Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 465 A Group of Noisy Crows, Zhang 1 Going Forward

Chapter 465 A group of noisy crows, the indomitable Zhang San

"Old Hu, old Hu?"

"Old Hu, wake up!"

Hu Bayi felt the heat on his face, opened his eyes suddenly, and saw a three-legged black cat urinating on his face.

"Your uncle's!"

"Bring me back!"

Hu Ba went to hammer three legs together.

The three legs jumped out, and there was a familiar coughing sound outside the door.

Zhang Sanye looked at Hu Bayi with a bit of interest in his eyes, "How about disciples, is it fun to be heresy?"

Hu Bayi looked at Mr. Zhang, "Master, do you know heresy?"

Mr. Zhang said lightly, "I know, but not many, let's go, everyone has been waiting for you for a long time."

Hu Bayi wiped the cat urine off his face with a towel, and said, "I'll go wash my face, this coquettish..."

"Let's show off!" Mr. Zhang said, "If you don't have three legs this trip, it's really hard to get you back!"

Hu Bayi kept wiping his face, "But I think..."

Mr. Zhang turned around and said, "The Lord is also here."

Hu Bayi was taken aback, is the Lord here?Baidi is here?

What the hell!

Hu Bayi didn't care about washing his face at the moment, so he put on his coat and rushed out.

In the moonlit night, the wild grass was desolate, more than 20 cars formed a circle, the bonfire in the middle was burning vigorously, and a huge iron pot was placed on top of it. I don’t know what kind of meat was cooking in the pot. The big bones were bigger than iron. On the edge of the pot, the smell of meat spread over the surface, making Hu Bayi hungry.

Dozens of people were sitting on the ground around the big iron pot. These people were all employees of Bai Yujing's staff. In the middle of the staff was a middle-aged man wearing a hoodie.

"Old Hu is here!"

"Old Hu, you are awake!"

"Hu Bayi, come and see the boss!"

Guided by the crowd, Hu Bayi walked over and looked at a middle-aged man in a black hoodie in the middle of the crowd.

The middle-aged man is only a little over 1.8 meters tall, with a pale complexion, no cheeks, and emotionless purple eyes that seem to be able to see everything in the world. He sits crookedly on the grass and smiles casually. He is the ancestor of zombies.

Is this the human form of the boss Baidi?
Hu Bayi felt uneasy, bowed respectfully, "I've seen the boss."

Bai Di looked at Hu Bayi and said casually, "Sit."

Hu Bayi was worried, the boss didn't ask if he had something to do with heresy?

Does the boss know?

Hu Bayi looked at the boss, but the boss stared at the boiling pot of meat, the dancing flames reflected in his purple eyes, without saying a word.

The more Hu Bayi fidgets, is the boss giving him a chance?Did you not seize the opportunity?
Just when Hu Bayi was going to talk to Baidi alone, Baidi spoke up.

Baidi said, "The meat will be cooked soon. Before eating the meat, I will tell you a little story."

"it is good!"

Mr. Zhang clapped his hands and said, "It's rare for the Lord to tell a story!"

People from the surrounding society applauded and flattered.

"The story told by Baidi must be extraordinary!"

"It's rare for the Lord to be leisurely and elegant!"

Bai Di looked at the crowd and paced back and forth, "Once upon a time there was a man named Zhang San, who said that the dragon would come soon, but the crow in the village said that the dragon did not exist at all, and a warrior should not lie. San took the shield and went to the deep mountain, time passed day by day, Zhang San did not come back, the people in the village found that Zhang San never came back, the village head took everyone to the deep mountain, saw the dragon constantly tormenting Zhang San , the warriors all took action to defeat the dragon, and people commemorated Zhang San one after another, at this moment, everyone who used to be a crow has become Zhang San."

The story of Baidi is very short, which is not like his style.

It's not that everyone has heard of Baidi's brainwashing.

Baidi's brainwashing is actually very well done, from life to evolution, from theology to science, Baidi understands more or less everything.

But this time, Baidi's story is simple, so simple that Hu Bayi doubts that it is Baidi's story?

