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Chapter 372 The wine barrel made a mistake, the counseled Kiin

Chapter 372 The wine barrel made a mistake, the counseled Kiin
"Challenge me, mortal, I'm right here!"

As this line of heroic lines sounded,

The audience at the scene immediately burst into cheers, as if they were surprised by the lines just now.

Even Guan Zeyuan in the commentary seat couldn't help laughing and teasing:
"Ah... is this hero's line so appropriate? Now is the situation where Kiin is challenging Brother Outrageous."

The voice just fell,

Wang next door echoed as he remembered:

"Besides, it's still the first round after Sword Demon's rework. Let's wait and see how the effect will be."

talking room,
The players in the game screen have already completed a period of standing guard.

Go to the online area respectively.


Lu Yang controlled his sword demon to go up the road, and then occupied the front grass area, but instead of continuing to move forward, he placed a vision eye in the middle grass.

hum softly,
Immediately, he obtained the vision information of the dark grass.

wait a moment,

Kiin's Nuo Shou appeared in the grass area in front of him, trying to lay an ambush by occupying this position.

However, I haven't been able to take a few steps forward.
Lu Yang had already shot a Q skill [Darkborn Blade] forward, suddenly raised the darkborn giant sword in his hand and made a long and narrow slash, and skillfully hit Nuo's hand with the frontmost area, causing a cut in an instant. Physical damage and knock-up effect.

There was a muffled bang!
Kiin stopped walking forward abruptly.

Without any hesitation,

He hurriedly chose to retreat, instead of staying in the grass area in the middle, he was going to wait for the first wave of soldiers to go online before making any plans.

After all, Kiin still remembers the training match with Lu Yang back then.

In an instant,
The barrage in the LPL live broadcast room became lively:

"Huh? Is this cowardly!?"

"That's all, he dares to call LCK outrageous."

"To be honest, there is still some hope for him to come and squat on the grass sooner. Now it's time to clear the line quickly."

"Hehe, flash + teleportation, I think this promise's understanding is not as good as BUG."

"Fuck, it's really a flash, why doesn't the promise hand sprint!?"

"Indeed, he is not recognized by my old silver hand."


While a bunch of barrages continued to refresh the screen,

The first wave of soldiers on both sides of the lineup has already started to collide, and the director rate also gave the camera to the road first.

Because the focus of this game is on the top road.

Lu Yang did not rush to expend, but stepped on the side of the front row, patiently looking for the right time to make a move.

However, Kiin appears to be more active.

I saw his Nuo hand pressing forward frequently, trying to hit the outer circle of the Q skill.


Lu Yang's distance control is perfect.

When Kiin took out a bloody melee soldier, he controlled the sword demon to retreat a step away, cleverly avoiding the outer circle of the ax blade in Nuo's hand, and quickly turned around to use a Q skill to slash, and then a second Q skill to eat Get rid of the line of residual blood soldiers in front of you.

Although it is just a simple wave of consumption,
However, it can already be seen that the ecological environment on the road is obviously Kiin's laning at a disadvantage.


A quick decision was made within the AFS team.

Spirit noticed the situation on the road, and immediately said:
"Don't worry, I'll help you get a wave of that guy later, pay attention to line control."

Kiin: "Um... okay."

Before the game, they had studied this "top top laner" with the coaching staff, and they also knew that he had a strong sense of preventing Gank, but who can guarantee that he can always maintain this state! ?
Therefore, Spirit is going to make a tough move.

After his wine barrel brushed a round of wild monsters according to the plan, he went to the top road area without stopping, preparing to cooperate with the Nuo hands on the road to fight a wave of Gank kills.

Even if it can't cause a kill,

Spirit also felt that he could use E flash to exchange a wave of flash, and establish a little laning advantage for his top laner promise.

At the same time, the commentators also noticed this information.

"The barrel is leaning up..."

"Is this trying to catch Brother Outrageous?"

Looking at the game screen in front of him, Guan Zeyuan said directly:
"I think he underestimated Unbelievable's anti-gank sense. So many of our LPL junglers haven't caught it. How could he catch it?"

The voice just fell,

Spirit's wild wine barrels have arrived in the river grass area.

Currently, the top laners on both sides are in level 2 status.

The sword demon showed no sign of retreating, and was pulling in the middle of the line, which can be said to be a very suitable position for Gank.

Immediately, Spririt said quickly: "Fuck him, watch me flash."

while speaking,

His wine barrel stepped out of the grass area, and rushed straight to the top sword demon who was right in front of him.

Faced with such a situation,
There was no panic on Lu Yang's face, he calmly used a general attack to eat a bloody soldier, and then pretended to retreat.

However, Ueno of AFS also took advantage of the situation to complete a wave of siege.

Spirit sees this,

Immediately bumped forward with a belly E skill [Meat and Egg Impact] + flash, without any thought of holding back.

Just a moment before the barrel E flashed,

Lu Yang suddenly made a reverse operation, quickly turned around and used a section of E skill [Shadow Rush] in the direction of the front pawn line, and quickly completed a short movement.

His Sword Demon hid behind a ranged soldier, which led to an embarrassing situation.

Spirit's barrel E flashes in the right direction,
However, the overlap between the line of soldiers in the back row and the hero made it impossible for him to accurately find the landing point, and then he bumped into a long-range soldier firmly.

Moreover, Lu Yang's operations did not stop there.

When he turned back and used E to charge a certain distance, he immediately slashed forward with a Q skill, knocking up the approaching Nuo Hand with the edge area, causing Kiin to stagnate briefly.

at the same time,

With the death of the front line of soldiers, he was also the first to be promoted to level 3. Taking advantage of the situation, he played a newly learned W skill [Hellfire Beam Chain], accurately hitting Nuo's hand who had just approached for a long time, causing a prison-like pull effect.

Then play the second paragraph of Q+E to drag the knife.

With a muffled bang,
The retreating jump accurately hit the wine barrel, causing another period of knock-up and damage. While consuming a wine barrel's Q skill, he quickly opened the distance from Kiin's hands.

Every step of the operation can not be clear and smooth.

At this moment, Kiin can't touch Lu Yang's top lane sword demon unless he is Flash + E hook, not to mention he still has a Flash in his hand.

hesitate for a moment,

AFS Ueno finally chose to retreat, gritted his teeth and ate this wave of dumb losses.

"The barrel didn't flash."

Lu Yang reported the skill information once, and at the same time showed a like expression to the two enemy players who were retreating.

Tian: "OK."


at the same time,

There was a burst of shouts from the LPL commentary booth at the scene.

"The E flash of the wine barrel made a mistake!!!"

Looking at the game screen in front of him, Wang remembers shouting loudly:
"Brother Unbelievable's handling is perfect, he calmly solved this wave of AFS Gank conspiracy!"

The voice just fell,

Guan Zeyuan next door retorted:

"I don't think it's a wine barrel mistake, it's obviously a good use of Unbelievable's E skill!"


(End of this chapter)

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