Chapter 99

The third uncle couldn't sleep at night thinking about Professor Chen.

Professor Chen is not worried about the third uncle.

In the desert, yellow clouds formed a vast expanse, and the warm sun in the morning shone on an unknown oasis. Partridge Whistle was doing one-finger Zen push-ups, while a large group of mercenaries were counting.

"Three hundred and one!"

"Three hundred and two!"

"Three hundred and three..."

The one-finger push-ups and the morning training of the partridge whistle made the mercenary bodyguards trained around look stupid.

The mercenaries surrounded the partridge whistle one by one, watching the partridge whistle doing push-ups with one finger, talking in low voices.

"I heard that there are many martial arts masters in China before, and it is true! This guy is simply abnormal."

"Doing push-ups with one finger, his finger could easily pierce my skull!"

"This person is too scary. I really don't know where Boss Chai got him. I'm afraid one person can beat us several times!"

At this moment, Chai Yuguan walked lazily with a tape recorder, and a voice was playing in the tape recorder, "Weather forecast, most of the Taklamakan Desert will be sunny, and there will be strong winds in some areas. Please pay attention to your personal safety. To go to no-man's land, especially across the boundary of the sea of ​​death..."

Chai Yuguan watched Partridge Whistle doing push-ups in One Finger Zen, and said with a smile, "Old Jiu, don't mess with it, come here and let me tell you something."

The partridge whistle jumped down, and under the capable camouflage mercenary field shirt, the murloc's eight-pack abs were faintly visible.

Chai Yuguan looked at the partridge whistle appreciatively, feeling so terrified in his heart!Fortunately, I didn't see that Lao Jiu was a master at first glance, so I left him, or I'm afraid that I will be chased all over the mountain by the masters of my third uncle.

Partridge Whistle wiped his sweat and came over, "What's the matter! Boss Chai."

"That's right!" Chai Yuguan said, "Professor Chen has already received the news that Third Uncle and the others have already set off. This time, the destination is Xiye Ancient City!"

Partridge Whistle asked curiously, "Xiye Ancient City? Aren't we going to Jingjue Ancient City? Have you changed your target?"

Chai Yuguan said, "You don't understand! When the ancient city of Jingjue was prosperous and prosperous, Queen Jingjue was extravagant and lustful, oppressing all the small countries in the Western Regions. There is a very famous handsome prince in the Western Regions, named Prince Gumo, who belongs to the country of Gumo. He was recruited as the queen's male favorite to serve the queen, but he discovered the queen's secret, and later escaped from Jingjue Ancient City and was buried in Xiye Ancient City."

If Partridge Whistle has a clear understanding, "Boss Chai means that, in fact, neither Professor Chen nor Lao San Wu know the real whereabouts of Jingjue Ancient City?"

Chai Yuguan nodded, "Yes, Professor Chen himself doesn't know the real whereabouts of Jingjue Ancient City, but there must be clues to Jingjue Ancient City in Xiye Ancient City! Now third uncle and the others have rushed to Xiye Ancient City, and Professor Chen gave it to you A task, to create a little trouble for third uncle."

Partridge frowned and said, "Are you causing trouble? Wu Sansheng has a team of 500 people, and we have no more than [-] people at most. I'm afraid we won't be their opponents."

Boss Chai said, "Don't worry, God will help us!"

Partridge Whistle looked at Boss Chai in puzzlement, "I don't quite understand what you mean, Boss Chai."

But Boss Chai patted Partridge Whistle's shoulder mysteriously, "Go to Xiye Ancient City, bring the clues of Jingjue Ancient City, and let the third uncle be buried in Xiye Ancient City forever. God will help you, go!"

Having said that, Partridge Whistle didn't say much, greeted many mercenaries, boarded the car one after another, left the oasis and headed towards Xiye Ancient City.

Partridge Whistle sat in the car, thinking about the mysterious appearance of Boss Chai, couldn't help but close his eyes, and connected Xu Ming.

"My lord!" Partridge whistled, "What the hell is this Chai Yuguan thinking? He asked me to take 300 people to Xiye Ancient City to ambush more than 500 troops from the three provinces of Wu! He also said that God would help us! What kind of ecstasy are they selling?"