But looking at Baidi in front of them, everyone lowered their heads again and began to think about what Baidi said.

Baidi watched the crowd bow their heads in silence, and didn't say much. He just raised his hand to scoop up a large bowl of broth, and said, "Eat, go to bed early after eating."

"It's time to eat!" Mr. Zhang got up and said, "Come on, come on, it's time to eat!"

"Give me a bowl!"

"Come! Eat!"

In the cold night of the desolate grass, everyone was sweating from a big pot of broth.

Hu Bayi took a large bowl of broth, tasted the broth, and thought about the story of Baidi.

thinking, thinking, thinking...

Hu Bayi quickly finished his bowl of soup, and when he looked up again, he saw a middle-aged man in a hoodie standing in front of him, he looked at him with a smile, Hu Bayi hurriedly said, "Bai Di, you What's up?"

Baidi looked at Hu Bayai, "What do you think?"

Hu Bayao, "This is a mirroring story. People like to backstab the living and sing praises to the dead."

Baidi said, "Continue."

Hu Bayao said, "In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Zhang San was the first emperor of Qin, and the other princes were crows. When Qin Shihuang killed the dragon, all the crows jumped out and became Zhang San, and all the other princes were crows. Qin Shihuang."

Baidi said, "Is there any more?"

Hu Bayi looked at Baidi's cheek, "Also, we are not crows, and we cannot become Zhang San."

Baidi nodded, "You know clearly."

Hu Bayi looked at Baidi's appearance, and said again, "You are not Baidi."

Bai Di smiled, and Bai Di smiled brightly, "I'm not Bai Di? Then who am I?"

At this moment, Zhang Xiaozhuan appeared in the surrounding area, Zhang Sanye said angrily, "Dare to be unclean to Emperor Zun, what do you want to do!"

Hu Ba didn't even look at it, he waved his hand, and with a move, the black tiger pierced his heart, directly piercing Mr. Zhang's heart.

Mr. Zhang's figure began to shatter and gradually become blurred.

At this moment, everything around Hu Bayi began to become blurred.

Grasslands, convoys, stewed meat in an iron pot, and even Baidi!
Hu Bayi looked at Baidi who was about to disappear with cold eyes, "You are not Baidi at all! The dragon that picked me up just now didn't have three legs either. The three legs itself are extremely cold ice dragons, born in the old Longjing of the Yellow River, and later After swallowing the Nether Dragon Neidan, it is full of yin and cold, it can’t spit out such hot urine at all! The urine on three legs should be icy cold! My eyes may deceive me, but my senses can’t! You are not Bai Di, who the hell are you, what are your plans to stop me here!"

The Baidi laughed, and the facial features on his face changed slightly. Unexpectedly, there appeared a cheek that seemed familiar to Hu Bayi. That cheek looked almost the same as Hu Bayi, but the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes made Hu Bayi feel so uncomfortable all over his body. trembling.

Seeing this person, Hu Bayi lost his balance for a moment, and said loudly, "Grandpa!!"

The man turned his back and left with a melodious voice, "My dear grandson! Remember three things. First, that lame apprentice of Zuo Qiuming can't kill me. No one in this world can kill your grandfather! Faqiu Tianguan is gone! Back then Zuo Qianhu was not me, but Sun Guofu. Sun Guofu came to me, pestered me, and asked me to protect him. For this reason, Zuo Qianhu and I fought a lot. That way, you don't have to take him too seriously."

"Second, don't believe a single word of nonsense in the workshop. When Sun Guofu enters Zuofang, it is no longer Sun Guofu. Everything it says is for living. People like Sun Guofu do everything in order to live. If you can do it, you can be loyal to me back then, and today one member can be loyal to Zuo Qianhu, and the crimes he committed, the debts of why his senior brothers died, one day his master Zhang Sanye will not let him go."

"The third thing, the most important thing, even if you can't be Zhang San, don't be a crow. I can live for so many years because of this sentence! There will be my soul in the world, I am very glad that I did not become a crow, I hope you will not be a crow, but become a Zhang San, even if the time to become Zhang San is a little later, it will still be indomitable, grandpa also proud of you."

(End of this chapter)

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