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Chapter 337 Economic Experts, Indistinguishable!

Chapter 337 Economic Experts, Indistinguishable!
Draven + Knife Girl?
When IG selected these two heroes, some bullet screens appeared in the live broadcast room of the game.

The former is JKL's signature hero,
The latter has become the most popular mid-to-top hero recently because of the revision. It can not only have gorgeous operations, but also has a strong single-kill ability. It can be said that it is temporarily ranked first in the "Four Sisters".

This also indicates the style of the game to come,
It must be a brawl!
With the confirmation of the two quotas of IG,
Soon, Tao Bo also selected the third spot in his lineup: supporting Thresh.

This move is biased towards the unpopular auxiliary option,

Immediately, both the commentator and the audience exclaimed, and JKL in the IG player's seat also froze.

Coach Jin quickly reminded: "Pay attention to where you stand when you get off the road later."


Hearing this, JKL said bravely:
"It's okay, I will definitely pay attention to this round, and there is Brother Lang's Tam."

talking room,
The two teams will continue to conduct the second round of BP contest.

IG killed Kai'Sa + Aoun who had not yet been selected, and Taobo added Ban two trolls + Olaf's jungler quota.

Then enter the final round of selection process.

Taobo on the red side took the lead in selecting Dazui for the ad position, and left the last Kante position for the top lane.

IG on the other side is hesitating,
They successively selected several heroes to test, and finally locked a group of old ship + wine barrel Ueno combination.

At this moment, all eyes are on Tao Bo's last spot.


at the same time,

Taobo's bench is also waiting for Lu Yang's answer.

White Crescent closed the notepad in her hand, and said immediately:
"Their top laner is Planck. Do you want vampires to hit the top lane, or choose another hero with AD output?"

After listening to the coach's question,
Lu Yang replied without hesitation: "Then Jess, I'll make up for some of the output damage in the early and mid-term."

In this regard, White Crescent has no objection.

Immediately let Qiuqiu in the last auxiliary position choose this "Mr. Picheng Councilor".

So far, the lineups of the two teams have been determined.

IG (blue side): top laner Chuan, wild wine barrel, mid laner girl, ad Delevingne, support Tamm.

TES (red side): top laner Jess, jungler blind monk, mid laner vampire, ad Dazui, support Thresh.


With the two lineups adjusting their positions,
Soon, the director called up a familiar scene of the Summoning Canyon. The 10 contestants bought their starting outfits, and then went straight to the river area to stand guard.

Perhaps MSI's level 1 intrusion is already "notorious",
IG's vigilance is very high. Go to some key bushes to place vision eye positions in advance, and then stand in a safer area.

Looking at the game screen on the screen,

Guan Zeyuan said with a smile: "IG was very cautious in the first round, and all staff shrank to stand guard."

The voice just fell,

Miller next door said aloud:

"This has to be guarded against. After all, Taobo's hook hero + 1 group, everyone should understand everything."

The doll also echoed:
"At this time, KZ should have something to say."

When the three commentators are talking off-topic,
It was the last time for Lu Yang to stand guard, so he ran to the river to place a vision spot, and then returned to his online area.

Although the whole process is completed in the vision of IG,

However, since it was close to clearing the wild, and it was unknown whether there were traps, IG still did not choose to recruit this guy.

Ning: "I'm going to focus on the mid-bottom in this game. When the time comes, I'll stock up on the road first."

Duke: "Well, no problem."

Rookie: "Let's help out, Draven can fight for some resources when he gets up."

JKL: "..."

After a brief discussion, IG determined the early strategy for this game.

Not long after,

The first wave of soldiers had already collided on the line, Lu Yang controlled Jess to squat in the grass on the line, trying to sneak a wave of damage first.

However, Duke's vigilance is very high.

He pulled steadily to the side of the first wave of rear troops, without giving any angle to fire.

And maybe because of the high online pressure, Duke did not bring the mainstream "Omen of Stealing", but chose to restore the relatively strong "Grasp of the Undying" talent.

This is why Coach Kim trusts him more.


Compared with him, Lu Yang's talent and outfits are like playing around.

Looking at the equipment interface that popped up on the screen, Guan Zeyuan said in surprise:

"No, brother outrageous, what do you mean by that, omen of burglary + money knife to go out, although Duke is playing the old captain, but this way of playing is too exaggerated."

Miller next door didn't expect such a costume, and said almost subconsciously:
"I'm super, it's a little outrageous to pretend to go out."

I haven't finished speaking yet,
The barrage in the live broadcast room of the game also complained:

"I'm super, canyon investment expert!?"

"Hahaha, I've played matchmaking in the same way, and then the top of the line was smashed."

"Outrageous, go out and directly fill up the economy, right?"

"Tell everyone a joke, brother outrageous likes to grow."

"Huh, pretending like this, I'll wait for an outrageous brother to be ruined later!"


Just when a bunch of barrages continued to refresh the screen,
At this moment, the two top laners in the camera have already started fighting.

Lu Yang first returned to the frontal area of ​​the line, and then caught a short gap to shoot the electromagnetic gun with Q skill through the thread, and then stepped forward to resist a black powder bullet and hit two basic attacks.

hum, hum,
With two sound effects,

There are two bottles of red medicine and blue medicine in Lu Yang's item backpack.

Then he quickly retreated to kill a wave of long-range soldier hatred, and then waited for the next wave of consumption and stealing.


Seeing this, Guan Zeyuan sighed with regret and said, "It's a pity, brother outrageously didn't steal the purse this time."

This sentence immediately won the approval of the barrage:

"Gah, today's outrageous brother's face is really dark!"

"Just this little medicine? Unbelievable brother, where is your money modifier, open it quickly."

"Indeed, I can't bear it without stealing the purse. There must be bugs in this game."

"Shady, shady!!!"

"The battery life of the red and blue medicines, I think it's not bad to steal these two, at least I didn't steal the time."

"Look, there is an honest man here, just laugh at him."

"Hahaha... (swipe screen)"


When the entire live broadcast room was filled with "laughter and laughter",
The roads on both sides have entered a stable state. Lu Yang touched Lao Chuan's pockets from time to time, and Duke responded with a Q skill [Gunfire Negotiation] with the special effect of "Indestructible".

However, items obtained by stealing can last longer.

As time goes by,
Jayce controlled by Lu Yang gradually took control of the online advantage, and then snowballed through continuous suppression.

At the same time, the director also switched the camera to other channels.

At present, IG's middle and bottom lanes have some active advantages, especially JKL with Tamm's support, and Delevingne in his hand is very aggressive.

For a time,

The two teams played inextricably.


(End of this chapter)

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