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Chapter 456 Bot lane 5 vs 4, hard cut against

Chapter 456 Bottom road five hits four, hard cut against
With the fall of the first canyon pioneer,

The three-way situation in the whole game ushered in a slight change. The most serious thing is that Duke's crabs on the top road seem to have some signs of being unplayable.

According to the preset of IG Golden Pig coach,
Duke's crabs should be able to stabilize their development, even if it is a small collapse in the line, and then wait until the team battle to play a role in the front row and the residual blood.

But no one expected that there would be two consecutive waves of single eats on the road.

The second wave of eating alone,
It even made the fresh killing ring purchased by Lu Yang back to the city have four layers of marks.

Although it is expected that Taobo will have an advantage in the top lane,

However, the current advantage has exceeded the acceptable range, and may even affect the final outcome of the game.

Factors that lead to this problem...

Undoubtedly it is the wonderful summoner skill belt method of "ignite + teleport".

If Akali didn't have this ignited damage in the early stage, he would not be able to complete the first round of kills, let alone the subsequent snowball effect.


Coach Kim of IG pressed his forehead irritably.

Maybe I should switch to a player with higher risks and benefits?

Thinking of this,

He turned his head and stared at the substitute top laner seriously on the screen.


At the same time, a wave of conflicts appeared on the game screen.

I saw that Ning’s wild wine barrel controlled a wave of elemental dragons, and then took advantage of the trend to Gank the old thief and Qiuqiu who had just returned to the bottom lane. E flash-R cooperated with a wave of Draven’s burst damage to kill the old thief. ember.

"Nice, Ning is very patient in squatting this time."

"This is Jack's Delevingne getting the head, so many layers of worship are worth it, and it will take off directly later!"


With the sound of commentary,
IG's lower field trio completed a wave of smooth Gank, which brought the backward situation back to some disadvantages.

Then the two teams entered a short period of development.

At 13 minutes into the game,
Lu Yang controlled Akali to push a wave of lines into the crab's tower area, then retreated and disappeared from view as usual, and then invaded the upper half of the enemy's wild area.

In this regard, IG's players are very cautious.

First of all, Rookie's Daomei in the middle retreats to avoid the roaming Gank that Lu Yang often engages in. At the same time, it also provides reinforcements for Ning in the upper half of the jungle.

As long as he dares to enter the wild area,
Then Hui needs to face the encirclement and suppression of the three IG players in the middle and upper field.

But at this moment,
They heard a sharp warning signal.

JKL: "Their junglers are circling behind, and Galio is also running down. Help me, brothers."

talking room,
Tian's jungle blind monk has been exposed to the vision of the triangle grass eye, completely cutting off the retreat route of the IG bottom duo.

It is impossible to retreat now, we can only fight in groups.

Rookie's sword sister took the lead in using TP to pass to the bottom lane area, trying to assist this wave of retreat.

Duke's crabs are waiting.

After all, Lu Yang's top laner Akali has not yet appeared in the field of vision.


Looking at the game information in front of him, Lu Yang frowned and said, "I'm TP, I can play this wave."

The voice just fell,

He then used a TP teleport to the line.

Immediately, Duke's crabs also followed TP, forming a wave of partial four-on-five in an instant.

Although Ning's wild wine barrel is not nearby,
However, as long as IG operates properly, it is not impossible for them to fight, and they may even be the key group to reverse the situation.

"Two top laners TP!!!"

"Rookie's sword girl landed first, and Cryin Galio also entered the range of the ultimate move. Both sides want to fight this wave."

"Tian circled back to the front, this wave is not easy to circle around."


While explaining the speech,

Qiuqiu's assistant, Pike, tried to throw a Q skill [Bone-penetrating Spike].

The dark green dagger slashed across a straight line, and accurately hooked to Daomei who had just landed, ready to use the old thief's ad Jin to fight a wave first.

However, Rookie didn't hesitate at all.

Immediately, he flashed his hand with an R, rushed forward and threw a bunch of sharp blades, instantly evaded the E skill that was pulled back by Pike, and at the same time covered the Taobo bottom lane duo in front of him within the range of the R skill .

Without a moment's hesitation,

He connected to a Qa-E-Ea-Q skill set.

At the same time, Baolan's assistant Tam threw out a Q skill tongue, and then cooperated with Delevingne's long-range big move.

in a blink,
As the ultimate crispy auxiliary, Pike was the first to die.

"It will take a while for Cryin's Galio's big move to land, and Qiuqiu's Pike is down!!!"

"Brother Ma is a bit dangerous, so he was forced to dodge."

"Tian's blind monk W stepped forward to give the shield, and Cryin's Galio landed, knocking the sword girl into the air, and IG's follow-up attack was blocked."

"JKL Delevingne's ax has been stacked up, and two cuts have knocked out a chunk of blood."

"Brother outrageous, do you still want to fight?"


Just when the offense and defense of the two teams stagnated,
The teleportation of Lu Yang and Duke landed one after another, and then the former rushed forward without hesitation for a period of R skills, and rushed towards JKL's Delevingne like a ghost.

Akali rushed into the IG back row lineup and quickly connected with an E skill.

In an instant,
Baolan's assistant Tamm quickly swallowed Delevingne with a W skill, and let the dart of the E skill hit the rear soldier.

"Can fight!"

Lu Yang's second stage E stepped forward, returned to IG's back row area again, and then turned on a smoke of W skill to hide inside, as if stuck in IG's throat like a fishbone.

Faced with such a situation,
IG can only choose to return to defense and prepare to deal with this crispy assassin first.

Duke's crab turns on the W skill, and at the same time uses a Q skill to test his hiding position.

Rookie's knife girl also retreated and squatted.

this moment,
Lu Yang attracted the attention of all enemy members and created a wave of excellent entry opportunities for his own midfielders.

After hearing his words,

Galio of Cryin flashed forward at the first time, and then taunted with the W skill, controlling the three IG players, Crab, Tam, and Daomei.

However, Tian's blind monk was not idle either.

Immediately, a flash-R kicked Draven who had just spit out of Tam's mouth, and then connected a precise QQE skill set to beat JKL's Draven to a state of residual blood.


Seeing this, Lu Yang stepped forward without hesitation.

There was a muffled buzz!
His Akali penetrated the IG lineup like a sharp knife.

At this moment, a scene with a 100% synchronization rate appeared on the game screen, and Draven, who was still bloody, flashed to adjust his position, and then healed himself to prepare for another round of output.

However, Akali unexpectedly predicted his flashing location.


JKL's ad Delevingne just flashed to the ground.

Lu Yang followed, and Akali's R skill broke out at the second level, plus a basic attack + Q skill with special effects, instantly harvesting the last remaining blood of the prey in front of him.

Suddenly, there was a burst of shouts in the live broadcast room of the game:

"Tobo Ueno cut the back row hard, Jack fell!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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