Three Kingdoms: The Yellow Turbans finally revolt

Chapter 319 Growth in battle, development of Bianjun

Chapter 319 Growth in battle, development of Bianjun

The Yellow Turban Army in various parts of Qingzhou, marching westward?
This is puzzling.

"Zhongde, in your opinion, what's wrong with this matter?" Cao Cao urged Cheng Yu who was thinking about it.

Cheng Yu lightly stroked his beard, slightly closed his eyes, and opened them suddenly after a few breaths.

"There must be something big happening in Runan!"

Runan?Cao Cao suddenly thought of what had happened to the Yuan family in Runan and Liu Bian's death half a month ago.

"Could it be that the Yellow Turban wants to take advantage of Yuan's weakness and aggressively attack Runan?"

Cheng Yu shook his head, and replied: "My lord, the Yellow Turbans are short of supplies, and they are rarely transferred in a large area. It is very likely that they can act in such a coordinated way—food and grass!"

What Cheng Yu said is reasonable, the Yellow Turbans are usually like a plague of locusts, sweeping one place and then changing another place, there is rarely a large-scale transfer, and the only thing that can drive them is food.

Well, what happened in the Runan area, the target of the Yellow Turban is probably the Yuan family who is currently in turmoil.

"Food and grass." Cao Cao murmured.

What the army lacks the most right now is food and grass.

"Wen Ze!" Cao Cao immediately called out to Yu Jin, "Lead your troops and horses and go west immediately to see if the Yellow Turbans can pay the food and grass. If so..."

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes, and the corner of his mouth curled into a faint smile.

"You will take it!"

"Here!" Yu Jin took the order and left.


Outside Fenggao City, Zhu Ling received a new batch of grain and grass, and was about to return to the city, when suddenly, thousands of yellow scarves circled the mountain road, blocking the way.

"I opened this road, and I planted this tree. If you want to live on from now on, you must save money to buy roads!" The leader of the Yellow Turban stepped forward and announced boldly.

Hearing these words, Zhu Ling felt very familiar. It wasn't the old-fashioned "this road was opened by me", but the words of the leader of the Yellow Turban had a local accent!
"You are obviously from Qinghe, when did you come here to open the way and plant trees?" Zhu Ling responded with a smile, facing the yellow scarf, not only was not afraid, but mocked the leader.

When the leader heard this, the other party revealed his background in a single word. He was indeed from Qinghe. When there was a war in Jizhou, he fled to Yanzhou. Because he couldn't make a living, he had to join the Yellow Turban. Became the leader of Fangtou.

"It's none of your business, leave food and grass, and let you go!"

Zhu Ling was a little annoyed. He was very annoyed by these guys during this time. Most of the time, the Yellow Turbans would not dare to rob the army unless they encountered two teams with weak guards. But recently, the Yellow Turbans suddenly became more irritable. Every trip to the grain team will encounter the Yellow Turban Army no less than three times.

Zhu Ling suppressed his angry thoughts, and said in his heart: God has the virtue of loving life, and the Lord has benevolence and righteousness, so let's go through the procedure first.

"It's understandable to think that you are eating for one bite. If you put down your weapons and surrender, and become obedient citizens in the future, this general can let the past go, and send you to Jizhou. There, not only the plowers have fields, even if they don't plow, As long as you work hard, you can support your family!" Zhu Ling declared.

"It's a joke, this commander is rushing to eat, and he can support his family, so grab it for me!"

After saying that, the leader of the Yellow Turban pointed his spear, and many Yellow Turban soldiers rushed forward.

Zhu Ling snorted coldly, "Overthinking one's abilities!"

He flattered the horse and killed them. The few people who were the first to bear the brunt were stabbed by him once or twice, and they were all critical.

"If you surrender, you will live, if you refuse, you will die!" Zhu Ling shouted domineeringly.

"Don't listen to him, we have a lot of people!" The familiar accent sounded again, but Zhu Ling was not friendly but irritated. When he raised his spear, the horse suddenly accelerated and went straight to the leader.

