Three Kingdoms: The Yellow Turbans finally revolt

Chapter 126 If Xianbei is in the way, then Xianbei will be destroyed (4K) Subscribe

Chapter 126 If Xianbei is in the way, then Xianbei will be destroyed (4K) Subscribe
A solitary smoke rose slowly beside Qiangyin County, and hundreds of guards and border residents were cremated here.

Liu Qing led the army, watching solemnly.

Their deaths meant that Qiangyin County was completely reduced to an empty city.

"Zilong, arrange two teams to escort the escort."

"Here!" Zhao Yun said.

"The rest of the people return to Pingcheng temporarily to discuss strategies to defeat the enemy." Liu Qing ordered.

"My lord, the leader is newly defeated and fled to the north. If you want to kill him, you'd better take advantage of the victory and pursue him. If you are slowed down by him, it will be difficult to find him again in the vast grassland." Guo Jia said.

Liu Qing thought for a while, what Guo Jia said was very reasonable, but if he chased into the vast grassland like this, would it be a big taboo for military strategists if he was unfamiliar with the place?
Guo Jia looked at Liu Qing and seemed to see his doubts, "My lord, the Xianbei people live in small tribes and live by water and grass. When they enter the grassland, they can capture captives and serve as guides. Moreover, there are a lot of cattle and sheep in Xianbei. Get food on the spot."

Liu Qing thought about it again and again, Guo Jia's soldiers were extremely fast, and he could indeed catch Xianbei by surprise, and if the problem of guides and supplies could be resolved, there was indeed no other concern.

"Fengxiao's plan is quite bold, but it won my heart, Zilong! Cavalry gather!"

As usual, Liu Qing left the patrol and messenger behind, and then personally led Zhao Yun with two thousand gun cavalry, Chu Yan with five hundred bow cavalry, and more than 50 guards in the headquarters led by Dian Wei. Following the obvious traces left by the retreat of the Xianbei cavalry, entered north.


In the depths of the grassland, a small tent stood in a hollow sheltered from the wind. At this time, outside the tent were densely packed horses, gnawing grass with their heads lowered. There were more than a dozen campfires around them, and a few campfires stood on top of them. Freshly slaughtered sheep.

In the small tent, Kuitou sat on the fur bed in the middle, holding a small knife, cut off slices of freshly grilled lamb chops, and put them into his mouth.

In front of him, there was a person kneeling, or more precisely, a Xianbei herdsman who was pushed to the ground by someone.

"Master Kui Tou, many ewes are pregnant, please be merciful!"

The leader looked contemptuously at the begging beggar, and said dismissively: "There are dozens of sheep in the area, when I return to the big tent, I will pay you back!"

However, no one on the grassland would believe what the leader said.

There is a saying in the grassland that you would rather believe that there are ghosts in the grassland than Kui Tou's mouth, because this person has no faith at all. Occupying the position of the monarch, he also drove the Qianman clan out of the big tent and wandered outside.

"My lord, please be merciful! Leave some seeds for me!" The herdsman continued to beg for mercy, and the bleating and wailing of sheep being killed could be heard from outside the tent from time to time.

The leader was also very annoyed when he was interrupted from eating meat, and said to the people beside him, "Leave one for him."

Not long after the guard left, he came back and reported, "My lord, the killing has been finished."

The herdsman's face was ashen, it's over, it's over!
Taking advantage of the herdsmen's silence, the leader shaved the lamb chops, licked the knife, and licked the corners of his mouth.

"The sheep you raise are good, very fat and juicy!" Kuitou rubbed his stomach, and after two days of not eating, he was finally satisfied. In a blink of an eye, he set his sights on the herdsmen's wives and daughters curled up beside him.

The small one seemed...too small.

"Come and serve me, let me see if you are as plump and juicy as you are!" Kuitou looked at the woman and said.

When the herdsman heard this, he quickly kowtowed, "My lord, let us go, my lord, let us go!"

The leader waved his hand, and the guards dragged the herdsman out, while the other two separated the mother and daughter and dragged the woman to bed.

The woman struggled for a while, broke free from her bodyguard, took out a dagger from nowhere, and pulled it out with a bang!
When the leader saw it, he panicked and jumped up from the bed, "Kill them!"

