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Chapter 414 Young Duke, Clid is in a hurry

Chapter 414 Young Duke, Clid is in a hurry

"Zoom player's Gnar gigantic."

"However, Brother Outrageous's Jess reacted very quickly. He dodged his ult in a flash, turned around and shot, and cooperated with Tian's jungler blind monk to complete the tower jump kill."


With the sound of commentary,
Taobo's record in the game screen has risen to seven kills, while JDG on the other side has only a single value of 1.

However, the game at this time has only just reached 13 minutes.

That's right,

It is now the second game between JDG and Taobo.

After the fiasco of the first game,

Redmi, coach of JDG, quickly adjusted his strategy, allowing Zoom to choose Gnar, the toothpaste in the middle to choose Ryze, and the jungler to add an excavator with ad output. It can almost be said to be a replica of Taobo's lineup in the previous game.

However, the results they obtained appear to be less than ideal.

According to the vision of the Redmi coach, they should play steadily, and rely on Ryze + Gnar to play some rhythm advantages in the middle and late stages of the game.


Zoom's top laner Gnar quickly became a breakthrough.

Tian's Blind Monk ganked several waves in succession, and combined with Lu Yang's signature Jayce, he forcibly penetrated the line, and even pushed down a defensive tower without using the canyon.

Although he has the training of a "famous top laner coach",

However, the current Duke of Zoom is still a little green, and he can't stand the oppressive feeling of repeated flipping.

As time goes by,
In 15 minutes, Tao Bo took control of the second canyon pioneer, took advantage of the situation and made a push, hitting two defensive towers in the middle.

In 18 minutes, Lu Yang singled out Zoomnar who was defending the line on the road.

At 19 minutes, Tian's blind monk kicked in a roundabout way, and cooperated with the old thief's output to kill Laoken.

Not long after,

The game has gone to 21 minutes.


Lu Yang made a sign signal, and then said: "Let's squat here for a while, who has real eyes?"

The voice just fell,

Cryin next to him responded immediately: "I have, I have."

While speaking, he placed a control guard in the grass area at the bottom of his feet to ensure that there was no enemy's vision nearby.


A slightly funny scene appeared in the game footage.

I saw Taobo's five team members squatting in the grass at the exit of the river, as if they were all stuck and disconnected.


Looking at the picture in front of him, the baby said aloud: "This wave is a bit forced to squat."

"Indeed, there is no vision nearby, and Lumao just went home to fix his eyes. JDG players should not approach them. At most, they will use their vision to take a picture of their vision to prevent stealing dragons."

Miller next door chimed in.

But as soon as the words were spoken,

Toothpaste Ryze, who had just cleaned up a wave of lines, leaned towards the river, first used his big move to look at Longtan's field of vision, and then went straight across the wild area as if he was in a daze.

He is crazy! ?

Before the toothpaste walked a few steps away.

A white energy ball appeared in the dim field of vision, accurately kicking his Ryze, and then Tian's blind monk [-]-stage Q stepped forward, and then aE slapped the floor to slow down.

There is no room for manipulation,

next moment,
Lu Yang's top laner Jess, the old thief's ad Lucian, and Cryin's mid laner Rock Sparrow, instantly set fire to melt the crispy mage in front of him.

"Ah... the toothpaste contestant is a little careless."

This dramatic game scene,
It made the two commentators feel a little confused. Can he lean forward without vision?

at the same time,

With the death of JDG's mid laner Ryze, the Taobo players who had just completed the sneak attack turned to the Dragon Pit, ready to quickly swipe a wave of Barons.

In this regard, JDG felt a little flustered.

Especially Clid, who is a jungler, kept yelling in the voice, and even yelled a few times in Korean anxiously.

"Axi, why does Ryze lean over there?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, you attract their attention, I'll go around and try to snatch the dragon."


After a short discussion,
JDG chose the riskier dragon grab, the frontal trio attracted attention, and then let Clid's jungle excavator grab a wave of Baron.

Just grab it.

Then, it is possible for them to complete a reversal!

"Zoom's Gnar is accumulating rage points, he jumped into the dragon pit in a giant form and hit three times, Ma Ge was also hooked by the green-haired Thresh."

"Is Clid's excavator going to ban the dragon pit and grab the dragon?"

Seeing that Baron Nash's blood volume is getting lower and lower, Clid is also fully prepared to grab the dragon.

But at this moment,
Tian kicked out the Q skill on the baron, then went straight to the wall, quickly found the trace of Clid's excavator, and suddenly kicked out the R skill [Dragon Wagging Tail].

"One library!"

With a classic line sounded,

Clid's jungle excavator flew upside down like a ball for a certain distance.

Afterwards, Tian's blind monk returned to the Dragon Pit with the second-stage Q. Cooperating with the beheading effect attached to the skill, he accurately punished and harvested the Baron's remaining blood.

[The red side has killed Baron Nash. 】

Immediately, a wave of "666" bullet screens appeared in the game live broadcast room.

"I'm super, handsome!!!"

"Hahaha, I'll send you away thousands of miles away."

"This blind boy is too stable, he even touched his eyes and kicked him away before punishing him."

"It can only be said that...experienced?"


When the ownership of the baron is determined,
The positive members of JDG who were interfering just now became the focus of attention.

First, Zoom's Gnar was beaten up.

Even the gigantic Gnar couldn't withstand the output fire of many Taobo players, and fell to the ground and died in a quick wave of blood.

"Zoom's Gnar flashes away!?"

"Brother Outrageous didn't intend to let him run, leap to the sky, slow down, Brother Ma will slide forward again, kill him on the spot!"

"Lvmao and Laoken are also a bit dangerous. The two fled in a flash and were very decisive, otherwise they might be caught by the chaffinch."

"But, what about JDG's subsequent defense?"


While the two commentators were speaking,
Lu Yang and his teammates turned to the lane area, and then carried a wave of Baron Buff-enhanced artillery lanes, approaching the JDG mid-lane high ground with no external defense towers.

Faced with such a quick attack,

JDG's surviving trio lineup can be said to be helpless.

Although the blind monk's roundabout kick was cooling down, Lu Yang's heavy artillery Jess alone was enough to defeat their defense.

as it is now,
The moment when a wave of cannon cars reached the high ground.

Lu Yang suddenly fired a slanted QE-enhanced electromagnetic cannonball, and accurately located Laoken on the high ground. With a bang, a huge amount of HP was instantly consumed.

This is just the first shot.

Hey, hey, hey.

After several consecutive shots were fired,
JDG's middle and top have been revived one after another, but the defensive trio in the front have fallen into residual blood one after another, and have no choice but to return to the spring area behind to replenish blood.


Taobo's players took advantage of this wave of gaps.

All members swarmed up to dismantle the broken JDG highland defense tower, and then continued to flock to a rear highland crystal.

However, they did not leave after dismantling the high ground in the middle road.

Instead, they continued to push in with a few remaining long-range soldiers. They were preparing to end the game in one wave! ?


(End of this chapter)

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