Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 270 Yufu Dynasty, Jedi Tiantong (4)

Chapter 270 Yufu Dynasty, Jedi Tiantong ([-])
The bronze sacred tree more than ten meters high appeared on the live broadcast screen. At this moment, all the archaeologists went crazy.

You know, the bronze sacred tree unearthed in Sanxingdui is only a little over three meters, but here it is more than ten meters high!
What does this mean?
It means that those things deduced by Sanxingdui may all be overthrown!

Humanity is about to rewrite history!

Senior management of the Public Security Bureau, meeting place No. [-].

General Tiger stood up, pointed to the bronze sacred tree more than ten meters high on the screen, and radiated blue light, and shouted, "Who can give me an explanation! What kind of artifact is this! How can we repel those evil things!"

On the side, a historian with glasses as thick as the bottom of a beer bottle stood up, "General, we have done some research on the bronze sacred tree. When Sanxingdui was discovered, eight bronze sacred trees were unearthed. The tallest one is 396.82 centimeters, and the corresponding research team was set up for that tallest bronze sacred tree..."

General Tiger interrupted the historian, "So, what is the research content?"

The historian hurriedly said, "The bronze sacred tree has an extraordinary origin, and their construction model is based on the ancient sacred tree—Jianmu."

General Hu hesitated, "Jianmu?"

The historian hastily opened his laptop and read, "Yes, Jianmu is the legendary ancient sacred tree, and it is also the Jianmu of the five spiritual roots that have been passed down by countless offline movies."

"According to the "Shan Hai Jing Hai Nei Jing", there is a sacred tree in the field of Du Guang, and a mortal can go straight to the heaven through this tree."

"There is a record in the book that Du Guang's field is in the middle of the world, between the black water, the weak water, and the three waters of the Tianhe River. Pure gold, smelling the fragrance of flowers can increase life by three hundred, and eating a fruit can instantly become a fairy."

"Fuxi, Nuwa, Taihao, Xuanyuan, Dayu and other ancient emperors entered the heaven through this tree, and then descended to the earth through this tree."

"This tree has nine layers and nine structures, that is, nine main trunks, and the trunks are divided into three layers, namely upper, middle, and lower."

"It is said that the top three floors of this tree are the heavens, the middle three floors are empty, and the bottom three floors are the human world. At that time, the heaven and the earth were one, and the immortals and mortals were all the subjects of the emperor of heaven. Immortals go down to the earth to collect, and mortals go to heaven to seek the Tao, each has needs and ideas, and there is no interference, which is a good situation of harmony and great harmony."

The historian finished his sentence like a machine gun.

However, General Tiger's face was very ugly, General Tiger said, "It's over?"

The historian rubbed his hands in embarrassment, "General, Jianmu is finished. This is the most complete material about Jianmu that can be found so far."

General Tiger said, "I mean the Bronze Sacred Tree!"

The historian said, "The bronze sacred tree is the incarnation of Jianmu. It is a reflection body built by the ancient sages based on the sacred tree passed down by word of mouth. It is normal for the sacred tree to compliment the heaven and the earth, and the sacred tree frightens all demons. That super-powered life body may be afraid of it in its bones. ..."

"Maybe it's a fart!" General Tiger said, "I'm talking nonsense again! Alright, sit down and study it!"

As if relieved, the historians hurriedly sat down to study the blue light on the bronze sacred tree painstakingly.

However, if they study it from a distance like this, they can research it!

Even if there is a fart, they can't smell it in the air.

Only a truly immersive research can discover the clues inside.

On the back of the bronze sacred tree, Zhang Xiaozhuan anxiously scratched his cheek and kept turning in circles.

Not far from Zhang Xiaozhuan, Wu Sanxing actually climbed up the sacred bronze tree. On the trunk of the sacred bronze tree, his fingers touched lightly, as if he was feeling something.

"Third uncle, is there any result?"

"Don't be silent!!"