The guard couldn't help but slashed with a knife. The mother and daughter fell into a pool of blood without even screaming.

The leader was in a cold sweat. He had just returned from Yanmen, and he was frightened. He was not afraid of fighting on the battlefield, but he had a shadow of a woman holding a dagger.

When he came back to his senses, looking at the mother and daughter in the pool of blood, he felt another headache.

"Drag out." He said lightly.

As soon as he went out, the herdsmen roared outside the door, and the scolding was very unpleasant.

"My lord, why don't you let him..." The personal guard proposed to kill him to silence him.

Kui Tou nodded and lay down.

Just as the guard was about to go out, suddenly a guard broke in and shouted: "My lord, the enemy is coming!"

"What enemy!" The leader suddenly sat up.

"It's the Han army, my lord, hurry up!" Qin Wei said.

Han army!Why did the Han army enter the grassland?The leader didn't think too much, he took up his weapon and rushed out of the small tent. Seeing that most of the people couldn't care less about eating, the leader got on his horse and stood by.

"Retreat!" the leader ordered.

More than a thousand riders receded like a tide, sinking into the depths of the grassland.

Liu Qing looked at the mess on the ground, there were unroasted whole lambs everywhere, and some lambs that had just been peeled and hadn't started roasting yet.

There was a small tent not far away, and there were bursts of wailing.

When he got closer, he found a herdsman crying with two dead bodies, one big and one small.

It is not difficult to imagine that the leader was defeated, did not eat for several days, and then plundered his own people.

This kind of thing is too common in troubled times. Banditry is like a comb, and soldiers are like a grate.

The herdsmen watched with vigilance when they saw a large group of cavalry coming again.

"Can you speak Chinese?"

The herdsman nodded, but did not answer.

"The one who escaped just now was the leader?" Liu Qing asked.

The shepherd nodded again.

"Do you know where the Kuitou tribe is?" Liu Qing asked again.

The shepherd nodded again.

Is it a mute?

Liu Qing glanced at the corpse on the ground. Judging from the clothes, it should be the wife and daughter of this person. The wound is new and blood is still oozing out.

Liu Qing had an idea and asked, "Do you want to avenge them?"

The herdsman's eyes lit up, and he replied in a hoarse voice: "I want to!"

Could actually speak.

"Even if the leader is the Xianbei monarch, he wants revenge?"

"The emperor of Xianbei is Lord Qianman, and the leader is a traitor, and all the southern tribes don't recognize him." The herdsman said.

After hearing this, Guo Jia took two steps forward and said to Liu Qing: "Master, it is rumored that Kuitou has spent three years integrating Xianbei, which is not advisable, Xianbei is not unified."

Guo Jia, who has a keen intuition, instinctively sensed a chance.

"Feng Xiao, what do you mean..."

"If you can support a Xianbei who is friendly to the lord, Yanmen and even Bingzhou will have no worries. First, they can develop stably and develop coal and iron mines wantonly. Second, the lord can set their sights on the Central Plains instead of this borderland. Come on, Xianbei is rich in war horses, but lacks salt, iron and food, if the Lord can communicate with each other, our army will no longer have to worry about war horses in the future."

Yanmen develops steadily, will not fall into the quagmire, and obtains a steady stream of war horses. These three benefits are all in Liu Qing's heart.

"What Feng Xiao thinks is exactly what I think. It seems that he can keep the leader's head for a few more days." Liu Qing said.

Listening to the conversation between the two, the herdsman didn't understand very well, after all, his Chinese wasn't very good either.

"What's your name?"

"My nickname is Mohu."

And names?Liu Qing didn't pay much attention to it, and continued: "Just now you said that all the tribes in the south regard Qianman as their monarch. Would you like to take me to see Qianman?"

When Mo Hu heard Qian Man, he immediately became alert.

"I am the governor of Yanmen County of the Han Dynasty. The leader invaded Yanmen for his own selfish desires, killed my soldiers and people, and dragged the Han and Xianbei into the flames of war. I will never die with this thief. You said that the southern tribes do not recognize the leader. Then I will kill the leader and help Qianman regain the throne, the big man and the Xianbei will be friends, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds!"

