Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 850 Imprisoning the Warden, Failure and Success

Li Wudao's words greatly shocked Liu Chengfeng.

Liu Chengfeng never thought of building a civilization full of tenth-level gods.

Imagine that Liu Chengfeng himself was afraid.

The ground is full of tenth-level gods, so isn't the ninth-level totem not as good as a dog, and the eighth-level immortal walks everywhere?Level [-] ascends to wash the toilet, and below level [-] it is recommended to reincarnate.

However, Liu Chengfeng quickly woke up from the cake that Li Wudao had drawn for himself.

This Li Wudao's posture of painting the big cake is exactly the same as Baidi's, which made Liu Chengfeng more vigilant.

Liu Chengfeng said, "However, there is no tenth-level living body god for everyone in this so-called original world!"

Li Wudao said, "Yes, this great ancestor's dream failed, but it can't be said that they all failed, they also succeeded."

Liu Chengfeng said, "How to say?"

Li Wudao said, "It is very difficult to imprison the warden. First of all, you must understand what the warden is, then understand the weaknesses of the warden, and then seal it. It is difficult to complete, and requires the cooperation of many worlds, so the original world united with other big worlds to form an alliance against the warden. This alliance tried to create a large-scale Pangu crisis as a way to attract the warden to appear and imprison the warden. .”

"This is a great plan, but the Pangu people don't care. The Pangu people stubbornly believe that as long as we come, everything will return to ashes."

"The final experiment site of the ants' plan is this world, and what they sacrificed is the entire universe!"

"The arrival of the strongest Pangu ten thousand years ago was the Pangu crisis they deliberately created for it!"

"Do you know about the Pangu crisis? The more powerful Pangu is, the harder it is to stop, just like the more powerful a car is, the harder it is to brake."

"If the most powerful Pangu wants to stop, the warden has to come forward. That's why they plotted against the warden."

"This plan has been implemented so far that it can be said to be very smooth. It went so smoothly that the Pangu clan fell into the sand, and the warden was trapped by ants for the first time."

"However, soon the weaknesses of the ants appeared."

"After the warden was imprisoned, a question arose, that is who should take the warden away!"

"After all, everyone knows whose world the warden is in, and whose world will be promoted to the super thousand world. It is a world of real strong people with tenth-level gods walking all over the place. It is the end of civilization and the end of life."

"At this time, there are differences between civilizations, and their differences will create conflicts."

"After the birth of the conflict, they began to fight continuously in this sacrificial world. The civilizations of these worlds also gave birth to their own civilizations in this world. This is why you see your world, colorful, what the hell There are important reasons for this, because it was originally a desolate and barren world of sacrifices, and it was the arrival of powerful people from many worlds that gave birth to this world civilization."

Liu Chengfeng said, "Then what happened later? Where is the warden?"

Li Wudao said, "Later, there is no later! After they fought, they fought peacefully and fought again, and the warden disappeared."

"These guys slowly began to localize, no longer miss the previous civilization, and began to thrive in this world!"

"After all, the warden is in this world, and the warden cannot leave this world!"

"So, they intend to build this world into a new world of tenth-level gods!"

"But, their previous civilization didn't think so. Their previous civilization put in so much effort and so many masters just wanted to find the warden back. As a result, they came out and couldn't go back. Their previous home world began to constantly The invasion of the world harassed this world, and the world began to crumble. The six realms of reincarnation and the underworld they built with all their heart were also shattered, and the heavenly court was also shattered. In order to deal with foreign enemies, human kings went out one after another. With the power of this world, this world has become what it is now."

Liu Chengfeng nodded and said, "I see. This is really interesting information. After listening to you talk for so long, I don't know where the warden is."

"Hahaha——" Li Wudao turned his back, "So you plan not to trade, right?"

Liu Chengfeng said, "How come? You have told your secret, so I naturally want to trade, what do you want me to do?"

Li Wudao said, "I want to join this tomb robbery!"

Liu Chengfeng frowned and said, "We don't rob tombs, we only do archaeology."

Li Wudao said, "Whatever you say, I want to join this tomb robbery activity, and you have to keep it a secret for me."

Liu Chengfeng didn't understand.

You have come here to beep for so long because you want to join the tomb robbery.

Get sick!
Tomb robbery is not a difficult task, this time there are many masters in it, even Baidi doesn't care much about it!

Baidi's thoughts are outside the tomb, not inside the tomb.

What are you so cautious about?
Unless it is said that Li Wudao knows the truth.

Liu Chengfeng thought for a while, and decided to trick Li Wudao, Liu Chengfeng pretended to be embarrassed and said, "This is difficult, the list is read by Baidi, and Baidi will definitely not agree to someone he doesn't know. "

Li Wudao said, "You won't arrange an obscure identity for me?"

"What are you thinking about?" Liu Chengfeng said, "Have you ever robbed a tomb? Unremarkable and unimportant people are cannon fodder in the tomb, and if the cannon fodder goes in, they will be thundered. If you don't live to the end, if you are cannon fodder, you don't want Willing to die, did Baidi find you soon?"

Li Wudao looked at Liu Chengfeng, "It's a problem, how about you going to rob the tomb instead of me, and I sit in this office instead of you, what do you think?"

Liu Chengfeng finally realized Li Wudao's real evil intentions.

He didn't even think about going to the tomb, all he did was let himself go to the tomb!
Liu Chengfeng said angrily, "How dare you! Li Wudao!"

"Why don't I dare!" Li Wudao raised one hand and said to Liu Chengfeng, "Tiandao's human substitute should not be just you. I use the technique of chaos, and Dao's second child can't detect it. If you say so, I dare ?"

Liu Chengfeng looked at the colorful and black void air flowing from Li Wudao's five fingers, and the gossip golden light array around him became more and more illusory, seeing that Li Wudao was about to succeed.

There was a bang, and the thunder shook!

Thunder actually appeared in this black enchantment!

Liu Chengfeng laughed and pointed to the top of his head, "Listen, thunder, it's thunder! My deity can feel you! You're going to be in trouble soon, and there's still time to get out!"

Li Wudao's eyes brightened, and the next moment, he opened and closed his hands, and the gossip golden light array around Liu Chengfeng was torn to pieces!

Liu Chengfeng flew out in response, and his body was half dyed in chaotic void black.

Li Wudao's figure disappeared, "Go to the tomb, if you don't rob the tomb, the chaotic breath on your body will infect your deity, bring harm to your deity, and even assimilate your deity into a part of me! You can ask your deity , don't make things difficult for me!"

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