Three Kingdoms: The Yellow Turbans finally revolt

Chapter 107 Zhang Miao and Gao Shun Come to Visit

Chapter 107 Zhang Miao and Gao Shun Come to Visit

Xun Yu became even more confused. At the beginning, he insisted on getting close to Liu Qing, and there were quite a lot of complaints among the family. It was not until he saw Liu Qing's strength that he changed his mind.

Later, after Huangfusong revealed the truth about the war in the Changsha, the Xun family really saw Liu Qing's potential and decided to connect by marriage, but that time, Liu Qing slipped away.

"Slow step by step, slow step by step!" Xun Jian sighed, knocked on the table, and said rather annoyed: "If this matter was finalized last time, how can it be Cai's turn!"

Xun Yu finally understands that the clan uncle is obsessed with marrying a daughter, and he is worried about being preempted, but he knows that the other party has a marriage contract, so he shouldn't say such words to test him.

Seeing Xun Yu's perplexed look, he said bluntly, "Liu Qing killed Zhang Jiao himself, and His Majesty has made him the prefect of Yanmen, Marquis of Jinguan, the news that the capital just sent back, I'm afraid even he himself doesn't know at this moment."

The lord beheaded Zhang Jiao himself!

His Majesty even granted him an official title?
Did the ten permanent servants become a decoration?

"In front of the Hall of Yizhen, Huangfu scolded the ten permanent servants and tried his best to award Liu Qing to His Majesty. It can be seen that His Majesty must rely on him for important matters, and even the ten permanent servants are temporarily helpless, falling into an absolute disadvantage."

Seeing Xun Yu thoughtful, Xun Jian said again: "Even during the Yellow Turban Rebellion, His Majesty did not give Liu Qing any rewards, and he didn't care about him at all, but this time, he was willing to listen to Huangfu Yizheng's advice, which shows that The second Liangzhou rebellion is a serious matter, if I guess correctly, the land of Sanfu is already in danger!"

"The Yellow Turban Rebellion and the Liangzhou Rebellion are endangering Chang'an. At this time, other foreign enemies will surely take advantage of the situation, and the land will be in chaos," Xun Yu judged.

Xun Yu understood, no wonder the clan uncle couldn't sit still, he obviously saw this.

For the Xun family, it is not uncommon to be a mere prefect. Xun Yu's father is the prime minister of Jinan, and his position is higher than that of the prefect, but Liu Qing is only seventeen!It's the clan of the Han Dynasty again!
At such an age, with such potential, in troubled times, his future is unimaginable!

"Wen Ruo, it's because of your cunning vision that you chose to work for Liu Qing when Liu Qing was still in his early years. Now that he has come here specially to welcome you to the north, it shows that he has taken a fancy to you. Uncle is so blind this time!"

"Uncle, the Xun family and I are inseparable."

Xun Jian smiled, and was very satisfied with Xun Yu's answer, "Since the young master has a marriage contract, it is not appropriate to intervene at this time, but after you go to the north, you must facilitate the matter of Cai'er!"

"Uncle, Cai'er is not the real wife, if you agree, will uncle agree?"

Xun Jian frowned, and said seriously: "This time is different from the past, Ciming (Xun Shuang's word) side, I'll go and talk!"

After Xun Yu left, Xun Jian unconsciously walked to the screen of the Xiazhou map that day, stared and meditated.

Bingzhou, Yanmen County.

A troop of Xianbei cavalry was by the Yinma River, each carrying bows and arrows, and wearing wool and leather clothing. The leader stood at the place where the river flows into the lake, looking at the other side of the lake, but it was a pity that it was endless.

"Where is this place?" he asked.

A Xianbei soldier next to him grabbed a herdsman and asked repeatedly: "Where is this?"

"It's Zhuwenze" (now Daihai)
"This is the famous Zhu Wenze. Look at how plump the water plants are by the river. If the tribe is moved here, it will definitely prosper!" the leader said looking forward to the lake.

"Boss, we should march along the east valley and catch up with Mr. Kuitou. Mr. Kuitou should have almost reached Qiangyin County. If we are late, we will be punished." The subordinate reminded.