Mo Hu thought for a while, and seemed to think that Liu Qing's words were very reasonable. Compared with the big tent, the strength of the southern tribes is very different. With Qianman himself, it may be difficult for him to have a chance to compete with the leader when he grows up, but If you use the power of a big man, maybe it is really feasible.

Mo Hu looked back and looked at the cavalry led by Liu Qing. Given such a good opportunity, he should not have the final say on whether to cooperate or not, but if he brought these people to meet Qianman, he would What should I do if I threaten him?
Looking at Mo Hu who kept looking around and hesitating, Liu Qing said: "To show my sincerity, if you are willing to lead the way, I will leave the army here, with only a few dozen personal guards, and there is no threat to Qianman. "

Hearing Liu Qing's words, Mo Hu dispelled his doubts, "In that case, I would like to lead the way!"

"My lord, will dozens of people..." Zhao Yun seemed worried.

Liu Qing said bluntly in front of Mo Hu: "It doesn't matter, Qianman must want the leader to die more than I do. I am willing to help him. He is too happy, how can he plot against me?"

Liu Qing ordered Zhao Yun and Chu Yan to lead the troops to stay where they were, while he took Guo Jiadianwei and more than 50 guards to follow Mohu to other tribes.

To Liu Qing's surprise, when he was leaving, Mo Hu actually asked Liu Qing to order the soldiers to roast the mutton that had been thrown all over the floor and eat it. Don't waste it. I have to say that Mo Hu is a kind person and shouldn't suffer This bad luck.

Nearly two hours later, Mo Hu brought Liu Qing to a valley. From a distance, there were many tall tents and some simple wooden structures in the valley. This place should be a semi-permanent settlement.

A moment after Mohu reported, a group of people came out of the valley, the leader was a young woman.

Wearing a tight-fitting fur coat, the exposed wheat-colored skin is very eye-catching, a golden forehead band binds a head of wavy dark brown hair, flowing shoulders, not to mention a hot figure, slender thighs hanging on the The horse's back swayed rhythmically as the horse marched.

When he got close, he could see his clear and bright eyes, looking at him curiously, with curved willow eyebrows, trembling eyelashes, and delicate thin lips, giving people a very bright feeling.

"My lord, this girl is really good!" Guo Jia said softly beside her.

The gentleman sees the same thing, Liu Qing deeply agrees, but he is not ashamed to say it out loud.

"Which one is the prefect of Yanmen?" The woman asked as soon as she came up.

Liu Qing took a step forward on his horse, cupped his hands and said, "Liu Qing, the governor of Yanmen County in Han Dynasty!"

The woman first looked Liu Qing up and down, and was a little surprised when she heard that he reported that his family was the prefect.

When did the big man have such a young prefect.

"Isn't the prefect of Yanmen Guo Jian!" The woman was obviously not ignorant.

"Guo Taishou fell ill and I took over. The leader took the opportunity to invade Yanmen and returned in a big defeat. This person can testify." Liu Qing pointed to Mo Hu who was beside him.

"My lord, it is true. The leader of the defeated army ran through my camp and killed all the sheep I raised. He also wanted to take my wife by force. My wife refused, so the leader killed my wife and daughter. Poor my daughter, she is only nine years old. !" Mo Hu said, feeling wronged, and began to cry again.

"You will make up for the sheep you lost!" the woman comforted, and Mohu stopped crying immediately, and got off his horse to thank him.

Mohu called her an adult. Could it be that she is the leader of this tribe?
"My name is Qianying, and I am the sister of Xianbei Khan Qianman. Khan was young, so I will lead the tribe on his behalf. The lord has come from a long way, please!" Qianying led the horse to one side, and the people behind him also divided Line up on both sides, and welcome Liu Qing.

It has to be said that this Qianying speaks a good Chinese dialect and respectfully calls Liu Qing the Fujun, so he is obviously familiar with the culture of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Qingyin immediately stepped forward, and when Qian Ying passed by, he looked at him generously again and smiled back.

I have to say, very predictable!

Qian Ying led Liu Qing into the big tent in Juzhong, only Liu Qing, Guo Jiadian and Wei Banming entered the tent, and the rest of the imperial guards were outside the tent.

Seeing Liu Qing, who only had four people in the account, Qian Ying also appreciated his courage. With this courage alone, he could indeed be the lord of a county.

