Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 476 Let's play music, then dance!

Chapter 476 Let's play music, then dance!
"You ring the chime!"

"You come to play the piano!"

"Can you play the harp? You come here!"

Gongsun Baima arranged work for everyone.

For a moment, the entire gang of tomb robbers looked at each other, as stiff as they needed to be.

It's okay to let the big guys rob graves and kill people.

But let us play the zither and the zither!

Isn't this bullshit?
This is like asking Zhang Fei to embroider, is it difficult for others?

Pan Zi held the chime bells and drumsticks in his hand, with a reluctance on his face, "Brother Gongsun, brother, I have held guns, carried cannons in my life, and carried water for widows in the middle of the night, but I have never struck these gentlemen's things. Even if you arrange it, I won't do it."

At this moment, Wang Kaixuan is sticking to a puppet holding a guqin, because the guqin is made together with the puppet, and Wang Kaixuan can only hold the puppet to hold the strings with both hands. Old Wang said aggrievedly , "Brother Gongsun, do you know Lao Shizi's Lanling King's Entrance Song? I always feel that holding a statue is not good!"


Wu Sansheng interrupted everyone's discourse, "Do what you are told to do! Where is there so much nonsense!"

The third uncle himself sat on the shoulders of a statue of a luthier, riding on the luthier, and just caught the long piano with both hands.

Everyone saw that the third uncle didn't say anything, so let's bite the bullet and do it.

After Gongsun Baima arranged everyone, he paced towards the group of dancers. In the middle of the frozen ice festival music stage, Gongsun Baima walked up to the person leading the dancer in the middle. Gongsun Baima looked at the man's fangs The ghost mask, raised his right hand slightly, and was about to take off the ghost mask.

When Gongsun Baima pinched the golden mask of Li Gui with his fingers, the whole mask trembled and let out a trembling sound.

Everyone looked at Gongsun Baima, what was this kid thinking?
But Gongsun Baima didn't hesitate to stop, and suddenly turned outward, demanding to tear off the golden mask.

The two pupils of the golden ghost mask, two blood-red pupils, roared out, about to shoot at Gongsun Baima.

Gongsun Baima seemed to be aware of the bloody light, Gongsun Baima took a side step, and the blood-red pupils shot out against Gongsun Baima's cheek!
Everyone watched with horror, what the hell is going on?

Gongsun Baima held a golden mask in one hand, and his voice was full of evil spirits, "No matter what you see or hear later, don't react in any way. Remember, don't make any noise. If you make a sound, you will break the door. At that time, there is no doubt that he will die."

Gongsun Baima's words made everyone confused. What's wrong with this kid?

Even Wu Sansheng squinted his eyes, looking at Gongsun Baima, Wu Sansheng couldn't see through the little guy he had recruited.

Wu Sanxing has seen his resume. It is very ordinary. Both his parents died and he was born as an orphan. Yang Xiaosan was exposed to death in the company. To put it bluntly, almost none of his bosses died hospitable. Others pay for work, and this person pays for work to the boss. This also makes Wu Sansheng think he is very interesting.

This kind of life is very hard, and a hard life means a high chance of surviving.

Wu Laosan now recruits buddies no longer as before, as long as he has a hard life, so that he can stay with him for a longer time.

And Gongsun Baima fits Wu Laosan's requirements very well.

It's just that now Wu Sansheng can't understand Gongsun Baima's operation at all. What is this kid thinking?
Just when Wu Laosan was hesitating, everyone saw that Gongsun Baima had put the mask of golden bloody pupils on his face.

The moment Gongsun Baima put on the golden ghost mask, the scarlet light under the mask suddenly diffused towards the whole body. The next moment, the camouflage combat uniform on Gongsun Baima's body was brushed to pieces, and replaced by a naked upper body. The bright red looks like a woman's weird long skirt. Although this skirt is for women, it looks like it is a man's. The white skin and the feminine red dress give people a kind of yin and yang, indistinguishable between male and female. Weird feeling.

Gongsun Baima raised his hands, only to see the red long skirt flying up instantly, and the scarlet long skirt danced continuously with Gongsun Baima's figure.

With this jump, red light covered all directions like water, and the red evil light covered the figurines of musical instruments of all sizes on the surrounding sacrificial stage. Play it.

All of a sudden, the sound of the zither moved, and with Gongsun Baima's enchanting dance, everyone couldn't help playing the zither crazily.

The red evil light, driven by the dance of the zither, crazily eroded in all directions!

Just don't go for three breaths!

Around Nuoda's upside-down sacrificial platform, the original skeletons were covered with red light.

The red light seemed to be the salvation of heaven, and the skeletons and bones stood up one by one.

In the eerie red light, those skeletons raised their wine glasses one by one, toasted and interacted, and drank heartily one by one!

Everyone's scalp is numb at the moment.

Although everyone's bodies can't help playing crazily, everyone's minds are very clear.

Well, the resurrection of the skeleton, the festival music and dancing, what the hell, is this what we grave robbers should see?
This scene is too weird!
Wu Sansheng stared at the scene in front of him, and Wu Laosan clearly realized that this was an evil ritual.

An evil sacrificial ceremony that can temporarily realize the transformation from death to life, returning to the light.

It should be similar to the resurrection ceremony of ghosts and gods that I encountered at the last moment in the tomb of Princess Aogu.

But this one is more evil than that of Aogu!
Especially when Wu Sansheng saw Gongsun Baima dancing like a Spring and Autumn dancer in the middle of the sacrificial stage.

Although Wu Sanxing couldn't see the grandeur of Gongsun Baima's dancing posture, Wu Sanxing could tell that Gongsun Baima danced very well, which can be described as flowing and flowing.

At the very beginning, Wu Sansheng thought that Gongsun Baima was just coming to make up the number. He had heard the level of Lanling King's Entrance Song before, but now it seems that he really knows how to dance.

Who the hell is this Gongsun Baima!

Why do you dance in ancient times, and dance very professionally.

Things are getting closer and closer to getting out of control.

However, even faster, Wu Sansheng saw more out-of-control phenomena.

Just when the dance music reached its peak and the most passionate moment, a murderous aura emanated from the sacrificial orchestra.

It's murderous, very light murderous!
Wu Sansheng has experienced the rivers and lakes for a long time, and the source of the murderous aura is Gongsun Baima and the luthiers dancing around.

what happened?

In the next moment, if the skeletons on the surrounding bloody altars were poisoned, they would fall to the ground one after another crazily, and sooner some skeletons would discover something and kill the dancers below. Come.

The dancers continued to dance wildly, and those skeletons walked halfway one by one, and they shattered into pieces one after another.

Faster, the red light of the sacrificial dance danced like a tide, and wave after wave of madness hit all the blood-colored skeletons around, and those skeletons trembled and shattered in front of them one by one in the shock wave of red light!
The whole scene is not so much a feast on the grave.

It's more like a killing spree.

The dancers' flurry of light mercilessly harvested the former nobles of the Northern Qi Dynasty. Watching the skeletons being harvested, Wu Sanxing seemed to realize something, but when Wu Laosan stretched out his hand, he saw a scarlet evil ghost. Mask, Gongsun Baima looked at Wu Sansheng, pushed gently, Wu Laosan's eyes widened, and he fell down uncontrollably, a few happy slaves, Wu Sansheng lifted up...

(End of this chapter)

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