"If you have any results, just say a word, brother is in a hurry now!"

Wu Sansheng finally reacted, Wu Sansheng straddled the branch of the bronze sacred tree, and said to Zhang Xiaozhuan, "Come on, come up!"

Zhang Xiaozhu jumped up, sat on the branch of the bronze sacred tree impartially, and looked at the third uncle, "Tell me, what did you find? I feel uncomfortable like a cat scratching my heart."

Wu Sansheng rubbed his fingers lightly over the fish and insect characters on the trunk of the bronze sacred tree, and read, "What I'm going to say next may shatter your perception of the Three Views."

Zhang Xiaozhuan said angrily, "Crush my three views? Uncle, do you look down on me? I, Zhang Xiaozhuan, also came back from the dead. I have seen ghosts, gods, zombies, and devils. , My three views are as strong as a copper wall, you smashed me? You are not mistaken, right!"

Wu Sansheng's eyes became deep, "Here, the craftsmen of the Yufu Kingdom recorded all the process from the birth of the Yufu Kingdom to its demise, and also recorded a piece that can shatter everyone's three views. Maybe the ancients in the pre-Qin period didn't know it. big event."

"From the very beginning of the record."

"It is said that in ancient times, the sky was extremely low and the earth was extremely high. Those trees and mountains that were over a hundred feet high could easily connect to the heaven. There are many such trees all over the world. There is a sacred tree growing at the source of Sanshui, which is Jianmu! Jianmu is the most reliable passage leading to the heaven and earth, and it is also the royal passage for Fuxi, Dayu, Xuanyuan, and Taihao all the heavenly emperors."

"The heavenly emperors walk among the immortals through building trees, and manage the heaven and the earth. The human world provides supplies, and the immortal world provides knowledge.

"However, during the time of Zhuanxu, a major event happened."

Zhang Xiaozhuo said, "What's the big deal?"

Wu Sansheng said, "Jedi Tiantong."

Zhang Xiaozhuan thought, "Zhuanxu's Jedi Tiantong? I've heard of this! Is this breaking my three views?"

Wu Sanxing said, "Do you know the secret behind Jedi Tiantong?"

Zhang Xiaozhuo looked at the fish and insect symbols on the bronze trunk, "These records secrets?"

Wu Sanxing rubbed his fingers against the fish and insect symbol on the bronze tree trunk, "Before Zhuanxu, in the tradition of the heavenly emperors, the god of water ruled the heavens, and the god of fire ruled the world, but then came the Shaohao period, when the gods and the people lived together, and the people used sacrifices The product is dedicated to the gods, and the gods feed back, but then a catastrophe will lead to the four fields, disasters will continue, the worship of the gods will be interrupted, and conflicts between the gods and the people will arise. The water god Gonggong and the fire god Zhurong fought. In the war between man and man, the people of Jiuli rose up one after another to conquer the sky, and the people of the sky also descended to conquer the earth one after another, and this group of elite clans sent by the sky to conquer the earth are the ancestors of the ancient Shu Yufu Kingdom that we are now in contact with. people!"

Listening to Wu Sansheng's words, Zhang Xiaoxuan murmured, "The ancestors of Yufu Kingdom descended from Jianmu? Could it be that they are the descendants of the Gonggong clan?"

Wu Sanxing tapped the burly branches of the bronze tree with his fingers, "Although it's hard to believe, I have to say, this is how the text records it."

"The Twelve Ancestral Witches may be fake, but the battle between the Gonggong clan and the Zhu Rong clan is absolutely true."

"From the fact that the Yufu Kingdom lived by the water in the ancient Shu Kingdom, to the fact that when we enter this tomb, almost all we encounter are water. I can conclude that they probably have some special magical powers in the water. They are probably what earth is to us."

"They are the records of the descendants of Gonggong, it is true."

Zhang Xiaozhuan said, "What about Jedi Tiantong?"

