Three Kingdoms: The Yellow Turbans finally revolt

Chapter 155 Fighting with the Script

Chapter 155 Fighting with the Script
Zhang Wen's army is dispatched!
Dong Zhuo was overjoyed when he heard the words, the Qiangliang rebels retreated, Zhang Wen changed his defensive posture and turned to a strong attack, and the battle situation in Meiyang became clear in an instant.

"Isn't this exactly the situation of the battle mentioned in the young master's letter!"

Dong Zhuo's heart was surging. This situation had already been stated when Liu Qing sent his envoy to visit Dong Zhuo.

"Zhiran, to the west of this place, do you know which city it is?" Dong Zhuo asked Li Jue beside him.

"Back to the general, it is Mei County. If the enemy flees, they must pass through Mei County." Li Jue replied.

"Hahaha, send an order, march at full speed, march into Mei County, to intercept the retreating enemy, Mei County will be the place where I will make a contribution!" Dong Zhuo smiled heartily, and when he reached the front, it was equivalent to opening a big net and waiting for the enemy. The army got in.

"General, why didn't our army attack with Zhang Sikong's army at the same time, but ran to the front as a chariot with mantis arms?" Li Jue seemed puzzled. Dong Zhuo's troops were only more than 1 people. Fleeing west, how can this be stopped.

Looking at Dong Zhuo's expression, he obviously didn't take it seriously, and was very confident. Of course, this was the confidence given by Liu Qing. So far, the development of the situation is correct, so how can he not be confident.

"Killing an enemy is the courage of a man, if you can stop the rebels, wouldn't it be brave to win the whole army!" Dong Zhuo found an excuse at random.

Although Liu Qing's letter clearly stated that once the Battle of Hedong was over, the Qiangliang rebels would retreat, and if Zhang Wen sent his entire army to pursue them, it would undoubtedly be a battle for thousands of miles.

The destination of the rebels' retreat must be Chencang County, an important military town, and Mei County is just on the way between the two places.

If the Qiangliang rebels are going to retreat, they will definitely not have 10 people headed to the road. Naturally, many small groups will be sent to support, explore, and investigate. Dong Zhuo has wiped out many centurions in the past few days, all of which are of this nature .

Now as long as you go to Mei County and stick to the main road, you can attack and defend, and the enemies you pass can be captured or killed.

Feeling happy, Dong Zhuo didn't forget to ask Li Jue, he has always been a general who can use his brains more.

"Children, what do you think?"

"This is a risky move, and it's also a clever move. Wealth and wealth can be found in danger!" Li Jue replied.

"Hahaha——" Dong Zhuo laughed from ear to ear, "Then hurry up and march!"


"Boss! It's not good! The Meiyang Han army has attacked!"

In the camp of the Qiang army, a notification woke up the four chiefs who were planning to retreat, and the rhythm was suddenly disrupted.

Beigong Boyu was the first to suspect that with Zhang Wen's temperament, he would take the initiative to attack?

Thinking of him not moving for several months and sticking to Meiyang, Beigong Boyu cursed: "Didn't that old turtle Zhang Wen see through our suspicious strategy?"

The four leaders decided to start the evacuation. They have already divided up their troops to explore the road and investigate.

Li Wenhou thought for a while, but also felt very surprised, "The cavalry general Zhang Wen is more than cautious, and he will definitely not attack rashly. Go and confirm the number of people to see if it is a bluff." Li Wenhou ordered the messenger.

"It can make Zhang Wen give up defense, and it can prove that the letter intercepted that day is true!" Han Sui said lightly, "Zhang Wen's actions are also very decisive. Many sentries in the east have been removed, and there is still an army in the east. , The battle was extremely brave, and our troops also accelerated their withdrawal!"

Han Sui's feeling was very accurate. The letter proposed by Guo Jia and written by Huangfusong himself contained [-]% of the contents, [-]% of which were true, and only [-]% of the letter was fake. The hundred thousand troops were fake.

Bian Zhang thought for a while, and said: "This is no longer the time to discuss the truth, the three of you leave quickly, and I will hold Zhang Wen!"

