Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 418 I think it's time for me to show up!

Chapter 418 I think it's time for me to show up!

The map of Shiwan Dashan has been released, and the fire outside the pass may be ignited at any time.

But Xu Ming, who was the fire-setter, was deeply involved in the vortex of the ancient bronze gate in the West Sea at this moment.

Xu Ming is also well aware of his situation now.

I am like a baboon, and Shi Huangdi is like a person.

Emperor Shihuang dug a hole, put some melon seeds in the hole, and went to get the melon seeds, but unexpectedly, after getting the melon seeds, he couldn't get his hands out!

As a result, he was tied up at the Taigu Bronze Gate of the West Sea, and there was no way to continue to cause harm to the Quartet.

Xu Ming didn't want to give up the melon seeds in his hand, but he still wanted to be free.

How can this be?

Until three days ago, Taigu Bronze Gate ushered in an old friend.

three days ago.The ancient bronze gate is as deep as before, in front of the vast ancient gate.

A gigantic snake shadow whizzed down from the vortex. The gigantic figure, like a world-destroying beast, brought unparalleled coercion. It landed in front of the ancient bronze gate, and before it had time to put itself into battle, it turned out to be a giant claw. Grabbed it by the neck.

The snake shadow had a humble voice and wailed for help, "My lord! My lord, I am a little snake! I am a little snake! You can kill no one but a loyal little snake! Once upon a time, we fought side by side with King Hunxie. Jingjue Ancient City fought hundreds of thousands of Hunxie King Yin soldiers, and we fought together in Longling Miku and the tomb of Princess Aogu, my lord, you must not forget the little snake!"

The body of the general came out of the ancient bronze door slowly, and Xu Ming looked at the snake god with shining eyes.

This once Xu Ming's backer, later a traitor, has disappeared without a trace since then.

For a moment, Xu Ming looked at the snake god, looked, looked, and the corner of his mouth flowed out.

The snake god panicked even more, what the hell, the general must have stayed on the bottom of the sea for too long, and his three views have been distorted!
The snake god panicked and said, "My lord, my lord, calm down, I'm just angry, I'm useless if you eat it!"

Xu Ming wiped the corners of his mouth, "Eat you? I'm afraid of bad stomach! You old thief, why did you remember to come to me today?"

The Snake God hurriedly said, "I heard that the master was trapped in the West Sea, and my heart felt like a knife was twisted for a while. What happened to the master today is all because of my subordinates. The subordinates can't sleep and eat, and I can't wait to serve the master..."

Xu Ming threw his hand out, and the figure of the snake god flipped over. After turning around on the ground a few times, he got up in a panic.

Xu Ming said, "Speak human!"

The snake god got up in a panic, and couldn't help saying, "Actually, in fact, the main reason is that I can't get along outside, so I have to come here."

Xu Ming looked at the snake god, "Why can't you get along? You are a snake god, you are known as the master of the soul, who can do anything to you!"

Amidst Xu Ming's sarcasm, the snake god shook his tail awkwardly and said, "My lord, can we stop being so sharp. What kind of soul master, I can't even be resurrected. If I die, I will be a strong talker. It's true. Combat strength may not even reach the fifth level, and it is really difficult for me to be outside now."

"Let's just talk about the last parting. I was taken away by Chen Wenjin. Chen Wenjin is a pretty good person. Unfortunately, Chen Wenjin is now a couple! Two Chen Wenjins, do you know what it feels like, my lord? One woman is five thousand One duck, two is [-], I am quarreling with two women every day and want to kill myself!"

"I escaped from the control of the two women and planned to seek refuge with a new force, but now none of the Zhanshen gang is willing to help me. The Hall of Fame, the Hall of Valor, and the Ninth Warehouse are all very tough on me, especially Jiajing. Jiajing is simply going too far, he sent a man named Zhang Juzheng to drive me all over the mountain, that Zhang Juzheng is full of righteousness, I am no match for him at all."

"Fortunately, I heard from Yinhu that you are short of a resourceful helper here. I have traveled thousands of miles to the West Sea, just to return to the Lord's command and serve the Lord again!"

Listening to the snake god's words, Xu Ming already understood in his heart that this was Jiajing Zhu Houcong selling his face again.

Helping Daming to gain a firm foothold in the [-]th District by himself is tantamount to helping Daming restore the country.

Jiajing will pay back this great favor slowly.

Xu Ming looked at the snake god, tilted his head and said, "I need a resourceful helper, but I don't need a boy who betrays at any time! Do you understand what I mean?"

The snake god looked at Xu Ming and nodded, "Understood, the Lord is worried that I will betray you again, right? I can swear..."

Xu Ming said annoyedly, "I don't like this."

The Zombie was speechless, what, what should I do?
Just as Xu Ming was confronting the Snake God, a few members of the Immortals patrolling outside the Taigu Bronze Gate came over.

They actually discovered the snake god very early, at least when the snake god entered the vortex portal Daqin Jinren Formation, they noticed it.

Seeing that Xu Ming didn't say much, he didn't stop him.

