Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 509 Yellow Turban Army, Taiping Road

Chapter 509 Yellow Turban Army, Taiping Road

East, West and Central states.

Zhongzhou is the state of royal cities, Daxing, Dasui, and Universiade stand tall. Daxing City is controlled by the Yuwen family, Dasui is the royal family of Yang Yong, and Universiade is the royal family of Yang Liang.

Except for Zhongzhou, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in the eastern and western states was the gathering place for those who regretted the orthodox dynasties such as Li Tang and Zhu Ming.

As for the Western Zhou Dynasty, there was a lot of chaos. The Western Zhou Dynasty can be described in one sentence, that is, the water is shallow and the king is bad, and there are big brothers everywhere.

The Western Zhou Dynasty was mainly composed of various rebel forces that were not recognized as orthodox by history.

Among them, there is a force that should not be underestimated-the Taiping Road, the Yellow Turban Army.

As a legendary force that once opened the Eastern Han dungeon, and beat the shit out of Cao Liusun and the eighteen princes in the first few dozen episodes of the Eastern Han dungeon, and put a lot of pressure on the Eastern Han court, the strength of the Yellow Turban Army in this world is just like him in the first few days. The appearance of the bosses in the ten episodes is generally the same, and they have always maintained this boss posture, with unparalleled momentum.

As the three leaders of the Yellow Turban Army, Tiangong, Digong, and Rengong General.

Zhang Jiao, the general of Tiangong, left a hexagram before retreating. The hexagram shows that in a few days, a guest from outside the sky will come.

Sure enough, on the seventh day of Zhang Jiao's retreat, a white rainbow really fell from the sky and landed on the position Zhang Jiao deduced.

And General Rengong has brought three hundred elite Yellow Turban troops to wait for a long time.

As the hero general among the three generals, Zhang Liang's only specialty is that he doesn't handle personnel affairs.

It's the same as those big companies that don't specialize in personnel affairs.

General Zhang Liang is responsible for the appointment of logistics and personnel of the Yellow Turban Army. For the poor Zhang Xiaozhuan who just came from the sky, the beginning is a set of killing sticks, and the prestige will kill you first.

Then he was thrown into the prison of the Yellow Turban Army and began to reflect.

And prison.

For outsiders, it is a place where personal freedom is imprisoned.

But for the members of Bai Yujing, this place is simply a holy place for enlightenment!
Bai Yujing designated the dragon field!
Previously, there was Hu Bayi Prison who realized Taoism. This time Mr. Zhang’s skin hurts and his whole body is weak.

No one knows what way to realize.

The big guys just know that in the prison of the Yellow Turban Army these days, there are always colorful mysterious lights coming out, the five qi condense and never disperse, and there are many immortals born and rising in the daytime.

Zhang Xiaozhu's enlightenment in such a long field made the general unable to sit still.

What the hell!

I don't do personnel affairs this time, did I cause a big disaster?

The hero general is also well-informed.

General Rengong thought it was a simple reception of Skywalker 400 years later, nothing, just follow the traditional rules 400 years ago.

But now it seems, damn it, the taste is wrong!
Why does this person have a godlike aura about him?

Could it be that this person is the future descendant of his elder brother?

Think about the Dao of Taiping of the eldest brother, the biggest regret in his life is that he did not pass on the Dao of Taiping, and did not really combine the three copies of the Yellow Stone Heavenly Book into one!

The eldest brother always said that the opportunity has not come.

Now is the time!

But I beat the chance myself!
Think about the killing blow I gave without saying a word before, that person was almost beaten to death by myself.

If the other person settles accounts with himself, wouldn't he lose his life?

Zhang Liang, the general of the people, thought about asking the general of the land, Zhang Bao, to help him talk about favors, but Zhang Bao was as clear as a mirror. When he heard about this, he immediately took people out to recruit soldiers. I don't know anything, I don't know anything.

In this way, the general Rengong began to deliver food and drink to the prison gate every day, not asking his elder brother to forgive him, but asking his elder brother to stop his relationship with him from deteriorating like this.

But even so, the good times didn't last long.

In the camp of the Yellow Turban Army, the flags of the emperor and the thick soil are flying.

The innermost character is in the general tent.

A general dressed in pale gold soft armor, lined with a pale gold patterned shirt, with a sad face.

At this moment, a messenger hurried over, "Report! General! The food has been delivered, but that person still didn't respond."

"How did this happen?" The general looked at the yellow turban soldier and read, "What's the gentleman's reaction?"

"Don't eat or drink."

"Did you speak?"

"Talk a lot."

"What did you say?"

"What do you say about the way of heaven, the sun and the moon, the art of the stars, well-deserved reputation, the alternation of yin and yang, the two absolutes of life and death, the shadow of life and death, and the fate of life and death... In short, there are so many messy words, even the smallest ones can't remember them."

Zhang Liang, the general of the land, is an old general who is nearly fifty years old. Hearing these words, Zhang Liang's face inevitably appeared a little dazed.

Fuck, what is this all about!

At this moment, a captain and general next to him walked forward. The man faced the cold, his eyes were vicious, especially his shoulders, which were very wide, giving people a special sense of security.

The general said, "Indecisive, how do you command an army? Where did you bully the common people and bully men and women? How did you go back as you lived?"

Zhang Liang said coldly, "What do you mean? Zhou Cang! Just speak clearly! Don't hold a gun with a stick, who do you look down on!"

Zhou Cang?

This is Zhou Cang who carried the knife for Guan Erye back then?
The second master was packed and taken away by Luna in Hulao Pass.

And Zhou Cang was Guan Erye who met later when he went down the mountain to rob.

It's just that I didn't expect that now I became a member of the Yellow Turban Army.

Faced with Zhang Liang's threat, Zhou Cang said disdainfully, "You deserve to be compared to others, and you deserve to be thrown away if you compare goods. Your level is so inferior compared to General Tiangong, even General Digong!"

"Zhang Liang, Zhang Liang, you don't have to think about it!"

"400 years! There are no regrets in the original world!"

"It's hard to come here, it must be the top existence in the original world! It's not an exaggeration to say that it is a dragon and a phoenix among people."

"For this kind of person, you won't let the other party think highly of us if you compromise like this!"

"Only benefits! Give them enough benefits!"

Zhang Liangdao, "We are now fighting so fiercely with the Xiefan Army, and we are retreating steadily. How can we benefit the master?"

Zhou Cang rubbed his hands and said, "Well, I'm just expressing an idea, do you understand? We have to have a pattern, for the previous mistakes, we have to admit our guilt, we have to admit our mistakes, what should we do..."

Just as the two were talking, a bell rang!
The bell trembled throughout the camp, and Zhou Cang and Zhang Liang looked at each other in Nuo Da's tent.

Zhou Cang hesitated, "Yes, is it the Yanmen Pass bell?"

Zhang Liang nodded with ecstasy on his face, "The bell is ringing, all internal fighting must stop, haha, Zhou Yu wouldn't have thought that even if he was beaten to death, I wouldn't die like this!"

Zhou Cang's eyes brightened, "The bell is ringing, and the Wuhu is attacking the city! We must immediately support Yanmen Pass!"

Zhang Liang said angrily, "What are you thinking! How long have we been trapped here by Gan Ning's Jiefan army? It's no exaggeration to run out of ammunition and food! Zhou Yu didn't know the specific situation after the last firefight with my elder brother. If Zhou Yu comes to attack again and my elder brother is not here, what shall we do?"

(End of this chapter)

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