Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 843 I order high incense to worship the gods, it's hard to satisfy my heart

Noisy is noisy, things have to be done.

In the meeting hall, Emperor Fei of Han left quickly.

As for the Yuzhou tripod, Liu He promised that it would be delivered to Xu Ming before Xu Ming went to the grave.

In the main hall of the emperor, Xu Ming met with all the scholars who had been waiting for a long time.

There is one thing to say, everyone of the various schools of thought has a strong sense of belonging to Xu Ming, one is Xu Ming's identity as a ghost, and the other is Xu Ming's courage to fight for nine heavens and nine seclusions.

As far as this strength is concerned, it is decent to talk about it.

The giants of various schools of thought praised Xu Ming, and implicitly expressed that they have recently recruited a lot of new disciples under their sect. They hope that in the future, Baidi will have talents to support him, and Jiutian Jiuyou will have a job, so he can arrange for his disciples. For a moment, at any rate, they have to teach you about your seniority. If you don't arrange for your own family, who will arrange for it!
Xu Ming did not reject the idea of ​​various schools of thought, and could even be said to be very pleased.

Xu Ming is a boss with self-awareness, and now the underworld is killing Shuang, and Wu Erbai has killed the ten ancient clans.

The top ten ancient clans are gone, but the vacuum period of the middle-level management of the underworld brought about by the departure of the top ten ancient clans is very difficult to get through.

Really want to reuse Fengdu, Fengdu is not enough manpower!

That can only be dispatched from Jiutian and the human world, and there are only two or five youngsters on Jiutian, Xu Ming can't believe it at all.

There are still a large number of talents who can be trusted in the world, and there are only hundreds of schools of thought.

If you don't rely on them at this time, who do you rely on?
Xu Ming patted his heart on the various schools of thought and promised that forgetting would mean betrayal. I will not forget my origin, I am from the lineage of all schools of thought, and I will never forget the times when my colleagues were suffering in the world. , stand firmly on my side, and carry the banner of the Nine Heavens with me!Everyone has worked hard and shed blood for Nine Heavens. Of course, we have the final say on matters in the three realms. If I have a bite to eat, everyone will not be hungry.

Xu Ming's words brought tears to the eyes of all the masters and masters.

Baidi is still that Baidi, a good Baidi who will never forget his roots.

With Baidi's words, I will straighten my back to the outside world in the future, and from now on, all schools of thought will not level the world, but the three worlds!We must study hard for the peace of the Three Realms. After all, after graduation, everyone may work in the nine days, or in the underworld. Anyway, they are all legendary immortal positions. This requirement is also an exaggerated increase.

Xu Ming and the rest of the patriarchs chattered about the housework until Dongfangshuiyubai came to an end.

Hundreds of schools of thought left one after another, and everyone got what they wanted, and the basic market in the world has stabilized by three points at this moment.

Xu Ming walked out of the meeting hall, intending to leave.

But at this moment, the Divine Crown suddenly appeared from behind.

The colorful black divine crown suddenly appeared behind him, and everything around him was dyed this colorful black. The light effect of this black colored glaze gathered in front of Xu Ming, condensing into a human form.

The man knelt on the ground, held high incense, and prayed devoutly to himself.

"I order high incense to worship the gods, and it's hard to calm my heart."

"There is no shortage of three sticks of incense in front of the gods, and life is full of worries."

"Wishing to part with the autumn wind, it's hard to let go of my heart!"

"I implore the gods to come down, come back and meet me obsessively..."

System prompt: The divine crown automatically receives the offering incense and appears automatically. Now the host either accepts the incense to relieve people's worries, or abandons the incense and leaves this place. "

Facing the system's explanation, Xu Ming thought to himself, who the hell is okay and prayed to the gods and prayed to me.

Although I am a god, I am from the underworld!
It's not human.

But the fact that the other party can directly pay homage to one's own head shows that the other party knows one's own, and directly and accurately offered incense to one's body. It would be a pity if one did not go and see.

With a thought of Xu Ming, the light of the divine crown enveloped Xu Ming, and he arrived at the place where incense was burned and prayed in the blink of an eye.