The three of them looked at Bian Zhang together, they didn't expect him to be willing to stand up at this time, and the three of them looked at each other for a while.

Han Sui suddenly said: "I will stay too, you two lead the army to evacuate quickly!"

Beigong Boyu and Li Wenhou were the first Qiang people to rebel, and today's scene touched them a little. Originally, Han Sui Bianzhang was only instigated by them, but unexpectedly, they were willing to stand up at a critical moment.

"The benevolence and righteousness of the two generals will never be forgotten by Beigong Boyu!"

"Li Wenhou will not forget either!"

"That's all, it's not a sensational thing now! You two leave quickly!" Han Sui urged, and after finishing speaking, Han Sui and Bian Zhang looked at each other meaningfully.

Not long after, two groups of people left from the west gate of the camp and fled westward all the way.

In the tent of the Chinese army, only Han Sui and Bian Zhang were left. The two were silent, and looked at each other from time to time. Looking at each other, they seemed to be like a mirror in their hearts.

"Wen Yue, in your opinion, if you and I surrender, will we survive?" Bian Zhang asked tentatively.

Han Sui shook his head directly, showing helplessness, obviously, he already had the answer in his heart.

He said lightly: "When we were in Liangzhou in the past, you and I came to Ji County. Gai Xun advised you and me to return to Han. We said that since the big mistake was made, there was no turning back. Now it seems that you and I withdrew from Ji County. , there is a chance of returning to Han."

Bian Zhang quietly listened to the noise outside the camp, but his thoughts were extremely clear. Now is not the time to be confused.

Bian Zhang smiled and said: "It's a pity that since you and I entered the land of Sanfu and wiped out Xia Yu, the captain of Huqiang, there is no way back."

Han Sui smiled, and asked in his heart: Really?But the general still gave me the opportunity to return to Han!

And why should you stay?
Did General He Jin also give him the opportunity to return to Han?

So at this time, Han Sui couldn't understand Bian Zhang.

He is very clear about the price of returning to Han. He killed the other three chiefs, and he doesn't know whether the letter of instigation received by Bian Zhang is the same?
The noise outside the camp gradually subsided, and Bian Zhang stood up suddenly. Han Sui was alert for a while, holding the hilt of his sword, and stood up with a jerk.

"Wen Yue, I want to break out from the east, what do you think?"

From the east?breakout?This is Bian Zhang's plan?It doesn't seem to be very good!

It seems that Bian Zhang doesn't want to surrender, and what he said is not credible, he can't believe a word of it.

Han Sui sneered, "General Bian, if the three of us go out from the west together, we will form an absolute main force, which will definitely attract Zhang Wen's army to pursue, while the Han army is empty in the east, and it will be easier to break through!"

"General Han!" Sensing Han Sui's faint hostility, Bian Zhang called Han Sui and changed his name and surname from the characters, and at the same time he took the general's honorific title, not wanting to turn against him, he continued: "Both of you and my army have no more than ten thousand soldiers. The size of the combined army is only 2, and Zhang Wen's main force will definitely pursue the Qiang people. Why don't you and I go together, and we can be sure!"

Han Sui was in deep thought, as if he couldn't make up his mind.

"General Han, the speed of your troops is so precious!" Bian Zhang reminded again.

Han Sui glanced at Bian Zhang again, and suddenly squeezed out a smile, "Since the general Bian wants to break out of the siege, I can't stop ten thousand people from doing anything, so let's go together!"

"Hahaha! Good!" Bian Zhang laughed loudly, and said, "General Han is refreshing, it's not too late, you and I will lead the troops and set off immediately!"

As he spoke, Bian Zhang strode towards the tent door, and was about to lift the curtain, when he suddenly heard the sound of drawing a sword behind him, Bian Zhang immediately turned around vigilantly, feeling a sharp pain in his chest, Han Sui held the sword in both hands, The side badges without armor are pierced right through!

Bian Zhang's eyes were astonished, he never expected that Han Sui would attack him, wouldn't it be nice to break through together?Must fight alone?

Looking at the dying Bian Zhang, Han Sui smiled, wiped the blood from the sword on his body, and then took out a letter from his bosom.

