Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 894 You Don't Understand Baidi

In the Jingwei Temple, there is an incense hall and side rooms.

Naturally, the person enshrined in Xiangtang is the emperor Jingwei.

And in the wing room, a curtain blocked the wing room into two sections.

Behind the veil, an old figure sat there dejectedly, and a snake shadow faintly disappeared behind it.

And outside the curtain, a person passed by like a revolving lantern.

The guy shouted, "Next!"

A young woman who had been queuing up outside the door for a long time came over in two quick steps.

The guys hurriedly told, "Remember, three questions, get out after asking! Don't waste time!"

The young woman hastily walked into the wing room, looked nervously at the person in the curtain, and said politely, "May I ask, sir, what is the strength of the White Emperor? Is he promoted to Tianzun?"

Behind the curtain, the old voice of the Snake God came, "I haven't seen Baidi for many years. When I finally separated from him, he had already advanced to the peak of the Heavenly King, and half of his feet had stepped into the Heavenly Venerable Realm. I can't tell if I haven't entered the Heavenly Exalted Realm."

The young woman said again, "Dare to ask sir, what is the weakness of Baidi?"

The snake god behind the scenes said indifferently, "Baidi is a zombie, beauty is useless to him, and he sits in the underworld, and martial arts secrets are useless to him, he has two bloodlines, Jianmu and Shenji, and Yao Clan Tianting, even the ancient god of war Xing Tian has an indissoluble bond, his talent is unparalleled, Bai Di has almost no weaknesses, if I have to say a weakness, then his weakness may be me."

The young woman said, "The last question, what do you need sir to help your slaves defeat Baidi?"

Behind the scene, the snake god said, "Half of your original world's original power! This is the bottom line of my action. If half of your world's original power is not willing to give me, and half of your energy is not given to me, I have no reason to fight with Bai Di." Enemy! End of problem, next one!"

The young woman still wanted to ask questions, but the guys on both sides couldn't wait any longer, and directly pushed her out.

If Xu Ming were here, his blood pressure would probably soar.

If traitors have ranks, then Cao Shuangshuang and Chai Yuguan can only be said to be junior.

And the Snake God has already regarded the traitor as a business, betrayed Baidi openly, and can still receive a gift from the opposite party.

So, will the snake god have a psychological burden?
At this moment, a person rushed in from outside the door. This person was General Wang Ben, the son of the former Great Qin King Jian.

As a thousand-year-old family, the Wang family speculated on the Baidi last time, and got a generous reward from the Baidi. The Wang family's sphere of influence has expanded a lot, but the old man Wang Jian of the Wang family said that it is not good to have too much land, and gave away a lot of land under various names. Sending off, Jiu Tian looks at the Wang family with even more awe, Wang Ben, the young patriarch of the Wang family, is always welcomed by people wherever he goes.

Wang Ben angrily opened the curtain, inside the curtain, an old man was lying inside.

The old man has wicked eyebrows, and when he spits out lightly, his long tongue shines brightly, he is indeed an old snake!

The snake god looked at the angry Wang Ben, "General Wang is not at home enjoying the blessings, what are you doing here?"

Wang Ben said, "You betrayed Baidi's secret so openly, does Baidi know?"

The snake god chuckled, "Whether Baidi knows or not, does it matter?"

Wang Bendao, "I know you are at odds with Bai Yujing and others, but I hope you don't do these things under such circumstances. At least the basic stability of the Three Realms and the consistent external front cannot be destroyed!"

The snake god shrugged his shoulders, "General Wang, you have to understand that Baidi has many enemies, one more than me is not too many, and one less than me is quite a lot, even if I don't say it, there are many other enemies of Baidi who say it! I said that I can get some benefits in the front, and I can get some souvenirs from all over the world, no matter how I count, I will not lose money!"

Wang Ben slapped the table, "But you betrayed Baidi!"

The snake god said, "I can only say that you don't know Baidi well. If Baidi was here, he would not stop me from betraying him, and would even praise me, because in a sense, I was also working for Baidi. "

Speaking of this, the snake god raised his hand and picked up a series of documents, each with fingerprints and blood on them!And there is also relevant information about each world.

Wang Ben said, "Will they tell you the truth?"

"No." The Snake God raised his hand to touch the futon beside Wang Ben's body, "I borrowed this chair from the Kingdom of Huaxu. It is called to sit and forget. Whoever sits will be drawn by the chair. I read the divine thoughts directly. How did they lie to me?"

Wang Ben listened to the snake god's words, and then looked at the dragon-like queue outside the Jingwei Temple, "I don't care if you have any reasons, but I think it's not right for you to do this."

"Isn't it right?" The Snake God said, "Every time a big event happens, someone has to take the blame and do dirty things. A thousand-year-old family like the Wang family, you will definitely not do such a thing. The Wang family is good, so I will It's different, I'm a down and out kid, lonely, I have nothing to worry about, and I have nothing to lose, if you really burp, then burp!"

"Whatever I do, it's all my reasons!"

"You don't have to read the Wang family if you don't like it, but don't stop me from doing business."

"Those guests in the back have all given gifts, and I must serve you attentively! Get out of the way!"

Wang Ben looked at the stubborn snake god, stomped his feet and said, "I'm going to the underworld now, and I want to inform Baidi about your current appearance!"

The snake god said, "It's easy to leave. Remember to ask Baidi for my salary. After so many years, Baidi has never sent me a dime. Look at the other Yujing fairy thieves. I got a lot of supernatural powers and spells, but I have nothing, what a bad luck!"

Wang Ben flicked his sleeve, "Look at Jingwei, Jingwei never betrayed the Three Realms until his death, look at you again! Hmph!"

Wang Ben left angrily.

The old man with long gray hair tilted his head and glanced at the Jingwei statue not far away.

The emperor is still a young girl, with a bright smile on her [-]-year-old immature cheeks, which is heart-warming. She is jumping, and there is a bird under her feet, which is her incarnation, Jingwei.

The snake god looked at the emperor, his old eyes were dimmed, his old mouth twitched a few times, and there was some sadness in his words.

"The Wang family are really animals."

"You can't say no to me, so just use my shortcomings to attack me! Old bastard Wang Jian, Wang Ben is not a good guy either!"

"That's all, that's all, let's endure it for a while, until the moon god comes back and takes me back to meet Jingwei, then I should die."

"Is it interesting to talk about those who have them?"

Just as the snake god muttered, a red light diffused from the abrupt snake god's body.

The snake god raised his left hand, and on the palm of his hand, the snake god saw a familiar circle of curse marks.

"The curse of the Zaklama tribe!"

The Snake God looked at the curse in his hand, and said in disbelief, "What's going on! Didn't I cut off the curse link with the Zaklama Partridge Whistle back then? How could it still appear!"

"Could it be that Partridge Whistle met the ghost mother?"

The snake god shook his head violently, no, it shouldn't be like this, it should be an expert with the ghost mother's bloodline approaching me!

The snake god suddenly looked outside the door. At the moment outside the door, a tall and cold fairy in a long purple dress and a veil was looking forward to it.

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