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Chapter 79 One-footed victory, Huni fell ill!

Chapter 79 Winning with one kick, Huni fell ill!

With all SKT members disappearing from view,

Immediately, RNG had to face an embarrassing multiple-choice question.

A: It is to enter the river at the risk of being crouched.

B: Take the risk of losing Baron and demolish the second tower, forcing SKT to return to the middle defense.

C: obtuse angle.

Looking at the pitch-black wild area of ​​the river, Lu Yang frowned, and immediately asked: "Do you still have the vision jewelry? Let's see the situation in the dragon pit."

Uzi shook his head and said:

"Foresight is still cooling down, try to dig in, keep what I can fight, my output is very high, I will play a team later to see my position."

"Okay, Junze will go forward first, and pay attention to Luo's entry in the back row."

Hearing this, Lu Yang could only agree with this decision.

As Letme's top laner pushes forward, the five RNG players form a spaced formation in the front and back rows, and gradually advance the distance carefully into the dragon pit.

The grass in the first river was checked and cleared.

no one.

In the grass in the middle of the second river, Letme is responsible for inserting eyes into it.


The pale yellow light reflected in the eye position dispels the surrounding fog of war, and the trace of the Ryze-Nar-wine barrel squatting inside is exposed in the field of vision.

wait a minute

only three people,

What about Mouse and Luo?
Thinking of this, Lu Yang hurriedly looked at the still dark entrance and exit areas of the wild area on both sides. They must be hiding inside and waiting for the best time to enter the field.

Although the SKT bot duo did not show up,
However, the three team members in front did not stand still.

Faker's Ryze and Huni's Gnar continued to throw out basic attacks and skills to consume Letme's worm HP.

Peanut's barrel is looking for an engagement position on the flank.

Uzi shouted again and again: "Don't be afraid, Gnar is not angry, he can fight and fight, open Ryze!"


Seeing this, Lu Yang gritted his teeth and kicked out the Q skill [Tianyinbo].

Now this situation really cannot be delayed,

If they delay any longer, they will easily fall into the unfavorable situation of SKT pulling, and they must form a team.

There was a muffled sound.

The white qigong wave accurately kicked Ryze's face, putting a mark on it, and he could step forward to start a group at any time.

But at this moment,
Peanut's wine barrel suddenly pressed forward, and then threw an R skill [Exploding Wine Barrel].

Suddenly blast Letme to the left front area.

In an instant, there was a wide-open gap in the front of RNG's formation.

at the same time,

The Wolf Luo who had been hiding all this time jumped over the wall and went straight to the area where RNG's back row was. In an instant, he caused Da Zui and Lu Lu two stages of control effects of charm + knock-up.

Bang's Rat appears near the jungle entrance on the right.

"I just hid~hahaha~!"

Accompanied by a line sounded,
The mouse's R skill [Full Firepower] has been activated.

It held a venom crossbow, frantically pouring penetrating output to the unimpeded RNG back row, and the huge physical AOE damage formed a firepower net to cover the three crispy heroes.

At the same time, Ryze and Gnar pressed forward.

Just wait until the two of them enter the output range...

RNG will usher in a wave of defeat that may be wiped out.

There was no time left for him to think.

"Letme, look at the mice!"

Lu Yang frowned, and immediately connected to the second stage of Q skills that was about to end, and kicked directly at Faker's Ryze.

However, his goal is not just Ryze.

When he was about to approach Ryze, he touched his eyes to the right with a smooth hand speed, quickly approached Bang who was trying to hit the output forward, and instantly kicked out an R flash roundabout kick to adjust the trajectory.

Bang just wanted to release the control with mercury, flashed to adjust the position.


When he pressed the shortcut key for the item, he suddenly remembered that it had been used before, and it was almost on cooldown.

Immediately, the mouse's output stopped abruptly.

Its flying body was like a cannonball, and it cleverly hit Ryze and Gnar, who were also advancing, and the three of them fell into the flying state at the same time, forming a string like a string of candied haws.

Although the damage caused was not fatal, it caused a slight disconnection in all sources of SKT's damage.

Short output window period.

This gave everyone in RNG a period of respite, and it was also an opportunity to counterattack.

Letme cherishes this opportunity to play very much.

At the moment of receiving command feedback,
He stepped on the ground stab with Q skill, flying Gnar and the mouse, connected to the control chain, and then flashed in front of the mouse to deal a WR damage, and suddenly swallowed the little mouse with residual blood until it was on the verge of death.

Xiaohu's donkey stepped forward with an E sliding step + Q through the body holy light.

Even if Bang gave him treatment, he was still reaped by the follow-up general attack damage and died first.

However, Uzi's big mouth has also dealt with the auxiliary Luo who did not flash.

With the downsizing of the bot lane...

Offensive and defensive transition,

SKT quickly entered a state of defeat from the "advantage in me" just now.


Faker looked at the game screen on the screen, and commanded in a calm tone: "Retreat, don't die again, let the big dragon guard later."

While speaking, his Ryze turned around and retreated, and then quickly retreated in the direction of the road.


Huni's Gnar had a little problem.

Just one second before Faker spoke,
He jumped forward in two phases of E, becoming a giant in the air, and then slapped a Tathagata Palm, pushing Dazui who flashed forward and wanted to continue hitting the damage, along with the big worm and the donkey, to the wall.

Gnar pushes three,

Very handsome.

But to no avail.

Because SKT's remaining trio didn't coordinate well.

Ryze wanted to pull back, and the barrel helped to intercept the blind monk, only Gnar jumped in as a living target.

without any suspense,

When the ad Dazui woke up, Huni's Gnar melted and evaporated almost instantly, falling to the ground and turning into the third corpse.

Uzi: "Nice, brothers, you can still chase!"

Xiao Ming: "I have accelerated..."

While talking, Lu Yang's blind monk kicked out the second Q skill, then hit the floor with E skill to slow down, forcing Peanut's wine barrel to use flash + E skill to escape.

Following Faker's Ryze ultimate move, he fled the river with the barrel.

So far,

This wave of fleeting team battles came to an end.


Looking at the remaining blood of his own lineup, Lu Yang took a deep breath and said, "Brothers, let's fight the big dragon. We can tear down all the highlands after we get it."

As soon as these words came out, there was a mess of voices on the voice channel.

Xiao Ming: "I'm super, I almost forgot Brother Lu, that foot was so handsome just now."

Xiaohu: "Shuai Queshi, I think this blind monk is better than our jungler."

uzi: "Brother, you have made great achievements with this kick, Ma De, I should wear purification, this Luo Kaituan is a bit annoying."

Letme: "Brothers, did no one see mine..."

Although the voice was noisy, the movements were not slow at all.

The crowd quickly poured into the Dragon Pit, clearing out SKT's leftover vision, and then began to slap Baron Nashi who had been watching the team battle just now.

Because of having Lulu + Big Mouth.

The baron's blood volume dropped rapidly,

Not long after,

It dropped to near-death HP, and Lu Yang took down the big dragon with a steady kick of Q Kill + Punish, without giving the wine barrel hovering above the dragon pit any chance to grab the dragon.

The moment the dragon is punished,

Immediately, Miller shouted from the LPL commentary seat: "Nice, the blind monk's kick saved RNG!"


(End of this chapter)

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