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Chapter 483 Happy game, water ghost jumps 4 times!

Chapter 483 Happy game, water ghost jumps four times!

"Brother Unbelievable's Pike swam to the middle again."

"Charge up the Q skill...Perkz is moving crazily, the bone-piercing spike shot, flash!"

"Perkz player is miserable, Flash just got better and then disappeared."

With the sound of commentary,
In the game screen, Ryze swayed left and right, and then hurriedly flashed before a dagger pierced him to complete the dodge, which made Taobo's three-person Gank fail.

However, this is already the third wave from Gank on the road.

Although G2 reported some Miss information on the road, it was useless. Wunder's Aoun couldn't stop Pike from leaving the online area at all.

After all, you can't keep a player who doesn't want to last.

Ever since he was promoted to level 6, Lu Yang's Pike seldom pays attention to "catch-ups". He often returns to the top lane to push a wave of lanes, and then plunges headlong into the jungle to engage the mentality of the opponent.

Especially after making a "Tiamat".

His roaming efficiency is more frequent, pushing the line, roaming to make troubles, and then returning to the line to gain some experience so that his level will not fall too far behind.

at the very beginning,
All commentators and audiences don't understand this kind of gameplay, thinking that sacrificing the strongest point of brother's economy and level is outrageous.

But after a wave of botched conflict groups, this idea was completely changed.

In 8 minutes, Tian's jungler prince arrived in the back grass area of ​​the bottom lane, preparing to help the team expand its advantage through a wave of Gank.


If you look at it from the perspective of the game OB, you can find that G2's jungler is squatting back, and Perkz also has a sign of stepping back to prepare for R skill reinforcements.

However, Cryin's Ice Maiden did not teleport.

This means that Taobo is likely to face the situation of one less player in the fight.

Tian was unable to obtain this information.

When G2's assistant Luo made a mistake in his position, he quickly stepped forward with a second EQ and knocked him into mid-air, and then cooperated with Qiuqiu's assistant Niutou second-stage control to quickly play a set of control chains.

But at this moment,
The G2 jungler who was squatting in the grass made an E+R skill to clear the siege. While pushing the old thief Xia away for a certain distance, he also blasted Tohiro and Nosuke back to the front.

The short gap allowed G2 assistant Luo to use a set of RWE×2 combos.

G2's ad Lucian swept out an R skill [Holy Spear Baptism], forcing Qiuqiu's auxiliary bull head to use a big move to resist damage.

The situation on both sides reversed instantly.

In an instant, two beams of teleportation light and a round azure portal were lit up in the bottom lane area.

"Two teleports, one Ryze to drive!"

"Cryin Ice Girl is looking down the road. Taobo is going to play 4v5 in this wave? I think we can withdraw first."

"Brother outrageous landed first..."

While speaking, Lu Yang's Pike completed the teleportation guidance first.

Without a moment's hesitation,

The moment he landed, he hurriedly shouted:

"Follow the damage, look at Lucian, you have to be one first!"

At present, Cryin's ice girl is still a long way away. They must first reduce their numbers, otherwise it will be difficult to gain any advantage in the team battle of Ryze + Ornn.

The voice just fell,

Lu Yang has already hit G2's ad Lu Xian with an E skill.

Perhaps because he felt that he could operate it, G2 Lucian did not flash at the first time, but slipped away with the E skill.

However, his distance estimation was wrong.

The next moment Lu Yang connected to Flash, and appeared beside him in an instant. With the help of Flash E, he pulled out a straight line of control chain, and stunned the support Luo and the jungler Wine Barrel together.

It is this brief period of control,

Tian's jungle prince did not hesitate to follow up with a flash + R skill, covering the enemy's jungler trio, and at the same time dealing damage.

However, Xia, the old thief of Sima, was also very decisive.

Immediately, an R+ flashed to narrow the distance, and then suddenly pulled up an E skill [Barb].

The feathers all over the sky flashed past, instantly covering the G2 Xiajun trio, causing a wave of huge damage and control effects at the same time.

Immediately, the crispy ad Lucian and the assistant Luo fell into a state of residual blood.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Lu Yang quickly launched a basic attack, combined with Tian's prince's output, to lower the blood volume of the just-healed donkey, and then slashed an R skill [Yongquan's Hatred] on the spot.

With the sound of a wave,
G2's ad Lucian had a cross cut mark on the sole of his foot, and Pike appeared in the sky like a ghost, and fell suddenly, harvesting the last 10% of his HP like a death scythe.

At the same time, a gloomy line sounded in the game screen:

"Yes yes yes, let the sea cover you."

With the death of ad Lucian...

Luo, the assistant with residual blood, naturally became the second target of the "Hong Kong Ghost".

At the same time, G2's middle and top duo had also arrived on the battlefield. Wunder's Aoun called out a wave of sheep, and Perkz's Ryze also entered the field to support Luo, and quickly locked his eyes on Pike in the front.

Regarding this, Lu Yang did not panic at all.

Wait patiently until the time when Aoun hits the second-stage sheep, and then cut out the second R skill at the position of Remnant Xueluo.

"Two drowned."

It not only completes the beheading and harvesting, but also avoids Aoun's knock-up control.

However, this is not the end.

Lu Yang resisted the output of Boretz, and then hit his face with a Q skill [Bone-penetrating Spike], pulling Perkz to Aoun's side, slightly stagnating their damage.

In an instant, Qiuqiu's assistant Niutou got rid of the entanglement with the wine barrel.

Immediately, a flash-WQ combo control lifted G2's middle and top duo into the air, allowing Lu Yang's residual blood Pike to use a W skill to stealth and open the distance, thereby restoring a little HP.

However, Cryin's mid laner Ice Girl has also rushed to the battlefield.

I saw him use an E skill crampon to cross the wall, then flash +W skill to fix G2's middle and upper duo, and then R skill to control Perkz's Ryze.

without any suspense,

Perkz's Ryze fell into a state of residual blood.

Lu Yang saw the timing, and once again slashed the newly refreshed R skill [Hate of the Spring], and successfully completed the slaying and harvesting with a bang.

"Three Lost Souls!"

So far, only two Ueno members of G2 are still alive.

Faced with such a situation, they can only choose to escape in the direction of the defense tower, but they need to pay some price in the process.

"G2 was completely defeated, and the last Ueno could only choose to retreat."

"However, Unbelievable Brother charged up a Q skill, accurately hit Aoun after the flash, Tian's prince kept up with a period of EQ control, cooperated with the output of other players to disable him, and killed him with R skill, four!!! "

"Is there any more? Brother Jiutong, don't run away, give me one!!!"


Amidst the hysterical shouts of the commentator, G2's jungler Keg lowered his head and ran back to his defense tower, with no intention of sending pentakills at all.

However, a slightly delayed Pike line also sounded on the screen:

"Four new friends from the deep sea."


(End of this chapter)

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