Wu Sansheng said again, "After the Zhurong Gonggong War, the heaven and the earth collapsed, the sun and the moon tilted, and Nuwa's clan came out to mend the sky. Afterwards, three emperors ruled the world, five emperors settled the lun, and tried to restore the order of the heaven and the earth, but this disaster is almost impossible. The progress in the direction of control was finally out of control. When Zhuanxu succeeded to the throne, the enmity between heaven and man was too great to be resolved. Zhuanxu ordered to cut off the building trees and destroy the channel to the sky. From then on, heaven and man were separated. The change led by Zhuanxu is called Jedi Tiantong."

Zhang Xiaoxuan said, "After the Jedi Tiantong, wouldn't those who descended from the sky never return to the sky?"

Wu Sanxing looked at the bronze trunk, "But people who have gone to the sky will never return to the earth."

Zhang Xiaozhu hurriedly said, "Who are there on earth and in heaven?"

Wu Sanxing said, "The Huaxu clan, the Hatetian clan, especially the Hatetian clan, the Hatetian clan is a well-known ancient human race on earth who hates the heavens, and even the name has the word "Hate the sky", implying that they want to destroy the heavens. When the Yufu clan came down, the ancient clans such as Heantian Huaxu had already conquered the heavens. They thought they could conquer the heavens and realize the unification of the human world. Tong, in this way, people who have gone to the sky cannot return, and immortals who have descended to the earth cannot return to the sky."

"Facing the turbulent ethnic groups on the ground, the people of Yufu could only flee to the inaccessible land of ancient Shu, where they barely survived."

"The king of Yufu invented the technique of Yufu, trained fishfu and other birds to be used by the people of Yufu, and the country of Yufu gradually established its own country. Li's business."

The dense and dense words came out in a whistling manner, and for a moment the rough Zhang Xiaozhuan felt emotional, "It is said by people in the Jianghu, what Zhuanxu's Jedi Tiantong did is too unkind. Those ancient clans like the Hatetian clan, the Huaxu clan, and others have not been kicked out of shit in the sky! But Zhuanxu clan is our ancestor, so it’s wrong to scold our ancestors. In his environment at that time, it seemed that he had no other choice but to do so. .”

Wu Sansheng said, "Okay, if you have time to feel sorry for your ancestors, why don't you learn the art of yufu."

Zhang Xiaozhui was taken aback, "The yufu technique? What is that?"

Wu Sansheng pointed to the highest point of the tree crown, "There is a bronze dragon attached by a dragon on the highest part of the bronze sacred tree. There are some writings on it. Those writings record the yufu technique of the Yufu Kingdom. This yufu technique is the The Yufu King of the Fu Kingdom passed the invention to the Yufu Kingdom to control the Yufu.”

Zhang Xiaozhuan spread his hands, "Control the yufu? The yufu is an osprey, what's the use of controlling that thing?"

Wu Sanxing shook his head and said, "You misunderstood. Controlling Yufu doesn't mean you can only control Yufu, but you can control everything. At that time, the land of ancient Shu was close to Yunmeng Lake, and there were fierce beasts everywhere. Yufu Kingdom used this technique , control giant beasts, irrigate the fields, cultivate and smelt, and build a country. The big mutant Huo's undead insect we just met is actually a kind of poultry raised by the Yufu residents here when they were alive, which is equivalent to the entrance of the village. The old scalpers are usually pulled out to plow the land, but after they died, the Huo's undead worm was an undead life form, and it survived instead, which is why it became such a big man."

Zhang Xiaozhuan realized, "If you learn the yufu technique, you will be able to manipulate that mutant Huo's undead insect! I will learn! But, third uncle, I can't understand it!"

Wu Sansheng said, "I can understand it, but I can't learn it!"

Zhang Xiaozhuo said, "How about you translate it for me?"

Wu Sansheng shook his head straight, "Impossible! How to translate, it's very mysterious, you can only understand it, not express it in words!"

