Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 870 Arhat lowered his eyes and murdered Jizo

"Master, is the outside world big?"

The rough young man leaned on the giant sword, his voice was startled, and he couldn't help teasing the girl Jingling.

"Big, boss!"

"The three realms don't look big, but there are four great emperors in total!"

Jing Ling hesitated and said, "Four people, three worlds, shouldn't we fight? How can this be divided?"

The young man laughed and said, "Those who can't fight, except for the Jade Emperor, almost the other three emperors don't care about their affairs!"

"You have to remember these four supreme beings. When you go out to hang out, the first important thing is to know who you can offend and who you can't offend. These four supreme beings are the proper number one in the Three Realms. Sequence boss!"

"They are Zhongtian Ziwei North Pole Emperor, Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, Gochen Shanggong Emperor, and Houtu Emperor Dizhi!"

"Among them, Zhongtian Ziwei Beibei Taihuang is the Jade Emperor!"

"Emperor Changsheng of Antarctica and Emperor Gouchen have already escaped into the true way, and no longer ask about matters of the Three Realms."

Jing Ling asked curiously, "What about the Queen's Land?"

The young man said, "For the sake of the normal operation of the six realms of reincarnation, Empress Houtu makes up for the shortcomings of the six realms of reincarnation. She dissociates from Dao and dissolves soldiers, and fits into six realms!"

Jing Ling hesitated and said, "Did the soldier disappear after disbanding?"

"It can be understood in this way." The young man said, "But to be more precise, Empress Houtu will exist forever. After all, she is the reincarnation of the six realms, and the reincarnation of the six realms is her. It's eternal life."

Jing Ling said, "But is there a possibility that the six realms of reincarnation also collapsed, and then the Tu Niangniang disappeared?"

As soon as Jing Ling said this, the proud and reckless young man couldn't speak anymore.

At this moment, Yu Xiaoyue, who is outside of time and space, also froze her ears. Yu Xiaoyue was eager to know the answer to this question.

The current situation in the future is that the reincarnation of the six realms has collapsed, and Baidi and other people are so busy that it doesn't help.

Jingling looked at the real person, and looked at his master Qin Guangwang. Qin Guangwang held back for a long time before saying, "I, I haven't thought about this question!"

"When Houtu Niangniangbing undid the Dao, one sentence was that the Great Heavenly Lord had reached consummation!"

"And I haven't even seen the threshold of Tianzun now! At most, I am just a beginner with the strength of a Tianwang."

"And my strength is still very weak. I am no match for some heavenly generals with particularly powerful magic weapons."

"You can stop me from asking."

Jing Ling said empathetically, "The master finds it difficult to answer, so don't answer. The most important thing is that the master is happy."

King Qin Guang held the back of his head and said to himself, "Actually, it's not so difficult to answer. If the six reincarnations really collapse one day, even if there will be new strong men born, they will replace the current heavenly court. In the era of the Three Realms, a new and more powerful way of living has been evolved! Do you want to believe in the wisdom of future generations!"

As soon as this statement is made, especially the last sentence, we must believe in the wisdom of future generations.

Yu Xiaoyue, who was beyond time and space, almost lost her waist.

I'm going, as expected of a Lianjiazi from the Heavenly Court, this official talk will not be outdated in the future.

Yu Xiaoyue originally thought that Tianting was a big shot or a senior, so she must have a backup plan. Now it seems that she really thinks too much. What these guys in Tianting think about is how to get drunk today, who cares about the future of the Ming Dynasty? People have no water to drink.

At this moment, a dazzling golden light came from above the abrupt head, and the light penetrated through layers of darkness and shone down.

Seeing this situation, Qin Guangwang's eyes turned cold, "They are chasing after you, these Buddhist disciples in the west are really annoying!"

Jing Ling said, "Master, who is he!"

King Qin Guang said, "A bald donkey has chased me for more than a dozen states in order to get back my sword, and he has come here. It seems that he has to make a decision!"

After the words fell, King Qin Guang pinched the sword formula with both hands, the giant sword in front of him rustled, and the iron chains on the giant sword suddenly shot up into the sky, and the iron chains transformed into thunder and electric dragons, roaring and charging To the golden Buddha's light above the head.

In the golden light of the Buddha, a giant hand opened, and the five fingers that were as tall as a mountain covered it like a mountain, directly crushing the chains of demon dragons, "Almighty, take my Buddha's unworldly fierce soldiers and escape!" Dozens of big worlds, do you think it's inevitable?"

King Qin Guang's spell was defeated, the clothes all over his body were torn, his bronze skin was bare, his long hair was flying, and he held his head up to the sky, "Ksitigarbha, have you chased me for so long, just because of this sword? Do you think I don’t know? You have been coveting the reincarnation of the underworld for an unknown amount of time in the west, and you have seen that I am coming to the underworld, so you have chased dozens of big worlds to come here!”

"Since you can't avoid it, let's kill it openly!"


