Others play professional, you are here to play highlights?

Chapter 453 Signature Levin, top laner Charlie!

Chapter 453 Signature Levin, top laner Charlie!
"Now, let us usher in the summer finals between Taobo and IG!"

After the host Yu Shuang finished his last opening remarks,

Players from both sides went to their respective players' bench areas in accordance with pre-match rehearsals to prepare for equipment debugging before the start of the BP link.

When Lu Yang walked to the seat,
There was a sudden roar in the auditorium area near the stage of the stadium:
"Brother outrageous, you are so handsome, I like you!!!"

The volume of this sentence is very high, even though it is separated by a long distance, it is still transmitted to the ears of the three commentators and the audience in front of the screen through the on-site recording equipment.

hear this,

The doll who was the commentator seemed to be unable to hold back a laugh, and said quickly:
"Pfft... The fans of the outrageous brother at the scene are very enthusiastic."

The director quickly showed a scene to the audience.

I saw a rather plump heavyweight female audience standing up from the front seat, excitedly holding the light board and swinging towards the stage, like a fanatical star fan.

Then the director also showed the camera to the Taobo player seat on the other side.

can see

Lu Yang didn't sit down immediately, but smiled and waved to the auditorium over there, and said a word at the same time.

But since there is no microphone nearby, no one knows what he said.

Immediately, the bullet screens in the live broadcast room of the game swiped the screen and joked:

"Brother outrageous, I like you too!!!"

"Woooo, there is no response, I am so gentle, you cry to death."

"What did I say earlier?"

"I heard it, let you guess, probably: you hate women?"

"Fart, you're obviously saying: The storm is going to catch fire!!!"

"NMD, where is the game spy, the house manager kicked me out."

"You can read mouth shapes, brother outrageous is saying..."

"Stop talking and panting, what did the pangolin say?"

"Don't tell me, this male fan is quite small. (Pointing to the light board)"

"Indeed, the light board is very round..."


When a bunch of bullet screens are caught in a guessing game,

Tang Gui had already turned around and sat down, put on the heavy competition headphones, and was about to adjust his keyboard and mouse equipment.

that time,
The director also turned the camera back to the commentary area.


Looking at the picture outside the screen, Akali joked jokingly:

"If the distance is far away now, as a loyal fan of Brother Outrageous, you also want to give me a shout."

The voice just fell,

Miller next to him smiled and said:

"Actually, you can also shout now. Anyway, after the first game is over, you can watch the video too."

Wawa followed suit and said, "Indeed."


Akali turned her head and glanced at the two colleagues who seemed to be trying to make trouble, and then fell silent.

When the eight commentators were chatting for time,
The game screen switched to the front stage area again, and a special BP interface for the summer finals popped up on both sides, and some cool special effects can be seen around each player's ID.

"BP is over."

Doll, who is the control commentator, quickly adjusted the topic:
"Let you take a look at the first round of BP between Taobo and IG."

talking room,
The two teams started the first round of BP contest.

The IG on the blue side first bans the eight heroes of Sword Demon, Qinggangying, and Ryze.

However, whether Taobo stared at one position and slammed to death, but took turns locking out the bulk combination of Chaffinch, Olaf, and Kai'Sa.

"Huh? IG's eighth move Bna dropped Ryze."

"Now Irelia is free..."

Tang Guiyuan frowned, and then said firmly:
"That's definitely trying to grab Daomei, we can play that hero in the middle and bottom lanes."

The voice just fell,

The IG of the blue side took the lead in targeting a blade dancer-Irelia.


A bunch of "professional" barrage content was immediately posted in the live broadcast room of the game.

Then Taobo selected a group of middle field combination of blind monk + Wai Ao, and then IG locked a group of field assistant lineup of Tam + wine barrel.

"Hit wild wine barrels?"

"What's the problem, although the selection rate of the barrel has decreased recently, it is still a very bad jungler."

"What is Tao Bo's eighth pick?"

"Jhin? That's outrageous, brother's bot lane must be supplemented with damage."


As the narration sounded,

The two teams quickly completed the first round of BP, and then continued to retreat to the seventh round.

IG chose to add a group of auxiliary Thresh + Titans to Ban.

Tao Bo is banning two more Verus + Zoe, preparing to block some of the enemy's mid-top hero pools.

stop here,
All eyes are focused on the top seven blank spots.

"In the seventh round, Taobo will be selected first."

Looking at the picture outside the screen, Miller said aloud:
"Tao Bo chose to lock Pike in the auxiliary position first, and leave the first Conte position to Brother Outrageous. What's wrong with such a decision."

"Over there on IG..."

"First choose Urgot, a fearsome tank for Duke. It is a crab that has just been revised recently. Later, Doinb also chose it to play in the middle lane. The game effect is not bad."

"It's confirmed now... the sword girl who was just selected is for the Rookie player in the middle lane."

"Draven is selected for the first adc position."

"That's also Jack's signature hero. IG's lineup in that game looked full of defensiveness."


While explaining the speech,

The BP of the two teams is coming to an end, only Taobo, the red team, has the top spot still to be determined.

There is still waiting for the commentary and the audience to guess what to choose.

A dark green profile picture was selected for Taobo's seventh spot, and the lock was firmly completed with a bang.

As for the name of this hero, it is called:
Outlier thorn, single Aka.

So far, the lineups of the two teams have been selected.

IG (blue side): Order crab, play wild wine barrel, mid-single swordsman, ad Delevingne, assist Tamm.

Tao Bo (red side): Ze Yuanli is the next player, blind monk is the jungler, mid laner and foreigner, ad Jhin, and Pike is the support.


Looking at the broken lineup information behind him,

Akali said in surprise:

"Tuigui, did the two teams play tricks after the first game?"

Although the single Aka in the current stage has been revised,

However, that hero has still been thoroughly explored by the players, and most of the time he is chosen in the middle lane, playing the role of the single assassin in the face.


Now the outrageous brother actually chose Tang Guiyuan to place an order! ?


Miller flipped through the explanatory materials behind his face, and then said:
"That's the seventh appearance of Xiaguan Ze Yuanli."

"In the Snake team's game in the later period, Xuan Jun selected Xia Tang Guiyuanli, but the record of 3-4-4 was special at that time, and he could lead the team to victory."

"In IG's game, there was no support for Tam. You feel that it is difficult for Aka alone to play the role of an assassin outside of team battles."

Akali next door echoed.

Before listening to the speeches of two colleagues,

Doll hurriedly made a sound to bring the topic back to the game:

"The lineup of the two teams has been determined, and the next one will be the first game between Taobo and IG in the final Bo5."


(End of this chapter)

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