Chapter 13

The county government office in Yuxian County is brightly lit.

Pei Yuanshao knelt in front of Liu Qing, the fire in his eyes was beating like his heartbeat at the moment.

The flutter value jumps and can go off at any moment.

"General, Shaozhi raised his troops and never killed a good person, nor occupied counties. We just extorted some money and food. After all, brothers want to eat, they follow me, I have to be responsible for them."

"Chen Yuan is a wolf-hearted dog, and he wants to exchange food for that woman on his own initiative. I have persuaded him many times to no avail. Although I am his superior, the 2000 troops led by Chen Yuan are powerful in combat, so I can only rely on him."

"Shao has never thought of treason. He just wants to lead the villagers to eat and drink. If the general wants to punish him, he can punish me alone. Please let the villagers go."

Liu Qing's eyes were also shining with fire, thoughtful.

Pei Yuanshao seemed to have nothing bad about his history except stealing.

Historically, Pei Yuanshao did not have any records of attacking cities and villages, but after the Yellow Turban Rebellion was put down, he bumped into Guan Yu and wanted to steal a horse, but later he didn’t know each other. .

But Pei Yuanshao later missed Zhao Yun's horse and was killed by Zhao Yun.

Liu Qing didn't have any malice towards the horse thieves in history, because Jushou also stole horses.

And it was Cao Cao's orange horse that was stolen.

"How many people are there in your department?" Liu Qing asked.

"All in all, there are about 3 people, but the real fighting power is less than [-], and there are only [-] horses. They are currently stationed in Iron Mountain in the west."

Pei Yuanshao paused for a moment, and then said: "Dafang Qu Shuai Bo ordered me to march into Yongqiu to contain Chen Liu's soldiers. After Peng Tuo captured Chen State, he will march from Fugou County to Chenliu to support Yingchuan."

"Can you contact Peng Tuo?"

Liu Qing suddenly had a bold idea.

"Don't dare to lie to the general. Peng Shuai and I exchange letters every three days, explaining our movements, but..." Pei Yuanshao hesitated for a while, "It's just that I have never marched, and have been stationed in Tieshan, living by extortion."

This is the sinkhole!
This is not the same as hanging up all the time, but telling teammates, don't worry, I have no problem with the line!
For Pei Yuanshao, Liu Qing didn't have much intention to kill. Although the Yellow Turban Army was rebels, most of them were poor refugees. He was educated in materialist history, so he naturally understood that killing would not solve the problem.

"It's not impossible for you to want them to live, but I have a condition."

Pei Yuanshao seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, not his, but the tens of thousands of fellow villagers who followed him.

"What are the conditions, general please tell me."

"Write to Peng Tuo and tell him that Chen Liu's garrison has come out to help Yingchuan, and Chen Liu is empty."

Pei Yuanshao suddenly raised his head, looked at Liu Qing, and was shocked: He actually wanted to deal with Peng Tuo?That was Commander Dafang Qu with an army of [-]. Although there was moisture, there were at least [-] to [-] soldiers capable of fighting.

"Just a letter?"

"Just one letter!"

"Don't you need me to lead the army to fight?"

"No need!" I'm afraid you want to fight!

If Pei Yuanshao were to go to meet Peng Tuo, Liu Qing would not trust him enough.

After thinking about it, Pei Yuanshao insisted: "Okay!"

Liu Qing got up, and when he left, he said: "If this happens, I will protect you from death!"

After speaking, he left the county government office, followed by Zhao Yun and Tian Feng, while Zhang Yun was still stationed outside the city with the cavalry.

The county magistrate hurriedly sent him off, although he still didn't know who the other party was, he was originally a businessman, and the official bought it, no matter if it was a yellow scarf, a nobleman, or a general like Liu Qing, he dared not offend him.

"My lord, do you want to lure Peng Tuo to come here, and then kill him at leisure?" Tian Feng speculated.

"Exactly, he rushed here, we waited for work, took the opportunity to intercept and kill him, and we will be able to behead him."

"My lord, you can't. Peng Tuo raised one hundred thousand soldiers. Even if there are only fifty or sixty thousand soldiers who can fight, taking Chen Liu's soldiers will definitely not be less than [-]. Even if we wait for work, the chances of winning are not great. My lord, think twice."

