Three Kingdoms: The Yellow Turbans finally revolt

Chapter 9 Zhang He and Zhang Junyi take effect

Chapter 9 Zhang He and Zhang Junyi take effect

System: Congratulations to the lord for subduing the advisor [Tian Feng]

Name: Tian Feng, character Yuan Hao

Grade: outstanding

Stamina: 41
Force: 29
Command: 72
Intelligence: 93
Politics: 87
Charisma: 68
Features: [Advice] Intelligence +3 in the face of high-risk planning, easy to see its flaws and improve or discourage it

[Enthusiasm] The words in front of the formation can motivate the morale of one's own side, and the scolding of the formation can lower the morale of the enemy
[Careful] When thinking over and over again, intelligence +3
[Upright] Disagreement is prone to offensive words, and charm is reduced by 50%

Loyalty: 80%

Yield: Intelligence +0.93, current Intelligence 61.83
System: Congratulations to the lord for subduing two advisors with the [Careful] feature, and obtaining the achievement [My advisor is too stable], the reward intelligence is +5, the current 66.83, the reward achievement point is 5000 points, the current 20500 points.

Liu Qingmei was speechless by the system news, so he quickly put down the lacquer and stepped forward to help Tian Feng.

"You Gong, Uncle and Uncle Yuan Hao join forces, and Guangping has nothing to worry about!"

Hahaha... Everyone laughed, only Zhang He had a complicated face.

"If you want to serve the lord, but it's okay, the lord must be happy." Zhao Yun urged him aside.

As soon as Zhang He gritted his teeth, seeing that Tian Feng had returned to his seat, he also stepped forward and pressed one knee to the ground.

"Although He does not understand the world's major affairs, he also knows the importance of national prosperity and people's safety. In He's hometown, Mo County, there are countless homeless people. Although He is not talented, he is also brute force. Follow the lord with Mr. Yuan Hao, and protect the environment and the people!"

Liu Qing's buttocks had just settled down, and then he immediately got up and went up to help Zhang He.

"Jun Yi, please hurry up, I got Jun Yi, but I got what I wanted!" Liu Qing helped Zhang He up, and continued: "Jun Yi doesn't know anything, there is also a Junzheng firm in Hejian. I have visited heroes all over Jizhou. I have already heard of the name of Junyi."

"There is such a thing, if I had known earlier, I would have come to work earlier to avoid the suffering of wandering for more than a year."

Hahaha... Everyone laughed again.

System: Congratulations to the lord for subduing the general [Zhang He]

Name: Zhang He, courtesy name Junyi

Grade: outstanding

Stamina: 88
Force: 89
Command: 90
Intelligence: 69
Politics: 57
Charisma: 72
Features: [Hundred Battles] Good at summarizing, defeating an opponent with a higher command than you can get permanent command +1
【Wisdom】If you are defeated by an opponent with higher intelligence than yourself, you can get permanent intelligence +1
[Unyielding] You can maintain high morale even if you are at a disadvantage in battle

[Halberd Array] When commanding halberds, commander +2
Loyalty: 70%

Yield: Command +0.9, current command 60.9
Today has become stronger for the third time, my day is three strong my body!
"Jun Yi, in Guangping County, there are currently more than [-] spearmen. I plan to expand to [-] soldiers, and you will lead them!" Liu Qing said.

For no reason, Zhang He thought of the group of spearmen he had seen on the training ground, and his eyes were fiery.

"They were originally trained by Zilong. Starting today, I will hand them over to you. Now that I have horses, Zilong, I want to expand the cavalry to 700, and you will train them specially."

"Zhao Yun takes orders!"

"Zhang He takes orders!"

The two said in unison.

"Gong and uncle, the county government still needs a county captain?" Liu Qing asked Ju Shi with a smile.

"Guangping County does have two county lieutenants, but they have been vacant."

According to the official system of the Eastern Han Dynasty, counties with more than [-] households can have two county magistrates.

"The other one, let Jun Yi take the job, with a monthly salary of 45 hu, which will be paid by the government office."

