Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 588 Are You Worshiping Buddha Or Your Desire?

In the north of the extreme west, there is a snowy field and a cold river.

The place is filled with cold ice all the year round, the snowy cliffs are covered with snow lotus, the vultures and giant eagles in the sky wander around all the year round, and the supplies on the snowfield are extremely poor.

A ray of golden light appeared on the horizon, it was getting closer and closer, and the shadow of the golden light was getting bigger and bigger, from inconspicuous to the momentum of a mountain in the blink of an eye, it was about to crush this snow-capped mountain and cold lake.

In the middle of the snow-capped mountain and the cold pool, golden and brilliant banners soared into the sky, and the banners were extinguished, mighty and mighty, and between the roars, a huge barrier that stretched across the mountains was formed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The golden barrier above the barrier The mysterious magic talisman impacted, and countless talisman lights gathered to form a golden wall of copper and iron, forcibly blocking the vertical golden light from outside the barrier.

Outside the barrier, the golden light disappeared, and a figure appeared in front of the golden barrier.

He was wearing a purple Taoist robe, the black hairpin was meticulous, the purple cloud patterns on the cuffs and the Jiugong shallow print on his heart, it was impressively the Jinguangding Zixia Palace Hu Yunxuan who was in Baiyujing for a meeting a day ago.

A day ago, after Bai Yujing's democratic vote (booing and flickering).

Hu Yunxuan was tasked with pretending to be a heaven-sent singer.

After all, everyone is Bai Yujing's old man. The phenomenon of old people's xenophobia not only occurs in human companies, but also in organizations of immortals like Bai Yujing.

At the end of the meeting, everyone started to act according to the task scroll issued by Xu Ling, and everyone's actions were different.

But Hu Yunxuan was a little upset.

Hu Yunxuan resisted the task of playing the role of a heaven-sent singer.

This is not to say that Hu Yunxuan doesn't like Bai Yujing's arrangement.

It's just that Hu Yunxuan knew the real heaven-sent singer, and he was still a master among the god-sent singers.

Since I know him, why don't I just bring that person here?
Why did you let me play it?
Isn't this the old hen learning to dive, isn't the duck insisting on pretending to be a duck?
Outside the golden light enchantment, Hu Yunxuan turned inward and shouted, "Golden light roof, Zixia Palace, Ziyun's old disciple Hu Yunxuan is visiting the heavenly-sanctioned poet Ake!!"

Within the enchantment, the cold pool water was rippling with layers of friendship, vultures soared in mid-air, and an old voice came, "The Hu Yunxuan I knew is dead, you are not my old friend, so don't come here to provoke right and wrong Already!"

Hu Yunxuan looked at such an enchantment, and raised his right hand, "You and I are both practitioners, how can we not understand the two words of life and death, everything in this world is based on the heart, and all Taoism, as long as the mind is clear, there will be no disadvantages !"

As soon as the words fell, Hu Yunxuan raised his right hand, his five fingers creaked, and suddenly turned into a terrifying giant hand of ten feet long. The giant hand slapped down, and the black and white yin-yang fish in the palm of the giant palm spun wildly. Confused by the yin and yang fish, the golden barrier began to tremble, and in the blink of an eye, one after another of the dharma banners rising from the cold pool shattered and shattered, sinking into the water again.

Hu Yunxuan paced on the cold pool water, like a martial arts master, walking step by step, leaving footprints and ripples behind him, which lasted for a long time.

Opposite Hu Yunxuan, there is a cowhide tent in the Hantan Valley.

The tent is made of the most common yak skin, and there is a simple altar in front of the yak skin tent.

A middle-aged man in a shabby Tibetan robe sat on a rocky altar, his black and red cheeks were full of sorrow and compassion. He looked at Hu Yunxuan who was getting closer, and put his hands together, as if he was praying for something.

Hu Yunxuan stood in front of the middle-aged man and shook his head, "It was a farewell back then, and we will meet again today. The master has not lost his demeanor. It seems that his practice has reached a new level!"


The vultures in the sky didn't seem to like Hu Yunxuan, they wanted to catch Hu Yunxuan one by one, but they didn't dare, so they could only hover around Hu Yunxuan and scream continuously.

The heaven-sent singer raised his hand, and the vultures in the sky began to disperse.

The poet looked at Hu Yunxuan's face, "The fellow Taoist Hu Yunxuan I knew fought in Putuo Mountain back then. He fought nine late-stage five-rank and three half-step six-rank powerhouses with his own strength. On the day of his death, I recited the Sutra of Ascension for him for three days and three nights, who are you? Why bother to pretend to be my old friend and lie to me?"

