Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 594 Caiximen, an expert in internal fighting

As soon as Sun Dianying's dragon appeared, the conflict was already resolved in the presence.

Although it is said that everyone is still not convinced by the other party, but with old man Sun around, this dissatisfaction can only be put aside, and the king of thieves has to give face.

Xu Heping looked at the people on both sides, "Since everyone has no objections! Let's talk about other issues of this expedition in detail, such as aid, funds, and guards!"

Speaking of this, Da Jinya stood up and planned to fire.

But even faster, "Ake" Hu Yunxuan stood up, and Hu Yunxuan said to everyone, "I'm a little uncomfortable, I'm going to the bathroom, and my entourage will stay. After you discuss it, I will interpret Gulaluo Silver Eye. "

Speaking of this, Uncle Ming on the other side was very unconvinced.

What do you mean, I was a little cooperative just now, you go first?

However, Hu Bayi valued his younger brother Ake very much, and said to the side, "It took so long to talk about a cooperation just now, and there are so many things to talk about next, how long it may take, Ake traveled a long distance to come It’s normal to need to rest here.”

Hu Yunxuan turned and left, leaving only Zhen Ake at the seat.

Uncle Ming wanted to ask a question, but Xu Heping slapped the table, "Stop arguing and start discussing things! There must be a result before it gets dark today!"

In desperation, everyone started a sentence-by-sentence discussion.

Hu Yunxuan came to the bathroom and just pushed open the door.

As soon as the door was pushed open, time and space were immediately reversed, and a chilling cold wind rushed in.


An ice pick more than three feet long was still nailed to Hu Yunxuan's face.

The appearance of Hu Yunxuan's "Ake" melted quickly, and Hu Yunxuan in a purple robe walked out of Ake's body.

From the front, an old voice came, "The green robe is the bottom, the green robe is the middle, the red robe is the top, the purple robe is the honor, the yellow robe is the king, the black robe is the earth, and the white robe is the sky. King Wen created the heaven and the earth." So Cheng, Junior Brother, it's been a long time!"

Hu Yunxuan looked around, it was a vast white wilderness, surrounded by white whirlwinds howling.

The next moment, in the middle of the snow field in front of him, snow waves rushed, and a big stone tablet rose out of the ground.

From the top to the bottom of the stele, there are three big characters written, "Caixi Gate!"

Hu Yunxuan watched this scene expressionlessly, without saying a word.

Behind Caixi Gate, a Taoist priest in black with his hands behind his back walked out. With his hunched body, goatee beard fluttering in the wind, and the meticulous Taoist hairpin, he looked like a master.

Hu Yunxuan looked at the priest in black, "Brother, it's been a long time."

The Taoist priest in black looked at Hu Yunxuan, as if he was looking at some treasure, and said after a long time, "Look at your appearance, you should be about three or four years old, and Baidi has worked hard enough to pry us Old Antique makes a move and will not hesitate to bring you back to life!"

Hu Yunxuan said, "There is no deal between me and Baidi. His resurrection of me is his pure wish. He has no control over what I want to do."

"Stop talking nonsense!" The black-clothed Taoist raised his hand and said, "Since you are alive, hand over the book of fortune!"

Hu Yunxuan said, "I don't have a fortune book!"

"Stop pretending to me here!" The Taoist priest in black said unceremoniously, "When the old cow's nose reached the sky, only you were by my side. If the book of fortune is not in your hands, who can it be in? Junior brother , You have read that book for so many years, but you didn’t understand it. In the end, you died under the hands of a group of people in the [-]th district. You really disgraced Caiximen at grandma’s house! Now you should also give me this book , Let me comprehend and comprehend, maybe I will be able to comprehend the ultimate secret of the Caixi Sect! Let our master, the spirit of the nine heavens, be comforted!"

Hu Yunxuan remained silent, and the Taoist priest in black planned to press him step by step.

A hearty laugh came, "The majestic headmaster of the Maoshan School, known as Master Qianhe, Master Zhong, actually threatened a former fellow apprentice of his here. If this word gets out, I'm afraid it won't sound good!"

Immortal Qianhe and Hu Yunxuan all looked back. An old man wearing a top hat from the Republic of China leaned on a cane and said with a smile, "Don't look at me with such eyes. When Ziyun Lao Niubi followed me to do things together, he was not so unreasonable." I've been polite, you two are Ziyun's disciples, isn't that too unruly?"

Daoist Master Qianhe in black gritted his teeth and lowered his head, "Qianhe, I have seen the Thief King."

Hu Yunxuan also cupped his hands, "I've seen the Thief King."

The Thief King looked at Master Qianhe, "I really can't understand you, tell me about you, it's okay to join the world of regretters, is that place we can join? Those are the domains of non-human immortals. Emperor, it’s the moon god, and it’s the exclusive area for Dao’s second child. If you let senior brother Maoshan go there, wouldn’t it be a waste of time to fetch water from the bamboo basket? Can senior senior brother Maoshan come back? Isn’t this a big loss of strength in vain?”