Xu Ming heard the partridge whistle, and quickly replied, "Wait a minute, let me see what's going on?"

Xu Ming landed on Chai Yuguan, and after a little thought, he understood the conspiracy between Chai Yuguan and Professor Chen.

Xu Ming came back quickly and said, "It's amazing, I didn't see that, apart from being knowledgeable about antiques, Professor Chen also has a lot of knowledge about meteorology. Professor Chen discovered that a large-scale black sandstorm will appear in the central part of the Taklamakan Desert in the near future. It's probably my location in Xiye Ancient City, Professor Chen's intention is obvious, after you get the map in Wu San Province, sneak attack Wu San Province, and then use the black sandstorm to retreat."

"So that's how it is!" Partridge whistled, "I probably understand. Are you dangerous, my lord?"

Xu Ming replied, "I'm fine. There is still half an hour before I leave Xiye Ancient City to go to Jingjue Ancient City. I will set up some traps in the tomb. Be careful then."

Partridge whistled, "Then how to get to the ancient city of Jingjue?"

Xu Mingdao, "As for the way to Xiye Ancient City, it's very simple. I will contact you when I arrive at Jingjue Ancient City and tell you the route."

The partridge whistled, "I understand, is there any other explanation from the Lord?!"

Xu Mingdao, "As few people as possible are killed, our real battlefield is the ancient city of Jingjue, and our enemy is Queen Jingjue! Not Wu Laosan!"

The partridge whistle replied, "Understood."

Returning to the tomb, Xu Ming looked at the last notification on the system that there were still 10 minutes left.

In 10 minutes, I will go to Jingjue Ancient City to see the gate. I don't know if I will be arranged to see the gate this time. After all, the meeting between immortals always ends in death or injury.

Xu Ming glanced at the tomb of Prince Gumo's clothes in the ancient city of Jingjue with nostalgia for the last time, and let the third uncle remember it!

Xu Ming has very few points now, and the Krypton Gold God of War Partridge Whistle has used up all of Xu Ming's points, not even a single drop.

But last time Hu Bayi was beaten up by the Partridge Whistle, Hu Bayi suffered a huge setback in his career, and exchanged a thousand points for Xu Ming, Xu Ming still has some points to arrange this tomb.

"Exchange for Dark Crossbow X100!"

"Exchange for Skyfire Dragon Oil X20!"

"Exchange quicksand X1000, since the local area is a desert, this time quicksand is free."

"Exchange Luban lock X20!"

"Repair the knife wall of the tomb, the chain flap mechanism..."

After everything was arranged, there was less than 5 minutes left before the last time to go to the ancient city of Jingjue. Xu Ming looked at Qingtu who was still sleeping in the corner of the tomb, kicked Qingtu away, and Qingtu hurriedly got up. "Master, is there something wrong?"

After this period of training, Qingtu can perfectly use this bronze body with one foot.

Xu Mingdao, "Go outside for a stroll, I want to be quiet these few days, and you are not allowed to come back without my permission!"

"Okay!" Qingtu said as she walked out, "Master, I'll go out and find you the eye of the desert. I'm idle anyway. The lord has given me the grace of rebuilding. I'll find you a desert eye." Eyes, let you become the most powerful existence in this desert..."

Qingtu beeped and walked away, Xu Ming watched Qingtu leave the tomb, and suddenly fought back, the door of the tomb in Xiye Ancient City was closed, and even faster Xu Ming lay down on the coffin, closed the coffin lid, and promised to enter the tomb Melted like chocolate, and began to teleport to the ancient city of Jingjue.

At this moment, thirty miles south of Xiye Ancient City, a group of people is rushing towards Xiye Ancient City. The leader is riding a camel and wearing black sunglasses. He looks around and yells, " Uncle San, you are sure the direction is right! Why haven’t you seen the ancient city of Xiye on this map!”

Behind the black glasses, dozens of camels followed, and those sitting were all the elite subordinates of the third uncle, such as Hu Bayi, Wang Kaixuan, Wu Tianzhen, Ah Ning, except for Chen Yulou.

