Three Kingdoms: The Yellow Turbans finally revolt

Chapter 165 Dong is very hot, Liu Hong is very busy

Chapter 165 Dong is very hot, Liu Hong is very busy

After the victory in the Battle of Meiyang, the situation of the three assistants has stabilized, and Dong Zhuo has awarded rewards. As for the rewards of others, they will be unified after Zhang Wen recovers Liangzhou.

The battle was won, but Luoyang City was not festive. Instead, it was shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere. Everyone felt that there were many pairs of eyes staring at their backs. The pressure brought by this psychological burden was even more depressing than the hot weather. People are anxious.

The so-called "Qing emperor's side" Qiangliang rebel army was defeated, and several Qiang leaders fled back to the Qiang land in Liangzhou in desperation. Ten permanent attendants even reached unprecedented heights.

As the closest force to the imperial power other than the eunuchs, He Jin, the relative, and the ten permanent attendants were already in the same situation, and now they are at a disadvantage. Although Dong Zhuo and Liu Qing had made arrangements, He Jin knew that the effect of this kind of wooing was not enough. It won't be immediate.

Or more just a check and balance, so that they don't fall into the arms of their opponents too quickly.

His most critical bargaining chip was still Ding Yuan. For this reason, he specially walked around the four mansions, convincing Situ Huang Wan and Sikong Deng Sheng, and Taiwei Zhang Wen was in Chang'an, so ignore it for now.

It is said to be persuasion, but it is actually a transaction. Huang Wan also felt that Luo Yang was suffocated, and wanted to leave. He Jin agreed to recommend him as Yuzhou Shepherd, and Deng Sheng, He Jin had previously recruited Wang Yun for Deng Sheng, so he repaid the favor.

So the three governments negotiated a resolution and agreed to seal Ding Yuan as Zhijinwu and take charge of the defense of the capital.

With the power and position of a general, it is easier to arrange foreign affairs. The most troublesome thing for He Jin is the He family himself. His younger sister, Empress He, and younger brother, He Miao, are not completely in line with him. He Jin feels that this is a big hidden danger, which has always caused him Feel the pressure.

If you feel that you are moving forward with a heavy load, someone must be taking care of you.

Liu Hong's mood was not so good for a long time, and after a few days of leisure, the leisure and elegance of the "Master of Gardening" also returned.

Now that it is summer, the West Garden Swimming Pool has also been completed ahead of time. Although there are still hundreds of main buildings that have not been completed, the swimming pool can already be used in advance.

In order to create a sense of coolness, Liu Hong ordered people to collect bright green moss everywhere, covered all the steps, poured water from the canal, and formed a pond, in which lotus flowers from the south of the Yangtze River were planted.

This kind of lotus named "Wangshuhe" only blooms at night, and the moon god is famous. Hence the name, this lotus is huge and delicate, with flowers as big as a cover, tall stems, and very frequent flowers.

There are water and flowers, like a fairyland, Liu Hong ordered all the maids to take off their clothes, and played and chased them naked.Sometimes I couldn't help myself, and took off my clothes to mingle with them.

For this reason, he also specially named this garden: Naked Tour Pavilion.

Up to now, the issue between Hedong and Bingzhou has been resolved, the issue between Sanfu and Liangzhou has entered the final stage, and the rebellion in Youzhou has also been brought under control. As for the scattered remnants of the Yellow Turban, Liu Hong no longer cares about it .

Zhang Changshi spoke to Liu Hong, saying that the world has been settled, and the business of selling officials and nobles can resume.

Liu Hong felt very reasonable.

However, this matter needs to be put aside for a while, because there is another big thing to do next. On July [-]th, Liu Hong's biological father, Liu Chang, was born. Liu Hong plans to go back to the former residence of Hejian Kingdom to pay homage to his ancestors and biological father.

Taichang had already been working on this matter day and night, and He Jin wrote a letter to seal Ding Yuan as Jinwu, Liu Hong liked to hear it, and soon agreed, a good fighter will lead the escort, Liu Hong is also relieved.

In the Xiyuan bedroom, Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong were waiting outside, while Liu Hong was "busy" inside. As for busy things, the two of them only found it boring.

Firstly, it is unnecessary, and secondly, the two feel that His Majesty's obsession with this way will only hinder the speed of making money.

Is this kind of happiness really more important than living a little longer?
Do not understand!
It can only be said that the joys and sorrows of people are not the same, Liu Hong's extreme joy, the two just feel noisy, so they whispered, what they have learned from the past few days.

Zhao Zhong lowered his voice, and said with a low male duck voice: "He Jin has been making frequent movements recently, intending to get involved in Bingzhou, so he has to guard against it."

Zhang Rang didn't take it seriously at all, and replied disdainfully: "Dong Zhuo is Yuan's dog, what He Jin did is no different from beating a dog with a meat bun."

"Hee hee hee!" The two covered their mouths and laughed sharply.

"Don't just stare at the butcher. That old dog Yuan Kai can't relax either. Now that he seems to have retired, he has more time to make friends with former disciples. This person must not be taken lightly." Zhang Rang then reminded .

