Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 346 Depends on How You Choose the Blue Silver King

Chapter 346 Depends on How You Choose the Blue Silver King

Tang Hao pondered for a while, as if he had made a major decision in his heart.

He turned his head and said to Tang Xuanwei: "Xiaowei, it's already getting late, and you guys still have to practice the seven-in-one tomorrow, so go back and rest early."

My second uncle gave her an order to evict guests, Tang Xuanwei also nodded with great insight, and left the small wooden house, leaving only the father and son.

Tang San, who didn't know why, asked Tang Hao: "Papa, what can't I tell my sister?"

Tang Hao shook his head, and didn't answer Tang San's question, he said: "I don't know if Da Shi can get back the secret method of twin martial soul cultivation, but you must make two preparations for everything."

For Tang Hao's words, Tang San was very convinced. If he had been prepared to be discovered when he stole the cheats, then the matter would be another matter.

Tang San asked: "What do you mean, Baba, there is another way to solve the two problems that twin spirits need to face?"

Tang Dahammer nodded and said: "Yes, but this method has some risks. If you fail, your talent will be completely destroyed. This method is very simple, it is to restore your blue silver grass to its original appearance."

Tang San's pupils contracted violently, and he looked at Tang Dahammer with deep doubts in his eyes.

"Your Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul is actually inherited from your mother's Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul, but you only inherited some of the Blue Silver Emperor's blood, and have not fully awakened into the Blue Silver Emperor. The Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul is also A top-level martial soul is a martial soul of the same level as the Clear Sky Hammer."

"Once you successfully awaken the Blue Silver Emperor, the limit of your body's endurance will be greatly strengthened, and the Blue Silver Emperor martial soul is all-encompassing, it should be able to adjust the conflict of soul power between the twin martial souls, so you can choose to first One of the spirits has been cultivated to the extreme."

The originally dazed heart became hot again, and Tang San's pupils finally began to refocus.

"Papa, then how do I awaken my Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul into a numb Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul?"

As soon as he heard that he could solve the problem of twin spirit cultivation, Tang San was very excited now.

"Awakening to become the Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit requires you to cultivate to level 50. But you are only at level 43 now, even if you add two spirit rings to your second martial spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer, it still cannot raise you to level 50 level, so at least the first three soul rings of the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul need to be wasted."

Tang Dahammer gave Tang San a deep look, as if he was letting Tang San make his own decision.

After listening to Tang Dahammer's words, Tang San also fell into deep thought.


However, with such a small gap, the risks involved are extremely huge.

If after absorbing all three spirit rings, they only increased by 6 levels, and Tang San only had level 49 spirit power, then their father and son would be finished.

As for the fourth soul ring of the Clear Sky Hammer, which can only absorb 5000 years due to the limit of the body's endurance, it was directly ignored by their father and son because of its gorgeousness.

"Papa, when the teacher comes back, if he doesn't bring back the cultivation method of twin spirits, then I will use Papa's method. Even if the first four soul rings of the Clear Sky Hammer are wasted, I will bring back my mother's relic!"

The inner turmoil gradually disappeared, the fog in Tang San's heart had completely dissipated, and his words were sonorous and powerful.

"Little San, my good son, I have really worked hard on you," Tang Hao said sincerely.

It has to be said that in Tang Hao's eyes, this son who is not considered a son has made him very happy since he was a child.

Just imagine, a person who knows how to make hidden weapons by practicing Xuantian Kungfu is an adult no matter how he looks at it.

In other words, an adult was scolded by Tang Hao since he was a child, and he started cooking for him since he was three years old, but even now, Tang San's performance is still very filial and sensible.

After all, normal people would definitely let Tang Hao know why the flowers are so popular, but Tang San didn't.

You know, when Tang Hao didn't reveal his identity, he was a sloppy blacksmith with nothing but strength.

"Papa, as the son of you and Ma Ma, these things are what I should do." Tang San said lightly.

"Little Three."


A touching scene of loving father and son filial piety emerged in this small wooden house, which seemed very warm. Unsurprisingly, Tang San and Tang Hao would fall asleep at night.

It's a pity that this scene has long been seen by someone with a bad taste.