Wu Laosan got off the camel, rubbed his old waist, looked at the yellow sand all over the sky not far away, and said, "Don't worry, let's wait for news from Chen Yulou."

Wu Tianzhen turned on the kettle, "Third Uncle, why did Shopkeeper Chen take the brothers?"

Third Wu took a look at Wu Tianzhen, "Guess."

Wu Tianzhen smiled wryly, "How can I guess, where did the city lord's coffin go?"

Hu Bayi also asked, "Third Uncle, what did shopkeeper Chen do? He also brought five hundred people with him, which is too much!"

Facing everyone's doubts, Wu Laosan took a sip of water and said slowly, "Professor Chen left us a clue about Xiye Ancient City. His meaning is very clear. He arranged for me, Wu Laosan, to go to Xiye Ancient City and die in the That, so, I can be sure that Professor Chen must have an ambush in Xiye Ancient City!"

Wu Tianzhen said, "There is an ambush, then we don't have to go!"

"You can't go." Wu Laosan said, "The clues to the ancient city of Xiye are the only way to find the ancient city of Jingjue. We have to go, but I don't want to fall into the trap, so let's just do this. I'll go and arrest Professor Chen. Let him take us to Xiye Ancient City."

Wu Tianzhen said, "But, third uncle, do you know where they are hiding? The desert is so big, where can we find them!"

"It's very simple." Heixiazi read a sentence, "The desert is huge, but there are very few oases! We only need to filter through the oases one by one, and we can find Professor Chen!"

Wu Laosan praised, "Yes, so Chen Yulou took 72 brothers in a team of ten, and [-] teams went to search for [-] oases around, big and small. I still don't believe I can't find Chen Professor!"

The blind man said, "Is there a possibility that after Professor Chen's team is sent out, they can't wait for us in Xiye Ancient City, so come out and arrest us!"

Pan Zi proudly said, "Afraid of them! Although we don't have many people, we are all elite!"

At this moment, Wu Laosan's mobile phone rang, Wu Laosan connected the phone, and Chen Yulou was on the opposite side, "Third Uncle, we found that Professor Chen and Chai Yuguan have a foreigner called Jude, the three of them They are all there, the three of them are driving with a dozen people, I am chasing, and I will catch up soon, are you all right? I heard from Chai Yuguan that more than 300 of them have come to Xiye Ancient City... "

Wu Laosan said, "It's okay, I'm safe, we didn't go to Xiye Ancient City, we're halfway, hurry's not good! Go!"

Pan Zi's roar came from Wu Laosan's phone, and the call was cut off.

All around Wu Laosan, dense off-road vehicles whizzed out from the desert, with the flag of Jude Kao's expedition group hanging on the head, and a team of hundreds of people surrounded Wu Laosan.

Partridge Whistle sat on the car in front and kept commanding, "Squad on the left, block Wu Sansheng's escape route, and the two teams on the right block and harass Wu Sansheng. The others charge me from the front. They don't have us. More, quick battle!"

"Roger that!"

"Catch Wu Laosan alive!"

"Capture Wu Sansheng alive!"

Da da da--

The two sides started fighting in an instant, Wu Laosan led only more than 30 men, and was surrounded by ten times his own mercenaries for a while, how ugly Wu Laosan's face was!
At this moment, the black blind man slapped Guo Zhanxing, "Catch the thief first and capture the king, go, come with me and touch the big tall guy who is leading the front, and threaten them, these mercenaries dare not mess around!"

Guo Zhanxing nodded, and was about to rush up with Hei Xiazi.

At the critical moment, Hu Bayi saw the two of them rushing towards the partridge whistle that Ye exploded against him, "Don't go, you two can't beat him!"

However, it was too late, Hei Xiazi and Guo Sanshao had already rushed over.

Not far away, Partridge Whistle also saw the guy coming towards him, and said with a smile, "Don't shoot, I'll play with them! Go and capture Wu Laosan alive!"

"Yes! SIR!"


