Others play professional, you are here to play highlights?

Chapter 27 Sudden death, win the first game!

Chapter 27 Sudden death, win the first game!

The moment the words were spoken, Guan Zeyuan immediately realized that something was wrong, and quickly added: "Of course, as long as EDG can catch some opportunities, they still have the possibility of coming back."

Indeed, as long as you can complete four or five Ganks in a row, you will get a kill.

EDG can indeed make up for the disadvantages of the previous losses and bring the two sides back to the same starting line.

But is this possible?

RNG didn't intend to give them breathing time.

Just after this wave of large-scale team fights close to 5v5, RNG took advantage of the trend to push down the bottom tower, and then played the classic "three-step stained" style of play.

Even if it is still in the stage of S7 season,
The tactical concept of "stains in three steps" has already revealed an immature embryonic form.

First push down the tower, then the duo transfers to the middle lane, eats wild monsters, assigns two solo laners to the sideline, and continues to create some pressure on the enemy team's line, and then chooses to form a group according to the situation on the field, or It is the game content of grabbing orders.

of course,

It is slightly different from the RNG of the previous life.

Because neither Xiaohu nor Letme have ideal single belt ability, that RNG is more inclined to team up.

Therefore, they have developed a very high proficiency in teamwork and coordination.

This is also after the absence of Letme,

Whether it is the audience, the commentator, or the RNG team members, they all think that the main reason for the lack of optimism is the lack of "cooperation" from the most important part of the team.


Soon everyone discovered that Letme's absence didn't seem to have as much impact as expected.

Or, to be more precise, this new substitute player is integrating into the team at an exaggerated speed that does not look like a rookie, and at the same time shows some online operations that Letme does not have, as well as excellent single belt ability in the middle and late stages.

It's just like……

The scene displayed on the field at this moment is the same.

Lu Yang's Qinggangying switched to the bottom lane to lead the line. Relying on his own equipment advantages, he continued to create a sense of oppression for EDG's second defensive tower in the bottom lane.

at this time,
EDG doesn't care.

So Mingkai's excavator moved to the lower half area.

However, as soon as he approached the bottom road, Lu Yang's Qinggang Ying would retreat to an edge position, stand and wait, I will retreat if you come over, and continue to push if you don't come over, perfectly playing the role of restraining and pulling , it can be said that it caused EDG a very headache.

To know,
Xiangguo's wine barrel has been creating pressure on the middle and upper lanes.

At this time, EDG is like a sailing ship in a storm, crumbling and gradually sailing to the brink of destruction.

As time goes by……

Soon, Jiu Barrel seized a Gnak opportunity, cooperated with Xiaohu's Syndra to go around, and caught the Mingkai excavator exposed in the field of vision to death in the wild area, and then turned to the middle to push the tower with the duo.

At the same time, Lu Yang's Qinggang Ying also finished jumping the tower down the road.

The crushing advantage in equipment,

Made his whole tower jump a little easier.

Consumption, entering the tower for the second time, Mouse's Rambo was killed, without any fancy operations.

When he finished crossing the tower, he immediately crushed the canyon pioneer's imprint, and with the special effects of the three items of equipment, he demolished the second tower of EDG's bottom lane in a few seconds.


Looking at the wreckage of the collapsed defense tower, Lu Yang said aloud:
"Brothers, gather in the bottom lane. You can demolish the high ground and fight better. Maybe you can end the game in one wave."

Hearing this, Mala Xiangguo was the first to scold with a smile: "I am super, brother, are you a little swollen, this is all thinking about it."

The atmosphere of several other RNG players also became unrestrained.

uzi: "I think it's okay, EDG only has three people, operate it, and open them if you find an opportunity!"

Ming: "Okay, anyway, everyone didn't flash."

Xiaohu: "My big move is still a little short of time..."

While talking, the four RNG players collectively turned to the direction of the lower road highland.

However, EDG also noticed this sign.

Although the number of people is a disadvantage...

However, there was no other way, Scout could only take the bot duo to the bot area, trying to hold the high ground building.

There was a muffled sound.

Canyon Herald knocks down 50% of the durability of the defensive tower,
The RNG people did not immediately follow to demolish the tower.

This sign caused several EDG players to make a wrong judgment, thinking that their determination to dismantle the tower was not strong, so iboy's little cannon thought about stepping forward and secretly killing the canyon pioneer with residual blood.

However he didn't realize...

RNG not only wants to demolish towers, but also kill people!
When iboy was walking forward, Xiaohu suddenly made an unprepared ball push, which accurately pushed the two heroes of iboy and Meiko unconscious.

In an instant, all RNG players rushed forward.

Xiao Ming's Luo lifted up.

Lu Yang's Qinggang Shadow Hook followed the control, and played aQ with three passives, which cooperated with EZ's long-range output damage.


With the auxiliary bull head without a big move and the small cannon of the crispy ADC, the two melted under the tower almost instantly.

In the end, there is only one Scout snake girl left,
He didn't go crazy and go forward to fight five, but prepared to give up the high ground and wait for his teammates to revive before making plans.


After RNG successfully demolished the bottom highlands, they did not choose to retreat, but took a canyon pioneer with only a trace of blood left, and the artillery line that followed, and rushed towards the two front teeth towers of EDG .

This move made the commentary seats burst into exclamation:
"Wow, they won't think about it, will they?"

"I think it's a bit crazy. Ming Kai and Mouse have been revived, and they can be operated under the tower. If this wave comes back, EDG may really be overturned."

"Brothers, calm down."

"Three hits five under the EDG tower, can you hold it?"

"Wow, Qing Gangying once again kicked into the tower with E, Syndra pushed the ball, Scout Snake was controlled, ez's output was very high, Scout was second!"

"Excavator, Rambo, cooperate with the damage of the defense tower to kill Qinggangying."

"But... RNG still has four people. Two front teeth towers collapsed one after another. Mouse's Rambo was killed. Ming Kai fled back to the spring. Scout and iboy haven't been resurrected yet. RNG is already demolishing the base."

"GG, let's congratulate RNG."

"The game was fixed at 25 minutes, and RNG took the lead to win the first game of Bo5 and got a good start."


Listening to the commentators' voices, the audience was stunned.

Doesn't this... end a little too soon?

From the collapse of the second tower to the destruction of the high ground, to the explosion of the base.

The whole process only took about 1 minute, and there was no resistance, so there was a sudden wave.

However, when EDG fans saw the player output list, they immediately understood what was going on.

Rambo ■■——■■■■■Qinggangying

Excavator ■■——■■Wine barrel

Snake ■■■■——■■■■Syndra
Cannon ■■■——■■■■EZ
Niu Tau —— Luo

Good guy!
Turns out the problem was the gap in the top lane.

As long as Mouse's Rambo can stay under the tower and don't die, it is impossible for EDG to end the game just now.


(End of this chapter)

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