Three Kingdoms: The Yellow Turbans finally revolt

Chapter 96 You Said To Take a Trip For Grain

Chapter 96 You Said To Take a Trip for Food and Grass (please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket)
Liu Qing sat down and spoke, Huangfusong and Fu Xie also breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter, son, but it's okay to say." Huangfu Song said.

Liu Qing went straight to the point and said: "I raised righteousness in Guangping, Guangping county magistrate Ju granted Ju Gong and gave me a lot of help. The water attack on Zhang Bao is also the credit of him and the people of Guangping, so I want to take Zhang Bao's head Dedicate it to Jugong Yu, and take full credit for it."

When everyone heard this, they all showed surprise, Zhang Bao was the first rank, his merit was second only to Zhang Jiao, and he even dedicated it to a county magistrate!

Guo Dian, in particular, had a complicated heart, and he was also aware of Ju's talents. Needless to say, he had the right to govern the county. Before the Yellow Turban riot, he discussed the matter with him. As a result, a few days later, the Yellow Turban rioted and attacked Changtao. If it hadn't been prepared in advance, it might have been captured.

Guangping is a county under the jurisdiction of Julu County, and Jushou can be regarded as its subordinate, but Jushou is appointed by the imperial court, and he is just a purely subordinate and has no subordinates.

Unexpectedly, Liu Qing would hand over Zhang Bao's merits to Jushou. It seems that Jushou will be promoted to a higher rank and has a bright future. He, Guo Dian, fought hard with Lu Zhi, Dong Zhuo and Huangfusong for more than a month, and the credit he gained cannot be compared with him.

Hearing what Liu Qing said, Huangfusong also felt that Jushou did contribute the most in the battle against Zhang Bao, and with Young Master's approval, it is understandable to record this credit for him.

"This matter must be according to the son's words. The son has repeatedly attributed his credit to others. The son's mind is the broadest that Song has ever seen in his life!" Huangfu Song said, "Your master..."

"General Huangfu, don't worry, I still have something to say!" Liu Qing interrupted Huangfusong's praise, "Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong are the county captains of Guangping appointed by the magistrate of Ju County. At the beginning of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, they led the village to resist bravely. The Yellow Turban Bandit beheaded He Jin who invaded Guangping, and then followed me to support Chenliu Yingchuan, made great military exploits, led his army to fight against Zhang Liang yesterday, and finally Zhang Liang was awarded the head, Zhang Liang's contribution must belong to Zilong."

After Liu Qing said, all the people present looked at each other in dismay. A mere county lieutenant wants to kill Zhang Liang?

Li Wen and Guo Dian felt bitter in their hearts, both of them were prefects, their meritorious service was not comparable to that of a county lieutenant, their faces were really dull.

"Zilong is brave in battle. I have seen it in Dongjun. He is really a general. He is inferior to the county captain. He is really overqualified." Fu Xie said.

Liu Bei who was sitting on the side was also a little moved. He knew that Zhao Yun was actually a follower of Liu Qing, but he didn't expect Liu Qing to give him the credit directly. Perhaps this was the reason why he was able to subdue a hero like Zilong.

Thinking of his classmate Gongsun Zan, although he was brave in action, he did little work at the border. In the end, because of his handsome voice and beautiful voice, he was favored by the prefect Hou, and he now has the county magistrate.

If he, Liu Xuande, can take advantage of the Yellow Turban Rebellion to make more military exploits, he will surely be successful in the future.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei behind Liu Bei also showed envy. Based on their martial arts strategy, they thought they were not under Zhao Yun. Countless, but compared with Zhang Liang's first level, it is far behind.

"Write it down according to what you said!" Huangfu Song said to the army on the side.

"As for Zhang Jiao's leader, all the soldiers fought bravely, Liu Qing dare not take credit, so the credit belongs to the whole army!" Liu Qing said again.

"This matter is impossible! You are the number one hero in breaking the Yellow Turban, how can you give up all the credit, and let me wait for a person with little merit!" Fu Xie was the first to object, and then said: "When our army recovers Xia Quyang, Let me teach Luo Yang, and then I, General Huangfu and General Zhu will face the saint together and ask for credit for you!"

"General Fu, don't be in a hurry. Let Zhang Jiao go. How to deal with it is up to you. However, General Huangfu, Qing still has a merciless request." Liu Qing said.

"Sir, please speak."