With his upper body bare, King Qin Guang raised his huge sword and slashed towards the sky.

Yu Xiaoyue's heart was surging when she saw this macho figure.


What is the fight of the strong!
This is the fighting posture that the strong should have in Yu Xiaoyue's mind.

It's not that villain Baidi, every time he makes a fool of someone, and then rushes out to attack him with a sneer.

Baidi's is at most called a sneak attack, but this is the posture of a strong man!
The golden Buddha shadow on the top of his head did not dare to be too big. At any rate, King Qin Guang at this moment is already the strength of a heavenly king, and his master is Lu Zu of the Heavenly Court, with the power of a sword fairy, and his lethality is extremely terrifying.

The golden light gathers to form a golden lotus. In the golden light of the lotus, a dignified and handsome male Bodhisattva appears quietly. The male Bodhisattva is half covered with pure white Buddhist cassock, half of his shoulders are bare, and he smiles while holding the flower, which only makes the world Everything converts instantly.

At this moment, even Yu Xiaoyue, who is outside of time and space, has an urge to worship, too Buddha, too perfect, the beauty, purity, and flawlessness of this male Bodhisattva are enough to make all living beings feel free Ashamed.

If you have to use adjectives to describe.

Hidden heart!
This is more directly killing people than killing the heart Guanyin.

But even for such a male Bodhisattva, King Qin Guang's barbaric sword slashing did not show the slightest face.

Hitting his head and covering his face, King Qin Guang's great sword struck Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Ksitigarbha twisted the flower with his fingers, and the Buddhist golden light instantly condensed a Buddhist golden pestle. The subduing magic pestle and the giant sword collided together, bang bang bang, the light of Buddha and the light of blood washed away, and the blow of the immortal Buddha was fierce.

"Little Moon!"

"Xiaoyue, what should we do now!"

Jing Ling watched this scene of battle in embarrassment.

Yu Xiaoyue said badly, "How do I know what to do! Let's not say that I am outside of time and space, I cannot interfere with the affairs of this time and space, even if I can interfere, can I deal with these two elder brothers? It’s the strength of the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu, I’m going to find excitement by myself.”

Jing Ling said, "But you can't just watch them fight, they are the later Ksitigarbha and Qin Guangwang! How can people in the underworld kill each other?"

Yu Xiaoyue said, "Recall carefully, after you and your master met here, who won the battle between him and the Ksitigarbha?"

Jing Ling thought for a while, "I can't remember this, I just know that I was carved by the master here, as for what happened after that, I don't remember very clearly."

"Hey!" Yu Xiaoyue said, "Then I can't help you anymore, let's wait here, maybe it will be over in a while."

Jing Ling said, "What if the fight can't be finished in a while?"

Yu Xiaoyue said, "Then I can't help it. I will hold on for an hour at most. After an hour, no matter what your regrets are, our trip is over."

Jing Ling said, "Then, can we come again after that?"

Yu Xiaoyue sneered and said, "You think I'm a time-travel group, so I can come whenever I want? There's no way, you've already fulfilled your last regret by coming here, and after you leave here, you will perish , you are going to be gone, do you think you can still come here?"

Jing Ling looked at Yu Xiaoyue, "What if I stay here forever?"

Yu Xiaoyue said, "What nonsense are you talking about? How is it possible!"

"How is that impossible!" Jingling looked at the fighting Dizang and King Qin Guang, and shouted loudly, "Master, Dizang! Stop fighting! Let me tell you the truth! I am from the future, from the future You will become friends, you will establish the first generation of hell, one of you is the first generation King Qin Guang, and the other is the future Ksitigarbha King!"

As soon as this remark came out, Yu Xiaoyue slapped her head with her left hand, she miscalculated, this girl blew herself up!
Jingling said such a word, and the two people who were fighting hard were stunned for an instant, and even faster, the murderous Tibetan Bodhisattva and the reckless young sword fairy retreated together.

The two fell to the ground and looked at the mirror spirit in the middle.

Blossoming golden Buddha lotuses sprouted from the feet of Dizang, and the light bloomed, dazzling people's eyes.

Ksitigarbha kashou said, "The benefactor said you are from the future? How many years ago is the future?"

Jing Ling said, "This, it's hard to explain clearly to you, time is very tight now, I will disappear forever in an hour at most!"

"It's simple!" King Qin Guang said on the side, "We are both masters at the level of heavenly kings, you can condense what you want to say into a divine thought, and then give it to us, and we can digest it instantly. "

Jing Ling twisted her temples with both hands, and after a while, two clear droplets of divine thoughts floated out.

Dizang and Qin Guangwang each got a drop of water, and they put the drop of water into the eyebrows of Tianmen.

Not long after, King Ksitigarbha and King Qin Guang stared at each other, and the two guys looked at each other with strange eyes.

Killing Heart Jizo looked at King Qin Guang inexplicably, "Poor monk, unexpectedly, I can become a Taoist friend with a murderous embryo like you, and even suppressed hell for you for so many years. oath?"

