Others play professional, you are here to play highlights?

Chapter 493 Tonight, I am the chosen one! (end)

As time goes by,
Soon, the two teams formed a lineup that they were quite satisfied with.

Tao Bo (blue side): top laner Qing Gangying, jungler Nightmare, mid laner Galio, ad small cannon, support Titan.

IG (red side): top laner Jess, jungler blind monk, mid laner Akali, ad Xia, support Luo.


As the first game of the finals,

Both Taobo and IG chose an offensive lineup very freely, trying to take the lead in the first game.

"Let's watch the first game first, the game brought to us by Tao Bo and IG."

Guan Zeyuan said aloud.

As soon as the voice fell, the game screen switched to the Summoner's Canyon. The 10 players from the two teams quickly bought and went out, and then went straight to the river area to stand guard in a line.

Perhaps because of the finals, neither side tried some riskier level 1 group monster moves.

After standing guard,

The game entered the official laning period.

However, the direction of this game was very unexpected.

Because Taobo, who used to play very aggressively in any lineup, chose a defensive formation in the early stage at this moment. By sacrificing a bit of the upper and middle lanes, in exchange for ensuring the nightmare development of his own wild area.

it's like...

Changed teams and played so-so.

However, such a style change really reaped miraculous effects.

When IG chose to let Ning's blind monk invade the wild area, they were interfered by Galio and Qinggangying every time, which caused Ning's early rhythm to be a little chaotic.

At the same time, the unhappiness in the wild also made IG's other roads more urgent.

For example:

At about 5 minutes, Baolan made a mistake in his position, allowing JKL to be hooked by the assist Titan with a Q skill, and cooperated with the old thief's ad small cannon to jump face and hit a double move.

In 9 minutes, Ning's blind monk lost his way and died.

In 13 minutes, JKL was killed by Nightmare + Galio's top Siyue II.

In 17 minutes, IG tried to take the initiative to Gnak, but was counter-squatted by Nightmare, and two for one escaped.

that's it……

The atmosphere of IG is becoming more and more anxious, and operational errors are becoming more and more frequent. They seem to want to use offense to beat this team that has beaten them twice in the finals.


Such anxiety cannot bring any help to the team.

"Ning's blind monk kicked into the dragon pit with his Q skill."

"Punishment is almost there, not only did the dragon not grab it, but he is also very dangerous."

"Nightmare turn off the lights."

"Brother Unbelievable's Qinggang Ying kicked into the field with an E kick from the back, forcing JKL's Xia's big move, Galio landed, and Ma Ge's little cannon is about to jump up!"


When the passionate voice of the commentary sounded,

Ning's blind monk died first, followed by JKL's Xia, Theshy's Jess, and IG's lineup was completely defeated in this darkness.

Although Rookie's Akali forcibly replaced a jungler Nightmare,
However, this has been unable to restore the decline of IG.

When the game lasted to 31 minutes, Tao Bo once again caused the death and attrition of an auxiliary Luo through an ambush attack, and then quickly turned to Baron Nash.

There are no surprises.

Relying on the team lineup and the advantages gained in the early stage, Tobo successfully killed the first Baron Nash.

However, the game also came to an end at this point in time.

"Tobo's Baron Buff advances. This wave only needs to take two highlands, or just end the game with one wave. It depends on how they choose."

"IG gave up the high ground in the middle..."

"Is Taobo still pushing? It's not easy to push. IG lineup has a blind monk, as well as supporting Luo's R skill and flash. This is an opportunity. I think we can make a wave."


Guan Zeyuan hadn't finished speaking,
Qiuqiu's support Titan threw out a weird Q skill, brushed past the blind monk's shoulder, and accurately hooked to the support Luo behind him.

All Taobo's output was focused on this crispy assistant.

Immediately, Baolan's assistant Luo was the first to die.

This also became a fuse.

With the death of the support, Taobo's team members rushed in, Nightmare turned off the lights, Lu Yang's Qinggang Ying and Galio entered the field together, and the former IG's lineup was torn apart in an instant, and then defeated one by one, and finally played a A winning group of 2 for 5.