Soon, Qianman arrived. Judging by his age, he was only twelve or thirteen years old. After Qianman, there were several elders, who should be the elders of the tribe, the kind who had a certain right to speak.

"Khan! This is Mr. Liu Fu, the prefect of Yanmen County of the Great Han Dynasty. The leader invaded Yanmen without authorization and seriously damaged the harmony between Xianbei and the Han. Mr. Liu Fu has defeated him. At present, the leader should have fled back to the big tent , Mr. Liu Fu is here to cooperate with our department to discuss the matter of the leader."

Liu Qing and Guo Jia looked at each other, and Qian Ying explained the ins and outs of the matter in a simple sentence, and the wording was very official, which would give him dignity, this person should have some diplomatic talents.

What is the harmony between Xianbei and Dahan? Your grandfather died in the invasion of Dahan, and your father died in the invasion of Dahan. What kind of harmony is there between Dahan and Xianbei?
But in the past two years of harmony, it was because of you fighting in the nest that the orthodox Khan was beaten by the leader and hid in this valley, and I didn't tell him about ordinary people.

In front of Liu Qing, what kind of spectacle is there!

"Mr. Liu, do you know how many troops the leader led to invade Yanmen?" Qianman asked.

Liu Qing was about to answer, but Guo Jia said first: "The leader led an army of more than [-] people, and only a thousand people escaped from Yanmen. View."

Guo Jia's words made Qianman's face visibly flustered, and several old men behind him also looked at each other and exchanged glances. Liu Qing immediately understood Guo Jia's purpose of exaggerating the number of casualties.

Being able to defeat more than 6000 people at the head of the ranks, the strength of Yanmen should not be underestimated, and it can be regarded as a blow to its ostentatious posture.

The premise of the cooperation between the two parties is that Qianman must have a clear understanding of himself. To put it bluntly, he must realize how good he is.

Qianying's face also changed slightly. The psychological gap caused by this kind of strength gap is hard to hide. Why Qianman would let it go, isn't it because he has no strength and can't beat the leader? Six thousand cavalry, that is already the leader One of the main forces, the leader lost this battle, which is equivalent to breaking his arm.

And the person in front of him is the one who cut off the leader's arm.

"Liu Fujun is brave, and his reputation will spread far and wide in the grasslands!" Qianying praised first, and then changed the topic: "However, the loss of only 5000 people may not matter to the leader. The leader occupies the central account and governs the central area and the The tribes in the northern region have no less than 30 tribesmen, and almost all the people of Xianbei are soldiers, so we need to think long-term to deal with the chiefs."

Just 5000 people?Liu Qing suspected that his ears had heard it wrong. The number of followers was no less than 30?Yellow Turban is also known as a million!

Qian Ying's remark is undoubtedly revealing his own flaws. In order to gain a little advantage in the negotiation, he has already begun to bluff.

Seeing that Liu Qing and Guo Jia didn't speak, she said again: "If my department cooperates with Mr. Liu and sends troops in the name of Khan, most tribes will surely turn against each other, and the leader's dead party will not be enough in front of our two armies. I think that at that time, the Khan will be able to suppress the rebels, and the leader of the rebels will belong to the Liu family to pay homage to the soldiers and people who died in Yanmen, so it will be the best of both worlds!"

Liu Qing and Guo Jia looked at each other again, and Liu Qing even saw a sneer in Guo Jia's eyes.

"My lord, I'm sorry, I haven't stated the purpose of my lord's coming." Guo Jia glanced at Liu Qing, and then said: "My lord is here to inform you that the leader invaded the land of the big man and killed the people of the big man. My lord If you want to take the top rank, if the generals stand in the way, the soldiers will be destroyed; if the tribe is in the way, the tribe will be destroyed; if the Xianbei stand in the way, the Xianbei will be destroyed!"

Guo Jia turned his eyes coldly, and turned from Qianman to Qianying, "My lord is here to inform you, Xianbei, do you want it or not?"

 I tried a slightly longer chapter, 4500 words, [-] chapters, and naming it out of chapters is a nerve-wracking thing. If you think it is better, tell me, and I will try to write three to four thousand words in the future.In addition, don't forget to point a little red heart for the female character.

(End of this chapter)

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