Now seeing Xu Ming confronting the snake, a white-faced scholar-like immortal walked forward, "Master Guan, if you want the other party to be absolutely loyal, there is nothing you can do."

Hearing this, Xu Ming became interested in this white-faced immortal, "Do you have a solution?"

The white-faced scholar looked at the snake god in front of him, with disdain in his eyes, "There are ways, and there are quite a few ways, but I don't recommend that Master Guan use such a precious opportunity on this guy, it's too wasteful."

Hearing this, the snake god immediately became angry, "What do you mean, please speak clearly, who do you look down on you? Do you think that you are a long-lived person, and you are stronger than me? Let me tell you, when I am complete, I am more cruel than you!"

Xu Ming slapped his palm and waved his claws, and the snake god lay on one side without saying a word.

Xu Ming continued, "What method?"

The white-faced scholar said, "It's very simple, let him sacrifice his life."

Xu Ming was a little puzzled, "Sacrificing fate?"

The white-faced book grows the living person and said, "Using the words that the master can understand, probably, by establishing his own timeline on the timeline of the master, in this way, the timeline of the master is equivalent to his original world line. The master Guan also knows that if there is a problem with the source line of the world, the other immortals will be severely disabled at least, or will fall in large numbers, or ascend in large numbers, just like the previous years. Transformation, there are not a few immortals who have been killed or injured."

"And through the sacrifice of fate, it can let it establish the timeline of fate around the timeline of the master, so that whenever the master is injured, it will be dissipated!"

After the white-faced scholar finished speaking, Xu Ming was overjoyed, and the snake spirit panicked.

Facts have proved that there is a specialization in this technique, and the group of immortals in the Qin Wangdian fight against each other every day, and they are not useless. At least they are really experienced in torturing immortals.

Fate Sacrifice can be done with such spells, Xu Ming looked at the Snake God's eyes, and was instantly filled with warmth.

And the snake god said tremblingly, "Actually, in fact, a guy like me is not worthy of signing with Baidi, or you keep treating me like a fart, and pretend I haven't been here today..."

The white-faced scholar on the side said again, "Master Guan, in fact, besides the benefits of life-style sacrifice, there is another advantage, that is, if the other party attaches their own timeline to your timeline, it is equivalent to saying, It is your external extension, you are its origin, it can replace you here to guard the ancient bronze gate, restore the ancient bronze gate, you can leave here and cruise at any time."

As soon as this remark came out, Xu Ming slapped his thigh even more, "Good idea! That's it! Snake God, today I'll give you a chance to sacrifice your destiny, or else, look around for yourself!"

Xu Ming applauded one by one, and in the surrounding area, dozens of giant shadows of terrifying immortals like mountains spread out.

These long-lived beings, each with a burly figure, looked down, with the snake god in the middle, trembling, completely powerless to parry.

The snake god could only say, "This subordinate is willing to sacrifice fate, but this subordinate does not know the technique of sacrifice, so I ask the master to enlighten me."

Xu Ming glanced at the white-faced book growing up beside him.

This white-faced scholar had an extremely handsome appearance, and was as rich as jade. Standing there, he gave people a sense of surprise like a jade tree facing the wind and Pan An, and thousands of pear blossoms pressing down on a begonia.

The long-lived man raised his hand and slapped it directly on the face of the snake god. The snake god looked up, and a huge black eye appeared on the top of his head. The giant eye released light, and the light began to melt into the ancient bronze door.

The white-faced book grows and survives respectfully, "Although this thing has rebellious scales on its back and loves betrayal, it has a great chance and a deep root of fortune. Given time, it will become a great weapon. If the Lord Guan can use this snake as an extension, he will definitely get a lot in the future." Benefits, congratulations to the master, congratulations to the master.”

Xu Ming looked at the white-faced book and said in a calm voice, "You are so diligent, what do you want?"

The white-faced scholar laughed, "Last time I heard that little girl from Amaterasu say that Lord Guan has many enemies outside, how about this, Master Guan took me out for a walk to see what it looks like outside."

Xu Ming looked at the handsome white-faced scholar, "Why didn't you follow Xin Qiji?"

Behind the white-faced scholar, a man came, "Report to Master Guan, this is Di Qing, a famous general of the Northern Song Dynasty. He was born to be at odds with Xin Qiji of the Southern Song Dynasty. Although Xin Qiji is the King of Ming, we have never been familiar with him."

Di Qing wearing a mask on the battlefield?
Xu Ming has an impression.

In history, there were only two people who wore masks on the battlefield, and they were both beautiful and effervescent strange men.

One is called Lanling King.

One is Di Qing.

Legend has it that because of his handsome appearance, it is easy to distract people. He has no choice but to wear a ghost mask on the battlefield.

It is even recorded in "Song History" that Di Qing was "quite beautiful and handsome".

At that time, Song Zhezong was looking for a son-in-law for Shenzong's eldest princess. He searched among the gentry, but none of them could sleep a wink.The minister who was a matchmaker asked the emperor what he wanted, and the emperor answered very straightforwardly, looking like Di Qing.

Since then, Di Qing's good name has been sung all over the world.

(End of this chapter)

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