Others play professional, you are here to play highlights?

Chapter 299 Mental breakdown, 3 rounds in a row!

Chapter 299 Mental breakdown, three consecutive rounds!

This wave of porcelain is eaten alone,
The European audience at the scene let out a burst of sighs, they knew very well what kind of impact this kill would have on the follow-up.

With the death of Qing Gangying,

FNC's top lane gradually fell into a disadvantaged situation.

Although I have tried the roaming Gank of Scorpion + Dragon King, the effect on the top lane is so-so.

Often the Dragon King of Caps has just run half way,
Lu Yang retreated early as if he had received a tip from an insider, without giving FNC any openings.

that's it,
In the second game of Bo5, the two teams can be said to be full of gunpowder.

In 7 minutes, FNC Nakano walked down the road, forcibly eating the auxiliary Tamm who ate the ball, and the ad policewoman who forced out the old thief.

In 9 minutes, Tian cooperated with the middle lane and killed Caps' Dragon King.

In 12 minutes, Bwipo transmitted to the bottom lane, and four packs and two hits killed Taobo's bottom lane duo.

In 15 minutes, Tao Bo responded, taking advantage of the opportunity of Xiaolongtuan to play a wave of zero for three, and ate all three of the lower field.

In 17 minutes, Taobo passed the cover of the canyon and pushed down two defensive towers in the middle.

During this time,
FNC is trying their best to gain some advantages, and reluctantly formed a back and forth see-saw situation with Taobo.


They ignored a figure that was secretly developing.

Due to the care of FNC Nakano in the early stage,
Lu Yang has always maintained a dormant state, but after the fall of the Zhongta, he gradually let go of his hands and feet to play some single-band restraint functions.

For example:

Go to the 1v2 with the single belt in the bottom lane alone.

"Brother Outrageous is fighting Qing Gang Ying single-handedly."

Looking at the game screen on the screen, Miller shouted quickly: "But, Broxah's scorpion is also nearby."

talking room,
On the screen, Lu Yang Jianji flexibly used the Q skill to twist a hook,
But, it's not over yet.

After avoiding the control of the hook rope, he fought against Qing Gangying's big move, even if he saw the appearance of the scorpion, he didn't panic.

Just when the scorpion approached,
Lu Yang almost predictably played a W skill [Laurent's Heart-Eye Knife].

With a crisp sound,
He accurately blocked the control of the scorpion, and at the same time returned it to Qinggang Ying on the other side, then hit the snake and followed the stick to the ground, followed by a big move, and then quickly broke through and took the lead in completing a round of killing and reducing personnel.

"Nice, outrageous brother killed Qing Gangying with one hit and two hits!!!"

"Can scorpions still kill?"

"The scorpion flashed, the outrageous brother followed the flash, chased hard, and the Q skill forcibly chased him to death!"

"It's a pity that it hasn't reached 20 minutes, otherwise the teammate can go straight to the big dragon in this wave."


With the sound of commentary,
The Ueno duo of FNC were killed one after another, and instantly provided Lu Yang with the economy of two heads and a red buff mark.

This also became the turning point of the second game.

Since Bwipo and Broxah were double-killed, the atmosphere in the FNC team has gradually become silent.

Even Hailisan, who was the operation director, didn't speak anymore.


FNC continued to play worse and worse.

First, the two consecutive resource scramble teams lost, and then Bwipo's Qing Gangying was single-taken again, and it was Lu Yang's operation to kill the second tower with a single belt.

Immediately, the barrage in the European live broadcast room was full of "GG".

at the same time,

The commentary booths in Europe have already started to show up badly, and they even praised Lu Yang's operation in a self-defeating manner.

Then he still didn't forget to mock Ou Cheng in a strange way.

"Oh my god, I think Rekkles needs to learn from Leap players how to be a team leader."

"I think he has one thing in common with Leap players, they are both pretty handsome."


The voice just fell,

A prompt pops up on the screen:
[Ezreal is dead. 】

In an instant, the commentary seats in Europe fell silent.

Just mention it and die! ?

It is hopeless, destroy it.

At this time, both the commentator and the audience are approaching this psychological state.

In such an atmosphere,
The game lasted close to 25 minutes.
Lu Yang's single-belt sword girl stepped onto the high ground, forcing FNC to return to defense, and then created space for teammates to steal the dragon.

Maybe it's because of my bad psychology,

FNC turned out to be a group of five members returning to defense, and Flash Quan used all his strength to chase his sword girl to death.

This made Lu Yang laugh out loud.

The director also thoughtfully called out a scene comparing the facial expressions between him and FNC

Lu Yang was laughing wildly,
The five members of FNC all had dark faces, as if they were the ones who died just now, and they were not at all happy.

Immediately, the bullet screens in various competition areas began to complain:
"NMD, is it a match-fixing match?"

"Okay, if you kill the outrageous brother, you win, right!?"

"Although you have successfully killed Jian Ji, is it all worth it?"

"Hahaha, outrageous brother himself laughed, can he still play games like this!"

"Guys, FNC has pulled back a game."

"Let the outrageous brother inflate first, and then target later, let the second chase the third, do you understand it or not!"

"Hell, MSI is the playground for LPL and LCK."

"Huh? No.3 in the LCK group stage, wait to be killed tomorrow."

"Flash Wolves, come on, blast the LCK team!"


When the barrage frantically swipes the screen,
Taobo's four team members have steadily wiped out a Baron Nash, and then took advantage of the opportunity to tear down FNC's second tower on the road.

However, they were not in a hurry.

After patiently waiting for Lu Yang to come back to life, Taobo will execute another wave of 1/4 push offensive.

Due to the use of too many skills in the last wave of arresting Swordswoman,
Faced with such a situation,
FNC has no ability to resist, and can only watch the middle highland fall, and then go down the highland and then fall again, allowing the strengthened line with the Baron buff to corrode the two front tooth towers little by little.

Two incisor towers collapsed one after another,
The azure base crystal exploded,

At around 27 minutes, FNC ushered in its second defeat.


Lu Yang has an MVP-level record of 12-1-7.

If there is no last wave of "all back to defense", he can lead the team to victory without dying.

In this regard, the commentators in several competition areas feel a little sorry.

After all, it is a "record" in the world arena.

Of course, this has further increased his popularity around the world, and even the wild card division has a bunch of "outrageous fans".


As time goes by,
19: 30,

Soon, the audience at the Zenith Stadium ushered in the third game of Bo5.

Due to the poor performance of the first two games,
There are already signs of early departure of some European spectators in the auditorium.

Those FNC fans who were still at the scene were not looking forward to a comeback, but simply wanted to see the home team win a game or two.

The end of the third round was beyond everyone's expectations.

It's not even 19 minutes yet,

FNC lost the game with a record of 4-16, which was almost a collapse of the head.

At the same time, they lost this round of MSI semi-finals with a score of 0-3.


 (Д`) I'm really sorry, I didn't write well in many places.

(End of this chapter)

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