Three Kingdoms: The Yellow Turbans finally revolt

Chapter 349 Liu Qing will hunt Shandong, Zhang Liao attacked the Yellow Turban at night

Chapter 349 Liu Qing will hunt Shandong, Zhang Liao attacked the Yellow Turban at night

Liu Qing's so-called Yellow Turban Hunting Strategy was based on the terrain of Qingzhou and the current situation of the enemy and ourselves.

With the expulsion of the Yellow Turbans in Taishan County, the Jinan Army, and the southwest of Beihai County, the Yellow Turbans' activities are mainly distributed in the southeast of Beihai State and Donglai County.

The Yellow Turbans on the border of Xuzhou were almost cleaned up by Tao Qian. Therefore, the arc drawn by Liu Qing divided the Shandong Peninsula into two, and the east half of the coastal area is where the Yellow Turbans are most rampant.

Liu Qing gathered forces from all sides, deployed along the route, and steadily advanced towards the peninsula. In this way, with the continuous advancement, the front line will become shorter and shorter, and the forces of all parties will get closer.

The closer the forces of all parties are, the easier it is to aid and protect each other, and the stronger the strength, the harder it is for the Yellow Turbans to break through. In this way, all the way eastward, the Yellow Turbans are forced out of the Shandong Peninsula like a poison.

As Liu Qing and Ju Shou's research is further detailed, the current specific deployment has been finalized.

From north to south, Liu Bei left some remnants of the yellow scarf and marched into Shouguang, which became the northernmost link.

Jushou led Zhang Yun to sit in Juxian County, which is a small county not far to the north, Yiguo County.

Liu Qing personally led the Imperial Guard Battalion and Dianwei Tiger Battalion, and marched into Pingshou County and Yingling County.

Cao Cao was originally stationed in Anqiu County. He could order Cao Ren, Xiahou Dun, and Yu Jin to each lead an army to defend Chang'an, Gaomi, and Yi'an counties.

For the remaining two vacancies, Zhang Liao is in charge of Zhuangwu County, and Zhao Yun is in charge of Buqi County. Now the two armies have left Dongping and are on their way.

Such a large-scale action of soldiers and horses naturally cannot be concealed from the eyes and ears of those who are interested. Tao Qian, who is very concerned about the King of Bohai, is even more disturbed by such a large-scale operation. He has repeatedly called Mi Zhu, Chen Gui and other staff to discuss. Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun marched eastward from Dongping Kingdom, and even crossed the wilderness in the north of Xuzhou, making Tao Qian feel like he was facing a big enemy all day long.

The commanders of the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou, who were in the whirlpool, were even more disturbed at this time. Now all the soldiers and horses are stationed in the county, standing still, like the calm before the storm, giving them a sense of suffocation.

Although Guanyang County belongs to Beihai County, it is narrow and long, and goes deep into Donglai County. Guanhai ordered the Yellow Turban army to station here, and there are many Yellow Turban soldiers around him, guarding Guanyang County.

On this day, Guan Hai summoned all the small Qushuai and Fangtou commanders from all walks of life to come to Guanyang to discuss matters. On the one hand, it was about food and grass. Today is different.

It's been the third year of the Yellow Turban Uprising, most of Qingzhou has long been deserted, and only some powerful manors still have food and grass to plunder, and these tyrants more or less have private tribes, and even stopped those who went to plunder.

Generally speaking, the price is too high. In some big and powerful families, the private soldiers raised are even better than the defenders in the county town. That's why they see the picture of someone taking away the property.

Guan Hai looked at everyone who was not doing very well recently, and comforted him: "Don't worry, everyone, the difficulties in front of us are temporary. After our army captures Donglaihuang County, we will also find a good place to manage and cultivate. There is no need to continue farming." Being exploited by dog ​​officials."

When the generals heard Guan Hai's painting of cakes, their voices were still loud.

"I waited to raise my troops to raise an incident because I appealed in my heart. Now that the war is approaching, although the officers and soldiers are making frequent movements, they are still confined to the city. This matter just needs to pay more attention to the vacant land. It only needs to be plowed out, and there is no need to fight. Kill, kill." Guan Hai said.

The entire meeting was led by Guan Hai, and it didn't last for a day. During this period of time, many people lost their lives, and Guan Hai could do nothing about it.

The road the Qingzhou Yellow Turban traveled was so bumpy that Guan Hai almost forgot about his failures, but whenever there was a sharp ax blade, Guan Hai went there himself.

Liu Qing's actions did not escape the Yellow Turban's awareness, and the Yellow Turban's gathering to watch the sun naturally did not escape the spectacles of the sentries from all walks of life. After Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun arrived, Liu Qing declared loudly:

"Hunting Shandong, sweeping away the Yellow Turbans!"

The time just came to June, when soldiers from all walks of life began to send troops, the direction was surprisingly certain, and a line of defense with no dead ends began to be established. Dots form lines.

Soon, the Yellow Turbans began to counterattack, first of all, Liu Bei in Le'an, as the weakest part of the army, Liu Bei soon encountered an active attack from the Yellow Turban army several times his size, attacking his defense line, but Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, two gods With the general's efforts, Liu Bei's army not only grasped the front line, but also defeated the Yellow Turban army.