"Awakening the Blue Silver Emperor? You're thinking beautifully. When you use the method of consuming the first three or four soul rings of the Clear Sky Hammer to promote Tang San to the soul king and head to the Blue Silver Forest, the good show will start." .”

This person is naturally Qian Zhongling.

Ever since Tang San was beaten by the Galaxy Fleet to doubt his life, he has been staring at Tang San all the time, just waiting for this guy to cultivate the Clear Sky Hammer.

Then, as expected, Tang San who wanted to cultivate the Clear Sky Hammer was caught by Qian Zhongling.

As for, Yu Dashi wants to go to the Wuhun Hall to find Bibidong the method of twin Wuhun cultivation?
It's really funny, Bibi Dong's two spider spirits disappeared decades ago, how does she know how to cultivate twin spirits.

Some people in the Wuhun Hall do know the method of twin Wuhun cultivation, and that is to torture himself a thousand times.

This method is easy to say, but difficult to say.

Based on his research on twin martial souls, if he wants to maximize the advantages of twin martial souls.

Then at least one needs to have the cultivation base of a high-level soul sage, and one needs to have a complete set of soul bones over 5 years old to start cultivating a second martial soul at this level.

Absorbing a spirit ring is consuming one's own endurance limit, and with the cultivation base of a high-level soul saint plus a set of spirit bones over 5 years old, the limit of his body's endurance is already infinitely equivalent to that of a titled Douluo.

And with the absorption of the soul ring, the cultivation base of the high-level soul sage level, and then made a breakthrough to Contra, and the body's endurance limit was strengthened again.

Finally, at the realm of Titled Douluo, he can use his powerful spiritual power to transform two different soul powers into a common soul power for both martial souls, so as to solve the problem of conflicting soul power.

If you cultivate the first martial soul to Title Douluo first, even if you only have two or three soul bones, you can complete the cultivation of dual martial souls.

If Tang Hao is willing to take off the two 3-year-old spirit bones from his body, let Tang San absorb these two spirit bones to further improve his body's endurance.

Then, the first four spirit rings of Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer can be completely black.

Of course, this is still a solution to the symptoms rather than the root cause. A soul sect's body can bear the limit, that's all. There is no way to support two martial souls to practice at the same time.

Moreover, it is impossible for Tang Hao to take out his own spirit bone, because if he takes out the spirit bone, he will become crippled, unable to protect Tang San at all.

Therefore, Qian Chongling concluded that Tang San would definitely choose to waste a part of his twin spirit talents in the end, and use the energy of the spirit ring to push himself to the realm of the spirit king.

Then go to the Blue Silver Forest, receive the legacy of the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin, and be crowned as the emperor. In the end, you can choose to cultivate only one martial soul to the extreme, and finally come to practice the second martial soul.

However, Qian Chongling, who is the ultimate villain, will let Tang San and the others succeed.

Qian Chongling is looking forward to it, who will the Blue Silver King choose?

Is it Chen Shuang who ate Ah Yin, or Tang San who has Ah Yin's blood?

If you choose Chen Shuang, then everyone will be happy, and the motherless Blue Silver Grass will welcome a new emperor.

If you choose Tang San, then I'm sorry, Qian Chongling will choose a fire to burn the Blue Silver Forest to nothing.

If you want to awaken the Blue Silver Emperor, Tang San, stop dreaming!
"The next step is to let Ning Fengzhi, this old boy, disclose some information about the Seven Stars team to the Shrek team, so that Tang San won't feel like he can take off because he has the Clear Sky Hammer's Artifact Soul Avatar."

"Tang San, you have to know that the Clear Sky Hammer without a spirit ring, even with a weapon soul avatar, is still invincible to the Seven Stars team, so go and cultivate your Clear Sky Hammer spirit."

Jie Jie Jie
The extremely malicious laughter echoed in the middle of the night.

Speechless all night.
The next day, at a hidden place in the back mountain of Shrek Academy, Yu Dashi summoned everyone from the Shrek team, Flander and Liu Erlong.

"Although you defeated the Galactic Fleet, judging from the extent of the battle damage, you are almost dead together, and you are still eight against the other seven. Now I ask you if you fight against them again, are you sure you will win? ?”