Daoist Qianhe laughed, "Senior Pirate King doesn't know something, but Shi Jian, the celestial master of Lei Fa, has reached the critical stage of crossing the catastrophe. He has killed so many crimes and committed so many crimes. Even the former Living Buddha shook his head when he saw it. If a guy like him survives the catastrophe, he must disappear with tens of millions of creatures. If he stays in our world, he will cause big things sooner or later. The souls of the regretful world end with death, but our world is aimed at life, so I am doing this for the sake of that world!"

Daoist Qianhe's mustache was twitched, coupled with the pot of dry tobacco in his right hand, he looked like he couldn't get oil and salt into it.

Pirate King Sun Dianying didn't intend to persuade the Daoist Qianhe, but just glanced at Hu Yunxuan, "The Book of Heaven's Fortune has been in your hands for so many years, it's your senior brother's turn, hand it over."

Hearing this, Taoist Priest Qianhe said earnestly, "Junior brother, listen to senior's persuasion, you can eat enough! When Caixi Sect was still there, the masters were all the younger brothers of the Thief King. Now the elder brother of the master said earnestly, how can you eat?" Can you not listen? Hand over the fortune book, I'll take it back and read it, and if you want to read it later, I can give it to you at any time, we are all from the Caixi family, there is no need to be so stiff!"

Hu Yunxuan watched Qianhe and Sun Dianying exert pressure together, raised his right hand, and an ambiguous chaotic map appeared in his hand. The map gathered crazily, and in the next moment, it condensed on Hu Yunxuan's fingertips, turning into a A spinning twelve-sided die.

Daoist Qianhe looked at this, his eyes flooded, "Sure enough, it's in your hands, give it to me!"

Hu Yunxuan didn't give it to Qianhe, but said, "I can give it to you, and do one thing for me."

Qianhe laughed, "Brother, I am in black now, except for white clothes, I am invincible in the world! In addition to the power of my Maoshan head teacher, all the sects have to sell me a little face. If you have a god's idea, just say it, it's not difficult. Your senior brother will help you complete it now!"

Hu Yunxuan said, "Kill Know-it-all."

As soon as this remark came out, Qianhe frowned and said, "Knowledgeable? Didn't this person die very early?"

"Not dead!" Hu Yunxuan said bluntly, "Master Ziyun Daoist, commonly known as Tianyou, was a senior brother of the Caixi School back then. He had a junior under his command named Hei Ying. Although the two belonged to the same school, they didn't have a good relationship. The two had a fight, but there was no fight yet. Later, when Know-it-all met Black Eagle, he set up a trick to make Black Eagle believe that the master had a treasure called the Book of Fortune, which could not only suppress Qi, but even increase mana. Master Tianyou didn't have it at all, and this matter is held in the back of Black Eagle's heart."

"Later, Baishitong died and left traces of his master before he died. Black Eagle found his master Tianyou and asked him to hand over the book of fortune."

"Master said no, but Uncle Heiying didn't believe it. After the fight, Master was seriously injured and Uncle Heiying died."

"The master was all hopeless, so he escaped into Buddhism, proclaimed himself the old Taoist of Ziyun, and lived on the top of Jinguang Mountain."

"When the master was about to die, he realized that all the so-called catastrophes were caused by Bessie Tong, and Bessie Tong has the ability to travel between yin and yang, so that death must be a conspiracy."

"But the master was dying at that time, so he left a letter of his life's blood, the fortune book."

Listening to Hu Yunxuan's words, Priest Qianhe murmured, "It turns out that Master wrote the book of fortune? Didn't it exist in the ancestors?"

But soon Qianhe turned his eyes back and said, "Could it be that the book of fortune you gave me is a castrated version, you deliberately reduced the magical power of the book of fortune!"

Hu Yunxuan was annoyed, "If you don't give it to you, you won't be happy, but if you give it to you, you'll say it's a lie! I think you just wanted to fight with me! Senior Sun, give in, I have to play with my senior brother today!"

Seeing that Hu Yunxuan was going to use force, Sun Dianying raised his hand and said, "Brothers from the same sect, why are you fighting! Why do you Caixi sect like infighting! Tianyou and Heiying killed one and injured the other, and now you two brothers are fighting again. If you want to fight each other, my God, can't you just stop?"

But the two of them didn't shake off Sun Dianying at all, and each opened up their posture.

Hu Yunxuan said, "Zhong Baifa! Come on!"

Daoist Qianhe said coldly, "You want to seek death, I will help you for my brother!"

Sun Dianying saw that the two of them were really going to fight, "Don't fight! I'll give you a draw! The King of Orbs once fought against the ghost mother in the Demon Kingdom, and he passed down the art of reincarnation. Later, the art of reincarnation fell into the reincarnation sect. In my hand, I have become the master of reincarnation, and it is said that the reincarnation master has the power to reverse life and death, why don't you all find the art of reincarnation with me, and wake up your master when the time comes, and ask clearly?"

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