Seeing this, the leader broke out in a cold sweat, and at the same time, he did not forget to split the spear in his hand, intending to block Zhu Ling's attack.

With a sound of "clang", Zhu Ling pointed his spear on the wooden handle of the leader's spear, and with a "click", the leader's spear broke in response to the sound, and the gun's force remained undiminished, directly poking at the leader's face.

With a flick of Zhu Ling's spear, the spear deflected downwards, directly piercing the leader's neck.

When the iron spear was retracted, the leader immediately bled profusely and fell to the ground. Facing the surrounding land, Zhu Ling looked at the surroundings and declared: "The leader of the bandit has been killed, so let's not make a quick descent!"

The Yellow Turbans were originally a mob, and the leader died unexpectedly, so he immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, asking General Zhu to spare his life and take him in.

When Zhu Ling saw it, the corners of his mouth twitched, quite pleased with himself.

I thought in my heart: The lord was so elegant back then!

But now, the lord has been able to subdue others without fighting, when will he catch up with the lord!
"Get up and go to the back to push the grain cart. Those who work hard will have food!" Zhu Ling said loudly.

The Yellow Turbans got up one after another, making a noisy mess. Zhu Ling frowned. Suddenly, there was a sudden movement from behind the mountain road, and Zhu Ling was immediately alert: It sounded like——

The hooves of the cavalry!

How could there be cavalry here?

Not long after, the comers appeared. The leader was a man with a yellow scarf on his head, a beard, and a big knife on his body. Behind him, he was followed by the flag soldiers who carried the flag. The word "yellow" was written on the flag, and there was a row of small characters below it.

Huang Tian is standing!

At first glance, there are seven or eight hundred of these cavalry, and the infantry behind them is even more black and dense, and there are as many as 2000 people just exposed.

This is an authentic Yellow Turban Army, which is qualitatively different from those Yellow Turban refugees who are just tied with yellow cloth strips and wandering around.

Their existence is not to rob houses, but to attack powerful manors, villages, and even county towns.

Unlike refugees, who are essentially helpless people, they are truly vicious.

"Push away the idlers quickly, all the soldiers, prepare to meet the enemy!" Zhu Ling ordered immediately as he was facing the enemy.

Five hundred cavalry marched forward against the crowd and lined up in front, guarding the Yellow Turbans and the two teams behind them. The two teams had hundreds of guards, but the combined strength of the two was still far behind the Yellow Turbans.

"I am Huang Shao, the commander of Huangjinqu. If I am wise, I will leave food and grass to avoid being slaughtered!"

Huang Shao knew that he didn't come here for these food and grass, but for more food and grass, but since good luck met him, he didn't mind picking it up.

Huang Shao!He is handsome!
Hearing this name, Zhu Ling felt terrible at the moment. He was not afraid of this person, but because the army was still in the city. With his [-] cavalry, it might be difficult to completely defeat an enemy ten times his size.

After all, they are not the lord's guards.

Even if he was lucky enough to break through and all the food and grass were taken away, when he returned to Fenggao, new problems would arise due to the lack of food and grass.

How to do?Zhu Ling was very anxious for a moment.

"A battle is definitely unavoidable, but if you want to retreat completely, it seems impossible..."

Just as Zhu Ling was arranging the line, the yellow scarf took the lead in attacking, and the cavalry rushed forward with shouts, their expressions were full of murderous intent. Obviously, this yellow scarf was stained with a lot of blood, and it was already red-eyed.

"Soldiers, let's fight!"

Zhu Ling gave an order, and the cavalry rushed out, not caring about the number of people on the other side.

In terms of combat effectiveness alone, Zhu Ling has absolute confidence. His cavalry and horses are equipped with excellent armor and eat refined grains. Even the weapons used in combat are maintained by special personnel in the army to ensure they are sharp.

