Three Kingdoms: The Yellow Turbans finally revolt

Chapter 347 Donglai Taishici, the Minister of Beihai Receiving Energy

Chapter 347 Donglai Taishici, the Minister of Beihai Receiving Energy

Linsu, the government office of Qingzhou, was originally the capital of Qi State and the most prosperous place in Qingzhou.

However, Jushou was in the county at this time. The Yellow Turban Rebellion in Qingzhou was most likely caused by the Beihai Kingdom. The war-torn people, those who turned into refugees, and those who fled to other places, caused the population of Beihai State to drop sharply.

Therefore, if Beihai cannot be cured, Qingzhou cannot be cured.

Kong Rong, the former governor, was murdered by the Yellow Turbans in Beihai. Although Cao Cao has recaptured the counties where Beihai was ruled, and defeated them, and surrendered tens of thousands of Yellow Turbans, there is still a long way to go before the Yellow Turbans are wiped out. The county is still not under full control, and with the expansion of Cao Cao's army, food and grass have become stretched.

Lou Gui, who is in Jinan, raised grain and grass for Cao Cao. He has been in urgent need many times. Jinan has little land and can't collect food. I hope Cao Cao can think of other ways.

What can Cao Cao do, he can only ask Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu is not too anxious, saying that the food has not been run out yet, and when the food is really run out, he will naturally find other things to eat.

Cao Cao thought about it, and after learning that the King of Bohai was coming, he wondered if he could borrow some food from the King of Bohai.

He knew in the Battle of Dongjun that the King of Bohai gave Xu Rong all the captured food and grass.

That is more than [-] shi of grain and grass.

Now that the King of Bohai is coming, Cao Cao plans to give it a try no matter what.

Jushou was in Ju County, so Liu Qing went straight to Ju County. It was already mid-May when he entered the city.

According to the county and county government, Liu Qing sat in the main seat, looking at Jushou and Cao Cao with a smile.

"Meng De, when I came to the county, I encountered a lot of yellow scarves along the way. Your suppression of yellow scarves is too rough. It turns out that yellow scarves still appeared in places that were suppressed. Why are there yellow scarves in Qingzhou? So stubborn and embarrassing?"

When Cao Cao heard this, he showed a trace of embarrassment, but it disappeared instantly, and he thought of a way instead.

"Your Majesty does not know that the people of Qingzhou, if they have food, they are the people, and if they have no food, they are thieves. If they have a meal today, they will be the people for a day. If they have nothing to eat, they will turn into yellow scarves and plunder everywhere. Because there is no food." Cao Cao explained.

Ju Shou also echoed: "My lord, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban has been poisoned for a long time, and the impact is unprecedented. The main reason is that the production in Qingzhou has caused excessive damage. It may be difficult to make such an action for a while."

The food problem is the biggest problem in Qingzhou, and Liu Qing has already thought of it.

But Cao Cao was thinking about another thing: How could Liu Qing ask the King of Bohai for food in a polite and embarrassing manner.

"Army rations? Meng De means that you have run out of rations?" Liu Qing pretended to be surprised.

When Cao Cao talked about military rations at this time, Liu Qing naturally understood, and Cao Cao must have thought about how to deal with it.

"Your Majesty Mingjian, it's just that there are still tens of thousands of Yellow Turban soldiers in the army. Although they don't have enough food, they still need to be fed every day. What I'm doing now has been transported from Jinan, and including Jinan, the food and grass are also exhausted. I don't know..." Cao Cao hesitated to speak, and asked tentatively, "I wonder if Your Majesty can properly arrange these yellow turban soldiers?"

Liu Qing smiled, just waiting for your words!
What is most important in the second century?Of course, people are the most important, labor, recruitment, childbirth, which is not important?
"Of course!" Liu Qing agreed without hesitation.

Cao Cao: Uh... I'm just testing, my lord...

Of course, Cao Cao also knew that people were important. Not only could they be engaged in agriculture, but they could also be recruited from them to serve as soldiers. However, Qingzhou was devastated right now, so there was no time to do these two things.

But Liu Qing is different, with food support, the surrendered soldiers can be diverted immediately. Those who should be laborers can obediently renovate the barren fields, and those who meet the requirements for recruiting soldiers can participate in training. After being exiled to the "Great Northern Wilderness" to open up wasteland, Fuyu domestic guests still lack a lot of labor.

"Meng De can send all the soldiers to this king. This king will immediately order someone to take over and arrange them properly. Moreover, Meng De has worked so hard on this matter. He must have consumed too much food and grass. This king will also make some compensation as appropriate."

Hearing this, Cao Cao breathed a sigh of relief.

I almost thought that I would be prostituted by the King of Bohai. As expected of the King of Bohai, he does everything without leaking, and does not give others room to comment. Cao Cao is very curious. If he is good at fighting, he can rely on his talent. , in an almost legendary way, destroyed the Xiongnu, and these ways of living in the world need to be sharpened by experience. At such an age, how can there be any experience.

"Thank you, my lord!" Anyway, Cao Cao thanked him first. As for the amount of food to be given, with the situation of the King of Bohai, do we need to discuss this?
No need!
Entangling this is a small pattern.