Xu Ming felt unlucky when he took a look at this place.

This is a hill, like a mound of earth, with a tree with a crooked neck on it.

Isn't this Meishan where Chongzhen hanged himself?

Who will burn incense for me in Meishan?
Emperor Chongzhen?

its not right!Emperor Chongzhen is from the lineage of the Ming Dynasty, and the old Taoist priest Zhu Houcong is still alive. Can't you burn incense on the head of the old Taoist priest?Burn my head, how can I have time to take care of your old Zhu's mess!

But it’s all here, it’s okay if you don’t go up and have a look, it’s the duty of the gods to be incensed and loyal.

Xu Ming walked up.

The incense burned is a rare human stick incense.

The incense stick is there, as tall and thick as a person.

And it's three at the same time, which is full of posture and sincerity.

The principle of burning incense is also very simple. Ordinary people use their own energy to send to the gods in the form of incense, and ask the gods to help them.

This is actually a transaction.

The other party's ability to light such a big incense shows that the other party's fortune is deep. For ordinary people, the fortune has been exhausted and the death is over.

After three sticks of incense, a voice came, "Wang Chengen pays homage to the gods!"

The one who spoke was a trick, he knelt on the ground and kowtow respectfully to Xu Ming.

Xu Ming listened to the voice, "Wang Chengen, the Wang Chengen who accompanied Chongzhen to die when Chongzhen hanged himself! Later, Kangxi admired you very much and set up a monument of loyalty for you!"

Wang Chengen said respectfully, "If you go back to the gods, it's the slave."

Xu Ming took a breath, and the three sticks of incense in front of him suddenly melted into his body, and Xu Ming felt refreshed all over his body.

Xu Mingdao, "You want to talk to me about the Chongzhen incident?"

Wang Chengen said, "Yes."

Xu Ming sighed, "The fall of Chongzhen, the end of the Ming Dynasty, the guilt is your master, the guilt is also the fault of this small glacier, and the guilt is even more the fault of the great Ming, but in the situation of confusion, the 300-year period cannot be violated, unless the Three Emperors come again, The five emperors return to the throne, and the heavenly emperor and human king appear in the world, otherwise no one can bear the change of 300 years. I can't help you with the Chongzhen matter. If you really have the heart, I can show you a clear way to go east out of Fusang , there is Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty, you can go to him, he has succeeded in cultivating immortals and alchemy, maybe he can help you revive Chongzhen."

After Wang Chengen was silent for a long time, "The maidservant has already begged Lord Jiajing, but Lord Jiajing is not willing to take action, saying that Chongzhen's intention to go is already decided, even if he is resurrected, he will repeat the same mistakes."

Xu Mingdao, "What Jiajing said is also true. Your master has a strong personality. He is not a guy like Haihunhou. Haihunhou can live in this era, but your master may not be suitable."

Wang Cheng'en said, "Thank you God for clarifying the confusion, I have one more thing I want to tell God."

Xu Ming said, "What's the matter?"

Wang Chengen said, "Emperor Jiajing attached great importance to cultivating immortals because of some things. The Ming Dynasty had the opportunity to enter the immortal dynasty and become the same existence as the Western Zhou Dynasty, but it was ruined later."

Xu Ming was thoughtful, "What do you want to say?"

Wang Cheng'en said, "Gods are above me, I want to say that there was a real immortal in Daming who came down to preach and spread the Dharma. Emperor Jiajing once saw it with his own eyes, and that immortal later changed his name to the world and left many scrolls. Among them, the most famous It should belong to Luo Guanzhong's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Shi Naian's "Water Margin", Wu Chengen's "Journey to the West", and these three authors are not mortals, but the incarnation of real immortals, and these three real immortals are still alive In the world, please be careful."

Xu Ming was taken aback, "Is there anything else?"

Wang Cheng'en said, "The three true immortals of the Ming Dynasty are nothing. In the Qing Dynasty, there was a famous wild immortal who wrote Liaozhai, whose pseudonym was Pu Songling. He was also a remarkable figure, and he is still alive now. True Immortals, they have an alias, called Yin Immortals!"

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