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Chapter 438 Cloth Armored Sword Demon, Stain 1 Blood!

Chapter 438 Cloth Armored Sword Demon, Stained with Blood!

When the jungler reached the river, Cryin's Ryze had retreated to a safe distance.

Even if Xiaohu's mid laner is deliberately selling, he has no intention of stepping forward to consume it, and always stands in an area outside the EQ range.

This makes RNG Nakano look a little embarrassed.

According to their plan,
This wave is a flash of Ryze in the middle of the 2nd level Gank, which limits Taobo's early running line in the middle, and at the same time makes Xiaohu's clockwork more comfortable.

However, Cryin's cautious positioning made it impossible for Xiangguo to directly hit the air with a double combo.

Unless it's EQ flash?
After a brief hesitation,

Mlxg still chose not to force Gank, and went straight to the upper half of the wild area by bypassing the middle road.

Looking at the jungle prince who seems to be "passing by",

Guan Zeyuan, who was the commentator, said in amazement: "Cryin's wave is so stable, the two remaining blood soldiers won't eat if they don't want to eat."

The voice just fell,

Cat next to him echoed:

"This is necessary. After all, everyone knows about Unbelievable's anti-Gank sense. Cryin must have learned something secretly."

"Indeed, there seems to be a warning signal on the mini-map just now."

Wang remembered to follow along.

talking room,
The game is still going on. Since Xiangguo's Prince Gank failed, the junglers on both sides have temporarily entered the rhythm of clearing the jungle.

On the other side, there was no conflict between the middle and lower lanes.

First of all, Ryze and Clockwork in the middle are both weak in combat.

As for the duo,
Although RNG has some advantages, Uzi's ad Verus did not have much advantage because of Tamm's support.


The director cut the camera frequently to the road area.

Compared with the middle and bottom lanes, the top lane competition between the two teams can be said to be very intense.

As the online level increases,
Letme's sword demon also gradually got rid of some consumed states, and actively used the advance distance of the E skill to try to fight back and suppress consumption.

However, the effect he gained was mediocre.

as it is now,
Letme just wanted to use the second stage Q+E to fight a wave of skills.

But Lu Yang's Quinn did not retreat, but took a step forward to face the sword demon, barely avoiding the front-end knocking range of the second-stage Q, and then threw a close-to-face Q skill [Dazzling Offensive] .

Immediately, Letme's sword demon fell into a state of blocking vision.


The operation in Lu Yang's hands did not stop, he quickly connected to the last E skill, and then jumped out of the falling range of Sword Demon's third stage Q.

Then he moved a step to the side without stopping.

next moment,
Letme's sword demon missed a chain of W skills, and then hurriedly used the second stored E skill to pull back the distance.

However, Lu Yang took advantage of the situation and launched a basic attack.

Quickly trigger "Phase Rush".

Then use this speed-up to stick forward, chasing Letme abruptly and hitting two consecutive "vulnerable" damage boosts, suppressing its blood volume to 30% down.

Although Sword Demon itself has recovery characteristics,
However, he still couldn't stand the frequent long-distance consumption, and Lu Yang brought the Flash + Ignite skill set, so he had no choice but to go back to the city to update his equipment and status.

"Letme was beaten back to the city first."

Guan Zeyuan frowned, and then said, "Look at it this way..."

"Recently, the sword demon who is often in the ban position, it seems that the priority of the ban position is not as high as expected."

As soon as this word comes out,
The bullet screens in the live broadcast room of the game swiped the screen to ridicule:

"Hey, Letme can play Sword Demon!?"

"Stiff combo, like a zombie, it can only be said that he played like he just practiced."

"Please, this is the top single shooter who beat the outrageous brother!"

"Indeed, if RNG is on the road and stabilizes, it will be considered a success!!!"

"If you change the top order, it is estimated that you will be eaten by the order at this time?"

"Where's the jungler? Hurry up and save him."

"Don't worry, later, when the sixth-level upper field jumps the tower, the crispy shooter dies suddenly, and the sword demon will turn around and understand."

"Fuck, letme go back to the city and directly produce cloth armor, is that fucking playing sword demon?"

"Unbelievably stable, the first piece is going to be cloth armor shoes?"


While a bunch of screens keep swiping,

To support the combustion, a death message popped up on the screen:
[The heart of Fereljord has died. 】

[First blood! 】

The moment this prompt popped up,
The director quickly switched the screen to the bottom lane area, but he could only see a corpse with a shield lying on the ground, and AD Kai'Sa whose blood had returned to the area under the tower.

In this regard, the bullet screens once again swiped the screen to complain about the amateurishness of the director and cut screens.

Through the playback video screen,
It can be seen that Ming's assistant Tahm took the lead with a Q skill to slow down, Uzi's Verus has been chasing the output of basic attacks, and Mlxg's jungler prince intercepted from the side.

Even with a flash,
In the end, Qiuqiu could not escape the fate of death.

Mlxg's jungle prince's EQ and blitz flew, and then Uzi's ad Verus completed the harvest with a Q skill.

Immediately, the RNG fans at the scene burst into cheers.


at the same time,

There was a brief silence in Taobo's bench.


Qiuqiu scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and then said, "The deceleration of the Q skill just didn't work, mine."

Old thief Sima: "..."

Maybe it's because the recent competition has been won too smoothly.

Now the sudden rhythm of sending first blood made the four players feel a little uncomfortable.


Lu Yang glanced at the seats of his teammates next to him, then said with a smile:

"It's okay, just wait for me to swim later."

hear this,

Although the Taobo team didn't say anything, their mental and emotional aspects were more stable, and they didn't continue to remain silent as before.

With Uzi's Verus getting first blood,

RNG seems to have entered its own rhythm, frequently seizing vision resources through the advantage of the bottom lane, and compressing the development space of the old thief and Qiuqiu.

at the same time,

On both sides of the road, they are still in a state of "bullying".

With the characteristics of E skill + "Dash",
Lu Yang continued to use the range advantage to fight some consumption suppression, so as to control the online area, and Letme's sword demon fell into a state of silence.

Mlxg passed by several times on the road,

However, he is very familiar with Lu Yang, an old teammate, and he hasn't been on the road since he failed to catch him twice.

At 7 minutes into the game,
Lu Yang used his skills to push a wave of lines into the enemy tower, then pressed B to return to the city, and then quickly bought a vampire scepter + level 1 shoes.

His Quinn didn't go to the online area.

Instead, with the flying effect of the R skill [deep behind enemy lines], he went straight to the middle of the road.

This scene immediately caught the commentator's attention.

"Brother outrageous, is this trying to Gank a wave of mid lane?"

"Walk around the back, or go around a big wave, cleverly avoiding RNG's side view of the river."


talking room,
Lu Yang's Quinn has already circled to the back of RNG's middle lane.

Immediately, he sent a marking signal to Xiaohu's mid laner, and said at the same time: "Go, fuck him!"


(End of this chapter)

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