Zhao Zhong nodded, Zhang Rang thought more comprehensively than them, so he was faintly the head of the ten permanent attendants, "There is also that old man Deng Sheng, do you still have Wang Yun's handle in your hand, I will ask His Majesty to refer to him later." One chapter, put him to death."

Zhang Rang shook his head. Both of them knew that finding excuses for Wang Yun was actually just picking a bone in an egg.

"Changshi Zhao." Zhang Rang called out suddenly.


"You said Dong Zhuo, can you win him over?"

Zhao Zhong shook his head reassuringly, "Although we are kind enough to recommend him, but Dong Zhuoping lost the Yellow Turban and almost died, it would be great not to hate us!"

"This person is extremely difficult to deal with, and it is difficult to win over with a little favor, but—" Zhang Rang gave Zhao Zhong a small look, and the latter handed his ear to him.

Zhang Rang: "Don't forget Zhao Changshi, there are people in this palace with the surname Dong..."

When Zhao Zhong heard this, his eyes lit up.

Obviously, the person Zhang Rang said, he also thought of, if it is really possible, maybe...

"Ahem!" Liu Hong coughed and walked out of the bedroom.

The two of them straightened their sitting postures immediately, kneeling respectfully to greet Liu Hong.

"Get up!" Liu Hong said weakly.

Zhang asked Zhao Zhong to get up and glanced at Liu Hong. For some reason, Liu Hong's face was flushed, but this kind of red was not a healthy ruddy color.

For example, it's like a pale face, reddened by a slap.

The two looked at each other, tacit understanding.

Liu Hong sat casually on the mat, propped his chin with one hand, looked at Zhang Rang, "Zhang Changshi, have you ever prepared for the sacrifice?"

Liu Hong doesn't have anything special to pay attention to now. As the emperor of the Han Dynasty, there are only a few things that often concern him now.

The supporting facilities of the capital are well-constructed, enriching the prosperity of the Dahan culture, spreading branches and leaves for the Liu family of the Dahan, and not forgetting the original intention to cherish the merits of the ancestors.

Abbreviation: repairing gardens, composing Fu, intercourse, and offering sacrifices.

The first three items can be done at any time, but the fourth item must always be watched.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Tai often presides over affairs, and Zhi Jinwu is responsible for guarding. In addition, Jian Shuo will also lead the West Garden Army to accompany him."

Liu Hong nodded casually.

Zhao Zhong took out a memorandum and submitted it: "Your Majesty, the attendant Zhang Jun has a memorandum to play."

Zhao Zhong was sure that Liu Hong would not check it himself at this time, but would only ask him to relay it, so there was room for him to change his words.

Sure enough, Liu Hong didn't take it seriously, and directly asked Zhao Zhong to read and summarize it, and then inform him.

"Zhang Shizhong said in the table that the remaining disasters of the Yellow Turban have not been eliminated. Now that the foreign troubles are established, we should send troops to put down the Yellow Turban. The ten permanent servants... The ten permanent servants are the ones who caused internal and external troubles. It is appropriate to kill the ten permanent servants and hang their heads in the southern suburbs. , to thank the people of the Han Dynasty, and then send envoys to announce to the world, the remnants of the Yellow Turban will be flattened, there will be no need for troops, and the bandits will disappear by themselves." Zhao Zhong repeated it quite smoothly.

"Zhanshi Changshi?" Liu Hong's originally expressionless face showed an inconceivable smile.

Zhao Zhong felt that the matter was settled.

The sarcasm from His Majesty, firstly, this memorial will no longer count, and secondly, Zhang Jun may be in trouble.

Liu Hong seemed to be in a good mood, and asked Zhang Rang Zhao Zhong in a serious manner: "If all the ten permanent servants are killed, will Zhang Jun be eunuched and enter the palace to serve me?"

"Ha ha!"


Zhang asked Zhao Zhong to laugh in unison, and he laughed happily. After serving Liu Hong for a long time, the two of them knew Liu Hong's temperament well.

His Majesty is telling a joke. When they laugh, His Majesty will find his joke funny.

Furthermore, if you just smile, this matter will be exposed, what "cut ten regular servants" is nonsense.


Sure enough, Liu Hong laughed heartily, his complexion turned even redder, and the bedroom was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

However, Zhang Rang still has a playlist in his hand, Zhang Rang has already read it, and he knows that this play is the real thing, and Liu Hong should take it seriously.

The most important thing is that Zhang Rang hopes that His Majesty will agree, so if He takes it out when His Majesty is happy, His Majesty will definitely agree with it.

At about the same time, Zhang Rang took out the playing table and said, "Your Majesty, this is played by Taiwei Zhang Wen."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Sure enough, when Liu Hong heard that it was Taiwei Zhang Wen, he immediately stopped smiling, but he was still in a good mood.

"The Taiwei was in Chang'an, and he discovered that Jingzhao Yin and Zheng Wei had committed dereliction of duty. The evidence is conclusive, and he wrote a letter of impeachment." Zhang Rangdao.