"I have been recruiting volunteers everywhere, and I have always lived by capturing the enemy's food and grass. Now that the war is over, I hope that I can provide compensation for the soldiers and their families. I hope that General Huangfu can provide some food and grass."

"This matter is easy. Hundreds of thousands of grains and grasses were seized in Guangzong City. I will leave an order that you can get as much grains and grasses as you want!" Huangfusong laughed.

"How much can you pull?" Liu Qing asked.

When Liu Qing asked, Huangfusong was puzzled, what does the young master mean by this question?
Thinking about it, his own words were too loose, so Huangfusong changed his tune and said with a smile: "The young master sent all the grain carts in Guangping, and only pulled them once!"

A car in one county can at best pull [-] shi, which is what Huangfusong thought in his mind. Originally, he wanted to say that he would send [-] to [-] shi, but in order to show his boldness, he said something like "Just go and pull it" Big talk.

In this way, it should be more appropriate.

"So, on behalf of the army and people of Guangping, I would like to thank General Huangfu for his generosity! Ladies and gentlemen, please proceed with the discussion, and I will retire first!"

This time, the two did not stop them.

Having said that, if Liu Qing was present, it would be difficult for those present to judge meritorious deeds.

Who has a face!

Liu Qing came out of the big tent, Zhao Yun followed silently, and went straight to his own small tent. At this time, Guo Jia, Dian Wei, Ju Shou, Zhang He and Gan Lai were all waiting here.

Seeing Liu Qing coming in, the whole group saluted together.

"Everyone has worked hard, how is the arrangement of the fallen soldiers?" Liu Qing asked.

Ju Shou took over the words, "My lord, the remains of the soldiers have been sent back to Guangping. Those who have family members will be given relief money and food, exempted from taxes. In addition, Zhu Ling came to report that the food team has arrived in Guangping."

The stone in Liu Qing's heart finally fell to the ground.

"Zhang Jiao has been executed. I have already attributed the merits of Zhang Bao to Duke Ju and the merits of Zhang Liang to Zilong. Do you have any objections?"

"But it's up to the lord!" Everyone said in unison.

Seeing the tacit cooperation of the team, Liu Qing smiled and was very happy.

"If my predictions are correct, with the merit of killing Zhang Bao, Duke Ju will definitely be able to appoint an official and prefect, and become an important member of the party, but I don't know what obstacles the court will make, and where the troublesome place will be sealed."

"My lord, although Zhang Jiao is dead, the yellow scarves are still all over the world. I don't know if the lord is going to continue to run and flatten the yellow scarves, or..." This is the second time Guo Jia asked how to go next.

"There is no need to worry about this matter!" Liu Qing said, because he himself was not sure how the court would deal with it.

He knew that Huangfusong was a man. In Yingchuan, he gave the main work to Zhu Jun, and in Dongjun, he gave the main work to Fu Xie. Even in history, in Jizhou, he still gave the main work to Lu Zhi. keep him out of prison.

He knew that as a military commander, even if he gave credit to his subordinates, people would remember him.

As a person, Liu Qing directly gave up Zhang Jiao's contribution and let him deal with it himself. This would probably make Huangfusong work harder to contribute to Liu Qing.

Therefore, if possible, it would be great to divide the land into one county and one county.

"Feng Xiao is right. Although Zhang Jiao is dead, the Yellow Turbans are far from subdued. Without Zhang Jiao, the Yellow Turbans in each state will fight on their own, making it even more chaotic. It is impossible for the central army of the imperial court to go on expeditions all year round. Therefore, to pacify the Yellow Turbans, we still have to rely on the states. The power of the county itself, and now the rebellious counties have obtained the right to recruit soldiers, but whether the local government will sincerely put down the Yellow Turban is still open to question, and if this is the case, it will become nonsense to help put down the chaos."

When Liu Qing said this, everyone was stunned.

He went on to say, "If the Yellow Turban is not peaceful for a day, the imperial court will not take back military power, and will even continue to strengthen local power, such as reducing money and taxes paid, or changing the governor to the state pastor, and the state pastor will coordinate the quelling of chaos."

Hearing this, Jushou Guo Jiaju's eyes lit up.

The two of them seemed to have foreseen the scene behind Liu Qing's words.

"If it is true what the lord said, then in this world..."

 There is a boss offering a reward for female characters, everyone, please help, order some hearts for female character cards, Zhang Ning and Cai Zhaoji are currently the only ones, and I will add a chicken leg to the writer as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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