"Come on! Come on!" he shouted from outside the tent.

Several guards rushed into the tent immediately, and were immediately stunned by the scene in front of them.

A dead man was lying on the ground. It turned out to be Chief Bian Zhang, and Chief Han was holding a sword. It was obviously him who moved it. For a while, several guards didn't know how to speak.

"Don't panic!" Han Sui roared first, put his long sword back into its sheath, and said lightly: "Bian Zhang Tonghan wanted to harm the three leaders including me, but fortunately, he found out early, and the two leaders had already led the army to retreat westward, and ordered Gather the rest of the Qiang soldiers, and I will take you away!"

"You!" Han Sui pointed to a guard, "Cut off his head and follow me!"

In the Qiang army camp, after Beigong Boyu and Li Wenhou left, the rest of the troops had already assembled. These were Han Sui and Bian Zhang's troops, each with only ten thousand people. , with a few people, walking towards them with a head in hand.

When they got close, many sharp-eyed people had already seen that the face of the leader was none other than the leader of the Qiang army——Bian Zhang.

Discussions began to spread...especially Bian Zhang's department, and even started to make noise.

"Is that really the big boss!"

"What happened, why did the two Qiang leaders withdraw their troops?"

Han Sui went straight to Bian Zhang's headquarters and held his head high so that more people could see that the blood was still dripping from the wound.

"All the Qiang soldiers, especially the soldiers under Bian Zhang, listen to me!" Han Sui took a few steps forward and took out a letter from his pocket.

"The situation in the Qiang army turned so suddenly, it was because Bian Zhang communicated with Han and betrayed us. This is a letter between Bian Zhang and He Jin, the great general of the Han Dynasty. Changing the military exploits!"

As soon as Han Sui spoke, he explained the reason clearly, and also told the soldiers why Bian Zhang's head was in a different place. Han Sui had a lot of prestige among the Qiang people, and Bian Zhang died, and he had evidence in his hand , no one would doubt what he said.

To be more straightforward, the Qiang people have always respected the strong.

"Boss Han, the two leaders have withdrawn, what should we do?" asked a young general.

"Boss Han, let's withdraw too. With so few people, fighting the Han army is death!"

"Yes, withdraw!"

Appeals came from the crowd, gathered in Han Sui's ears, only two words, want to live!
"Soldiers, Bian Zhang put us to death. However, the Han army is powerful and extremely treacherous. We are bound to lose. If we fight, you and I will both perish here. You can be willing!" Han Sui prodded. .

"Not reconciled!"

"General Han, take us back!"

"Chief Han..."

The chattering voices sounded again, and Han Sui felt happy, feeling that the atmosphere was almost brewing.

"I have a plan, I can take you away, are you willing to follow me?" Han Sui asked back.


"I will follow the leader to the death!"

Han Sui raised his hand and signaled everyone to be quiet, "The Han army is treacherous, so we are even more treacherous than them. When Bian Zhang betrayed us, we will use his head as a witness to travel together. Gather at the east gate!"

Han Sui gathered the rest of his troops and went out directly from the east gate, heading east. He knew that there was still a difficult Han army to the east. In the past few days, the Qiang people were defeated in several conflicts.

At this time, Zhang Wen's main force will inevitably chase the Qiang army, and some people will go straight to the Qiang camp.

If you want to break through the encirclement smoothly, that army has to face it.

Han Sui frowned, thought about it, and led his army to the east.

After marching for about half an hour, sure enough, a group of people ahead blocked the way.

Gritting his teeth, Lu Bu looked into the distance and frowned when he saw the enemy army approaching slowly.

"Father, the enemy army is coming slowly, it's a bit strange, there may be fraud!" Lu Bu said to Ding Yuan.

Ding Yuan also looked into the distance, but unfortunately his eyesight was not very good, he couldn't see anything clearly except for a bunch of people.

"How many people?" Ding Yuan asked.

"Should break ten thousand people!" Lu Bu said lightly, there was actually a trace of excitement hidden in his words, "It's been a small dish for several days, but today, it seems that it's a real dish." Lu Bu said metaphorically.