"Ah bah!" King Qin Guang spat out, "Don't put gold on your face, are you doing it for me? You are doing it for the merits of the sky! You are shameless! Taking advantage of me and wanting me to praise you, why are you so shameless! Why!"

Dizang said, "Because I look whiter than you!"

King Qin Guang's old face turned blue from holding back, "Like a female Bodhisattva, my physique is not stronger than yours!?"

Dizang said, "The poor monk is whiter than you!"

King Qin Guang said, "My husband draws his sword and kills all the demons of the nine heavens. Apart from being whiter than me, what else can you compare to me?"

Dizang said, "The poor monk is whiter than you."

King Qin Guang drew his sword angrily, "Say one more thing, the blood flowed three feet!"

King Qin Guang held up the flowers without saying a word, as if he had a winning ticket in his hands.

Jing Ling looked at the two who had digested her own consciousness, and said impatiently, "You two, can you stop arguing, what should we do now?"

King Qin Guang said, "What else can we do? Future generations will be free and future generations will be blessed. Since the era of the ten palace kings has passed and the six realms of reincarnation have collapsed, then the underworld should be finished as it should be! Anyway, the underworld does not exist now. At worst, if we don’t build the underworld, there will be no future underworld, isn’t that great?”

Jing Ling was left speechless by King Qin Guang's logic. My lord, you have such a rotten temper wherever you go, how is it similar to Baidi? Could it be that all of you unrestrained sword immortals follow the trend like this?

"That's wrong!" Ksitigarbha sat upright in the air, his eyes pitying the world, "From the point of view of the poor monk, the six realms of reincarnation and hell are the spread and inheritance of life and death, but the end of this inheritance does not lie in the change of life and death. It lies in the evolution of life!"

"Six Paths of Reincarnation itself exists to connect three big worlds that don't have much relationship together to form a super big world."

"That's the super-thousand world that Buddhism talks about!"

"The Super Thousand World is a transcendent plane built on top of the Great Thousand World."

"Then Tuhe Dao Six Paths of Reincarnation completely and perfectly merged the three big worlds into a super thousand world."

"The creatures born in this world will break free from the shackles of the universe and become a new life form that has never been imagined. This life form will exceed the Creator's imagination and rebel against the Creator's plan!"

"And in order to give birth to the creatures of this new great world, the three transcendent worlds, the three realms, need to be thoroughly integrated."

"The extension of the six realms of reincarnation and the continuous reincarnation of the gods in the heavens represent the connection of the will of the three realms!"

"Ten reincarnations in this way will be able to achieve true perfect unity."

"At this moment, Pangu and the warden came. They are the creators, and they want to destroy this super-thousand world."

"And the Chaos Thousand World has reached the limit of rebellion. They can't destroy us, so they will leave all kinds of legends about the Martial Dao Heaven in the future."

"And the new human beings produced after our Western and Martial Arts Heavens will be the new creatures of this new world. They are born with limit talents beyond the limit set by the creator. They are the real citizens of the super-thousand world."

"It's really ridiculous that a great group of life whose starting point is ours, comes to question us backward lives, how to solve the problems of the future."

"You have unimaginable power and understanding of the law, we are just slaves and followers of the law, and you can even create the law, the law of Nirvana!"

"As a poor monk, let's move forward boldly and bravely!"

"As you said in my memory, Mo Chou has no confidant in the future, and no one in the world knows the king!"

"Your civilization is destined to surpass ours. If one day you rewrite time, I hope to have the opportunity to tell us what this future ultra-thousand world will look like!"

As the words fell, layers of distorted light appeared in front of Jing Ling, and the time-space barrier was going back.

Ksitigarbha, Qin Guangwang stood up and looked at Jingling who was about to disappear.

King Qin Guang seemed to think of something, grabbed his giant sword suddenly, and threw it at the space-time barrier, "There is nothing for you! Take this sword back! This sword is specially ordered by my master Lu Zu I'm looking for it! Don't be afraid of the power of time and space! Remember, it's called Wutian! You call it by name, and it will listen to you!"

Jing Ling lost her voice, "Master!"

At this moment, in the coffin gorge, a long cry came out, "It's fixed! The plasma TV is fixed!"

"Damn it, I can finally watch it! Old Zhao, you are really unreliable!"

"Stop arguing, what's the picture now! Is there a fight?"

"Test! Why didn't you call, it's time to return!"

"No way, what is it! It's been almost half a month since I repaired it, and I just finished it, why are you going back!"

"What's the return journey? It must be that people's business has been moved! Come on, we didn't see the opening of this hell! What do I say about you, Zhao Gongming! Yinxian, Yinxian, you really have more success than failure, I Baidi looks down on you guys now, why not? You can’t eat anything. I didn’t see the wonderful place. I just watched the closing ceremony. What’s the use of this plasma TV? Forget it! And Zhao Gongming , this person is no good, let's seal it, it's an eyesore!"

"Are you looking for Baidi to die..."

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