Hu Yunxuan said, "I am Hu Yunxuan, and Hu Yunxuan is me!"

The singer laughed, "You can't deceive me, you are already dead, and the dead will not stand by me."

Hu Yunxuan laughed, "You want to say that I was resurrected?"

The poet did not speak, but just watched, waiting for Hu Yunxuan's answer.

Hu Yunxuan didn't hide much, and said frankly, "Yes, I was resurrected! But I was resurrected by the original timeline! My life does not depend on any external timeline, but the original timeline. With the original timeline of this world The time axis is the resurrection point, so I am still me, there is no other distinction, I said I have not died, am I wrong?"

The singer's withered right hand pointed to the sky above his head, "It won't do such a perverse thing, it will break his rules."

Hu Yunxuan turned around and looked at the icy lake in front of him. White clouds floated on the icy lake, and the cold air spread.

Hu Yunxuan said, "Believe it or not, I will ask you one thing now, have you worshiped enough of this Buddha?"

The singer looked at the ice lake, "I haven't thought about this question for a long time."

Hu Yunxuan said, "Yes, when I entered the Ziyun Palace back then, you asked me what I prayed for, and I asked you, what did you pray for when I prayed to Buddha? Later, I thought that what I prayed for was invincible in the world. The strength of one person fights against the masters of the thirteen districts, and after I was reborn, I realized that seeking immortality is immortality and bliss! Different paths lead to the same goal, Buddhism and Taoism are interlinked, what you seek should be the same as mine."

The singer was silent.

Hu Yunxuan looked at the poet and paced back and forth, "It doesn't matter whether you are seeking immortality or worshiping Buddha. What you seek is not immortals or Buddhas, but your own desires."

"That's the difference between a mortal and an expert."

"Ordinary people will speak out loudly about their desires, and there is a high probability that they will not be realized anyway, so they don't care!"

"Great people will hide their King Yu, because they know that their abilities are likely to realize their desires, and they are afraid that others will break their desires."

"I don't know exactly what your desire is, but it must be very mundane, it must be very vulgar, or it is not worthy of your current ambition!"

Hu Yunxuan stopped in his tracks, stared at the poet, and said word by word, "Ake, look at your reflection in the lake, your shadow has already moved!"

The poet did not answer Hu Yunxuan's words, but stared at his own reflection in the lake.

The singer in the lake sat cross-legged, but it had already begun to appear blurred, and the ripples of layers of mosaics began to appear disordered from the heart.

Like a demon, Hu Yunxuan pointed at the reflection of the poet swaying in the water, his voice was bewitching, soaking in the bone marrow, "Look at yourself, what's the use of practicing Buddha and reading scriptures for so many years?"

"I just said a few words casually, and you can't hold back the killing intent!"

"Guge Ruba killed the great sage poet, and the Guge Dynasty suppressed the heaven-sent poets, and chose Gu Geruba as a team, just because Ruba offered the silver-eyed forging method."

"The Guge Dynasty has forgotten the contribution of the heavenly poets to the dynasty. They abandoned you, and you still foolishly hold the original loyalty to this ignorant Xueyuan Dynasty. It is ridiculous to want to protect the Guge Dynasty forever!"

"Why don't you join me and kill the Guge Dynasty and Gugrubal!"

"Put the last spirit of the Guge Dynasty in the nine-story demon pagoda, and even the Queen Mother of the West, to save them all?"

"Ake, what are you afraid of?"

Ake looked at the reflection in the water and said, "I don't know, are you a demon now, or are you possessed by a demon! You were not like this before."

Hu Yunxuan looked at himself in the water, the figure of Hu Yunxuan in the water was the same as before, except that there was a black sound on his head, and the seal swallowed black air currents visible to the naked eye covering Hu Yunxuan's whole body.

And behind the black seal, a huge horned demon overlooks Hu Yunxuan. The demon holds the seal with one hand, and continuously sends power to the seal. solidified.

Seeing that Hu Yunxuan was silent, Ake continued, "This cold pool can see the sinister hearts and deepest secrets of the world. Your resurrection is a contract signed with the devil, right?"

Hu Yunxuan's face was gloomy, he stared at the pond water, raised his hand abruptly, the palm of his hand turned into golden light, and the golden light roared, and he flew away!

The cold pool was blown to pieces before the golden light longitudinal technique, and countless cold pool water hit the sides, forming a high waterfall!

Zhaoxin Hantan was completely destroyed by Hu Yunxuan.

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