As soon as they fought, Zhu Ling's cavalry began to show their strength, and many of the Yellow Turban cavalry fell immediately.

Zhu Ling and Huang Shao fought together, spears clashing with spears, clanging back and forth several times. Although Zhu Ling had the upper hand in every blow, Huang Shao's strength was too great to be underestimated.

Zhu Ling was secretly shocked: In the Yellow Turban Army, there is such a capable general. With his ability, he can't go anywhere to ask for an errand. Why did he fall into rebellion for the bandits? Is it really because of the phrase "Yellow Heaven should stand" ?

Of course Zhu Ling didn't believe it. The daughter of the initiator of "Huang Tian Dang Li" is almost following the lord.

"Boy, you have some skills! Why don't you surrender to this commander?"

Unheard of, Zhu Ling was actually persuaded by Huang Jin to surrender. He was inexplicably annoyed, and his hands became even more aggressive, and he shot Huang Shao in the face.

As soon as Huang Shao parried, he retreated with his horse and men, but he was not injured. He shot back with his backhand, and the stab was returned to Zhu Ling. Zhu Ling fought with him for more than ten rounds, knowing the depth of the opponent, so he blocked him at will.

This Huang Shao's martial arts are mediocre, relying on brute force, although Zhu Ling has always had the upper hand, but an opponent like Huang Shao has excellent stamina and toughness, and Zhu Ling couldn't kill him for a while.

Zhu Ling looked behind and felt bad. Although he led the cavalry to fight a lot of advantages, the hundreds of guards were tightly surrounded by the yellow turban infantry and retreated steadily.

"Not good! Food and grass are missing! You must kill the leader first!"

Zhu Ling stared fiercely at Huang Shao, planning to attack again, when suddenly there was a shout from behind.

"Brother Wenbo, Zang Ziyuan is here from Guangling!"

Zhu Ling turned around and saw a general leaping over a cart of grain and grass and galloping forward. Behind him, rolling cavalrymen rushed into the Yellow Turban formation without hesitation and began to hack and kill.

Zhu Ling recognized at a glance that those cavalrymen were not the lord.

Guangling Zang Ziyuan? Zhu Ling said he had never heard of it.

While thinking about it, Zang Hong had already killed Zhu Ling, smiled at him friendly, and said, "I advocate Chao, and I am invited by envoy Xun."

The envoy Xun that Zang Hong talked about was naturally Xun Yu, the governor of Jizhou. Zhang Chao and Zhu Ling knew that the younger brother of Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu, was the prefect of Guangling.

It turned out to be Mr. Wen Ruo's instruction.

Zhu Ling nodded with a smile, and said, "Don't thank me for your kindness, let's work together to kill the enemy first, this guy should not be underestimated..."

Before Zhu Ling could finish speaking, Zang Hong immediately led his troops to kill him, yelling, "I'm afraid he's not capable, let me meet him for a while!"

Huang Shao was also caught off guard by the sudden change. Why did another cavalry suddenly come out?
Zang Ziyuan of Guangling?Huang Shao felt very strange, when he saw the opponent approaching, he was holding a long-handled big knife with nine rings on the back, and every time he swung it, there was a "crashing" sound that shook people's minds.

Huang Shao didn't dare to underestimate him, so he immediately raised his gun to block, His Majesty hit the handle of the iron gun with a knife, a huge force exploded in the collision, Huang Shao felt his hands go numb, and he was shocked.

"This guy's strength is actually a bit stronger than mine!"

When Zang Hong was blocked, he immediately laid the blade flat on the handle of the gun, and slid along the handle with a crash. If Huang Shao was a little slow to react, he would cut off all the fingers of his hand.

But Huang Shao was not a fool, he immediately let go of his hand, trying to avoid the knife swing, but before the knife swung out, there was a sudden pause, and then a sudden stab, straight to his chest.

