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Chapter 389 Full control, Tianlei enters the arena

Chapter 389 Full control, Tianlei enters the arena

Due to the backwardness of the middle lane and ad, the situation of KT is getting more and more serious.

right now,

The team's hopes were betting on Smeb.

As long as his old ship develops, they can have some possibility of turning over.

However, the premise is that it can be delayed until that time.

After the middle and lower lane changes were completed, Taobo accelerated his own game rhythm. Tian and Qiuqiu frequently carried out some field support linkages, further compressing KT's development space.

In 13 minutes, Tian and Qiuqiu went to the top lane to Gank, forcing Smeb to retreat to the second tower.

In 15 minutes, Tobo Nosuke wandered down the road again and cooperated with Cryin's Galio to kill Ucal.

At 16 minutes, Tian's barrel Gank hit the road, forcing out Mata's Shen big move.

At 17 minutes into the game,
Tao Bo blatantly went to the top road to control the second Canyon Pioneer.

In this regard, KT has no idea of ​​competing.

After all, he is currently in a backward state, and there is no Shen's ultimate move as a protection for entering the field. Forcibly hitting is giving away a kill, so he chose to give up very "LCK".


They haven't realized the seriousness of this canyon pioneer.


Lu Yang sent a marking signal towards the enemy's wild area, and then said:

"Control the canyon first, and then prepare to push a wave in the middle, and Qiuqiu will give an eye to this position later, it is best to clear the nearby enemy's vision."

hear this,

Taobo's team members didn't have any complaints, and followed the instructions one after another.

The old thief Sima and Tian went to Longkeng to scan the canyon, and Cryin accompanied Qiuqiu's assistant Morgana to the wild area of ​​F6 to make a vision.

However, Lu Yang's Kenan seems to go to the road to eat the line very "independently".

without any suspense,

In the situation where KT had no intention of competing, Tian successfully controlled the second Canyon Herald.

Then Taobo's players immediately went to the middle area.

"Does Tao Bo want to push a wave of middle towers?"

Looking at the game screen in front of him, Miller said aloud:

"Although it's a bit urgent to use it directly, but if you push it away...it's okay, after all, it's really hard to push without a canyon in the middle tower guarded by big eyes."

The voice just fell,

Guan Zeyuan next to him said:

"I think it's a bit wasteful. This canyon can actually be used later."

talking room,
Tao Bo's four-man team gathered in the middle area, pushing the line blatantly, making no secret of their intention to hit the tower.

Immediately, KT players also returned to defend the middle.

Although it is a disadvantageous backward state,
However, no matter how you say it is a tower in the middle, they have to try their best to do a defensive workflow.

What if you can keep it?

When KT's players returned to defense,
Tao Bo had already pushed a wave of cannon cars into the tower, and then Tian's wine barrel crushed a canyon mark, summoning a second void crab to the front.

at the same time,

Kenan, who had just arrived on the road and finished eating, was counting down the seconds and returning to the city.

KT naturally noticed this information.

Mata quickly reminded:
"He may teleport out after returning to the city, save his skills, quickly clear the line, and fight the jungle to punish the canyon."

This is a very conventional way of thinking.

Push the tower in the front canyon, let the top laner go home and wait for the TP opportunity, and return to the line to develop if there is no suitable opportunity.

According to Mata's speculation,
This wave of our own should be able to clear the line and defend, and it can also give Smeb some room for development.

After all, mid laners and ad's range skills can quickly clear the line.


At the moment when Kenan was covered in the fog of war on the road, Lu Yang suddenly canceled the return to the city, and then directly used a teleport to the wild area on the side of the middle road.


Suddenly, a blue teleportation light penetrated the sky of Summoner Canyon.

However, due to the misjudgment of the return time to the city and the involvement of the vanguard in the middle of the canyon, none of the KT players noticed the abnormality in the side wild area.

There was a muffled bang!
As Taobo's four team members pressed forward, the ferocious canyon vanguard slammed forward, knocking off 50% of the durability of the KT middle tower in an instant.

Deft saw this.

Immediately released an R skill [Life Form Disintegration Ray].

Ucal's mid laner also hit a QE heavy artillery.

The two ranged skills quickly cleared the wave of cannon cars entering the tower, and only the wild boar girl stepped forward to punish the canyon pioneer.

Even Smeb's old ship's big move doesn't have to be used!

Thinking of this, Score hurriedly controlled his pig girl to step forward to punish her.

Just at this time,

Cryin's Galio took a step forward.

without any sign,

He immediately taunted with a decisive flash + W skill, and with a bang, he instantly controlled the four KT players in front of him.

A small figure also flashed in the dark side wild area.


With a short line remembered,

The mouse-like figure burst out a barrage of rockets, quickly moved forward for a certain distance, and then a storm of thunder and lightning emerged around itself.

In an instant, the violent thunder field covered the four KT players who had just fallen into taunts, RWR, three lightning bolts fell, and the third layer was passively triggered.

Before getting out of the control state of ridicule,
They immediately entered the second stage of dizziness.

However, the ad Verus of the old thief Sima also followed up with an R skill [corruption chain], and then started a period of stress-free tower jump output.

At the same time, Cryin's Galio also connected with an in-situ R skill [Justice Appears].

"Nice, Galio flashes and taunts four!"

"Brother Unbelievable's Kenan partition wall flashes, and Tianlei enters the arena!!!"

"Brother Ma is doing crazy output, Detf is the first to die, and Ucal seems to be a little bit unable to withstand it."

"Mata wanted to fight a wave of taunting sword formation, but Morgana gave him a black shield, and Ma Ge was still outputting crazily, and Ucal couldn't escape even if he flashed."

"Smeb gave a big move, but it's useless"

"Brother outrageous is fighting against the tower, is he going to be replaced?"

"He crushed the stopwatch, he didn't die!"

"Zero for three, Taobo's control over this wave of tower jumping is directly full!"


When the narrator is shouting loudly,
Deft's crispy big eyes were the first to die. Although Ucal's mid laner jungle flashed out, he was blown back by Tian's barrel E flash + R. Lu Yang shot another Q skill dart to harvest the remaining HP.

Mata's support, Shen Sacrifice, taunts forward with an E skill.

Not only failed to limit the output of Ad Verus, but also sent himself away.

Only Score's wild boar girl left managed to escape with a flash.


Lu Yang gave encouragement, then smiled and said:

"Cryin is driving beautifully, come on, this wave is trying to push directly to the high ground."

hear this,

Cryin touched his head in embarrassment and said:
"It's okay, it's okay, the main reason is that their formation is a little dense."


Meanwhile, KT's bench was dead silent.

All the players stared at the screen in astonishment, no one spoke, only the sound of some keyboard and mouse buttons being heard.


(End of this chapter)

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