Tian Feng activated the stunt [Admonition]?
Looking at Tian Feng, Liu Qing suddenly smiled, "Then Yi Yuanhao, what should we do?"

"My lord, since Peng Tuo's target is Chen Liu, he will definitely not miss this opportunity. We don't need to intercept and kill him, but wait for him to attack Chen Liu, be beaten head-on by Zhang Miao, and then flee. Then we are not only waiting for work at leisure, but also the oriole is behind."

Liu Qing's eyes lit up and he understood immediately.

"A strategist's trick."

"My lord, where do we live?" Zhao Yun asked suddenly.

Liu Qing had an idea, "Go to Cai Mansion to stay overnight."

Tian Feng, Zhao Yun and Ding stayed where they were, looking at each other in blank dismay, the lord is going to...

"Hey, a hero is sad for a beauty." Tian Feng sighed, Cai Yan's beauty was really unstoppable.

Cai House.

Since Cai Yan returned home, she was still out of her mind, staring blankly at the Guqin.

Everything that happened at dusk is still vivid in my mind.

Hengjian immediately sacrificed his life, and finally wiped the blood off her face.

She touched that position lightly, and that bright face kept going back in her mind.

There was no one in the house, and it was extremely quiet, and the few servants were dismissed when she chose to accept her fate.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door, and Cai Yan felt palpitations, and came back to his senses.

The wooden door opened, and by the faint light of the candle, Cai Yan saw a familiar face and stood there for a moment.

"Nephew Zhao Ji." Tian Feng beside Liu Qing said.

Only then did Cai Yan notice that there was someone else.

"Tian Feng was acquainted with Bo Jie when he was serving as a censor in Kyoto. Today, he passed through Yu County and took the liberty to come here to stay overnight."

Tian Feng found a very reasonable excuse to save Liu Qing from embarrassment.

"You are welcome, sir, there are quite a lot of vacant rooms at home." Cai Yan replied, and immediately opened the door wide to welcome the three of them in.

The Cai Mansion was full of dark lights, but it was only when we got to the living room that we saw the light.

"Yan dismissed the servant, and the hospitality was not good, I hope you will forgive me."

"All the way, eat and sleep in the open, and have a room, that's enough." Liu Qing said.

Then Cai Yan had nothing to say, and Liu Qing felt a little embarrassed.

"Nephew, has Mr. Bo Jie ever returned?"

Cai Yan sighed, "My father has been avoiding disasters in Wu for several years, and only occasionally sent letters back."

"Unfortunately, Junzheng, it seems that it will be difficult for you to meet Mr. Bo Jie this time." Tian Feng turned to Liu Qing and said.

Liu Qing was taken aback for a moment, then understood.

play!Uncle Yuan Hao, you continue to act, I am optimistic about you!

Cai Yan looked at Liu Qing puzzled, why did he want to meet his father?
"Since the age of literacy, Qing has heard of Chen Liu Cai Yong, a doctor who is unparalleled, so he has always wanted to visit him in person."

"This time I was supposed to stay overnight in Chenliu County. I thought to try my luck. Maybe I could meet Mr. Bo Jie. I didn't expect to meet a thief here." Tian Feng added.

"Military division, we are not..."

"Zilong, go and clean up the house for the lord first!" Tian Feng interrupted Zilong directly, and then dismissed him.


After Zilong left, Liu Qing said that Tian Feng was a military advisor and he had to listen to the military advisor.

"If it wasn't for the general, I'm afraid Yan would have fallen into the hands of thieves." Cai Yan stood up, wanting to thank Liu Qing.

Liu Qing's eyes were sharp and his hands were quick. He immediately supported Cai Yan's forearm to stop her, and Cai Yan quickly withdrew his hand.

"Even if a thief bullies a commoner, Qing will not sit idly by."

After thinking about it, what kind of nonsense is this talking about!
"Yan has nothing to repay, and is willing to play the piano for the general."

Isn't it supposed to agree with each other according to the script?

But he still said: "Qing's luck."

Tian Feng looked at the two people who sang together, felt that they matched their faces, and immediately shook his head and silently left the living room.


(End of this chapter)

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