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Chapter 491 Refused to work overtime, KT3 losing streak

Chapter 491 Refused to work overtime, KT lost three games in a row

With the end of the first game,
The players of the two teams got up and went backstage one after another. Only Smeb was still sitting in front of the computer screen in a daze, completely out of the optimism before the match.

At the moment, there is only one question on his mind.

He was killed only once in the game, but after this death, he also lost the first game of Bo5.

Is that guy really invincible?
Just when he was about to enter the state of network suppression, Mata walked behind him and said: "Don't worry, we haven't completely lost yet, so don't think so much."

hear this,

Smeb stood up silently and went backstage.

However, this scene happened to be captured by the director in the camera lens, which instantly attracted the attention of the bullet screen.

"Huh? Are you depressed?"

"Brother's bullying victim +1."

"Fuck, if you think about it differently, it's more uncomfortable than being singled out online."

"Online eating alone can be said to be a mistake, and being doubled to make up the knife is... really can't be washed."

"Hmph, Unbelievable brother's top lane weapon arsenal!!!"

"Hahaha, it proves that this is a tower pushing game, even if you don't kill people, you can push towers."

"Are you all crazy? The main reason is that the sword demon has been resurrected. If you change the hero, he has been killed countless times on the road."

"Pure passers-by, one thing to say, indeed."

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's just a loss, and KT will start to rise later."

"Why do you feel that the stains don't dare to speak in the commentary booth?"

"Yes, it's not outrageous brother who dared to say it a few days ago."

"Brother outrageous, dare to say it? Then tm will directly criticize it."


While a bunch of bullet screens were being discussed, other player forums on the Internet were also speculating about the outcome of the semifinals.

Bo5 still has hope as long as the last moment is not reached.

Although the situation of √√××× is very rare, it is definitely not impossible. Even if Taobo is currently leading by one game, there is still a chance of overturning.


At this moment, the KT fans are frantically cheering for the KT players.

After a short intermission, the players of the two teams returned to the field to continue the second game of Bo5.

Maybe it was influenced by the first game,
KT didn't release Sword Demon from the ban list anymore, and would rather not play by himself, and don't want to choose this version of the popular hero for Taobo's top lane.

After all, they have no good way to deal with Sword Demon.

After the two teams ban each other's popular heroes for a round, they gradually select the lineup they need. The whole selection can be said to be very routine, and the competition revolves around Kai'Sa and Xayah.

The only bright spot is probably the selection of Blitz by Tao Bo's assistant.

The moment the robot was selected, the barrage area of ​​LPL's live broadcast was boiling instantly, and one after another frantically swiped the barrage content of "Stable and Win".

However, the LCK division is very calm.

Because Thresh in the first game can be said to have a balanced offense and defense, but the robot is a hero with a very low fault tolerance rate. Once the hook is accidentally hooked wrong, it may even lead to the end of the group.

From the perspective of the LCK division, this is definitely an advantage for me!
However, after the game started, the LCK commentators and the audience quickly fell into silence. They found that the robot seemed a little different from what they had imagined.

"Has reached the second level successively, Qiuqiu's tentative Q skill."

"Ah! The ball was hooked from the pawn line to Deft, and it was ignited directly. With Brother Ma's Xia barb, it was disabled instantly, and the kill was completed with the flash."

"Tao Bo's bottom lane combination has won the first blood for two consecutive rounds!"


As the passionate voice of the LPL commentator sounded, Deft's death took the lead in sending the first drop of blood.

However, this is just the beginning.

After Qiuqiu's auxiliary robot hits the first Q skill, he maintains a hit rate close to 90%. As long as he makes a hook, he will be able to pull KT's bot lane combination in front of him.

This also caused the pressure on KT to be very terrifying.

Even standing under the tower is not safe, so we can only timidly lean back to make up the knife, so that some economic gaps gradually appear between the two sides, and it also allows the auxiliary robot to have a gap to run around.

that's it,
After returning to the city in the first wave, Qiuqiu directly purchased five-speed shoes, then went straight to the middle and hooked a Ucal's Syndra flashing.

This scene is like the epitome of the whole game.

Whenever a robot appears in the screen, it can always hit something with the hook, either flash or die. KT soon can't bear such a high-intensity mentality.

In 10 minutes, the robot flashed the Q skill, blindly hooked to Smeb, and cooperated with Lu Yang to complete the kill.

In 13 minutes, Taobo Siyue went down the road twice and forcibly killed Deft.

In 15 minutes, Taobo controlled the first Canyon Herald, and also relied on the robot to pull back Ucal's Syndra to complete the kill, and at the same time pushed down the middle tower.

In 17 minutes, Taobo played a wave of 1 for 3, and Lu Yang hit the road to complete a single.

In the 21st minute, Lu Yang got away with one hit and three in the bottom lane, and Taobo's frontal four-man team directly dismantled from the second tower on the top lane to the high ground.

In the 23rd minute, KT made a wave of positioning mistakes, and was suddenly attacked by robots. In the end, they were beaten into a wave of 2 for 5 defeats, and the second game came to an abrupt end.


The moment an end prompt popped up on the screen, the entire LCK commentary booth fell silent, only the excited shouts from the LPL commentary booth next door could be heard.

Bo5, is there still a miracle behind zero to two?
With apprehension,
The LCK audience followed the KT players into the third game.

However, all they see in the picture is despair.

Although the KT players are trying their best to win, they still can't break through Taobo's formation. They are disadvantaged in the top lane, can't penetrate in the middle lane, and get mentally attacked by crazy four packs and two targets in the bottom lane. It's like repeating the unsolvable process of the first two rounds .

He couldn't beat the three routes, and the player bench was dead silent, waiting for the game to end like a slow death.

As time goes by,
In the end, the game progressed to about 31 minutes.

Taobo's five players broke through the high ground in the middle of KT, and then brought a wave of baron Buff-enhanced artillery lines to the front tooth tower area.

"Brother Unbelievable's Qinggang Shadow E Flash directly starts the group!"

"Deft was framed, and Taobo instantly concentrated fire to complete the kill. KT was completely unable to stop this wave of offensive, and Smeb was eager to save people and died."

"Nice, let's congratulate Taobo!"

"They defeated the KT team 8-[-] in the semi-finals and advanced to the final stage of the S[-] finals first!!!"

Looking at the game screen in front of me,
As a veteran commentator, Miller shouted excitedly:
"Moreover, this also means...the two teams in the subsequent finals are both our LPL clubs!"

As soon as this remark came out, the barrage in the live broadcast room of the game instantly filled the screen, and some viewers even had their live broadcast room crashed and needed to reload the webpage.

However, KT's bench was dead silent.

Smeb covered his face with the jacket so that others could not see his expression clearly.

The faces of the other four KT players were also full of loneliness.

No one expected before the game...

As the only LCK team in the 1/2 finals, they were swept out [-]-[-], which made them feel somewhat unacceptable.


(End of this chapter)

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