Facing the eight members of the Shrek team, Yu Dashi stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly.

"From your expressions, I already know the answer. You don't have confidence in them to win, so I will teach you the seven-in-one that I have said many times."

After Yu Dashi finished speaking, he called Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong, and Tang Xuanwei in turn, and whispered a few words in their ears.

Poor Oscar, just because Ning Rongrong refused to have physical contact with him, so he was excluded
"So, like this, like this."

Time is passing, and soon seven days will pass.

In these seven days, Tang San and the others have also almost cultivated the seven-in-one taught by Yu Dashi.

Today is the time for them to verify the results.

"Let Erlong be your training partner now, and try to see how far the seven-in-one fusion skill can go."

Yu Dashi nodded to Tang San, indicating that he can start.


Tang San nodded, and moved first, and the other six followed closely Tang San's movements, forming a circle.

There are two people inside the circle, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

The five people outside began to swim quickly around them.

Among all seven people, no one was the first to release his martial soul at this time.

But strong fluctuations of soul power emanated from the seven of them, frantically condensing toward the center.

Tang San, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun, Tang Xuanwei, the five people's steps are surprisingly consistent.

As if following a special rhythm, the fluctuations in the soul power of the five people also formed a special trajectory, continuously spreading out around their bodies.

Standing in the center of the formation, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing held hands and closed their eyes at the same time.

Nine-colored precious light rose from Ning Rongrong's body, while faint purple light appeared from Zhu Zhuqing's body, the two rays of light circled each other and soared into the sky.


Tang San shouted.

The formation of the Shrek Seven Monsters changed, the original circle suddenly became a vertical line.

Tang San stood at the front, followed by Dai Mubai, followed by Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, Tang Xuanwei, and the last ones were Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

The change in the formation of the seven people suddenly twisted the spirit power they had just released and condensed into one.

And at this moment, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly hugged Ning Rongrong's body from behind, the lavender light released from her whole body suddenly turned dark purple, rushing into Ning Rongrong's body frantically.

The Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda rose from in front of Ning Rongrong, she clapped her hands with a serious face, and the four spirit rings on her body lit up simultaneously.

Four solid nine-color halos burst out from the lower four floors of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, and poured directly into Tang Xuanwei's body in front of her.

Stimulated by the huge auxiliary soul power, Tang Xuanwei naturally raised her arms and placed them on Xiao Wu's body in front of her.

A strange scene appeared, the nine-color light suddenly intensified a little, and injected into Xiao Wu's body from Tang Xuanwei's hand, and Tang Xuanwei's whole body was already covered with a layer of nine-color halo.

Xiao Wu's situation was almost exactly the same as Tang Xuanwei's, and the rich nine-colored light became more and more intense as it continued to pass forward.

When the light passed to Dai Mubai, Dai Mubai slammed Tang San's back with both palms. In an instant, Tang San's body trembled violently. The nine-colored halo did not appear on him again, but the An incomparably huge coercion.

When the nine-color light connects the seven people together, the seven-in-one fusion technique has been completed.

Tang San, whose body was slightly trembling, immediately raised his left hand after a brief moment of surprise.

Surging black light rushed out from the palm of Tang San's left hand, the small hammer that was originally small unexpectedly rose against the wind, and in an instant the hammer head became like a water tank.

Magnificent patterns are released from the hammer body under the sunlight, and the terrifying breath blooms with a strong black light.

Right now, the body of the Clear Sky Hammer Tang San held was even bigger than his entire body.

Closing his eyes, Tang San slowly raised the huge Clear Sky Hammer with one hand, the huge light pattern on the hammer body suddenly burst out completely, the dark golden brilliance was extremely dazzling, at this moment, it seemed that there was an incomparably tyrannical voice going crazy roared.

And Tang San himself, like the handle of a hammer, seemed to have integrated into one body with the Clear Sky Hammer.

Seeing this scene, even Tang Hao couldn't sit still, he exclaimed in disbelief: "The weapon soul avatar of the Clear Sky Hammer."

At the same time, Yu Dashi also gave out an extremely crazy smile: "It's a sure win, we're sure to win this soul master competition, no team can defeat a soul master of the Haotian Hammer at the level of a soul sage."

(End of this chapter)

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