Partridge Whistle jumped down. He was dressed in a mercenary desert camouflage uniform, and his legs were extremely long. With a flick of his hand, he threw the gun in his hand, and put on a posture, "Want to come and play? Welcome!"

Seeing the confidence of the partridge whistle, the blind man jumped up, "Then let's play!"

Guo Zhanxing's figure swooped down suddenly, and with a three-way downwind kick, he kicked towards the partridge whistle.

Partridge Whistle looked at the guy who was attacking from the upper and lower directions. With his left hand and right hand, he moved slowly, impartially. Partridge Whistle's palms grabbed Hei Xiazi's left fist and Guo Zhanxing's right foot.

Time froze slightly, Hei Xiazi and Guo Zhanxing were dumbfounded, how could this man be so accurate, he could catch our attack and seal our attack!
Even faster, Partridge Whistle made a Tai Chi shape with both hands, and spun around violently, and Hei Xiazi and Guo Zhanxing collided directly, face to face.

Fortunately, Guo Zhanxing and Hei Xiazi reacted quickly enough, they clapped their hands together, and with a sudden sound, they threw them away.

"It's me!"

The partridge whistle jumped up, its long legs were like illusions, and it kicked Guo Zhanxing into the air.

The black blind man reacted quickly and used his arms to block, but the partridge's legs were too solid and the strength was too great. The black blind man only felt pain in his arms, his blood was rolling, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and flew more than five meters away !
Da Kui hurriedly picked up the black blind man, "Get out! There are ruthless people on the other side, and the blind man is injured! Get out!"

Pan Zi shouted, "The back road is blocked, there is no escape! Go, go behind the sand dunes!"

"Let's go, third uncle, go behind the sand dunes!"

Da da da--

The bullets from the Thompson submachine gun flashed out, and Wu Laosan and his party hid in a corner of a sand dune. The terrain ahead was narrow, and more than 300 mercenaries could not rush in for a while.

The partridge whistle surrounded the outside with a mighty force, and the two sides continued to shoot, and for a while, entered a difficult stalemate.

Aning gritted her teeth. She was accidentally hit by a stray bullet just now, and blood flowed across her right arm.

"Don't worry, I'll bandage you!"

Wu Tianzhen couldn't help bandaging Ah Ning, and the bullets whizzed through the side.

At the critical moment, Hu Bayi shouted loudly, "On the other side! I might as well tell you! Your Professor Chen, Boss Chai, and Jude Kao have been surrounded by 500 people led by our Chen Yulou! They are dead, you If you want your boss to die, just shoot! Let me see if you can still get the employment money!"

However, to no avail, the gunshots got louder.

Hu Bayi looked embarrassed, "Don't these people want money?"

Xueli Yang pulled Hu Bayi aside, "You are stupid, there are foreigners on the opposite side, who can understand your old Beijing dialect, let me come!"

Shirley Yang went up to speak English, and the sound of the gunfire died down a lot in an instant, but there was still gunfire.

At this moment, a phone rang, Wu Sansheng answered the phone, and Chen Yulou's voice came from inside, "Caught it, Professor Chen Chai Yu was caught, haha ​​third uncle, where are you!"

At this moment, Wu Sansheng said awkwardly, "We are surrounded by Professor Chen's people."

"Ah?" Chen Yulou hurriedly said, "Are you all right! I asked Professor Chen to call them! Let them let you go!"

The Partridge Whistle on the opposite side quickly received the call, and Professor Chen said angrily, "Wu Laosan doesn't talk about martial arts, don't let them go, don't let them go until you see us, these Xiling wrestlers definitely want to kill me ...beep!"

After the phone was hung up, Partridge Whistle understood the situation. Everyone had caught the other party's boss. At this moment, everyone had been caught, and it would be useless to fight any further.

Partridge Whistle remembered Xu Ming's advice to avoid death.

Partridge Whistle shouted at Wu Sansheng, "Wu Sansheng, everyone is in business, fighting and killing is really not in line with our temperament, why don't we sit down and negotiate?"

Hearing this, Wu Laosan also said, "Okay, let's sit down and talk!"

(End of this chapter)

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