So far, the first game has come to an end.

The last surviving old thief Sima and the Nakano duo demolished two front tooth towers and a base crystal shining with scarlet light.

"GG, let's congratulate Taobo."

Looking at the ending screen in front of him, Guan Zeyuan said with a smile:

"Quqiu Titan's Q skill is too critical, kill the support Luo first, otherwise this wave is really hard to say."

"However, IG players and fans should not be discouraged."

"It's only the first round. No matter who wins, I hope to play the whole game today."


At the same time, online player forums are also discussing this game.

Because of the civil war among the LPL teams.

At present, most of the public opinion atmosphere is relatively harmonious, there are no large-scale quarrels, only some voices are arguing whether the outrageous brother's 4-2-6 Qinggangying is not a mess.

As time goes by,
Soon, Taobo and IG ushered in the second Bo5 contest.

Perhaps Coach Jin made some adjustments. IG played much better in the second game. With Rookie's burst in the middle, it was possible to win the game in about 36 minutes.

The two teams drew 1:1.

This made the two teams on the scene gradually play some gunpowder, which also led to a more intense third game.

"Brother Unbelievable's top laner, Akali, played a wave of dazzling operations, and forcibly dropped Jack in the crowd!!!"

"Moreover, he still opened the golden body and survived!"

"IG is going to lose this wave."


Not long after the commentary sounded, IG ushered in its second round of defeat.

However, this is also the penultimate game of their finals.

When the game reached the fourth inning,
Lu Yang took out a high-ranking single-handed girl who was traded in with BP, and completed the single-playing game within 5 minutes of going online. In team battles, she even played the demeanor of a back row killer, leading the team with a lone wolf record of 11-3-2 Win the third game.

[Victory! 】

Looking at the ending prompt in front of him, Guan Zeyuan waved his fist excitedly and shouted:

"Nice! Unbelievable brother successfully led the team to victory in the last wave of 1v3. Next, he will win the championship trophy of the S8 Global Finals and his second personal FMVP trophy!!!"

talking room,
The live broadcast room of the entire LPL competition area has been flooded with the three-character barrage of "Brother Outrageous".

However, the same voice sounded in "Red and Black Rain" at the scene: "Leap! Leap! Leap!"

In such a shocking call,

Lu Yang led his teammates out of the contestants' seats, walked slowly to the S8 Global Finals trophy in the middle of the stage, and then raised it above his head with both hands under everyone's expectant eyes.

Looking at the stadium full of people,
He took a deep breath and shouted, "We are... the champions!"

This sentence was clearly conveyed to the entire venue at the scene and the ears of all the audience in front of the screen through the radio equipment.


Immediately, the scene once again set off a tsunami of cheers.


01: 23.

Lu Yang pressed his aching head with one hand, and struggled to get up from the big hotel bed, preparing to complete the routine daily refresh check-in.

It is already relatively late now.

You know, usually he can complete the check-in in the early morning.

But, there is really no way tonight.

After finishing the finals at [-]:[-] p.m., he followed the team to the reserved hotel for post-match celebrations. LPL hosts and commentators were also present.


Lu Yang was dragged by several male commentators and contestants to drink all the time, and from time to time he had to cooperate with several female hosts to take pictures. In the end, his head was so dizzy that he didn't even have the memory of how to get back to the hotel room.

take a deep breath,

Immediately, he turned on the computer to log in to his game account, and then silently said as usual: sign in.


Immediately a series of prompts popped up:
[Ding, you have completed the 372-day sign-in, and you have obtained...]

[Ding, since you won the S8 Global Finals championship, all rewards will be increased. 】

【Ding, you have obtained the "Key to the House of KDA". 】

[Ding, you have obtained the "Key to the House of Qin Girl". 】

[Ding, you have obtained a "ticket to the pool party". 】

【Ding, you have obtained...】


Looking at the dense information in front of me, there are forty or fifty pieces of information.

Lu Yang was stunned for a moment, and then his mind cleared up and shouted:
"I'm super!?"



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