Headed by Liu Bei, all the ministries went hand in hand, and began to follow the established strategy of shrinking and encircling.

After Liu Beijun knocked down the yellow scarf, Guan Hai also received a notification, combined with his recent actions, he immediately understood the mystery, and at the same time he was shocked, he immediately mobilized troops to stop the advance of the Bohai King's defense line.

A breakthrough must be found.

The soldiers and horses of the king of Bohai, not to mention their strong soldiers and horses, are also fierce in combat effectiveness, so they were first eliminated by Guan Hai.

As for Cao Cao, he was an old opponent during this period of time, and Guan Hai couldn't even get any cheap for himself.

I heard that two armies are coming from the south, they must be Tao Qian's soldiers and horses. As far as the past combat experience is concerned, to deal with Tao Qian, you only need to use multiple forces to attack him, and you will surely win!
So Guan Hai mobilized [-] Yellow Turban troops and marched directly along Gushui to Zhuangwu County.

Zhang Liao was speechless when he got the news. The Yellow Turban chose him because he thought he was the easiest to break through. Zhang Liao was furious and cursed: "Yellow Turban thief, how dare you look down on others, Yan Xing! Yan Xing!"

Zhang Liao called for his capable generals.

Yan Xing stepped forward and introduced the military newspaper he found: "General, the Yellow Turban Army is led by Zheng Miao, with about 2 people, and they are currently gathering east of Gushui. It is only a day's journey away from Zhuangwu."

"One day? Ho ho." Zhang Liao sneered.

Yan Xing was taken aback, when Zhang Liao looked like this, he was in the best fighting state, he immediately guessed that Zhang Liao was going to attack.

"General, I'm going to prepare the horse."

Zhang Liao smiled knowingly, what is a capable general!

It is rare that Zheng Miao, the leader of the Yellow Turban, paid so much. Zhang Liao didn't take the initiative. He was afraid that the other party would not know what hospitality is, and it was a day's journey away. Zhang Liao was indifferent.

Of course, I chose to go both ways.

When the night was just getting dark, the lights in Zhang Liao's camp were brightly lit, and all posts and posts were on duty step by step, as if nothing happened, but in fact, Zhang Liao's barracks was empty.

The moon and stars are scarce, and the sparrows are singing.

Zhang Liao hurriedly marched for about four hours, and after resting for an hour, he quietly touched the Yellow Turban's camp.

Because of the march, the Yellow Turban only surrounded a camp without any fences to protect it. The stretches of tents reflected a gray luster under the moonlight. In the night, Zhang Liao found several sentries, all of whom were dozing off. Add a little more confidence.

When the sky was just turning white, it was the time when the night's sleepiness was the most intense, and even the sentinels fell into a deep doze.

"Yan Xing! I'll give you 500 people. You will shoot fire arrows from south to north and from the west. The west wind will blow the fire tonight!"

"Here!" Yan Xing took the order and left.

Looking at the Yellow Turban barracks, Zhang Liao sighed, 2 people, if there is a big victory tonight, blood will flow like rivers again.

"2 people, 2 people!" Zhang Liao sighed.

Suddenly, swishing fire arrows appeared in the sky, turned into an arc, and fell into the western camp one after another. Not long after, the monstrous flames suddenly ignited, and with a wave of their arms, the soldiers under the tent rushed up one after another.

The freedom of this battle was extremely high, Zhang Liao watched as someone rushed straight into the yellow turban tent, white knives went in, red knives went out, and the tent fell silent forever.

And some soldiers, carrying torches, went all the way, lighting tents one after another.

Soon, the flames shot up into the sky, screams, and cries for help began to come one after another. The first to be awakened were the sentries who were not yet asleep. They shouted and roared, trying to wake up the people on their side.

Vaguely, Zhang Liao even heard the beating of a gong.

The camp was in chaos, Zhang Liao still clearly noticed that Yan Xing was still setting fire to the flying arrows, but from a distance, it was already far away, and the camp of 2 people was still very large.

The fire is burning like this?The army hasn't come out yet?Zhang Liao felt speechless, and the other party's reaction was too slow.

Thinking about it, Zhang Liao gave the final attack order. The sky had already turned white and the sun was about to come out.

Zhang Liao's army rushed straight in, spears forward, and horseshoes even stepped towards the camp tents. Some of them flew the tents with their guns, put them in the fire and lit them, and then ran for a while like facing a fire flag, The burning tent was "returned" to the Yellow Turban soldiers who didn't know how to live or die.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Shouts came one after another, Zhang Liao understood that the worst battle was about to begin...


"Bastard!" Zheng Miao scolded, why did Zhang Liao launch an attack at this time.

In the light of the fire, Zhang Liao held his halberd with his own hands, and killed along the way, and soon reached Zheng Miao.

Zheng Miao was a little terrified, the situation was too difficult to deal with, so he tidied up, took more than a hundred horses, and left straight away.

Seeing this, Zhang Liao didn't allow him to run away. He immediately led dozens of horsemen and chased them all the way.