After the meeting, Cao Cao led the people back to the barracks. Cheng Yu was behind him, and asked in confusion, "My lord, why didn't you tell me how much food and grass there is?"

Cao Cao was complacent for a while, he could see through and get along with this kind of thing, and other people's ideas were obviously out of scale.

What kind of person is the King of Bohai? He is a person who avenges revenge and repays kindness. The second battle of Dongjun revolved around Yuan Shao's grain and grass. In the end, Yuan Shao fled angrily, and only brought back 20 shi of grain. to 15 shi, and Liu Qing gave Xu Rong all the remaining [-] shi of grain.

15 stone!

Cao Cao had never seen so much grain and grass since the war to quell the chaos. It was rumored that the amount of grain and grass secretly traded between the King of Bohai and the Yuan family amounted to a million stones, which made Cao Cao's head numb.

"Don't worry Zhongde, I can trust the King of Bohai!" Cao Cao said.

That's all for this.

After Liu Qing went back, Jushou stayed and talked to Liu Qing about his experience after Qingzhou.

The more he talked, the more Liu Qing felt that Beihai was hopeless. According to the official enthronement account books, Beihai has a population of 20, but it is currently estimated that it is over [-].

This is too frightening. In just a few years, the number of people has decreased by half.

Now Liu Qing understood how the millions of Qingzhou yellow scarves came from in history.

The entire Qingzhou has a population of only 300 million, and one-third of them have voted for the Yellow Turban, which shows the harsh living environment.

"The situation in Qingzhou is indeed embarrassing. Uncle Ju has to worry about this matter. If you need money, food or talents, just ask!"

"My lord, I don't worry about money and food, but talents, do you have any, my lord?"

"Ahem..." Liu Qing coughed lightly, but there really wasn't one.

"Uncle Ju is in Qingzhou, did you find any talent to create?"

In terms of talents, there is one in this county, who was recommended by Meng De.

"Oh? Who is it?"

"Xu Gan, Xu's family, it is said that this person has been diligent in learning since he was a child, and his talent is far beyond ordinary people. At the age of 15, he could recite hundreds of thousands of words. I will recommend Xu Gan, I have met this person, he is really good at talking, he has real talent and learning, and he often speaks well."

"If that's the case, why didn't Cao Mengde take him under his command?" Liu Qing asked curiously.

"Meng De bluntly said that he can't stand the sourness of scholars..."

Liu Qing smiled knowingly, as expected of you, Meng De, haha!
"Since you have talent and learning, you will be recruited. In addition, has Uncle Ju heard of Tai Shici?"

"Tai Shici?" Ju Shou frowned, thinking deeply, and said after a few breaths: "I remember, I have seen this person in the official list, Tai Shici is the Cao Shi of Donglai County, who is in charge of the discussion. How did my lord know about this person?"

Uh... the dream is okay.

"This man is talented, Uncle Ju, you can write a letter and call him directly to the county." Liu Qing said bluntly without explaining.


As soon as the words fell, there was a sudden notification from outside the door: "Master, the master wants to see the meritorious Cao."

"My lord, I just recommend it to you. I first arrived in Qingzhou, thanks to the help of Kong Wenju's two staff members, the master secretary Wang Xiu, and the meritorious Cao Sun Shao." Then he shouted outside: "I want them to come in!"

Not long after, the two came to the front of the hall, and just about to salute, they saw that the governor was sitting in the guest seat below, and the person in the main seat was a young man. For a while, the two stood there in a daze, staring at Liu Qing.

Liu Qing also stared at them. Among the two, one was wearing a black crown and a gray-brown cloak, and the two were very conspicuous with their small mustaches.

The other person was much calmer, dressed in official uniform, and taciturn. If Liu Qing's guess was right, this should be Sun Shao.

Wang Xiu may not have much impression, but Sun Shao and Liu Qing knew it. Sun Quan was called Queen Wu, and the first prime minister was Sun Shao, which shows his talent and Sun Quan's regard for him.

"Cough!" Ju Shou coughed lightly, which aroused the two people's ideas.

"Meet the envoy!" Both of them bowed together.

"Come and meet, this is the King of Bohai Sea, the two of you salute." Ju Shou recommended.

"I've seen the King of Bohai!" The two bowed again.

"Please take a seat!" Liu Qing said.

Ju Shou went straight to the point and asked, "The two of you are here, do you have something important to do?"

Wang Xiu glanced at Liu Qing again, and said to himself: "A group of refugees came from outside the city. They are all women and children. They were blocked by the city guards. They came here to ask for instructions. Do you want to let them go?"

Just as Ju Shou was about to open his mouth, Wang Xiu said again: "Your Majesty, the Yellow Turbans captured the county earlier and took away all the grain and grass in the warehouse. Now that the new grain is being requisitioned, the supply to General Zhang is still tight, and it is really unable to satisfy this group of refugees. The lower officials did not dare to make a decision, so they had no choice but to ask the envoy for instructions."

Jushou thought it was some kind of problem.

If it was still a problem yesterday, then it is no longer a problem now, because the king of Bohai has arrived, and the problem of food is gone. Ju Shou immediately replied: "Let people enter the city and give them food."