"Then, what a fart to learn! One of us can understand but can't, and the other can learn not to! Isn't this just playing with people?"


Just when Wu Sansheng and Zhang Xiaozhuo looked at each other speechlessly, a divine thought came out, "It's just a little thing."

Zhang Xiaozhu was overjoyed, "My lord, do you want to make a move?"

Xu Mingdao, "Let Wu Sansheng stare wide, I'll play a soul fusion game for you!"

Zhang Xiaozhui said, "What is soul fusion!"

Xu Mingdao, "Do you know about the super evolution of Saiyans? It's like the combination of Vegeta and Monkey King! After the combination, you have the strengths of both parties, but the disadvantage is that you can't last for a long time. After all, you are two different timelines. Although I It is possible to temporarily merge the timelines of the two of you into one timeline, but under the force of time paradox, you will soon be separated."

Zhang Xiaozhui said, "Is that what I learned, and Wu Laosan also learned it?"

Xu Mingdao, "Aren't you talking nonsense? After the fusion, you both have the same body. Of course, one person can do it, and the other can do it. Hurry up, I'm short on time!"

Zhang Xiaozhui said to Wu Sanxing, "Open your eyes wide, the Lord has something to tell us!"

"it is good!"

Wu Sansheng opened his eyes, and the next moment Zhang Xiaozhuan and Wu Sansheng's figure suddenly burst into flames.

Under the gloomy streaks of intense silver-white light, the figures of Zhang Xiaozhuan and Wu Sansheng twisted crazily and began to merge.

"Uncle Three!"

"Third Master!"

Wu Xie and Hu Bayi wanted to go out together.

"Don't go!" Heixia hurriedly stopped in front of him, "Don't join in the fun, they'll be fine!"

At this moment, in the white light and shadow, a newcomer with a silver blurred face appeared, and two thoughts collided crazily in his mind.

"Fuck, it's really merged?"

"Zhang Xiaozhu, what have you done to me!"

"What did I do to you? It was the Lord who made us merge!"

"Fusion? So what?"

At this moment, Xu Ming's spiritual thoughts appeared, "Don't make noise, I have already stepped over the threshold of the four-dimensional life body, and I can already see the so-called humanoid time bugs in your mouth. I just briefly modified the two of you at this stage. The position on the timeline allows the timelines of the two of you to overlap and achieve a fusion. At this stage, you will have a special timeline of your own. In this timeline, your two people will explode with greater strength. , and at the same time offset all shortcomings, it can be said that you are absolutely perfect at this stage! Comparable to heaven!"

Wu Sansheng quickly realized, "My lord, this, this is the legendary model of heaven and man? It's too mysterious."

Zhang Xiaozhuan said, "Can you realize the supernatural power of the lord? As Bai Yujing's executive, I actually merged with you, Bai Yujing's temporary worker, it's simply..."

Wu Sanxing said, "If you're not happy, you can dismantle it! Then you won't be able to learn the method of yufu."

Zhang Xiaozhuan said, "Come on, I don't care about it like you, I'll learn the technique of yufu first..."

Xu Ming looked at the cooperation of the two subordinates who were cursing, and showed off triumphantly, "System, how is my timeline fusion technique?"

The system said, "This timeline cutting will cost X5000 points!"

"Timeline fusion consumes X11000 points!"

Xu Ming was furious, "You are crazy! I have stepped into the threshold of the fourth-order life body with one foot, and I can see the timeline, and you still charge me!"

The system prompts that stepping in with one foot does not mean that you are a four-dimensional life form. If you are really a four-dimensional life form, you can do it by raising your hand. The system will do it on your behalf, and naturally charge a handling fee. If the host thinks it is unfair, you can break through now The four-dimensional life form, anyway, the host's cultivation base has already overflowed...

Xu Mingdao, "Impossible! Let me tell you, if I don't get the Sun Arrow and the Golden Scepter, I won't break through!"

(End of this chapter)

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