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Chapter 406 Winning Comes Back, Losing Surrenders! ?

Chapter 406 Winning Comes Back, Losing Surrenders! ?

With the fall of a central defense tower,
The situation faced by BLG is getting more and more serious, and it has even collapsed.


The collapse of this middle tower was a bit premature.

In about 10 minutes, BLG's central tower became a pile of architectural ruins, which led to a bilateral domino effect.

The first is that BLG's defensive vision must shrink.

Then, Knight's mid laner Enchantress left the laning period ahead of time, and the jungler Qinggangying Gank and wilderness will also be affected, and it is necessary to beware of ambushes in the wild at any time.

On the other hand, Taobo is investing more offensive resources.

that's it,
The two teams entered into a fast-paced offensive and defensive contest.

In 12 minutes, Cryin's Zoe ambushed in the wild area, and cooperated with Tian's blind monk to intercept and kill the jungler Qinggangying.

In 14 minutes, Knight tried to hit a wave of rhythm, forced Gank to hit the road, kept the ball's auxiliary barrel, and cut it off with Pike's big move.

At 16 minutes, Lu Yang's old boat slowed down with two waves of continuous barreling, then used a big move to make up for the damage, and then flashed an aQ to complete a single attack on Gnar.


Looking at the game screen on the screen, Wang Duoduo said aloud:

"Brother Unbelievable's two waves of barrels are very smooth, and Gnar can't escape even if he wants to run after jumping back with his E skill."

The voice just fell,

Cat next door echoed:

"Indeed, AJ was a bit reluctant to flash at the beginning, if he flashed earlier, I guess the outrageous brother would not chase after him."

While the two commentators were speaking,

AJ's Gnar is revived, and Taobo's team members have also gone to Longkeng to control the second Canyon Pioneer.

However, BLG's choice was beyond everyone's expectations.

They actually chose to take this wave of groups in a disadvantaged situation, and even occupied half of the view of Longkeng in advance. If the data panel was covered, the audience in front of the screen would think that the superior side was forcing the group.

"What does that mean?"

Looking at the BLG selection on the screen, Cat said without hesitation:
"I think BLG seems a bit overwhelmed when they dare to play with Taobo, or they want to speed up the game?"

As soon as this word comes out,
The barrage in the live broadcast room of the game showed a lot of ridicule:
"I'm super, BLG wants to fast-forward and accelerate!?"

"Meow, if you win, you will come back, if you lose, you will go to the next round, and the torture will end sooner."

"BLG: Swing!"

"Don't worry, as long as BLG kills outrageous brother, Ma brother, and Cryin in seconds, this wave can still be fought."

"AJ's Gnar is fighting wild monsters to gather anger, they really want to fight hard?"

"So urgent? It's a match-fixing match, right?"

"Ding, the bank card has arrived!"

"Abstract, nmd was cowardly before, but now he is brave!?"


When a bunch of barrage discussions abound,
Lu Yang has already controlled his old boat to walk to the middle area. Instead of going directly to the river, he placed an explosive barrel and detonated it with Q to clear out a wave of soldiers, and then rushed to the frontal river battlefield.

Therefore, a bunch of "greedy" barrages appeared in the live broadcast room of the game.


He glanced at the dim vision of the enemy's blue buff area, and then said:

"Pay attention to Gnar's position, his ult just didn't work."

Tian: "I'm keeping an eye on Qing Gang Ying, this wave needs both people and canyons."

Qiuqiu: "I resist the canyon, I resist."

Old thief: "..."

Although the current leading advantage has reached more than 7000 economies, Taobo's team members have not slackened and continued to maintain the execution focus they should have.

Not long after,

Tao Bo took the lead in mobilizing the canyon vanguard, pulling out the giant crab in the dragon pit, as if he didn't care about the BLG members on the side.

However, the BLG players are on the side of the upper lane.

Knight wanted to steal some output damage from the side, but the area close to the middle was controlled by Taobo, so he could only return to the front to see if he could find some opportunities to break the game.

As time goes by,
The blood volume of the canyon pioneer is continuously declining, and he is on the verge of being killed.

The players on the BLG side gradually couldn't bear it anymore.
I saw AJ's Gnar and the jungler Qing Gangying pressing forward together, and Road's assistant Pike also entered a stealthy state of stealth.

Just when the eyes on the back of the canyon pioneer opened,
Road's assistant, Pike, showed up to charge up a Q skill, which attracted everyone's attention. At the same time, AJ's Gnar jumped twice in a row with his E skill, and flew towards the back row of Taobo's formation, and suddenly slapped his R skill [Nah what】.

Immediately, Tian's blind monk and auxiliary wine barrel were pushed against the wall.

The old thief Sima was also forced to use an E skill backwards to open the distance, and Taobo's formation was also briefly divided as a result.

"Little Chief's wild Qinggang Shadow is here!"

"He stepped forward with an E hook, the R skill locked Zoe, and Knight also followed up with two steps. They wanted to quickly reduce the number of personnel first."


With the sound of commentary,
All of BLG's output hit Cryin's Zoe, trying to kill a mid laner before Taobo regrouped, and then used it to do some pulling operations.


The moment when the bewitching witch stepped forward.

Cryin's Zoe used the R skill to make a short displacement to avoid the fatal output damage, causing BLG's middle field to pause for a moment.

Just at this time,

A dynamite barrel was thrown out of the grass in the dim river.

With a plop, it landed under the soles of the Deceitful Fairy and Qinggang Ying, and then a group of hot flames followed, and exploded, instantly covering both Knight and the little chief, causing huge physical critical damage .

However, this is not the end.

A powder keg reappeared in the open space behind them.

There was a muffled bang!
The third explosive barrel detonated, quickly creating a wave of super-long-range bombardment with serial explosions, abruptly covering the AD Kai'Sa and auxiliary Pike on the edge of the battlefield.

With three consecutive explosions,

In an instant,
Whether it was the middle field in front, or the ad and support in the rear, the four BLG players all dropped 50% of their blood in an instant.

"Wow, outrageous brother hit a wave of huge AOE triple barrels!!!"

Before the explanation is finished,
Old Thief Sima's ad Lucian swiped out an R skill [Holy Spear Baptism], quickly maiming Qinggang Ying and Yao Ji in front of him.

At this time, BLG's Nakano didn't care about Zoe.

Only Qinggangying used a flash to open the distance, and Knight's Enchantress returned to her original position with her W skill, and then called AJ's Gnar to retreat together.

at the same time,

Tobo's Nosuke is also out of the stun state caused by Gnar.

Tian's blind monk ignored Remnant Blood Canyon, but moved forward with a quick eye touch, and then kicked a QR flash-Q combo.

"One library!"

With a classic line sounded,
The green steel shadow that had just flashed to the ground turned into a ball, was suddenly kicked back to the position before the flash, and knocked Gnar + Enchantress + Pike away like a string of candied haws.

"Up, up, up."

Lu Yang controlled the old boat and stepped forward, saying at the same time: "This wave is all accepted, all accepted!"


(End of this chapter)

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