"Stop thieves! Zhang Liao is here!" Zhang Liao beat him fiercely.

When Zheng Miao heard this, he couldn't help but stop, and turned around and cursed: "You are Zhang Liao? Are you Zhang Liao? Are you Zhang Liao?"

The incomprehension and anger in the words are beyond words.

"Isn't it Tao Qian! Isn't it Tao Qian! Isn't it Tao Qian!" Zheng Miao muttered.

Zhang Liao understood, he thought he was Tao Qian, that's why he dared to attack?

At this level, Zhang Liao still wanted to fight against Tao Qian. Zhang Liao felt that the Yellow Turban was really big-hearted sometimes, and his little fighting power was not counted.

"Yellow Turban Thief, did you put me on the spot, Mr. Tao Qian?" Zhang Liao joked.

Zheng Miao complained endlessly in his heart, not because he was wrong, but because Mr. Qu Shuai was wrong. If he knew that Zhang Liao, the King of Bohai, was guarding here, he would not dare to attack even if he was killed.

So now, the defeat is set, and it is too late.

Zheng Miao took a look and shouted: "If you lose, you lose. Let's go!"

Zhang Liao's subordinates wanted to chase, but Zhang Liao stopped him.

Zheng Miao is really considered a poor bandit now, and the poor bandit is doomed, there is no need to pursue him, not to mention he is still running towards the net, can he escape?

No, he can't run away.

Just let him live a few more days.

The most urgent task is to get rid of the enemies in the camp first.

Zhang Liao led his horse back and led his army to slaughter all directions.

Climbing up with the sun, the wolf smoke billowed into the sky, somewhat covering the sky, the [-] Yellow Turban Army, except for the hundreds of people who fled, countless people were burned to death, and of course some may be burned beyond recognition after being killed.

Those who were burned, killed, and fled, Zhang Liao finally surrendered, less than five thousand.

Therefore, the victory in this battle is at least [-].

Two days later, the news of the great battle outside Zhuangwu spread, and the reputation shook the world.

Zheng Miao fled back to the Guanyang base camp in disgrace, Guan Hai saw Zheng Miao's face smeared with ashes, and his face became gloomy.

He also said that he would give [-] soldiers, but he was completely defeated in the first battle, and only a few hundred people were brought back, and he was also embarrassed.

"Is there an explanation?" Guan Hai asked coldly.

"Shuai Qu, the information is wrong, it's not Tao Qian's soldiers at all, it's the King of Bohai! It's Zhang Liao of the King of Bohai!"

"Zhang Liao?" Guan Hai recalled the name, and suddenly remembered that not long ago, in the battle for grain and grass in Dongjun County, it seemed that Zhang Liao made the final decision and defeated Yuan Jun.

"Why Zhang Liao? Where's Tao Qian?" Guan Hai couldn't understand.

"Subordinates don't know!"

Guan Hai looked at Zheng Miao, if the information was really wrong, maybe he couldn't blame him entirely.

He waved his hand and signaled him to go down. The Yellow Turban Army had no concept of military discipline at all. Everyone couldn't survive without food. Guan Hai also understood this.

"If Zhuangwu County is not Tao Qian, but Zhang Liao, then what about Buqi County? Buqi County was occupied by Tao Qian before."

During the fierce battle between Zheng Miao and Zhang Liao, the other lines of defense were not idle either. Cao Cao marched for ten miles, Liu Qing marched back to the foot of Zhenshan Mountain, and Liu Bei had also entered the Beihai territory.

Because the adjacent fronts supported each other and sent cavalry sentries to each other, Cao Cao was the first to know about the battle outside Zhuangwu County.

Cao Cao was stunned when he heard the result of the battle.

Kill [-] enemies in one battle and capture [-]?

This is directly equivalent to his harvest for several months.

"Zhang Wenyuan is truly a great general!" Cao Cao commented, "Hurry up and tell me about the battle in detail!"

At the same time, he sent a congratulatory letter to Liu Qing.


Liu Qing received the good news from Zhang Liao and Cao Cao almost at the same time.

After watching Zhang Liao's record, Liu Qing was very satisfied.

After reading Cao Cao's letter, Liu Qing immediately got up in Versailles and wrote back to Cao Cao.

The letter said: "This is just an ordinary small victory for Wenyuan. He knows how to hunt for big plans, but he has not succeeded yet. The meritorious service is still ahead."

When Cao Cao received the letter from King Bohai, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he threw the letter heavily to Cheng Yu and Yu Jin to read.

"Look, did the King of Bohai say anything? He actually said that Wen Yuan's battle was an ordinary victory."

Neither Cheng Yu nor Yu Jin made a sound, and they were too embarrassed to point out Cao Cao who was a play within a play.

Zhang Liao, he is the one who can deal with the elite under Yuan Benchu's tent. Although his record in this battle is brilliant...

But the target is the Yellow Turban.

"Hey, it's such a good thing, why can't it be the turn to fuck, then Guan Hai is blind, and he's going to provoke Zhang Wenyuan!"


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(End of this chapter)

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