Although he has ten thousand stones of grain, he can't be vague when he can take advantage of it. Compared with the county government's grain depot, his grain is still much worse.

Ju Shou took over the words, "There is also the post of county magistrate. Brother Yuan Hao is willing to do it? Or you can be the magistrate, and I can be the county magistrate."

"Gong Yu is joking, the county magistrate is the county magistrate, but I'm afraid that as soon as you file your form and report it, the postal supervisor will come to exploit it." Tian Feng said.

This can be regarded as a spectacle in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, Liu Hong, took the lead in selling officials and vassals. Officials from the central to local governments clearly marked the price, but also supported installment payments.

In addition, even incumbent and promoted officials have to pay for the purchase. For example, Sikong Zhang Wen, who has a reputation for meritorious service, has to pay money to get the official position.

The local officials are basically occupied by some powerful nobles, while in other places, most of the officials are unsolicited. Guangping is the latter situation.

"Uncle Yuan Hao, don't worry, you just do it. The postal supervisor dares to stretch out his hand, and I will chop his hand. If the postal supervisor dares to open his mouth, I will cut his tongue." Liu Qing said rudely.

"With the words of the lord, Feng Peng is disrespectful!"

The hall laughed again, chatting, laughing and drinking until the night.

The next day, the South Gate training ground.

Except for the guards patrolling the county seat, all the selected villagers are training in this large open space.

After half a month of recruitment, Ju Shou recruited [-] spearmen and [-] good cavalrymen to form cavalry. However, there were only more than [-] horses in the past. This time, he captured more than [-] horses, and he was able to expand the cavalry to [-] in one go.

In addition, there are [-] archers and [-] shield soldiers. Shield soldiers require physical strength, and archers are even more difficult to find.

A total of more than 600 people.

In addition, in a corner, there are 15 guards that Ban Ming is training. These [-] people are all provided with first-class food, but the training volume is three times that of ordinary Xiangyong.

According to preliminary estimates, Guangping County has recruited [-] young adults, which is close to the limit.

Of course, if the whole county is mobilized, [-] fighters can be assembled.

There are more than [-] yellow turbans captured a few days ago. They are currently working as laborers. If they can accept the transformation, they can also be absorbed in the future.

Due to the small number of shield soldiers and archers, there is no special person in charge, but a few outstanding people are selected to supervise them. Their current training content is only one, lifting stones and practicing arm strength.

Zhang He led the phalanx of spearmen and was training the assassination movement. Seeing Liu Qing coming, Zhang He hurriedly saluted.


"How about the 700 men? Counting Zilong's [-] cavalry, the best young men in the county are all here."

"The order is forbidden, the movements are standardized, Zilong has already trained very well."

"When the leather armor and the sharp wooden spear are in place, it will be more imposing. By the way, that white iron sword is a good piece of iron. What kind of weapon do you like, I will instruct the workshop to build it for you."

"He has learned guns since he was a child, but if he likes it, it's the halberd."

Sure enough, the adaptability is still higher.

"Then I will build a halberd for you, expand the army in the future, and then form a halberd for you. There are many cavalry in the north, and the halberd will definitely show its might."

Zhang He is overjoyed, whatever he thinks, the lord can always be one step ahead of him.

"Thank you my lord!"

"You continue to practice, I will go outside the city to see Zilong's cavalry."

Zhang He left, and Liu Qing opened the system mall.

Regarding the recipes for making halberds, the mall has a whole series, bronze halberds, iron halberds and so on.

Bronze Halberd: It can split and stab, and can break most leather armors. It requires 1000 achievement points.

At present, the soldiers are not in place, but the equipment can be produced in advance. The ironware of the Han Dynasty was controlled, but copper was spread more, and it was easy to collect.

Spend 1000 achievement points to get the Bronze Halberd recipe, with 19500 points remaining.


Li Shui's voice came from a distance, and he rode his horse straight to the playground, looking very anxious.

"My lord, a large number of soldiers and horses appeared outside the city, and they were confronting General Zhao Yun."


(End of this chapter)

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