Others play professional, you are here to play highlights?

Chapter 73 Big Smash Double Queue, Wild Dad Experience Card!

Chapter 73 Big Smash Double Queue, Wild Dad Experience Card!

Hearing the ridicule, Lu Yang said indifferently:

"I thought you fell into a pit, and can I call it trash talk? It's called tactical misleading."


Mala Xiangguo scolded with a smile: "I'm super, then you have to be a reliable hero when you ride a horse, what the hell is a dog's head."

As soon as these words came out, the entire team couldn't help laughing.

Truly unabashed trash talk.

To know,
As long as the difference in strength does not reach an outrageous level, if you dare to choose Goutou, it means that 30 minutes ago, the team was only four vs. five.

Although it's clearly trash talk,

However, Brother Feng still couldn't help reminding:
"The impact of these words is not small, please pay attention to the scale."

"Hey, to be a professional is to be crazy."

Xiangguo reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said: "What are you afraid of, this guy's mentality is much better, let's go for a walk and go back to the club for dinner."

Lu Yang: "Did you just wash your hands?"

Xiao Ming: "Holy shit, you didn't wash your hands just now? Hey, that's disgusting."

Xiangguo: "*****, you two are..."

While speaking, all RNG members packed their personal belongings and prepared to return to the club for dinner.

Everyone didn't expect that some players actually believed this.

At this time, in the temporary base of the Dragon Ball team,

After watching the interview after the game, Khan said in a surprised tone: "He also wants to play dog ​​head!"

He has long thought of playing a top laner in the World Championship.


Now there is a chance to give that guy a head start.

Thinking of this, Khan felt sick for a while, and couldn't help but swear in his heart that he would teach this guy a lesson when he met him.

At the same time, Huni, the top laner of SKT, is also dubious.

After all, he might choose such a hero himself, highlighting a core idea of ​​wanting to make a living.

"F*uck, I want to play too."

Huni feels a little angry when he thinks about his status in the team.

Other people's new players can be chosen at will, but I have to sacrifice the current row for the team.


After winning the championship next year, I have to run back to the North American division. There is a high salary for retirement, and there is no need to play training games. How did I want to return to the LCK?

Whenever thinking about this problem, Huni feels regretful.


Just when the top two top laners in the current LCK ranking almost broke their defense because of some trash talk.

Lu Yang, who was the instigator, has returned to the club,
After eating dinner, he immediately sat in front of the computer and logged into the game client.

However, they did not enter the matching queue for the ranking game.

It hasn't been long since he has had a full meal, and he really doesn't want to be too tired, so he is going to browse Weibo to kill time, and wait for the time to refresh the sign-in in the early morning.

Lu Yang hesitated whether to find a movie to watch.

Ding dong,
He received an information prompt in the client.

Theshy: [How many fights together? 】

[Okay, play a few games. 】

As soon as the words fell, Lu Yang clicked to join Mr. Sun's chaos team.

Waiting is waiting,
Why not go into the Howling Abyss and have a blast!

After a short waiting time for matching,

Soon, he and Theshy paired up and entered the Howling Abyss, happily embarking on a journey of fighting with professional players.

The match with chaos in the first match.

The hero he shakes is "Smart Murphys-Stone Giant", and Theshy's is Yasuo, which can be said to be a very classic combination of heroes.

This brawl was extremely fun.

Hit, take big move, die.

Hit again, die again.

Of course, some oolong coordination mistakes are unavoidable.

For example: Yasuo deliberately didn't take the big move when he hit the five-empty big move.

However, the barrage in Theshy's live broadcast room quickly recognized who the game ID who was playing with the anchor was.

"I'm super, brother outrageous!"

"This is really outrageous. Just after the game, the national server Rank didn't even touch it, and came here to fight with shy?"

"Hahaha, he's bloated."

"The sequel to Tang Sect mid laner 2.0, the top laner in Brawl."

"Hey, professional players will make mistakes in chaotic fights."

"What kind of chaos are you playing? Are you old people? It's better to play two chicken-eating games. Now Godv is playing chicken-eating competitions."

"What kind of chicken to eat, this is the LOL live broadcast room, chicken-eating players get out!"


The first two rounds were okay, everyone still thought it was an ordinary entertainment round, there were mistakes, there was random play, and a random word stood out throughout the whole process.

But as time goes by...

The barrage felt something was wrong.

Because after throwing the dice and rolling some operational heroes, these two dudes began to operate seriously.

The two operation monsters are in the cramped Howling Abyss map. Various walk-show operations, script-like dodge skills, stupefied the bullet screen, and the bullet screen of "6666" is even more unstoppable for a moment. broken.

Especially in the fourth game,
One of them was randomized to Balu, and the other was randomly assigned to skateboard shoes. The two AD heroes crazily used A output in the team battle, and finally even killed randomly in 2v5.

it's like...

Smash Bros., a mode that does not require development, completely removes the restrictions on two people.

In the end, a bullet screen expressed the feelings of everyone:

"Although the World Championship is not over yet, I am already looking forward to the regular season next season."

in such a lively atmosphere
Tonight's crazy brawl trip lasted until close to the early morning, and before the end, the bullet screens were still frantically brushing "fight one more round".

Theshy: [88, come on World Championship. 】


Lu Yang couldn't wait to quit the team, then tapped the keyboard and replied: [Well, we will play together when we have time. 】

After saying this, he stared at the time displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.

23: 59.

00: 00.

The moment when time goes to zero,

Lu Yang quickly went to the virtual interface floating in front of his eyes to sign in.

Immediately, a feedback message popped up in his vision:
[Ding, you have signed in on the 50th day, and you have received a reward: Big Daddy Jungle Experience Card. 】

[Effect: Using this item, all attribute status +300%, and Gank's intention to hit the road +50%. (Duration-24h)]

[Hint: Only players in the jungle position can trigger the effect of this item. 】

[Remarks: Since every game has someone lying down, why can't this person be me? 】


Looking at the item information in front of him, Lu Yang had a whim.

No restrictions on users,
Can this prop be used by others?

and also……

If I temporarily switch to the jungle position, and then use this item for myself, will it also trigger the effect?

Of course, the latter is just a random thought.

After all, the premise of temporarily playing the jungle is too outrageous, and the regular season of the division is still possible, but at present, it is the World Championship, and no coach will agree to such a trick.

What's more, the opponent in the next game is the SKT team.

Thinking of this,

Lu Yang himself couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, then exited the game client, turned off the computer, and prepared to go back to the dormitory to sleep.

Tomorrow, we will face SKT.


(End of this chapter)

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