of course, just thinking about it.

After all, he wasn't crazy enough to think he could do one-on-five online alone.

When the game progressed to about 10 minutes,
RNG took the lead in launching the offensive.

Relying on the serial control of Grasshopper + Pig Girl, he forcibly killed the bottom lane duo of Bang and Wolf, then took advantage of the trend to push the tower to take the dragon, and then turned to the center line.

The whole rhythm can be said to be very smooth.

In this regard, SKT has nothing to do.


They need to keep an eye on Lu Yang's Sword Fairy to prevent him from being bulldozed on the road.

Faker thought about targeting this guy a few more times.

But the first 3 packs of 1 Gank is a lesson. Their damage is not enough to complete the kill. They can only mark and prevent the advance, but cannot completely solve this problem.

According to SKT's original lineup concept,
Now it should be a stable development to the mid-term team, let the Qinggang videotape Galio enter the field, and steadily eat a core output position of the enemy lineup.


No one expected that the wire burst would be so serious on the road.

Fkaer turned his head and glanced at the direction of Huni's seat, and then said out loud:

"It's okay, let Xiaolong leave it to them."

"When Bang's small artillery equipment is ready, we can fight with them slowly, there is no rush."

After saying this, there were only sporadic responses from the bottom lane duo.

The other two Ueno players fell into dead silence.

Faker didn't say anything when he saw this, and continued to wait for the small gun equipment in the later stage, while looking for possible RNG loopholes.

However, this delayed idea is not realistic.

26 minutes of game time,

RNG took the lead in launching a slap invitation to Baron Nash.

Even SKT, who wanted to delay the game, couldn't accept such a thing. All members quickly gathered near the dragon pit, ready to let Peanut's wine barrel try to grab the dragon, or risk their lives to see if they can find the possibility of the dragon pit group coming back.

However, sometimes the ultimate goal of slapping the dragon is not the dragon.


play group.

Lu Yang brought a wave of soldiers to the enemy's second tower, and at the same time cut the screen frequently to see the situation of the Longkeng River.

Now the two teams are deadlocked at both ends of Longkeng,
It's a four-on-five situation.

At this time, he can choose to continue to push the ground, or TP circles around and goes to the front to follow the team.

moment of hesitation,
SKT tried to prepare for a desperate fight, and seized the opportunity when Jian Ji was not in the front, quickly fought a wave of strong teamfights, kept the Baron, and then returned to the city to defend their main crystal building.

This is a gamble choice.

At the same time, it is also the most normal decision for SKT at present, otherwise they will face the ending of losing both dragon and home.

After Huni suppressed Qinggang Shadow for a whole round,

E flash-R,

Immediately set Uzi's mouse in an area, cooperate with Galio's landing punch, coupled with the output of the small cannon, instantly beat him to a state of residual blood.

Qing Gang Ying + Galio's lock enters the field,

Almost incomprehensible.

Instantly force the mouse's flash + treatment, and assist Lulu's big move.

Just kill the ad mouse,
In the follow-up team battles of SKT, they only need to deal with one top lane sword girl, which can create enough space for Xiaopao to fight.

Just at this time,
They noticed a scarlet beam of teleportation in the rear jungle that was about to go out.

Sword Fairy tp came to the front?

However, SKT has no way to retreat.

I can only bite the bullet and continue to fight down, try to kill uzi's mouse forcibly, and then find a way to retreat after the subsequent fight.

But Xiangguo's wild boar girl has rough skin and thick flesh, so if she just blocks forward, it will cause serious obstacles to them on the spot.

Before Uzi's mouse was killed,

RNG's top laner Sword Ji had already TP landed, and with elegant steps, she cut straight to the back row of their lineup.

"Up and up, I can stay, I can fight."

Lu Yang faced him with a Q skill [Breakthrough Slash], which accurately hit the nearest auxiliary Fengnv, shattered the mark of the opening, and caused a huge amount of physical damage close to half the health.

Looking at the sudden drop in his own blood volume,
Wolf can only use his big move to restore blood volume to his teammates, and at the same time bounce off the sword girl who cuts into the back row.

Lu Yang didn't enter the arena for the second time immediately,

Instead, they roamed around like gray wolves, constantly putting pressure on SKT's entire team.

At the same time, the front four players of RNG were not idle.

Previously, the sword girl went around and cut into the battlefield, which distracted SKT's attention, and the Uzi mouse with residual blood was able to survive.

ADC is not dead,

This also means being able to fight back.

The RNG four-person team relied on the solid body of the pig girl to push forward, and the stable control of the grasshopper's big move, and then cooperated with the slow-breathing mouse to hit a wave of huge AOE damage.

The huge firepower network of Hurricane + Rat ult,

Instantly covered several SKT front-row heroes, and at the same time beat Bang Xiaocan, who wanted to jump in the face, into a state of residual blood.


Lu Yang noticed this information, and immediately stepped forward with a flash of Q-Ea, and accurately caught a little blood cannon that had just flashed back to avoid damage in the crowd.

Accompanied by a dazzling golden light flashed.

Immediately, Bang's little blood volume was emptied in an instant, and then he fell to the ground and turned into a corpse.

However, his movements did not stop.

When the damage was dealt, Lu Yang quickly cast an R skill [Unrivaled Challenge] on Wolf Fengnv, and at the same time threw out a W skill [Laurent Heart-Eye Knife].

Almost at the same time,

Just now, Faker Galio, who was still accumulating power to taunt with W in the front, acted as a barrier in the front row, suddenly W flashed in front of him, which just happened to offset the pre-judged block to a certain control effect.

However, the control effect of this block.

It has been transferred to Fengnv who has four weak points on her body.


Lu Yang hurriedly stepped forward to perform a simple combo of aQa-Tiamat.

The four flaws have not been completed yet,
The crispy assistant who was still in a dazed state immediately emptied his blood volume.

In the blink of an eye, he became the No.2 ghost under the sword,
The entire corpse turned into a huge blood recovery array covered with veins, covering half of the battlefield area.

It is like a deathmatch arena for competitors.


 (.) The author of Pig Bi, whose brain is overloaded, once again apologized to Yan Zu, the fifth update is still late, sorry. (Boom boom boom)
(End of this chapter)

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