Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 985 The subordinate is late to save the driver, the boss should not blame it!

"Oh, shit, it really hurts!"

Xu Ming's thoughts stopped with the severe pain.

Keenly feel the pain in the head and the occasional dizziness that comes with being too weak.

Xu Ming raised his eyes and found himself sitting in the infirmary with a bandage on his head.

Sitting on the hospital bed, Xu Ming lamented that the gang of thugs did not have good experience in beating people. They almost beat people to death. Is this the first time they came out to beat people?
Having said that, if you guys really beat me to death, then you will be playing big, and the me after death will be super scary, okay?
Now there is a question in front of Xu Ming, this nurse's room does not seem to be cheap, can the few cents that Bao'er gave it do the job?
Moreover, when Xu Ming was beaten to the ground just now, the few cents on his body were also taken away.

Just when Xu Ming was thinking wildly, the door of the infirmary opened, and a doctor in a long gown, mask and glasses walked in coldly.

Xu Ming looked at the doctor who helped him, and wanted to thank him, but the doctor directly interrupted Xu Ming's thanks.

"Why did you wake up?"

"It's really troublesome. If you wake up, you need to continue anesthesia to get the organs!"

"Unlucky! Anesthetist!"

Xu Ming's eyes froze for [-] second.

You are not saving me, you just want to take my organs?

Xu Ming looked at the local doctor in front of him, and said in a surprisingly calm tone, "Can I ask, what organ do you want to take away from me?"

The doctor said impatiently, "You are just a food, and the food doesn't need to know this."

Xu Mingdao, "Aren't you keeping the food fresh by not letting me die?"

"Hehe!" The doctor looked at Xu Ming, "Do you know a lot! I have to say, my luck is very good. It was supposed to be the last day of this month, and I couldn't finish this KPI. Fortunately, I met You! You are my lucky star."

Xu Ming looked at the doctor, "Unexpectedly, in this era, doctors have KPI task indicators! It's really difficult for you."

Xu Ming's rare sympathy from the perspective of others made this cold doctor slightly moved.

He wanted to kill him, but he was lamenting that it took so much effort to kill him.

When encountering such polite food, the doctor will inevitably give Xu Ming a high look.

The doctor sighed, "Since the bullshit big Nuo blew up the heavens, the entire Shadow World Cup has been divided into 36 regions, among which all the residents of the original shadow civilization have been arranged in the next six regions, and the remaining thirty regions are the main civilizations. The place where the living beings live, and the living beings in our six regions have to support the main noble living beings in the [-] regions!"

Xu Mingdao, "Can I ask, who signed this distribution agreement?"

The doctor said, "Duo Nuo! Who else could it be except the Nuo? After the Nuo signed the agreement, it blew up the heavens and disappeared on the run. It has harmed us shadow creatures."

Xu Ming blinked, "My friend, don't you think there is something wrong with your logic? The Nuo is the one who blows up the Heavenly Dao. What is it? It is to tear the face off with the main body of the Heavenly Dao. It is a person who is going to flip the table. How could you sign such a shameful contract with someone else?"

The doctor looked at Xu Ming, "Someone mentioned your idea before, but no one mentioned it afterward."

Xu Mingdao, "Is the problem solved?"

The doctor said, "To be precise, the person who asked the question was solved."

"This is really interesting." Xu Ming lay there and said, "The incompetent and boring world has been squeezed into this way, and you can still accept it. Are you really the people of the Great Nuo?"

The doctor picked up a needle, "You talk too much."

Xu Ming looked at the needle tube, shot it suddenly, and snatched it!

The doctor looked at Xu Ming and took a few steps back, "What do you want to do?"

Holding the needle, Xu Ming's eyes were a little perverted, "I thought that if I died, it would be over once and for all. I didn't expect that even if I died, I couldn't say goodbye to the past."

"Ask your heart, now I don't care how people in this world live, whether they eat enough, whether they can be safe and healthy, whether they will still have dreams, or even whether they will have love."

"I look at this piece of land now, just like looking at my ex-girlfriend, and my mood is surprisingly peaceful."

"I know that it is impossible for me and this world to be reunited, just like two broken lenses can never be restored."

"I don't have any embarrassment, and I don't have any low-level life feelings such as betrayal, loyalty, and high and low."

"I am an existence who once served the Tao, then destroyed the Tao, and then became close to the Tao."

"My experience has determined that my eyes cannot be limited to a small local Jiangnan mansion, or a small Changshengtian. What I want to know is what happened in this world and how far it has gone. Is there any help?"

"So, are you willing to be my subordinate?"

The doctor looked at Xu Ming, staring at Xu Ming in disbelief, "Put down the needle! You crazy!"

Xu Ming took the needle and slowly injected it into his arm, "Some people live without meaning, such as Changshengtian."

"Some people, once they die, become super fierce."

"I want to save such an era."

"It requires a complete and advanced scientific and technological system, a set of power regulations suitable for the development of this civilization, the most advanced way of class promotion, and a powerful government that dominates this era."

"This world that started with me should end with me."

Xu Ming stabbed the needle hard into his body, Xu Ming planned to meet death.

But a hand stopped in front of Xu Ming.

This is a peaceful, powerful and elegant hand. The fingers are very long and slender, especially the middle finger and index finger, which are half as long as ordinary people!
The owner of the hand said calmly, "Please don't blame me for the late rescue!"

Xu Ming looked at that hand, "I remember when I crossed over, the Yin-Yang fish brand and the coffin were lost, where did you jump out!"

The owner of the hand said, "I jumped out of the coffin. We were hit during the crossing process. The coffin was scattered and people lost. I am the closest to you, Lord."

Xu Ming nodded, "That's it! It's clear, according to the rules, do what you want!"

The doctor looked at the hand stretched out in the darkness in fear, and kept backing away, "Who are you!"

The man in the darkness stepped out. Under the light, he was wearing a black hoodie, slack overalls and combat boots, and an ancient black and gold knife hanging from his back.

He raised his cheek, and the world-weary left pupil on the lower half of the hoodie released a strong gray light, and the gray pupil suddenly burned on the doctor, and the doctor burned out instantly, and his soul flew away.

Poker-Face stood there, "Boss, the guys in your world seem to be weaker than our original world."

Xu Ming sat on the couch, "This guy is just the most ordinary guy, and there are masters above him!"

Poker bottle said, "How powerful is it?"

Xu Mingdao, "The levels of power in this world are wine offerings, star position, status, celestial position, quietness, immortality, and innocence, and the heavenly generals we call are the level of offering wine sacrifices. The king of heaven is no more than the position of a star, and the celestial venerable is status. !Your current strength should be at the late stage of Heavenly General, that is, the late stage of Jijiu. In this world's practice level, you are just a beginner." (End of this chapter)

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