"Okay! Keep up with the adults and have meat to eat!" The leader leaped up and pointed at the herdsmen beside him with a whip. "Kill him and throw him into the lake to feed the fish. We will come here to eat the fish later!"

The herdsman hurriedly begged for mercy, but before he could make a sound, someone wiped his neck, threw his foot into the river, followed the current, and flowed into the lake.


Two days later, Liu Qing and his entourage returned to Yu County. Before entering the city, they already felt the festive atmosphere.

The crenels of the city wall and the upper edge of the city gate were all hung with red silk, looking like the whole city was celebrating.

Walking along the street, houses and shops are also hanging red to celebrate, and it seems that everyone has participated in it.

Isn't this Tian Feng a straight man?Can you plan a wedding like this?
"My lord, from this point of view, you have won the hearts of the people here!" Xun Yu said.

"More than that, the lord not only wins the hearts of the people, but also the hearts of the people!" Guo Jia added.

"Dian Wei, put your halberd on Feng Xiao's back!"

Ever since Guo Jia was curious about Dian Wei's halberd on the road, Liu Qing found a new way to train Guo Jia.

Carry a halberd!

Guo Jia immediately drove forward to distance himself from the crowd.

"Master, there seem to be many more people in Yu County today, and they all recognize you!" Dian Wei watched many people stop and stop on the road, looking at Liu Qing and his party.

Liu Qing also found it strange that Yu County is not usually so lively.

Back in front of my house, I saw that the house was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the house was very festive. There was a lot of people in the house, and there was laughter from time to time.

It was only when I entered that I realized that there were distinguished guests!

Zhang Miao!Liu Qing recognized the potbellied Zhang Mengzhuo at a glance.

"Master Zhang!" Liu Qing called out.

It was Tian Feng who realized Liu Qing's return first, and quickly stepped forward to salute, "My lord, Tian Feng has neglected his duty!"

"It's okay!"

Seeing Liu Qing, Zhang Miao laughed and said, "Young master! Oh no, it's time to address you as Mr. Liu Fu! Haha!"

"What's the meaning of Fujun?" Liu Qing was puzzled, really puzzled, even if Luoyang's courier received the news, the letter was still sent to Jizhou, it was precisely at this point that Liu Qing left, so the surrounding counties knew about it , he doesn't know yet.

"Could it be that the young master is outside and hasn't found out yet?"

"My lord, the imperial court ordered that my lord beheaded Zhang Jiao for his meritorious service, and made him the prefect of Yanmen and Marquis of Jinguan." Tian Feng hurriedly stepped forward to inform.

Liu Qing was stunned for a while, and digested it a bit.

As soon as Huangfu Song returned to the court, the imperial edict came, but was it a reward for the emperor to call him back?Both he and Huangfusong were sure not to be.

Liu Qing suddenly thought: Liangzhou is in chaos!

Yanmen County!What a bird feather place!Bianjun, this is equivalent to being dispatched to guard the border, which means that he will not make it easy for him to be appointed an official.

"Master!" Tian Feng called out, bringing Liu Qing back to his senses, "Mr. Zhang was invited by me!"

"It's Qing's honor to see you here! Please sit down!" Liu Qing said, seeing several young people standing beside Zhang Miao, he couldn't help asking curiously, "Master Zhang, are these all your children?"

"No! I'm here to introduce you, my lord." Zhang Miao pointed to one of them, "This is Zhang Su, you have seen him before!"

The man who led the cavalry to kill Chen Liu under the city.

"This is Gao Gan, the character is Yuancai, from the Gao family of Chenliu. I am acquainted with the Gao family. Gao Gan was born in Wenxiuwu. I heard that the young master killed Peng Tuo. He insisted on coming to see him. This is his cousin Gao Rou. Wen Hui, this is Gao Shun, his elder brother, whose name is filial father, who happened to be together, so I brought him along to join in the fun."

Gao Shun!Listening to Zhang Miao's introduction, Liu Qing glanced over the three of them one by one, and finally stopped on Gao Shun.

 Book friends, help me compare [Cai Zhaoji] and [Zhang Ning], thank you
(End of this chapter)

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