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Chapter 19 Equipment gap, wild area kidnapping!

Chapter 19 Equipment gap, wild area kidnapping!
Feeling two death stares from teammates on the side...

Mouse suddenly felt the pressure double, and quickly said out loud: "Sorry, mine, I just didn't notice that he canceled the recall."

No matter how you justify it.

This is all a matter of his misreporting information and failing to keep an eye on his opponent's hero.

So, Mouse simply admitted his mistake.

Hearing this, Scout stretched out his hand and pushed his glasses: "Next time, your feedback should be more accurate, this information is very important in the game."

At this moment, Ming Kai came out to smooth things over and said, "It's okay. We'll talk about these issues later after the fight. Right now we still have the advantage. Brothers, pay more attention."

Exactly as he said.

Although Scout in the middle lane has just been killed...

However, EDG still has a weak economic advantage in the economic panel of the game, part of which is the increase in the first kill economy, and then the lead in the jungle economy, which can allow EDG's next jungler to gain one or two more points in front of the small dragons that will be held later. A small piece of equipment.

Of course, the premise is that you must not die again during this period of time.

"Tian Ye, can you catch it in the next lane?"

Ming Kai casually sent an inquiry signal to the bottom lane area.

Now that he has swiped to the bottom lane jungle, he thought of helping the team's more Carry bot lane squat to try it out. Anyway, it's just a drop, and it's not a loss if you don't squat.

Meiko: "You can try it, I'll sell it."

After saying this, the auxiliary bull head he controlled pretended to stand forward inadvertently, revealing some flaws that could be consumed by the enemy ad.

If it was 1 minute ago.

According to Uzi's personality, at this time, he was already in a state of no-brained forward pressure, and the basic attack was crazy, and he was desperately consuming the blood volume of the bull's head.

However, the stain shows no sign of pre-pressing at all.

It wasn't that Uzi's personality suddenly became more stable, but that he felt that the rookies on the bench didn't get a head start, and it would be a bit embarrassing for him to give chances indiscriminately.


Ming Kai just wasted tens of seconds in vain. He didn't get anything and returned without success.


At the same time, Lu Yang has returned to the spring water area in the base.

With the money from online play, plus the kills he got from the middle lane, he already has a considerable economy, which is completely enough to buy a kit in the core equipment: Tiamat.

In fact, he is more inclined to buy Shy knives that cost money.


Because it is considered to be the first round of the game.

It's better not to be too rough.

Lu Yang temporarily looked away from the extraction, and quickly bought a 1200 gold coin Tiamat, plus two real eyes, and then used the E skill to rush to the top road area.

When he walked to the line, a wave of cannon cars had just entered the tower.


Although the defense tower had already killed the cannon trooper, he had already gained experience and had a lot of minions under the tower. It can be said that he did not lose many substantial resources.

aqaq - Tiamat.

In the blink of an eye, he quickly devoured this wave of tower soldiers without missing a single one.

At this point, Mouse has just returned to the top lane.

It's just that his equipment is a little shabby compared to Qinggangying. There is only a 400 red crystal + 435 boosting tome, and he can't even synthesize the small mask as the core kit.


Looking at the Qinggang Shadow in front of him, Mouse had no idea, and continued to implement the previous strategy.

Clear the line and hold on.

After all, Qing Gang Ying had already left Tiamat, so he was destined to lose control of the line of troops.

Therefore, he didn't immediately step forward to grab the line, but stood at a position where the Qinggang Shadow hook could not kick, patiently waiting for a wave of pawns to push over.

Mouse chose the safest way to play.

According to his idea,

Later, Lu Yang should be with him in the area near the tower, you and me, each other's development, no one can kill the rhythm of the other.


After using Tiamat's special effects and quickly AOE to clear a wave of minions, Lu Yang did not choose to stay in the lane area.

"Brothers, can you take a look at the wild area?"

He shot several signal marks in the enemy's upper half of the jungle area, and said at the same time: "Come here, come here, the middle field leans over here, look at my position, fight if you can, and eat wild monsters if you don't fight."

Fragrant Pot: "Huh?"

Little Tiger: "..."

Hearing this, RNG's Nakano and the wild were a little confused.

In the past, their gameplay rhythm has always been to play the jungle to give the advantage to the lane, but now the top lane is linked with the middle and the jungle to create pressure on the enemy's jungle?
Really don't say...

This idea seems to suit his appetite.

Mala Xiangguo thought about it carefully, and then excitedly shouted: "Li Yuanhao, clear the line quickly, let's go into the wild area to make a wave."

"Uh... OK."

Reluctantly, Xiaohu cleared a wave of lines with his skills, and then turned his head and burrowed into the river on the side.

However, Scout couldn't clear the line quickly, so he could only watch Syndra leave, and then reported to his teammates about the Miss in the middle lane: "Miss in the middle, Syndra disappeared."

At the same time, Mouse, who had just carefully searched the grass on the road, also said: "Miss, do you need me to come to the wild area to help?"


Hearing the feedback from his two teammates, Ming Kai only felt a pain in his head.

RNG's upper middle field disappeared.

EDG is about to face a problem, what exactly does RNG want to do?
Half of the field of vision in the jungle has fallen, causing Mingkai to get too much information. He just invades the jungle, or jumps the tower on the road, or continues to engage in the middle lane?

Whatever it is at this stage.

For a small 3v3 team in the jungle, they can only attack from the back, so they must be on the disadvantaged side.

and so……

The blue buff + toad resources in the first half of the wild area can only be given away, and Mingkai cannot go to the other side of the RNG wild area to exchange resources.

Because he needs to do back squats for the top lane.

Otherwise, the three brothers of RNG suddenly turn to the road and engage in a wave of tower jumping, then Rambo, who is the most critical source of damage in EDG team battles, will be rotten and needn't be played.

To put it simply, he is now in a state of being kidnapped and kidnapped.


Ming Kai touched the center of his brows, and said helplessly: "Let's let go, you don't need to come over in the middle, just pay attention to yourself."

After saying this, his excavator stuck to the left wall and walked towards the road tower, ready to wait and see and squat before deciding whether to enter the wild area.

If he could see the live broadcast from God's perspective, Ming Kai would be grateful for this decision.

At this time, the blue buff wild area was empty.

A control guard was placed in the dim grass, and three strong men squatted motionless inside, waiting for him to get close and throw himself into the net.

However, waiting like this is not an option.

Ming Kai hesitated for a second, then decided to push the line with Rambo to gain experience.

That's not accurate either.

Because he is indeed doing anti-squat work for the top road, and it is just a helpless move to gain experience. He can't hang anti-squat at a distance of several hundred meters away.

"Oh, what a pity."

Lu Yang soon noticed the excavator appearing on the top road, so he had to temporarily adjust his plan: "I'll go back to the top road to play with them first, and Syndra can also go back to the middle road."

"Swipe the wine barrels yourself, don't be greedy, you can eat another group of wilds, but you must always pay attention to the position of their middle and wilds."


(End of this chapter)

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