Liu Hong breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be a trivial matter.

"Sure!" Liu Hong generously agreed, but seeing Zhang Rang's hesitant expression, he immediately asked, "Anything else?"

"The Taiwei said that Gai Xun, the prefect of Hanyang County, stood firm in Liangzhou. He had made great achievements and was tired. The Taiwei called him Jing Zhaoyin."

"Hey, it's another intervention." Liu Hong knew it well, but since Zhang Wen was in Sanfu, Jing Zhaoyin was too important to him, so let's insert it.

It's just a pity, if this official position is kept, it can be sold for more than tens of millions of dollars!

"Sure!" Liu Hong said, "However, Hanyang County is one of the few counties in Liangzhou that is still standing firm. If Gai Xun is transferred back, who will replace him?"

Zhang Wen probably wanted to regain Liangzhou, so the choice of prefect of Hanyang County was not that important to him.

The corners of Zhang Rang's mouth curled up calmly. As he expected, His Majesty was in a good mood, and almost without thinking about it, he could recommend the new candidate for the governor of Hanyang County.

Hanyang County is located in Liangzhou. Although it is not a border county, the border county of Liangzhou has been lost now. Therefore, Hanyang County is the place where the north, south and west fought three wars, and only the east borders on Youfufeng.

Such a dangerous place is naturally used to dispatch the "enemies" of the Ten Attendants.

Fu Xie and Fu Nanrong can't be regarded as the ten constant servants and enemies. After Huangfu Song pacified the Yellow Turban in the past, he returned to the court to report on his duties. It's a pity that Huangfusong refused to accept the offer. He not only flatly refused, but also exposed Zhao Zhong's old background, which made him lose his old house in Jizhou.

Huangfusong was born in the general family, and the ten permanent attendants could not deal with him like a scholar, and did not dare to offend him completely. In the end, he could only slander him. Official fiefdom.

Now that it is hopeless to win over Huangfusong, the ten permanent attendants have found another person, this is Fu Xie and Fu Nanrong.

The former deputy general Huangfusong, although he had made numerous contributions, had never returned to Beijing to award him because of the entanglement in the war.

This matter was brought up by the former executive Jinwu Zhenju, who said, "Fu Xie went to Dongjun with Huangfusong before. He had military exploits but was not named a marquis, which disappointed the people of the world. Now Zhao Changshi personally appraised the credit for the crusade against the Yellow Turban Army and should be rewarded." Fu Xie, obey everyone's expectations."

Zhao Zhong was inspired and decided to win over Fu Xie.

So he personally sent his younger brother Chengmen Xiaowei Zhao Yan to visit Fu Xie on the battlefield to express his goodwill, but after Fu Xie knew Zhao Yan's identity, he not only refused to accept the kindness, but also reprimanded the ten servants, obviously colluding with Huangfu Song.

Zhao Yan returned angrily, Zhao Zhong was full of resentment, but like Huang Fusong, Fu Xie was also born in the Kansai generals, with a great reputation, the ten servants did not dare to harm him, so they could only wear small shoes for him.

For example, praise his ability to His Majesty, and then "magnanimously" recommend him as the prefect of Hanyang County, and let him go to Xiliang to stay.

"Your Majesty, Fu Xie and Fu Nanrong were originally from Liangzhou, and they made a lot of achievements in flattening the Yellow Turban. Now that Jizhou is pacified, and there is no war in Hedong, His Majesty just rewards him, so that he can return to his hometown with honor." Zhang Rang suggested meticulously.

Liu Hong glanced at Zhao Zhong calmly, obviously, Liu Hong might not be ignorant of what he did.

"Zhao Changshi, what do you think?" Liu Hong asked with interest.

Zhao Zhong looked at His Majesty, then at Zhang Rang, and replied respectfully: "What Zhang Changshi said is absolutely true, Fu Nanrong is indeed a general, worthy of this position."

"I remember, you have some issues with him. If Zhao Changshi doesn't like it, I can send someone else."

Liu Hong's inadvertent words sent a chill down Zhao Zhong's back. On a hot day, he felt like he was falling straight into the ice cellar.

His Majesty knew about the festival, so he also knew about their little actions. Instead of blaming them, he reminded them very "considerately" and said that he was willing to change the candidate for him.

This is not only the mighty kindness of the emperor, but also the companionship of a king like a tiger.

Zhao Zhong quickly knelt down on the ground, "Your Majesty, Zhang Changshi's proposal is very appropriate, and I have no objection!"

"Hehe~" Liu Hong smiled triumphantly, and suddenly stood up, "Then let's draw up an edict. After dealing with political affairs for a while, I feel refreshed again!"

After speaking, Liu Hong walked into the bedroom again.

The two people who stayed there looked at each other, Zhang Rang got up and was about to leave, but saw that Zhao Zhong was still on his knees, he was puzzled.

"I should retire!" Zhang Rang said.

Zhao Zhong sighed, and said leisurely: "I'm weak, give me a hand!"

 Family Health

(End of this chapter)

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