"However, the food and grass provided by the generals and the people in the city may be exhausted soon." Wang Xiu gritted his teeth and continued to persuade, there must always be a choice, the wicked, he will make it.

Perhaps it was because the master was naturally closer to the master's family. Wang Xiu tried to persuade him again and again, but Gongcao Sun Shao continued to remain silent.

"Don't worry, Master Wang, with the King of Bohai, food and grass will arrive soon!"

Wang Xiu cast his eyes on Liu Qing, and Liu Qing gave him a positive look with a smile, and said: "The king has ordered the distribution of grain from Jizhou. During this period, if there is any shortage, it can be allocated from the king's army. Take it easy."

As soon as Wang Xiu heard that the King of Bohai was willing to lend a helping hand, he immediately swept away his worries, thanked Lian Sheng, and said bluntly that the King of Bohai was a great benefactor of Qingzhou.

At this time, Sun Shao, who had been silent for a long time, spoke.

"Emissary, is the king of Bohai the master of the envoy?"

As soon as Sun Shao said something, the scene was immediately cold, and Wang Xiu reminded in a low voice: "Brother Sun, be careful with your words!"

"Changxu's eyes are really bright. To tell the truth, this official is indeed under the account of the king of Bohai. The governor of Qingzhou was also recommended by the king of Bohai. His original intention was that the king of Bohai saw that Qingzhou had been poisoned by the yellow turban for a long time, and that other forces used official business as a way to get rid of it. Filling up selfish desires, attempting to get involved in Qingzhou."

The two of them understood that the other forces referred to Tao Qian.

As for Cao Cao, Jinan State belongs to the internal forces of Qingzhou, and Cao Cao has indeed been conscientiously suppressing the Yellow Turbans.

Liu Qing took over the words and said: "Everything is as Ju Gongyu said, the primary purpose of my king's coming to Qingzhou is to frighten Tao Qian. Now, he has fled back to Xuzhou in desperation, carefully guarding his The land has been allocated to three people."

Both Wang Xiu and Sun Shao can confirm this news.

"Furthermore, the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou are powerful, and Meng De's power is weak, so it is difficult to effectively eliminate them. This king's trip is to quell the chaos of the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou and bring peace to the people of Qingzhou."

Liu Qing said two reasons for the crown, of course, the core is actually just one sentence.

Qingzhou is mine.

This is both the premise and the result.

Liu Qing looked at the two of them, and asked bluntly: "Since you two know each other, are you willing to serve the King?"

Wang Xiu and Sun Shao looked at each other, Sun Shao not only looked normal, but also did not change his face.

Wang Xiu slandered inwardly: "I'll go, you pretend to be yourself, I'll vote!"

"Wang Xiu is willing to serve the King of Bohai Sea, to serve the work of a dog and a horse!" After saying that, Wang Xiu gave Liu Qing a royal gift.

Congratulations to the lord for subduing the capable minister【Wang Xiu】

Name: Wang Xiu, courtesy name Shuzhi

Grade: outstanding

Stamina: 32
Force: 27
Command: 54
Intelligence: 76
Politics: 86
Charisma: 89
Features: [Military Affairs] Construction of military facilities under the rule, production improvement, own politics +2.

[Recruitment] Due to the excellent reputation, a group of soldiers can be recruited every once in a while.

【Go to Difficulty】Be upright and upright, restrain the strong and help the weak.

Loyalty: 70%
Benefit: Charisma +0.89, current charm 77.43.

"Uncle Zhi, please get up!" Liu Qing immediately stood up and made a gesture of lifting him up.

Wang Xiu got up, cupped his hands again to thank the gift, and then glanced at Sun Shao again, with an expression of I have already voted, so you can do it yourself.

Sun Shao was really speechless. This Wang Xiu was staring at him everywhere. He shook his head. Obviously he was the first to see the relationship between King Bohai and Jushou. Naturally, he came here not only for the sake of the people outside the city. It's that simple for the refugees to ask for orders.

It's really strange that this guy preempted his allegiance.

Hmph, Sun Shao knelt heavily, and said loudly: "I am not talented, Sun Shao, I am willing to vote for the Ming Lord, and I will not hesitate to do anything!"

Congratulations to the lord for subduing the capable minister【Sun Shao】

Name: Sun Shao, courtesy name Changxu

Grade: outstanding

Stamina: 22
Force: 33
Command: 17
Intelligence: 79
Politics: 88
Charisma: 71
Features: [Auxiliary Minister] Good at assisting in making plans, making the strategy perfect, intelligence +2.

【Knowledge and Shou】Affirm the original heart, keep the original heart, and be good at retreating to advance.

[Calmness] Peace of mind, calm in dealing with things, politics +2.

Loyalty: 70%
Gains: Politics +0.88, Current Politics 79.19.

Liu Qing was overjoyed, these two talents were both above average, and they were bound to play an important role in Qingzhou's recovery work.

This trip to Qingzhou was not in vain!
"Uncle Ju, order someone to prepare a banquet, this king wants to entertain two great talents!"


(PS: Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets.)
(End of this chapter)

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