Huang Shao cursed in his heart, the opponent was playing tricks, such a tricky attack made him hard to defend against, he had been confronted head-on with Zhu Ling for a long time, his reflex arc was still a bit straight, and when he met Zang Hong who was full of skills, he immediately suffered losses again and again .

Zhu Ling watched the two fight, one attack and one defense, Zhu Ling watched it seriously, and suddenly realized something.

It turned out that his attack was too blunt!

Since he was inferior to the enemy in strength, he should use martial arts to defeat the enemy. Thinking about it, Zhu Ling suddenly felt a little itchy when looking at Huang Shao who was faintly showing defeat.

"Ziyuan, I'll help you!" Zhu Ling roared and went off to kill.

Huang Shao frowned. What he saw in front of him made him complain so much, how about two against one?

Bully the few with the more, and say that others are thieves, but you are the thief yourself!
Zhu Ling had already joined, Zang Hong stopped and looked at Zhu Ling with great interest.

I saw that Zhu Ling's marksmanship became more frequent and faster, and there was a continuous sense of coherence between the moves, while Huang Shao's blunt parry and counterattack by ear, he couldn't find a chance at all, and he didn't pay attention , the right arm was shot through by Zhu Ling, and the body of the gun was slammed, and half of the arm broke in an instant.

Huang Shao screamed in pain, holding a gun in his left hand, and blocked Zhu Ling's stabbing attack. Of course, Huang Shao in his current state could no longer block Zhu Ling's attack without incident.

The block failed, and a shot went straight into Huang Shao's heart...


The lord [Zhu Ling] killed [Huang Shao].

Benefits: Stamina +0.72, current stamina 85.63.

Liu Qing, who was being welcomed by Liu Yu as a guest, suddenly received a profit reminder.

72 stamina, where did Huang Shao come from? Why did he fight Zhu Ling? Could it be Huang Jinqu handsome?A series of questions fascinated Liu Qing.

After Liu Yu finished speaking, he looked at Liu Qing, but seeing that the latter did not respond at all, he could not help but glance at Zhao Yun.

"My lord, my lord." Zhao Yun called softly.

Liu Qing came back to his senses, and said with a smile: "Brother Bo'an's words are not unreasonable. However, in the 400 years since the founding of the Han Dynasty, first Huo Qubing was sealed off as a wolf, and then Dou Xianyan was forced to kill him. Even now, amidst internal and external troubles, facing Facing the invasion of Xianbei's strong enemy, this king also swept across the grasslands, and moved the Xianbei royal court under his nose, when did I, a big man, sit on an equal footing with foreigners?"

Liu Yu had nothing to say, because everything Liu Qing said was true.

His big Sima is almost empty, but Liu Qing's champion general is a real general with heavy soldiers in his hands and fake festival axe.

In fact, Liu Qing knew that he was too harsh, and Liu Yu had already handled the Youzhou problem well, at least in the short term.

But this kind of compromise cooperation is not what Liu Qing wants.

We will compromise now, how can we talk about external expansion in the future?
The reason is very simple, comparing Youzhou to a house, Liu Qing came here and said to foreigners, open a window.

As a result, foreigners protested one after another, saying that Liu Zhoumu said that we coexist as equals, and the big man has no right to do so.

No way, Liu Qing had no choice but to say, tear down the roof!

In this way, the foreigners had no choice but to take the initiative to open a window.

"Brother Bo'an, this king is not here simply to persuade you to strike peace with Gongsun Bogui. In my opinion, stability under the rule is not the goal. Seeking development in stability is the goal. Stability in such a border area just means being conservative and unwilling to make progress!"

Liu Yu listened quietly, although he could not agree with some words, what King Bohai said was not completely unreasonable.

Liu Qing said again: "The soldiers of Bianjun, the money and food of Bianjun, and almost everything in Bianjun are all given by the Central Plains. If you want to really promote the development of Bianjun, there is only one way to go—"

Everyone's eyes fell on Liu Qing, and Liu Qing said those two words loudly.

"open up!"


(PS: Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets)
(End of this chapter)

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