"The enemy army is numerous, Fengxian don't underestimate the enemy!"

Lu Bu didn't respond, but watched the army in front slowly approaching.

He was already within a hundred steps and seemed to have no intention of stopping. Lu Bu was even more puzzled. What are the Qiang people doing?

Han Sui walked slowly, and finally did not annoy the other party. When he reached the distance where he could speak, he stopped and shouted directly: "I am under the general's sect, and the supervisor is in charge of Han Sui. I don't know who is here?"

"Bingzhou Inspector Ding Yuan!" Ding Yuan shouted.

Han Sui cupped his hands in the air, but he was thinking in his heart, isn't the governor of Bingzhou Zhang Yi?I've never heard of Ding Yuan before!

"Han Sui was ordered by the general to go undercover in the Qiang camp. At this time, the Qiang soldiers have been defeated, and I will return to Beijing to return!"

"Since we are going back to Beijing, how do we bring a large army?" Ding Yuan quickly discovered something unusual.

"These men and horses are all descended troops, and they will return to Beijing to be reorganized by the general!" Han Sui said, muttering a few words to his subordinates, and then rode forward, saying: "I have a letter from the general, please inspect it by the governor Ding!"

When Ding Yuan heard this, his expression was serious. Could it be that it was really a pawn laid by the general?

"Father, be careful," Lu Bu reminded.

Seeing that Han Sui was the only one coming forward, Ding Yuan let down his vigilance. He looked at Lu Bu and signaled him to follow.

So Ding Yuan and Lu Bu rode two horses to meet Han Sui.

When he got close, Han Sui bowed his hands again, and Ding Yuan also bowed his hands in return.

"This is a letter from the Great General!"

Han Sui unfolded the letter, Ding Yuan looked at it, and immediately recognized it was He Jin's handwriting, but for a while, before he could see what was said in the letter, Han Sui put the letter away, and then took a head from the back of the horse , hanging in front of Ding Yuan.

"This is the leader of Bian Zhang, the leader of the Qiang army. The other two are fleeing. Zhang Sikong has led his army to pursue them. I will lead the leader and return to Beijing with the surrendered troops first." Han Sui said indifferently.

Ding Yuan still hesitated in his heart, the letter should be true, but the head could not be identified, but he probably would not hang an ordinary person's head on his horse in advance.

Lu Bu approached Ding Yuan, and said softly, "Father-in-law, Bu watched this man calmly, not as if he was lying, not to mention that Qiang people would not flee eastward!"

When Ding Yuan heard this, he felt very reasonable, if he wanted to escape, he would flee to the west, how could he go east and march like a leisurely stroll, Ding Yuan gradually dispelled his doubts.

Han Sui said again: "Inspector Ding, but Zhang Sikong ordered you to garrison here?"

Ding Yuan shook his head, "I came from the east of the river and was about to enter the army."

Han Sui thought it was true, the Xianbei and Southern Huns coalition forces were defeated, so Huangfusong's letter to Zhang Wen was true!
Han Sui laughed and said, "The Inspector Nading must hurry up. If it's too late, the military achievements will be divided up."

Lu Bu's face changed when he heard the words, and he looked at Ding Yuan.

Ding Yuan also understood, Feng Xian was in a hurry, he had always been obsessed with military exploits.

Ding Yuan cupped his hands again: "Thank you Han for the reminder, follow the lead and advance!"

As he spoke, Ding Yuan immediately gave the order.

Han Sui also returned the salute, with a hint of cunning flashing across his eyes with a smile.

"Then let's go on the road now, and I wish the general the victory!"

The two dispersed separately, Han Sui let out a sigh of relief, rubbed his chest unconsciously, feeling a little suffocated, the gaze of the fighting general just now was as sharp as a sword!
If I dare to sweat a little, I'm afraid I can be seen through by him!
Han Sui succeeded, and continued eastward for more than ten miles, then went south directly to the Weishui River, and fled westward from the south of the Weishui River.

At the same time, the cavalry led by Sun Jian also caught up with Li Wenhou's deserters.


(PS: Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets)
(End of this chapter)

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