Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 371 Chicken Soup Master Was Feed Chicken Soup Back

Chapter 371 Chicken Soup Master Was Feed Chicken Soup Back

And Feng Xiaotian's current state is not very good either, blood is bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and the pair of blue-red wings behind him are already covered with dense cracks, and the moment of shattering is imminent.

Feng Xiaotian panted heavily, but his tall body still stood upright on the ring, which was enough to prove that he was the winner of this battle.

Yu Dashi saw Tang San, who was deeply injured and unconscious, running out of the Shrek Academy team's camp like the wind.

"Little San, are you okay, Xiao San, Shao Xin, come here quickly."

Yu Dashi simply checked some of Tang San's injuries, and couldn't wait to call Shao Xin to treat Tang San a little bit.

"The military doctor of the Royal Knights also come quickly."

After receiving a wave of treatment from Shao Xin, Tang San's injury basically stabilized, but Yu Dashi was still worried, so he called the military doctor of the Royal Knights over.

Finally, while watching Tang San being carried on the stretcher, Yu Dashi returned to the Shrek Academy camp with a dignified expression.

"Dashi, Feng Xiaotian is at the end of his strength right now. But the Fenghuo team still has Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu. Even if I play at most, I will lose both sides. It is up to you to decide whether to play or not."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Yu Dashi who came back, parted his red lips lightly, and said very plainly.


Yu Dashi opened his mouth to speak, but at this moment, Feng Xiaotian on the promotion stage suddenly spoke.

"You guys are lucky, otherwise, even if I have very little soul power left, I can still beat another player from your Shrek Academy."

Before Feng Xiaotian could finish his sentence, Huo Wu who didn't know when she stepped into the ring pinched her, and she laughed and scolded: "Don't be brave, get down quickly."

Facing Huo Wu, Feng Xiaotian was very conscientious, so he stepped off the ring.
"Who will appear next from your Shrek Academy?"

The tall Huo Wu, dressed in red, looked in the direction of Shrek Academy, her red eyes full of eager fighting spirit.

"We. We abstain!"

The atmosphere was silent for a long time, and after a long time, Yu Dashi barely squeezed out a few words from his mouth.

In the military doctor's camp of the Royal Knights, Dai Mubai's eyes were dull, staring straight at the ceiling, with a look of lovelessness.

After a few minutes, Tang San was also carried in, and placed next to Dai Mubai's bed.

If it is said that Dai Mubai is unlovable in life, then Tang San at this time has already doubted life.

His Chaotic Cloak Wind Hammer Technique couldn't beat Feng Xiaotian's Wind and Fire Slash?

Could it be that the unique soul skills of the Haotian School are not as good as Feng Xiaotian's self-created soul skills?

This is unscientific and unreasonable!

His papa, Tang Hao, can use the exploding ring and the chaotic cloak to directly blow up three 95-level Title Douluo.

And he, Tang San, couldn't even defeat a small soul king!

You must know that although Tang San only has four spirit rings on his Clear Sky Hammer, Tang San's spirit power is level 51, which is two levels behind Feng Xiaotian at level 53.

Could it be possible./
Am I not papa's own?

Otherwise, how could the random cloaking wind hammer method be so weak in my hands?

"Three cuts. Three cuts!"

At this moment, a familiar voice rang in Tang San's ear, pulling Tang San out of his meditation.

Tang San turned his head to look, but it was Xiao Wu who was wrapped like rice dumplings
"Xiao Wu, how are you doing now?"

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu who looked like this, his heart felt like someone had pinched him several times, trembling with pain.

"Sangua, you don't have to worry, my injuries are all superficial, and I'll be fine in two days."

Xiao Wu showed a very warm smile, her soft voice made Tang San feel like his bones were melting.

"Then why are you wearing bandages all over your body? Xiao Wu, don't lie to Sangua."

Tang San asked suspiciously.

"Hey, that's what the military doctor purposely wrapped the wound with a bandage to prevent infection."

Xiao Wu showed a helpless smile.

"That's good Xiaowu, I'm sorry, I'm incompetent, I can't help you avenge me, I'm really useless."

Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Tang San first breathed a sigh of relief, then remembered that Xiao Wu was beaten violently, but he was once again unable to protect his sister.

Tang San once again fell into a state of doubting life
"No, it's not that you are not strong enough, but that the Fenghuo team is too disgusting, and they actually play some dirty tricks!"

Xiao Wu frowned, her words were full of disdain for the Fenghuo team.

"Xiao Wu, don't try to comfort Sandao, Feng Xiaotian has already given up his superiority in the air and came down to fight me head-on, but I still lost."

Tang San's eyes were extremely empty, and his expression was very numb, giving people a feeling that he already wanted to lie flat.

"Xiao San, I think what Xiao Wu said is right. The tactics of the Fenghuo team are really too dirty, and you don't even look at how they do it!"

The first three members of the Fenghuo team did nothing, they just threw their soul skills on the ring, turning half of the ring into a sea of ​​flames.

Dai Mubai "won" three games in a row without doing anything on the field, and then Feng Xiaotian of Team Fenghuo came up, and killed him in seconds with a single slash.

If it was true that Dai Mubai was defeated by Feng Xiaotian in the end, that would be fine.

But, he didn't do anything, who would really think that he's worn out three times?
So, when Dai Mubai recalled this scene, he was terribly angry.

"Yeah, Sangua, think about it, Feng Xiaotian's wind blade originally did that kind of damage, but because of the blessing of this field, it tore through my defense in an instant and made me lose my fighting ability."

"Xiao Wu is right. Without the blessing of this venue, it would be impossible for Feng Xiaotian to break my white tiger shield with one blow."

Xiao Wu and Dai Mubai, what you said to each other gradually brought back Tang San's confidence.
Tang San first recalled the whole process of his battle with Feng Xiaotian.

Then Tang San discovered that Xiao Wu and Dai Mubai's words were very beneficial.

Because, every time Tang San collided with Feng Xiaotian's wings with the Clear Sky Hammer, he not only had to resist the gust of wind generated during the collision, but also had to pay attention to the burning sensation blowing towards his face.

This burning sensation was given to Feng Xiaotian by this venue.

If there is no flame power, Tang San thinks that Feng Xiaotian can be crushed with the chaotic cloak.

"You Fenghuo team really can't afford to play, what else can you do besides play dirty."

Feeling the burning sensation from his chest, Tang San severely scolded the Fenghuo team in his heart.

At this moment, Yu Dashi's voice came in from outside the door.

"The game between the Galaxy Fleet VS Botany Academy team, this one is the third to last game, I hope you can watch it this afternoon."

Let's go to the Galaxy Fleet game with our injuries?Yu Dashi, be yourself!

Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Xiao Wu cursed in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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