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Chapter 431 Funny 1 vs 3, King Qin circles the column

Chapter 431 Funny one hits three, King Qin circles the column

Stone giant + Yasuo! ?
When VG selected this lineup,
Both the commentators and the audience understand what they mean. These guys have no plans to win the game!
Because the error tolerance rate of this classic combination is very low.

First of all, the two heroes have only one big move to cooperate, either to kill themselves or to kill the opponent.

If the online development is poorer by then.

Then, these two are roughly equivalent to super soldiers with little effect, and at most they can provide a wind wall + control.


With the finalization of the lineup,
Soon, the two teams began to compete in the second game.

"Brother Unbelievable chose Jess in this round."

Looking at the game screen on the screen, Wang remembers to say:

"I think outrageous brother will have to pay attention to guarding against Gank later, Shi Ju + Yasuo, this lineup was chosen to cause trouble."

talking room,
The second game kicked off.

After the disastrous defeat in the first game, VG played very steadily and cautiously in the second game, or rather cowardly. All three lanes were stable enough to give up some lines.

As a jungler, Swift is even more immersed in brushing, and has no intention of Gank at all.


In this game, you can see a scene that is rare in passers-by games.

VG's three routes were suppressed.

Taobo's three-route crazily suppressed towers, as if he hadn't considered the enemy's jungle Gank at all. In about 7 minutes, they forcibly consumed 50% of the durability of the three outer towers.

Immediately, the barrage in the live broadcast room of the game couldn't sit still and complained:

"I'm super, VG is messing with people, isn't it, NM chose this lineup to encourage development!?"

"VG is really tortured, the entertainment lineup is playing steadily, you really have it."

"RNM, refund your money!!!"

"Hey, it's better to go up and give it away if you play like this. Maybe you can set a record for the number of deaths in a single game, or the record for ending a game in 10 minutes."

"Ten minutes is too much. Will this be judged as a fake match?"


At 9 minutes into the game,
The two middle and field players of VG seemed to finally remember that they were playing a game, and each gave up a set of wild monsters and pawn lines, and quietly went around the upper lane area.

This scene,
Immediately attract the attention of the commentator and the audience.

The director also quickly gave a shot, allowing the audience to see VG's Nakano Gank route and the online status of the outrageous brother.

Wang remembers: "Brother outrageous, I have to go, VG Nakano is making moves."

Zhou Shuyi: "Outrageous brother, run away!!!"

At this time, Lu Yang was still doing some pulling and consumption under the tower.

Bang, bang.

He controlled Jess to stand in front of the tower and shook his head back and forth to hit two basic attacks, stepped on the edge of the coverage of the defensive tower, and abruptly lowered the blood volume of Audi's stone man to a dying state, seemingly unaware of the VG middle field members on the side .

Seeing that his blood volume is about to bottom out,
Audi first stepped back a few steps, and then pretended to return to the city with the B key.

The moment VG Nakano stepped out of the river.

Without hesitation, he used a flash to shorten the distance, and then released an R skill [Unstoppable] close to his face, trying not to give Brother Outrageous any room to react.

However, Audi's cautious machine failed to play a role.


Lu Yang's attention was very focused.

Immediately after that, use a Q skill + flash, quickly hit a Q skill railgun, and at the same time avoid the big move of the stone man.

There was a muffled bang!
Audi's boulder not only hit the open space by itself, but also hit the electromagnetic gun left on the spot head-on, and instantly lost a lot of blood.

Before he came back to his senses,

Lu Yang, who had just landed in a flash, used his W skill to hit three basic attacks in a row,
clap clap,
Accurately harvest the residual blood of a piece of stone man.

At the same time, Swift and the mid laner also rushed to the scene at this time.

Although the top laner died one step earlier,
But since all of them have come here, they still have the advantage of two against one, so they can't just retreat with their tails between their legs.

Without a moment's hesitation,

Swift's wild male gun took the lead in sliding forward with an E, then fired a W smoke bomb in the direction of Lu Yang, and added the Q skill [Endless End].

At the same time, Yasuo, the mid laner of VG, also had a face-to-face EQ.

In an instant,
Lu Yang fell into a 1v2 siege.

However, he didn't panic at all, and quickly released a section of E skill Hex acceleration door behind him.

Then switch to the hammer form of melee.

Relying on the two-stage acceleration of the Hexgate + switching form, Lu Yang quickly escaped from the range of the smoke bomb and the second stage of the male gun's Q skill, and retreated a certain distance.

At this moment, it is naturally impossible for VG Nakano to let him leave easily.

Swift's wild male gun chased forward, and the mid laner Yasuo hurriedly chased and hit the Q skill, trying to create a hurricane.

But the follow-up game screen made the commentator and the audience exclaimed.


Lu Yang actually twisted off three stages of [Steel Slash].

"Swift's male gun flashes forward and deals damage, and Yasuo wants to use his Q skill to gather wind."

"But... brother outrageous is moving!"

"The first Q skill, twist it off, the second one, twist it off again, and the third one, it's still twisted off!?"

"Brother outrageous, it's open!!!"

"Because Yasuo's damage is not complete, even if Swift has been dealing damage, the current output is still a bit insufficient."

"Tian's blind monk is coming!"


When the commentary sounded,

Lu Yang suddenly chose to move in the opposite direction, overlapped with VG's mid laner Yasuo, and then took a certain amount of damage, and then adjusted his position to hit the hammer E skill [Thunder Strike].

There was a muffled bang!
Immediately, VG's mid laner Yasuo was knocked forward.

Not a moment stands still,

He immediately took advantage of this to make a certain displacement, and suddenly stepped forward with the Q skill, quickly getting out of the attack range of Swift's male gun.

at the same time,

Tian's jungler blind monk also arrived at the scene, and immediately gave Lu Yang a W skill to shield.

"Tian's blind monk is here, W gives the shield."

"The Q skill kicked Yasuo, the R-flash round kick knocked two flying, and the outrageous brother turned around and output."

"Yasuo is the first to die!"

"Swift's male gun just used up the flash, this wave is a bit difficult to escape."

"Swift wants to replace Brother Outrageous, but the blind monk is blocking the gun, three people are circling, and King Qin is walking around the pillar."


With the sound of commentary,
A funny scene appeared on the game screen.

Tian's blind monk stood in the middle, Lu Yang's blood was hidden behind, Swift's male gun kept circling around, and the two of them circled clockwise and counterclockwise like this.

After they went around two or three times in a row.

Swift still hasn't been able to complete the swap.

When Tian's second Q skill cools down, he suddenly kicks the target, and then cooperates with Lu Yang to switch back to the long-range electromagnetic gun, and the two Qs kill the male gun's life.

So far, this wave of farce on the road has come to an end.

"Ah this..."

Looking at Taobo Ueno who quickly cleared the line in the screen, Wang Jiji said tactfully:
"Just now VG's upper, middle and wild cooperation seems to have a million little flaws."


(End of this chapter)

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