Others play professional, you are here to play highlights?

Chapter 34 The pants are all taken off, that's all, let it go!

Chapter 34 The pants are all taken off, that's all, let it go!

As the director shot to the wild area, the three commentators immediately began to skillfully analyze the situation.

"3v3 in the wild, Scout's enchantress arrives first."

Looking at the picture on the screen, Guan Zeyuan said excitedly: "EDG wants to fight for the ownership of this red buff, and the two teams don't want to let it go. This game is so explosive."

Wawa then said: "Indeed, I think EDG is trying to use this wave to regain momentum."

Upon hearing this, Miller continued on the subject:

"But this wave of EDG's team has to be resolved quickly. The route is to enter the tower. If you continue to delay, Mouse will lose a lot of experience."


As soon as the words fell, EDG, which had a positional advantage, took the initiative to attack.

Mouse is the first to throw an E skill [Sapling Throwing] far into the dim grass, gaining short-term vision information and causing a certain degree of range explosion damage.


That sapling only hit one target.


Looking at the wild spider squatting alone in the grass, the three EDG players were a little puzzled, where is Gnar!
Did that guy squat in the same position as the spider?
Immediately, Ming Kai quickly put a question mark on the grass area on both sides.

Just at this time,

A boomerang flew out of the dark grass to the right, scratching the blind monk, causing -62 physical damage.

Ming Kai quickly judged Gnar's position, followed the boomerang's direction of flying back, and kicked a Q skill [Sky Sound Wave] without hesitation.

with a snap.

The spherical energy crossed an arc and accurately kicked Gnar who was hiding in the grass, exposing his hidden position to everyone in EDG.

"Gnar didn't learn the E skill!"

Seeing this, Mouse quickly reported a key message to his teammates.

Hearing this, the enemy was extremely jealous when they met.

Ming Kai quickly shouted: "Kill Gnar first!"

While speaking, his blind monk connected to the second stage of Q skills, and kicked directly at Lu Yang's Gnar.

The early Gnar body is very fragile,

As long as Scout's trick enchantress keeps up with the skills,
EDG can kill Gnar's flash ability first, and at the same time lower his health status, gaining some advantages for subsequent team battles.

When Ming Kai's loud roar sounded,
Scout didn't hesitate, and immediately used the W skill [Magic Shadow Tracking] through the wall, and suddenly rushed towards Gnar who showed his trace, and at the same time threw out an E skill [Phantom Chain] during the flight, trying to cooperate with the blind monk to fight the first wave of output harm.


At the moment when the magic chain was thrown out.

Lu Yang's Gnar suddenly moved sideways, as if predicting in advance, let this fatal chain that was almost close to his face fly past his shoulders, and finally dissipated in the air.


Scout was stunned for a moment, he felt that he must hit this E.

Before he came back to his senses...

Xiangguo, who had been waiting for a long time, played a spider E skill [cocooning], and with a snap, it precisely bound the blind monk who had just landed on the second stage of Q, causing a stun effect that lasted for 1.6 seconds.

It's not so much that the spider's E predicted the location of the blind monk.

It would be more appropriate to use the description of Gnar leading the blind monk and crashing into the spider's E skill.

Yes, it was a result of manipulation by Gnar.

If you watch this process from the God's perspective of the live broadcast of the game, Ming Kai will notice a detail. When his blind monk kicked out the first Q skill, Gnar was already consciously moving to avoid it, but the next second he He turned around and took the initiative to pick up the landing point of the sky sound wave.

This means that...

The blind monk fell into the trap from the very beginning!


Looking at the picture in front of him, Lu Yang said in a calm tone: "Output Blind Monk, don't chase after forcing out the skills, pull, pay attention when Lu Xi'an comes over, walk this way to force their position."

talking room,
He manipulated Gnar to move closer to the spider, and at the same time put a three-ring passive on the blind monk.

However, the spider in the incense pot also followed a WQR transformation-Q combo.

With a bang...

Mingkai's blind monk's blood volume dropped by 37%, forcing him to touch his eyes and keep a distance.

At the same time, Tiger's Lucian arrives in the wild.

This also affected Scout to a certain extent, making him unable to return to the original position through the second-stage effect of the W skill, and had to retreat to the second tower on the top road together with Mingkai's blind monk.

Immediately, the first stage of the field group has come to an end.

EDG temporarily gave up the terrain of the red buff wild area.

RNG completely occupied this position.

The whole process only took a few seconds, so fast that the commentator and the audience didn't even have time to say a few words, the pants are all off, just show us this!

However, this is also what several commentators expected.

To know,
At present, the game is still in the opening stage of the early stage of the game. Everyone does not have many skills, and it is impossible to fight team battles for too long.

When Scout's enchantress chain is empty, this wave of team battles has come to an end, and the follow-up depends on EDG's own ideas.

Do you want to wait for the cooling time of the second wave of skills?

How about another round?
"This... Gnar's position is very important. He broke up EDG's formation."

"To be honest, I think Gnar's Q was intentional. You can watch the video later. It would be outrageous if he could get the kick."

"EDG's decision now is..."

Looking at the game screen on the screen, Guan Zeyuan said expectantly: "Do you want to take the second wave of wild team?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes focused on Ming Kai's blind monk.

This is his field.

To fight or not to fight,

It's all up to him to decide.

At this time, Ming Kai was also very entangled in whether to continue.

Now his blood volume is not good, Lucian from the RNG middle lane has come over, the spider is popular, and Gnar is helping to save his anger. No matter how you look at it, it is his own disadvantage.

And, what about your own top laner?

After Mouse threw a sapling to explore the field of vision, he has been blocked in the position there, waiting for the right time to cut in.


The Gnar they output is in the right area, which makes it impossible for Mouse to come to join.

Wouldn't it be more appropriate to kick a spider at that time?

Thinking of this, Ming Kai couldn't help feeling a little regretful, but he couldn't choose again, so he could only grit his teeth and say:
"Go back online, this red...give it to them."


Hearing this, Scout and Mouse were a little speechless. They came to help defend the wild area, but they didn't get anything. Instead, they lost a buff wild monster resource.

that's it,
The blind monk retreated to the stone wild area above, and the trick witch and the tree turned around and returned to their respective online areas.

The position of this wild area was completely given up.


Guan Zeyuan noticed the blind monk walking up, and said in a rather regretful tone: "Did EDG decide to let go of this red one?"

Suddenly, he noticed a detail in the picture:
"Wait a minute, what does this mean, the spider is giving Gnar a red buff?"


 () Brothers, happy new year, the author, I am celebrating the new year alone again.

  I wish everyone can find girlfriends (boyfriends) in the new year, their careers will rise steadily, and their families will be happy and happy!
(End of this chapter)

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